package com.idega.presentation.ui; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.el.ValueExpression; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Script; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; /** * @author laddi * * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment": * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates. * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation. */ public class GenericSelect extends InterfaceObject { private boolean _isSetToSubmit; private boolean _isSetToDisable; private boolean _isSetAsNotEmpty; private String _notEmptyErrorMessage; private String _emptyValue; private List selectedElements; private boolean _allSelected = false; private boolean _isMultiple = false; private boolean addSelectScript = false; public static final String SET_TO_SUBMIT_PROPERTY = "setToSubmit"; public static final String OPTIONS_PROPERTY = "options"; public static final String ENTITIES_PROPERTY = "entities"; public static final String OBJECTS_PROPERTY = "objects"; public static final String SELECTED_PROPERTY = "selected"; public static final String MULTIPLE_PROPERTY = "multiple"; @Override public Object saveState(FacesContext ctx) { Object values[] = new Object[10]; values[0] = super.saveState(ctx); values[1] = new Boolean(this._isSetToSubmit); values[2] = new Boolean(this._isSetToDisable); values[3] = new Boolean(this._isSetAsNotEmpty); values[4] = this._notEmptyErrorMessage; values[5] = this._emptyValue; values[6] = this.selectedElements; values[7] = new Boolean(this._allSelected); values[8] = new Boolean(this._isMultiple); values[9] = new Boolean(this.addSelectScript); return values; } @Override public void restoreState(FacesContext ctx, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[]) state; super.restoreState(ctx, values[0]); this._isSetToSubmit = ((Boolean) values[1]).booleanValue(); this._isSetToDisable = ((Boolean) values[2]).booleanValue(); this._isSetAsNotEmpty = ((Boolean) values[3]).booleanValue(); this._notEmptyErrorMessage = (String) values[4]; this._emptyValue = (String) values[5]; this.selectedElements = (List) values[6]; this._allSelected = ((Boolean) values[7]).booleanValue(); this._isMultiple = ((Boolean) values[8]).booleanValue(); this.addSelectScript = ((Boolean) values[9]).booleanValue(); } @Override public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException { ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression(SET_TO_SUBMIT_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { boolean setToSubmit = ((Boolean) ve.getValue(context.getELContext())).booleanValue(); setToSubmit(setToSubmit); } ve = getValueExpression(MULTIPLE_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { boolean multiple = ((Boolean) ve.getValue(context.getELContext())).booleanValue(); setMultiple(multiple); } ve = getValueExpression(SELECTED_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { String selected = (String) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setSelectedOption(selected); } ve = getValueExpression(OPTIONS_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { List<SelectOption> options = (List<SelectOption>) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setSelectOptions(options); } ve = getValueExpression(ENTITIES_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { List<IDOEntity> entities = (List<IDOEntity>) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setEntities(entities); } ve = getValueExpression(OBJECTS_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { List<Object> objects = (List<Object>) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); if (objects != null) { for (Object object : objects) { addOption(new SelectOption(object != null ? object.toString() : "")); } } } super.encodeBegin(context); } private String setSelectedOption() { String val = null; Iterator iter = getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object optionObj =; if(optionObj instanceof SelectOption) { SelectOption option = (SelectOption) optionObj; boolean setSelected = ((this._allSelected) || this.selectedElements.contains(option.getValueAsString()) || this.selectedElements.contains(option.getName(false))); option.setSelected(setSelected); if(setSelected){ val = option.getValueAsString(); } } else if (optionObj instanceof UIComponent) { UIComponent comp = (UIComponent) optionObj; List<UIComponent> list = comp.getChildren(); for (UIComponent uiComponent : list) { if (uiComponent instanceof SelectOption) { SelectOption option = (SelectOption) uiComponent; boolean setSelected = ((this._allSelected) || this.selectedElements.contains(option.getValueAsString()) || this.selectedElements.contains(option.getName(false))); option.setSelected(setSelected); if(setSelected){ val = option.getValueAsString(); } } } } } return val; } /** * Creates a new <code>GenericSelect</code> with the name "undefined". */ public GenericSelect() { this("undefined"); } /** * Creates a new <code>GenericSelect</code> with the given name. * @param name The name of the <code>GenericSelect</code> object. */ public GenericSelect(String name) { setName(name); setTransient(false); this.selectedElements = new ArrayList(); } /** * Removes all <code>SelectOption</code> objects from the select object. */ public void removeElements() { this.getChildren().clear(); if(this.selectedElements!=null){ this.selectedElements.clear(); } } /** * Sets the select to submit automatically. * Must add to a form before this function is used!!!! */ @Override public void setToSubmit() { setToSubmit(true); } /** * Returns whether this <code>GenericSelect<code> has any <code>SelectOption</code> objects added. */ @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return getChildren().isEmpty(); } /** * Sets the select to submit automatically. * Must add to a form before this function is used!!!! */ public void setToSubmit(boolean setToSubmit) { if (setToSubmit) { setOnChange("this.form.submit()"); } else { removeMarkupAttribute("onChange"); } } /** * Sets the select to submit when the specified option is seleced. * Must add to a form before this function is used!!!! */ public void setToSubmit(String optionValue) { this._isSetToSubmit = true; setOnChange("submitWhenSelected(this,'"+optionValue+"')"); } /** * Adds a <code>SelectOption</code> to the select object. * @param option The <code>SelectOption</code> to add. */ public void addOption(SelectOption option) { if (!getChildren().contains(option)) { add(option); } if (option.getSelected()) { setSelectedOption(option.getValueAsString()); } } /** * Adds a <code>SelectOption</code> to the select object. * @param option The <code>SelectOption</code> to add. */ public void setSelectOption(SelectOption option) { addOption(option); } public void setSelectOptions(List<SelectOption> options) { for (SelectOption selectOption : options) { addOption(selectOption); } } public void setEntities(List<? extends IDOEntity> entities) { for (IDOEntity entity : entities) addOption(new SelectOption(entity.toString(), entity.getPrimaryKey().toString())); } /** * Adds a <code>SelectOption</code> to the select object as the first option. * @param option The <code>SelectOption</code> to add. */ public void addFirstOption(SelectOption option) { if (!getChildren().contains(option)) { add(0, option); } if (option.getSelected()) { setSelectedOption(option.getValueAsString()); } } /** * Adds a <code>SelectOption</code> to the select object as the first option. * @param option The <code>SelectOption</code> to add. */ public void setFirstSelectOption(SelectOption option) { addFirstOption(option); } /** * @deprecated Use getOptionCount() instead. * Returns the number of <code>SelectOption</code> objects added to this <code>GenericSelect</code>. * @return */ @Deprecated public int getOptionCount() { return getChildren().size(); } /** * Adds a disabled <code>SelectOption</code> to the select object. * @param option The disabled <code>SelectOption</code> to add. */ public void addDisabledOption(SelectOption option) { option.setDisabled(true); if (!getChildren().contains(option)) { add(option); } if (option.getSelected()) { setSelectedOption(option.getValueAsString()); } } /** * Adds a disabled <code>SelectOption</code> to the select object. * @param option The disabled <code>SelectOption</code> to add. */ public void setDisabledSelectOption(SelectOption option) { addDisabledOption(option); } /** * Adds a separator into the select object. */ public void addSeparator() { SelectOption option = new SelectOption("----------------------------", "separator"); option.setDisabled(true); addOption(option); } /** * Sets all <code>SelectOption</code> object in the select object as not selected. */ protected void deselectOptions() { this.selectedElements.clear(); } /** * Gets the value of the selected <code>SelectOption</code>. * @return String The value of the <code>SelectOption</code> in the select object. */ public String getSelectedValue() { Iterator iter = this.selectedElements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { return (String); } return ""; } /** * Sets the <code>SelectOption</code> with the given value as selected. If the select object * allows multiple values this selected value is added to existing selected values. * @param value The value of the <code>SelectOption</code> to set as selected. */ public void setSelectedOption(String value) { if (!getMultiple()) { deselectOptions(); } this.selectedElements.add(value); } /** * Gets the <code>SelectOption</code> with the given value. * @param value The value of the <code>SelectOption</code>. * @return SelectOption */ public SelectOption getOption(String value) { SelectOption theReturn = new SelectOption(); Iterator iter = getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SelectOption element = (SelectOption); if (element.getValueAsString().equals(value)) { return element; } } return theReturn; } /** * Sets the name of the <code>SelectOption</code> with the given value. * @param value The value of the <code>SelectOption</code> * @param name The new name of the <code>SelectOption</code>. */ public void setOptionName(String value, String name) { SelectOption option = getOption(value); option.setName(name); } /** * Sets this select object to allow multiple selections. * @param multiple True to allow multiple, false otherwise. */ protected void setMultiple(boolean multiple) { if (multiple) { setMarkupAttributeWithoutValue("multiple"); } else { removeMarkupAttribute("multiple"); } } /** * Returns if this select object is set to allow multiple selections. * @return True if allows multiple, false otherwise. */ protected boolean getMultiple() { if (isMarkupAttributeSet("multiple")) { return true; } return false; } @Override public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (this._isSetAsNotEmpty) { setOnSubmitFunction("warnIfDropdownEmpty", "function warnIfDropdownEmpty (inputbox,warnMsg,emptyValue) {\n\n if ( inputbox.options[inputbox.selectedIndex].value == emptyValue ) { \n alert ( warnMsg );\n return false;\n }\n else{\n return true;\n}\n\n}", this._notEmptyErrorMessage, this._emptyValue); } if (_isSetToDisable && getScript() != null) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("function disableObjectByDropdown (dropdown,inputs,value,selectedValue) {\n if (dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value == eval(selectedValue)) {\n \tif (inputs.length > 1) {\n \t\tfor(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)\n \t\t\tinputs[i].disabled=eval(value);\n \t\t}\n \t\tinputs.disabled=eval(value);\n}\n"); if (!this._isMultiple) { buffer.append("else {\n\tif (inputs.length > 1) {\n \t\tfor(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)\n \t\t\tinputs[i].disabled=!eval(value);\n \t\t}\n \t\tinputs.disabled=!eval(value);\n}\n"); } buffer.append("}"); getScript().addFunction("disableObjectByDropdown", buffer.toString()); } if (this._isSetToSubmit) { getScript().addFunction("submitWhenSelected", "function submitWhenSelected (dropdown,selectedValue) {\n\tif (dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value == eval(selectedValue))\n\t\tdropdown.form.submit();\n}"); } } /** * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#print(IWContext) */ @Override public void print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (this.addSelectScript) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("function navHandler(input) {").append("\n\t"); buffer.append("var URL = input.options[input.selectedIndex].value;").append("\n\t"); buffer.append("if (URL.length > 0) {").append("\n\t\t"); buffer.append("var index = -1;").append("\n\t\t"); buffer.append("var targetIndex = -1;").append("\n\t\t"); buffer.append("for (var a = 0; a < URL.length; a++) {").append("\n\t\t\t"); buffer.append("if (URL.charAt(a) == '$') {").append("\n\t\t\t\t"); buffer.append("if (index == -1) {").append("\n\t\t\t\t\t"); buffer.append("index = a;").append("\n\t\t\t\t"); buffer.append("}").append("\n\t\t\t\t"); buffer.append("else {").append("\n\t\t\t\t\t"); buffer.append("targetIndex = a;").append("\n\t\t\t\t"); buffer.append("}").append("\n\t\t\t"); buffer.append("}").append("\n\t\t"); buffer.append("}").append("\n\t\t"); buffer.append(", index), URL.substring(targetIndex+1, URL.length), URL.substring(index+1, targetIndex));").append("\n\t"); buffer.append("}").append("\n\t"); buffer.append("var option = input.options[0];").append("\n\t"); buffer.append("option.selected = true;").append("\n"); buffer.append("}"); Script script = new Script();//getScript(); //if (script == null) { // script = new Script(); // this.getParentPage().add(script); //} script.addFunction("navHandler", buffer.toString()); renderChild(iwc, script); setOnChange("navHandler(this)"); } String val = setSelectedOption(); if (getMarkupLanguage().equals("HTML")) { println("<select name=\"" + getName() + "\" " + getMarkupAttributesString() + " >"); super.print(iwc); print("</select>"); } else if (getMarkupLanguage().equals("WML")) { print("<select name=\"" + getName() + "\" "); if(val!=null){ print(" value=\"" + val + "\" "); } println(getMarkupAttributesString() + " >"); super.print(iwc); println("</select>"); } } /** * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ @Override public Object clone() { GenericSelect obj = null; try { obj = (GenericSelect) super.clone(); if (this.selectedElements != null) { obj.selectedElements = (List) ((ArrayList) this.selectedElements).clone(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } /** * @see com.idega.presentation.ui.InterfaceObject#handleKeepStatus(IWContext) */ @Override public void handleKeepStatus(IWContext iwc) { if (this._isMultiple) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(getName())) { String[] values = iwc.getParameterValues(getName()); if (values != null) { for (int a = 0; a < values.length; a++) { setSelectedOption(values[a]); } } } } else if (getIndex() > -1) { String[] parameters = iwc.getParameterValues(getName()); if (parameters != null && parameters.length >= getIndex() + 1) { setSelectedOption(parameters[getIndex()]); } } else { if (iwc.getParameter(getName()) != null) { setSelectedOption(iwc.getParameter(getName())); } } } /** * @deprecated Use getOptionCount() instead. * Returns the number of <code>SelectOption</code> objects added to this <code>GenericSelect</code>. * @return */ @Deprecated public int getNumberOfElemetent() { return getChildren().size(); } /** * Returns a <code>List</code> of <code>SelectOption</code> objects added to this <code>GenericSelect</code>. * @return */ public List getOptions() { return getChildren(); } protected void setAllSelected(boolean allSelected) { this._allSelected = allSelected; } /** * Disables/Enables an <code>InterfaceObject</code> when the selected value is selected in the <code>GenericSelect</code>. * Uses Javascript. * @param objectToDisable The interface object(s) to disable/enable. * @param selectedValue The selected value of the <code>GenericSelect</code> to use. * @param disable Disables if boolean is true, enables otherwise. */ public void setToDisableWhenSelected(InterfaceObject objectToDisable, String selectedValue, boolean disable) { } /** * Disables/Enables an <code>InterfaceObject</code> when the selected value is selected in the <code>GenericSelect</code>. * Uses Javascript. * @param objectToDisable The interface object(s) to disable/enable. * @param selectedValue The selected value of the <code>GenericSelect</code> to use. * @param disable Disables if boolean is true, enables otherwise. * @param isMultiple Must be used when multiple values can disable... */ public void setToDisableWhenSelected(InterfaceObject objectToDisable, String selectedValue, boolean disable, boolean isMultiple) { setToDisableWhenSelected(objectToDisable.getName(), selectedValue, disable, isMultiple); } /** * Disables/Enables an <code>InterfaceObject</code> when the selected value is selected in the <code>GenericSelect</code>. * Uses Javascript. * @param objectToDisableName The name of the interface object(s) to disable/enable. * @param selectedValue The selected value of the <code>GenericSelect</code> to use. * @param disable Disables if boolean is true, enables otherwise. */ public void setToDisableWhenSelected(String objectToDisableName, String selectedValue, boolean disable) { setToDisableWhenSelected(objectToDisableName, selectedValue, disable, false); } /** * Disables/Enables an <code>InterfaceObject</code> when the selected value is selected in the <code>GenericSelect</code>. * Uses Javascript. * @param objectToDisableName The name of the interface object(s) to disable/enable. * @param selectedValue The selected value of the <code>GenericSelect</code> to use. * @param disable Disables if boolean is true, enables otherwise. * @param isMultiple Must be used when multiple values can disable... */ public void setToDisableWhenSelected(String objectToDisableName, String selectedValue, boolean disable, boolean isMultiple) { this._isSetToDisable = true; this._isMultiple = isMultiple; this.setOnChange("disableObjectByDropdown(this,findObj('"+objectToDisableName+"'),'"+String.valueOf(disable)+"','"+selectedValue+"')"); } /** * Disables an <code>InterfaceObject</code> when the selected value is selected in the <code>GenericSelect</code>. * Uses Javascript. * @param objectToDisable The interface object(s) to disable. * @param selectedValue The selected value of the <code>GenericSelect</code> to use. */ public void setToDisableWhenSelected(InterfaceObject objectToDisable, String selectedValue) { setToDisableWhenSelected(objectToDisable.getName(), selectedValue, true); } /** * Disables an <code>InterfaceObject</code> when the selected value is selected in the <code>GenericSelect</code>. * Uses Javascript. * @param objectToDisableName The name of the interface object(s) to disable. * @param selectedValue The selected value of the <code>GenericSelect</code> to use. */ public void setToDisableWhenSelected(String objectToDisableName, String selectedValue) { setToDisableWhenSelected(objectToDisableName, selectedValue, true); } /** * Enables an <code>InterfaceObject</code> when the selected value is selected in the <code>GenericSelect</code>. * Uses Javascript. * @param objectToDisable The interface object(s) to enable. * @param selectedValue The selected value of the <code>GenericSelect</code> to use. */ public void setToEnableWhenSelected(InterfaceObject objectToDisable, String selectedValue) { setToDisableWhenSelected(objectToDisable.getName(), selectedValue, false); } /** * Enables an <code>InterfaceObject</code> when the selected value is selected in the <code>GenericSelect</code>. * Uses Javascript. * @param objectToDisableName The name of the interface object(s) to enable. * @param selectedValue The selected value of the <code>GenericSelect</code> to use. */ public void setToEnableWhenSelected(String objectToDisableName, String selectedValue) { setToDisableWhenSelected(objectToDisableName, selectedValue, false); } /** * Sets the selection so that it can not be empty, displays an alert with the given * error message if the "error" occurs. Uses Javascript. * @param errorMessage The error message to display. * @param emptyValue The value representing the "empty" value. */ public void setAsNotEmpty(String errorMessage, String emptyValue) { this._isSetAsNotEmpty = true; this._notEmptyErrorMessage = TextSoap.removeLineBreaks(errorMessage); this._emptyValue = emptyValue; } /** * Sets the selection so that it can not be empty, displays an alert with the given * error message if the "error" occurs, uses -1 as the empty value. Uses Javascript. * @param errorMessage The error message to display. */ public void setAsNotEmpty(String errorMessage) { setAsNotEmpty(errorMessage, "-1"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#isContainer() */ @Override public boolean isContainer() { return false; } protected void addSelectScript(boolean addScript) { this.addSelectScript = addScript; } }