/* * $Id: DatastoreInterface.java,v 1.138 2008/06/09 13:30:40 eiki Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.data; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.repository.data.MutableClass; import com.idega.repository.data.RefactorClassRegistry; import com.idega.transaction.IdegaTransactionManager; import com.idega.util.Gender; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.database.ConnectionBroker; import com.idega.util.logging.LoggingHelper; /** * A class to serve as an abstraction of the underlying datastore * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson </a> * @version 1.3 */ public abstract class DatastoreInterface implements MutableClass { private static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_PREPARED_STATEMENT = true; public static boolean usePreparedStatement = DEFAULT_USE_PREPARED_STATEMENT; final static int STATEMENT_INSERT = 1; final static int STATEMENT_UPDATE = 2; protected boolean useTransactionsInEntityCreation = true; private boolean useIndexes = true; protected IDOTableCreator _TableCreator; protected DatabaseMetaData _databaseMetaData; public final static String DBTYPE_ORACLE = "oracle"; public final static String DBTYPE_INTERBASE = "interbase"; public final static String DBTYPE_HSQL = "hsql"; public final static String DBTYPE_MCKOI = "mckoi"; public final static String DBTYPE_MYSQL = "mysql"; public final static String DBTYPE_SAPDB = "sapdb"; public final static String DBTYPE_DB2 = "db2"; public final static String DBTYPE_MSSQLSERVER = "mssqlserver"; public final static String DBTYPE_INFORMIX = "informix"; public final static String DBTYPE_UNIMPLEMENTED = "unimplemented"; public final static String DBTYPE_DERBY = "derby"; public final static String DBTYPE_H2 = "h2"; public static void unload() { usePreparedStatement = DEFAULT_USE_PREPARED_STATEMENT; } public static DatastoreInterface getInstance(String datastoreType) { DatastoreInterface theReturn = null; String className; //if (interfacesHashtable == null) { // interfacesHashtable = new Hashtable(); //} if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_ORACLE)) { className = "com.idega.data.OracleDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_INTERBASE)) { className = "com.idega.data.InterbaseDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_MYSQL)) { className = "com.idega.data.MySQLDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_SAPDB)) { className = "com.idega.data.SapDBDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_MSSQLSERVER)) { className = "com.idega.data.MSSQLServerDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_DB2)) { className = "com.idega.data.DB2DatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_INFORMIX)) { className = "com.idega.data.InformixDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_HSQL)) { className = "com.idega.data.HSQLDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_MCKOI)) { className = "com.idega.data.McKoiDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_DERBY)) { className = "com.idega.data.DerbyDatastoreInterface"; } else if (datastoreType.equals(DBTYPE_H2)) { className = "com.idega.data.H2DatastoreInterface"; } else { //className = "unimplemented DatastoreInterface"; throw new IDONoDatastoreError(); } theReturn = (DatastoreInterface) getDatastoreInterfaceManager().getInterfacesMap().get(className); if (theReturn == null) { try { theReturn = (DatastoreInterface) RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className).newInstance(); getDatastoreInterfaceManager().getInterfacesMap().put(className, theReturn); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("There was an error in com.idega.data.DatastoreInterface.getInstance(String className): " + ex.getMessage()); } } return theReturn; } public static String getDatastoreType(String datasourceName) { Connection conn = null; String theReturn = ""; try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(datasourceName); theReturn = getDataStoreType(conn); } finally { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(datasourceName, conn); } return theReturn; } public boolean useIndexes() { return this.useIndexes; } /** * This method gets the correct instance of DatastoreInterface for the default * datasource * * @return the instance of DatastoreInterface for the current application */ public static DatastoreInterface getInstance() { Connection conn = null; try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(); return getInstance(conn); } finally { if (conn != null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(conn); } } } /** * This method gets the correct instance of DatastoreInterface for the * Connection connection * * @param connection * the connection to get the DatastoreInterface implementation for * @return */ public static DatastoreInterface getInstance(Connection connection) { //String datastoreType = getDataStoreType(connection); //if(datastoreType.equals("idega"){ if (connection instanceof com.idega.data.DatastoreConnection) { return ((DatastoreConnection) connection).getDatastoreInterface(); } return getInstance(getDataStoreType(connection)); } /** * This method gets the correct instance of DatastoreInterface for the * GenericEntity method * * @param entity * the bean instance to get the DatastoreInterface implementation for * @return */ public static DatastoreInterface getInstance(GenericEntity entity) { //String datastoreType=null; Connection conn = null; try { DatastoreInterface theReturn = getDatastoreInterfaceByDatasource(entity.getDatasource()); if (theReturn == null) { conn = entity.getConnection(); theReturn = getInstance(conn); } if (theReturn != null) { setDatastoreInterfaceByDatasource(entity.getDatasource(), theReturn); return theReturn; } else { throw new IDONoDatastoreError("Datastore type can not be obtained or identified"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // System.err.println("Exception in // DatastoreInterface.getInstance(IDOLegacyEntity entity): // "+ex.getMessage()); //} //catch(NullPointerException npe){ // ex.printStackTrace(); throw new IDONoDatastoreError(); } finally { if(conn !=null){ entity.freeConnection(conn); } } //return getInstance(datastoreType); } /** * This method gets the correct instance of DatastoreInterface for the * GenericEntity method * * @param procedure * the bean instance to get the DatastoreInterface implementation for * @return */ public static DatastoreInterface getInstance(GenericProcedure procedure) { //String datastoreType=null; try { DatastoreInterface theReturn = getDatastoreInterfaceByDatasource(procedure.getDatasource()); if (theReturn == null) { Connection conn = procedure.getConnection(); theReturn = getInstance(conn); procedure.freeConnection(conn); } if (theReturn != null) { setDatastoreInterfaceByDatasource(procedure.getDatasource(), theReturn); return theReturn; } else { throw new IDONoDatastoreError("Datastore type can not be obtained or identified"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // System.err.println("Exception in // DatastoreInterface.getInstance(IDOLegacyEntity entity): // "+ex.getMessage()); //} //catch(NullPointerException npe){ // ex.printStackTrace(); throw new IDONoDatastoreError(); } //return getInstance(datastoreType); } /** * * Returns the type of the underlying datastore - returns: "mysql", * "interbase", "oracle", "unimplemented" * */ public static String getDataStoreType(Connection connection) { String dataStoreType; if (connection != null) { if (connection instanceof com.idega.data.DatastoreConnection) { return getDataStoreType(((DatastoreConnection) connection).getUnderLyingConnection()); } else { String checkString = null; try { checkString = connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase(); } catch (SQLException e) { //Old Check e.printStackTrace(); checkString = connection.getClass().getName(); } if (checkString.indexOf("oracle") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_ORACLE; } else if (checkString.indexOf("interbase") != -1 || checkString.indexOf("firebird") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_INTERBASE; } else if (checkString.indexOf("hsql") != -1 || checkString.indexOf("hypersonicsql") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_HSQL; } else if (checkString.indexOf("mckoi") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_MCKOI; } else if (checkString.indexOf("mysql") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_MYSQL; } else if (checkString.indexOf("sap") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_SAPDB; } else if (checkString.indexOf("db2") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_DB2; } else if (checkString.indexOf("microsoft sql") != -1 || checkString.indexOf("microsoftsql") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_MSSQLSERVER; } else if (checkString.indexOf("informix") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_INFORMIX; } else if (checkString.indexOf("derby") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_DERBY; } else if (checkString.indexOf("h2") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_H2; } else if (checkString.indexOf("idega") != -1) { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_UNIMPLEMENTED; } else { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_UNIMPLEMENTED; } } } else { dataStoreType = DBTYPE_UNIMPLEMENTED; } return dataStoreType; } public String getSQLType(Class javaClass, int maxlength) { return getSQLType(javaClass.getName(), maxlength); } public abstract String getSQLType(String javaClassName, int maxlength); public String getIDColumnType(GenericEntity entity) { return "INTEGER"; } public IDOTableCreator getTableCreator() { if (this._TableCreator == null) { this._TableCreator = new IDOTableCreator(this); } return this._TableCreator; } public void createEntityRecord(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { if(!(entity instanceof GenericView)) { getTableCreator().createEntityRecord(entity); } else { getTableCreator().createEntityView((GenericView) entity); } } public void executeBeforeCreateEntityRecord(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { } public void executeAfterCreateEntityRecord(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { } public void deleteEntityRecord(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { getTableCreator().deleteEntityRecord(entity); } public abstract void createTrigger(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception; public void createTrigger(String triggerSQL) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(triggerSQL); } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } if (conn != null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(conn); } } } /** * Executes a query to the entity's set datasource and returns the first * result (ResultSet.getObject(1)). Returns null if there was no result. * * @param entity * an entity instance for the datasource to query to. * @param a * well formatted SQL command string */ protected Object executeQuery(GenericEntity entity, String SQLCommand) throws Exception { return executeQuery(entity.getDatasource(), SQLCommand); } /** * Executes a query to the datasource and returns the first result * (ResultSet.getObject(1)). Returns null if there was no result. * * @param dataSourceName * @param SQLCommand * @return @throws * Exception */ protected Object executeQuery(String dataSourceName, String SQLCommand) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; Statement Stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Object theReturn = null; try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(dataSourceName); Stmt = conn.createStatement(); //System.out.println(SQLCommand); rs = Stmt.executeQuery(SQLCommand); if (rs != null && rs.next()) { theReturn = rs.getObject(1); } } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (Stmt != null) { Stmt.close(); } if (conn != null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(dataSourceName, conn); } } return theReturn; } protected int executeUpdate(GenericEntity entity, String SQLCommand) throws Exception { return executeUpdate(entity, SQLCommand, null); } private int executeUpdate(GenericEntity entity, String SQLCommand, Connection conn) throws Exception { Statement Stmt = null; int theReturn = 0; try { conn = conn == null ? ConnectionBroker.getConnection() : entity == null ? ConnectionBroker.getConnection() : entity.getConnection(); Stmt = conn.createStatement(); log(SQLCommand); theReturn = Stmt.executeUpdate(SQLCommand); } finally { if (Stmt != null) { Stmt.close(); } if (conn != null) { if (entity == null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(conn); } else { entity.freeConnection(conn); } } } return theReturn; } /* * public void populateBlob(BlobWrapper blob){ * * try{ * * PreparedStatement myPreparedStatement = * blob.getConnection().prepareStatement("insert into * "+blob.getEntity().getTableName()+"("+blob.getTableColumnName()+") * values(?) where * "+blob.getEntity().getIDColumnName()+"='"+blob.getEntity().getID()+"'"); * // ByteArrayInputStream byteinstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(longbbuf); * * //InputStream byteinstream = new InputStream(longbbuf); * * * * //OutputStream out = blob.getOutputStream(); * * InputStream byteinstream = blob.getInputStreamForBlobWrite(); * * //InputStream myInputStream = new InputStream(); * * * * * * //byte buffer[]= new byte[1024]; * * //int noRead = 0; * * * * //noRead = myInputStream.read( buffer, 0, 1023 ); * * * * //Write out the file to the browser * * //while ( noRead != -1 ){ * // output.write( buffer, 0, noRead ); * // noRead = myInputStream.read( buffer, 0, 1023 ); * // * * * * * * myPreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(1, byteinstream, * byteinstream.available() ); * * * * myPreparedStatement.execute(); * * myPreparedStatement.close(); * } * * catch(Exception ex){ * * System.err.println("Exception in DatastoreInterface.populateBlob: * "+ex.getMessage()); * * ex.printStackTrace(System.err); * } * * * } */ public boolean isConnectionOK(Connection conn) { Statement testStmt = null; try { if (!conn.isClosed()) { // Try to createStatement to see if it's really alive testStmt = conn.createStatement(); testStmt.close(); } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { if (testStmt != null) { try { testStmt.close(); } catch (Exception se) { } } //logWriter.log(e, "Pooled Connection was not okay",LogWriter.ERROR); return false; } return true; } public void insert(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; try { conn = entity.getConnection(); insert(entity, conn); } finally { if (conn != null) { entity.freeConnection(conn); } } } /* * public void insert(IDOLegacyEntity entity) throws Exception { * this.executeBeforeInsert(entity); Connection conn = null; //Statement Stmt= * null; PreparedStatement Stmt = null; ResultSet RS = null; try { conn = * entity.getConnection(); //Stmt = conn.createStatement(); //int i = * Stmt.executeUpdate("insert into * "+entity.getTableName()+"("+entity.getCommaDelimitedColumnNames()+") values * ("+entity.getCommaDelimitedColumnValues()+")"); StringBuffer statement = * new StringBuffer(""); statement.append("insert into "); * statement.append(entity.getTableName()); statement.append("("); * statement.append(getCommaDelimitedColumnNamesForInsert(entity)); * statement.append(") values ("); * statement.append(getQuestionmarksForColumns(entity)); * statement.append(")"); if (isDebugActive()) debug(statement.toString()); * Stmt = conn.prepareStatement(statement.toString()); * setForPreparedStatement(STATEMENT_INSERT, Stmt, entity); Stmt.execute(); * * if(updateNumberGeneratedValueAfterInsert()){ * updateNumberGeneratedValue(entity,conn); } * } finally { if (RS != null) { RS.close(); } if (Stmt != null) { * Stmt.close(); } if (conn != null) { entity.freeConnection(conn); } } * this.executeAfterInsert(entity); * entity.setEntityState(entity.STATE_IN_SYNCH_WITH_DATASTORE); } */ /** * @param entity * @param conn */ protected void updateNumberGeneratedValue(GenericEntity entity, Connection conn) { } /** * @return boolean */ protected boolean updateNumberGeneratedValueAfterInsert() { return false; } /** * * *Creates a unique ID for the ID column * */ public int createUniqueID(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { int returnInt = -1; Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet RS = null; try { conn = entity.getConnection(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); String sql = getCreateUniqueIDQuery(entity); logSQL(sql); RS = stmt.executeQuery(sql); RS.next(); returnInt = RS.getInt(1); } finally { if (RS != null) { RS.close(); } if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } if (conn != null) { entity.freeConnection(conn); } } return returnInt; } public void createIndex(GenericEntity entity, String name, String[] fields) throws Exception { createIndex(entity, entity.getTableName(), name, fields); } public void createIndex(String tableName, String name, String[] fields) throws Exception { createIndex(null, tableName, name, fields); } private void createIndex(GenericEntity entity, String tableName, String name, String[] fields) throws Exception { if (useIndexes()) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("CREATE INDEX ").append(name).append(" ON ").append(entity == null ? tableName : entity.getTableName()) .append(" ("); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append(fields[i]); } sql.append(")"); executeUpdate(entity, sql.toString()); } } protected String getCreateUniqueIDQuery(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { return ""; } protected void executeBeforeInsert(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { } protected void executeAfterInsert(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { if (entity.hasLobColumn() && (entity.getBlobColumnValue(entity.getLobColumnName()).getInputStreamForBlobWrite() != null)) { insertBlob(entity); } if (entity.hasMetaDataRelationship()) { crunchMetaData(entity); } } protected void executeBeforeUpdate(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { } protected void executeAfterUpdate(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { if (!supportsBlobInUpdate()) { if (entity.hasLobColumn() && (entity.getBlobColumnValue(entity.getLobColumnName()).getInputStreamForBlobWrite() != null)) { insertBlob(entity); } } if (entity.hasMetaDataRelationship()) { crunchMetaData(entity); } } protected void executeBeforeDelete(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { } protected void executeAfterDelete(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { } protected void crunchMetaData(GenericEntity entity) throws SQLException { if (entity.metaDataHasChanged()) { //else do nothing TransactionManager t = IdegaTransactionManager.getInstance(); try { t.begin(); int length; MetaData data; Map<String, String> metadata = entity.getMetaDataAttributes(); Hashtable<String, Integer> ids = entity.getMetaDataIds(); Map<String, String> types = entity.getMetaDataTypes(); List<String> insert = entity.getMetaDataInsert(); List<String> delete = entity.getMetaDataDelete(); List<String> update = entity.getMetaDataUpdate(); if (insert != null) { length = insert.size(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { data = ((com.idega.data.MetaDataHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(MetaData.class)).createLegacy(); data.setMetaDataNameAndValue(insert.get(i), metadata.get(insert.get(i))); if (types != null && types.containsKey(insert.get(i))) { data.setMetaDataType(types.get(insert.get(i))); } else { data.setMetaDataType("java.lang.String"); } data.store(); entity.idoAddTo(data); } } //else System.out.println("insert is null"); if (update != null) { length = update.size(); // System.out.println("update size: " + length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { //System.out.println("updating: "+i); if (ids == null) { System.out.println("ids is null"); } else { data = ((com.idega.data.MetaDataHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(MetaData.class)).findByPrimaryKey(ids.get(update.get(i))); //do not construct with id to avoid database access //System.out.println("ID: "+data.getID()); data.setMetaDataNameAndValue(update.get(i), metadata.get(update.get(i))); if (types != null && types.containsKey(update.get(i))) { data.setMetaDataType(types.get(update.get(i))); } else { data.setMetaDataType("java.lang.String"); } data.store(); } } } //else System.out.println("update is null"); if (delete != null) { length = delete.size(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { data = ((com.idega.data.MetaDataHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(MetaData.class)).findByPrimaryKey(ids.get(delete.get(i))); //data.setID(); entity.idoRemoveFrom(data); data.remove(); } } //else System.out.println("delete is null"); entity.clearMetaDataVectors(); //so we don't do anything next time t.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { t.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { throw new SQLException(e1.getMessage()); } throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } } protected void insertBlob(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { StringBuffer statement; Connection Conn = null; InputStream instream = null; PreparedStatement PS = null; try { statement = new StringBuffer(""); statement.append("update "); statement.append(entity.getTableName()); statement.append(" set "); statement.append(entity.getLobColumnName()); statement.append("=? "); this.appendPrimaryKeyWhereClause(entity, statement); //IDOEntityField[] fields = entity.getGenericEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getFields(); //appendPrimaryKeyWhereClauseWithQuestionMarks(fields,statement); /* * statement.append("where "); statement.append(entity.getIDColumnName()); * statement.append(" = '"); statement.append(entity.getID()); * statement.append("'"); */ //System.out.println(statement); //System.out.println("In insertBlob() in DatastoreInterface"); BlobWrapper wrapper = entity.getBlobColumnValue(entity.getLobColumnName()); if (wrapper != null) { //System.out.println("In insertBlob() in DatastoreInterface // wrapper!=null"); //Conn.setAutoCommit(false); instream = wrapper.getInputStreamForBlobWrite(); if (instream != null) { //System.out.println("In insertBlob() in DatastoreInterface instream // != null"); Conn = entity.getConnection(); //if(Conn== null){ System.out.println("In insertBlob() in // DatastoreInterface conn==null"); return;} //BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(instream); String sql = statement.toString(); PS = Conn.prepareStatement(sql); //System.out.println("bin.available(): "+bin.available()); //PS.setBinaryStream(1, bin, 0 ); //PS.setBinaryStream(1, instream, instream.available() ); this.setBlobstreamForStatement(PS, instream, 1); //setForPreparedStatementPrimaryKeyQuestionValues(entity,fields,PS,2); PS.executeUpdate(); PS.close(); //System.out.println("bin.available(): "+bin.available()); instream.close(); // bin.close(); } //Conn.commit(); //Conn.setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("error uploading blob to db for " + entity.getClass().getName()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (PS != null) { try { PS.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } if (Conn != null) { entity.freeConnection(Conn); } if (instream != null) { instream.close(); } } } protected String setForPreparedStatement(int insertOrUpdate, PreparedStatement statement, GenericEntity entity)throws SQLException{ return setForPreparedStatement(insertOrUpdate,statement,entity,entity.getEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getFields()); } protected String setForPreparedStatement(int insertOrUpdate, PreparedStatement statement, GenericEntity entity,IDOEntityField[] fields) throws SQLException { String returnString = ""; String[] names = entity.getColumnNames(); int questionmarkCount = 1; if (insertOrUpdate == STATEMENT_UPDATE) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (isValidColumnForUpdateList(entity, names[i])) { //if (returnString.equals("")){ // returnString = "'"+getStringColumnValue(names[i])+"'"; //} //else{ // returnString = returnString + ",'" + // getStringColumnValue(names[i])+"'"; //} //System.out.println(names[i]); insertIntoPreparedStatement(names[i], statement, questionmarkCount, entity); questionmarkCount++; } } setForPreparedStatementPrimaryKeyQuestionValues(entity,fields,statement,questionmarkCount); } else if (insertOrUpdate == STATEMENT_INSERT) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (isValidColumnForInsertList(entity, names[i])) { //if (returnString.equals("")){ // returnString = "'"+getStringColumnValue(names[i])+"'"; //} //else{ // returnString = returnString + ",'" + // getStringColumnValue(names[i])+"'"; //} //System.out.println(names[i]); insertIntoPreparedStatement(names[i], statement, questionmarkCount, entity); questionmarkCount++; } } } return returnString; } public void insert(GenericEntity entity, Connection conn) throws Exception { executeBeforeInsert(entity); PreparedStatement Stmt = null; ResultSet RS = null; try { StringBuffer statement = new StringBuffer(""); statement.append("insert into "); statement.append(entity.getTableName()); statement.append("("); statement.append(getCommaDelimitedColumnNamesForInsert(entity)); statement.append(") values ("); statement.append(getQuestionmarksForColumns(entity)); statement.append(")"); String sql = statement.toString(); logSQL(sql); Stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); setForPreparedStatement(STATEMENT_INSERT, Stmt, entity,null); Stmt.execute(); Stmt.close(); if (updateNumberGeneratedValueAfterInsert()) { updateNumberGeneratedValue(entity, conn); } } finally { if (RS != null) { RS.close(); } if (Stmt != null) { try { Stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } executeAfterInsert(entity); entity.setEntityState(IDOLegacyEntity.STATE_IN_SYNCH_WITH_DATASTORE); } protected void insertIntoPreparedStatement(java.util.List values,PreparedStatement statement, int startIndex)throws SQLException{ for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { insertIntoPreparedStatement(values.get(i),statement,i+startIndex); } } protected void insertIntoPreparedStatement(Object value, PreparedStatement statement, int index) throws SQLException{ String storageClassName = value.getClass().getName(); if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.Integer")) { statement.setInt(index,((Integer)value).intValue()); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) { boolean bool = ((Boolean)value).booleanValue(); if (bool) { statement.setString(index, "Y"); } else { statement.setString(index, "N"); } } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.String")) { statement.setString(index,(String)value); //setStringForPreparedStatement(columnName, statement, index, entity); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.Float")) { statement.setFloat(index, ((Float)value).floatValue()); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.Double")) { statement.setDouble(index, ((Double)value).doubleValue()); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")) { Timestamp stamp = (Timestamp) value; statement.setTimestamp(index, stamp); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.sql.Time")) { statement.setTime(index, (Time) value); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.sql.Date")) { statement.setDate(index, (java.sql.Date) value); } else if (storageClassName.equals("com.idega.util.Gender")) { statement.setString(index, value.toString()); } else if (storageClassName.equals("com.idega.data.BlobWrapper")) { //handleBlobUpdate(columnName, statement, index, entity); //statement.setDate(index,(java.sql.Date)getColumnValue(columnName)); //statement.setBlob(index,((BlobWrapper)value).) } else { statement.setObject(index, value); } } private void insertIntoPreparedStatement(String columnName, PreparedStatement statement, int index, GenericEntity entity) throws SQLException { try { String storageClassName = entity.getStorageClassName(columnName); if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.Integer")) { statement.setInt(index, entity.getIntColumnValue(columnName)); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) { boolean bool = entity.getBooleanColumnValue(columnName); if (bool) { statement.setString(index, "Y"); } else { statement.setString(index, "N"); } } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.String")) { //statement.setString(index,entity.getStringColumnValue(columnName)); setStringForPreparedStatement(columnName, statement, index, entity); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.Float")) { statement.setFloat(index, entity.getFloatColumnValue(columnName)); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.lang.Double")) { statement.setDouble(index, entity.getDoubleColumnValue(columnName)); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")) { Timestamp stamp = (Timestamp) entity.getColumnValue(columnName); statement.setTimestamp(index, stamp); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.sql.Time")) { statement.setTime(index, (Time) entity.getColumnValue(columnName)); } else if (storageClassName.equals("java.sql.Date")) { statement.setDate(index, (java.sql.Date) entity.getColumnValue(columnName)); } else if (storageClassName.equals("com.idega.util.Gender")) { statement.setString(index, entity.getColumnValue(columnName).toString()); } else if (storageClassName.equals("com.idega.data.BlobWrapper")) { handleBlobUpdate(columnName, statement, index, entity); //statement.setDate(index,(java.sql.Date)getColumnValue(columnName)); } else { statement.setObject(index, entity.getColumnValue(columnName)); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Original error message"); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new SQLException("Entity: " + entity.getEntityName() + "; Column: " + columnName + " - " + ex.getMessage()); } } public String[] getColumnNames(String tableName, String dataSource) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; String[] returner = null; try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(dataSource); // prepare query String query = "select * from "+tableName; // create a statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // execute query and return result as a ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); // get the column names from the ResultSet if (rs == null) { return null; } ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = rsMetaData.getColumnCount(); returner = new String[numberOfColumns]; // get the column names; column indexes start from 1 for (int i = 1; i < numberOfColumns +1; i++) { String columnName = rsMetaData.getColumnName(i); // Get the name of the column's table name // String tableName = rsMetaData.getTableName(i); // System.out.println("column name=" + columnName + " table=" + tableName + ""); returner[i-1] = columnName; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } finally { // release database resources try { rs.close(); stmt.close(); ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return returner; } public void handleBlobUpdate(String columnName, PreparedStatement statement, int index, GenericEntity entity) { BlobWrapper wrapper = entity.getBlobColumnValue(columnName); //System.out.println("DatastoreInterface, in handleBlobUpdate, // columnName="+columnName+" index="+index); if (wrapper != null) { InputStream stream = wrapper.getInputStreamForBlobWrite(); //System.out.println("DatastoreInterface, in handleBlobUpdate // wrapper!=null"); if (stream != null) { try { //System.out.println("in handleBlobUpdate, stream != null"); //java.io.BufferedInputStream bin = new java.io.BufferedInputStream( // stream ); //statement.setBinaryStream(index, bin, bin.available() ); //System.out.println("bin.available(): "+bin.available()); //System.out.println("stream.available(): "+stream.available()); //statement.setBinaryStream(index, stream, stream.available() ); setBlobstreamForStatement(statement, stream, index); } catch (Exception e) { //System.err.println("Error updating BLOB field in // "+entity.getClass().getName()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } } public void setBlobstreamForStatement(PreparedStatement statement, InputStream stream, int index) throws SQLException, IOException { statement.setBinaryStream(index, stream, stream.available()); } public void update(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { if (entity.columnsHaveChanged()) { Connection conn = null; try { conn = entity.getConnection(); update(entity, conn); } finally { if (conn != null) { entity.freeConnection(conn); } } } } public void update(GenericEntity entity, Connection conn) throws Exception { executeBeforeUpdate(entity); PreparedStatement Stmt = null; try { StringBuffer statement = new StringBuffer(""); statement.append("update "); statement.append(entity.getTableName()); statement.append(" set "); statement.append(getAllColumnsAndQuestionMarks(entity)); IDOEntityField[] fields = entity.getGenericEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getFields(); appendPrimaryKeyWhereClauseWithQuestionMarks(fields,statement); //appendPrimaryKeyWhereClause(entity, statement); String sql = statement.toString(); logSQL(sql); Stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); setForPreparedStatement(STATEMENT_UPDATE, Stmt, entity,fields); Stmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { if (Stmt != null) { try { Stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } executeAfterUpdate(entity); entity.setEntityState(IDOLegacyEntity.STATE_IN_SYNCH_WITH_DATASTORE); } public void delete(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; try { conn = entity.getConnection(); delete(entity, conn); } finally { if (conn != null) { entity.freeConnection(conn); } } } public void delete(GenericEntity entity, Connection conn) throws Exception { //executeBeforeInsert(entity); PreparedStatement Stmt = null; try { //Stmt = conn.createStatement(); StringBuffer statement = new StringBuffer(""); statement.append("delete from "); statement.append(entity.getTableName()); IDOEntityField[] fields = entity.getEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getFields(); appendPrimaryKeyWhereClauseWithQuestionMarks(fields,statement); //appendPrimaryKeyWhereClause(entity, statement); String sql = statement.toString(); logSQL(sql); Stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); setForPreparedStatementPrimaryKeyQuestionValues(entity,fields,Stmt,1); //Stmt.executeUpdate(sql); Stmt.executeUpdate(); if (entity.hasMetaDataRelationship()) { deleteMetaData(entity, conn); } } finally { if (Stmt != null) { try { Stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } //executeAfterInsert(entity); entity.setEntityState(IDOLegacyEntity.STATE_DELETED); } public void deleteMetaData(GenericEntity entity, Connection conn) throws Exception { Statement Stmt = null; Statement stmt2 = null; try { MetaData metadata = (MetaData) com.idega.data.GenericEntity.getStaticInstance(MetaData.class); Stmt = conn.createStatement(); String middletable = entity.getNameOfMiddleTable(metadata, entity); String metadataIdColumn = metadata.getEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName(); String metadataname = metadata.getEntityDefinition().getSQLTableName(); //get all the id's of the metadata StringBuffer statement = new StringBuffer(""); statement.append("select "); statement.append(middletable); statement.append('.'); statement.append(metadataIdColumn); statement.append(" from "); statement.append(middletable); statement.append(','); statement.append(metadataname); statement.append(" where "); statement.append(middletable); statement.append('.'); statement.append(entity.getIDColumnName()); statement.append('='); statement.append(entity.getID()); statement.append(" and "); statement.append(middletable); statement.append('.'); statement.append(metadataIdColumn); statement.append('='); statement.append(metadataname); statement.append('.'); statement.append(metadataIdColumn); ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery(statement.toString()); stmt2 = conn.createStatement(); StringBuffer statement2; //delete thos id's while (RS.next()) { statement2 = new StringBuffer(""); statement2.append("delete from "); statement2.append(metadataname); statement2.append(" where "); statement2.append(metadataIdColumn); statement2.append('='); statement2.append(RS.getString(1)); stmt2.executeUpdate(statement2.toString()); } if (RS != null) { RS.close(); } //delete from the middle table Stmt = conn.createStatement(); statement = new StringBuffer(""); statement.append("delete from "); statement.append(middletable); statement.append(" where "); statement.append(entity.getIDColumnName()); statement.append('='); statement.append(entity.getID()); String sql = statement.toString(); logSQL(sql); Stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } finally { if (Stmt != null) { Stmt.close(); } if (stmt2 != null) { stmt2.close(); } } } public void deleteMetaData(GenericEntity entity) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; try { conn = entity.getConnection(); deleteMetaData(entity, conn); } finally { if (conn != null) { entity.freeConnection(conn); } } } public boolean supportsBlobInUpdate() { return true; } /** * * Used to generate the ?,? mark list for preparedstatement * */ protected String getQuestionmarksForColumns(GenericEntity entity) { String returnString = ""; String[] names = entity.getColumnNames(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (isValidColumnForInsertList(entity, names[i])) { //if (!isNull(names[i])){ if (returnString.equals("")) { returnString = "?"; } else { returnString = returnString + ",?"; } } } return returnString; } boolean isValidColumnForUpdateList(GenericEntity entity, String columnName) { boolean isIDColumn = entity.isPrimaryKeyColumn(columnName); if (isIDColumn) { return false; } else { if (this.supportsBlobInUpdate()) { if (entity.isNull(columnName)) { return false; } else { if (entity.getStorageClassType(columnName) == EntityAttribute.TYPE_COM_IDEGA_DATA_BLOBWRAPPER) { BlobWrapper wrapper = (BlobWrapper) entity.getColumnValue(columnName); if (wrapper == null) { return false; } else { return wrapper.isReadyForUpdate(); } } return true; } } else { if (entity.isNull(columnName)) { return false; } else { if (entity.getStorageClassType(columnName) == EntityAttribute.TYPE_COM_IDEGA_DATA_BLOBWRAPPER) { return false; } return true; } } } } protected static boolean isValidColumnForInsertList(GenericEntity entity, String columnName) { if (entity.isNull(columnName)) { return false; } else { if (entity.getStorageClassType(columnName) == EntityAttribute.TYPE_COM_IDEGA_DATA_BLOBWRAPPER) { return false; } return true; } } protected static boolean isValidColumnForSelectList(GenericEntity entity, String columnName) { return !(entity.getStorageClassType(columnName) == EntityAttribute.TYPE_COM_IDEGA_DATA_BLOBWRAPPER); } /** * Meant to be overrided in subclasses * * @param entity * @param columnName * @return the columnName if there is nothing specific about the select */ protected String getColumnStringForSelectList(GenericEntity entity, String columnName) { return columnName; } /** * Constructs the SQL for the select of an entity i.e. select name,id from * employee * * @param entity * @return the SQL query string */ protected String getCommaDelimitedColumnNamesForSelect(GenericEntity entity) { String newCachedColumnNameList = null; //String newCachedColumnNameList = entity.getCachedColumnNamesList(); if (newCachedColumnNameList == null) { StringBuffer returnString = null; String[] names = entity.getColumnNames(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (isValidColumnForSelectList(entity, names[i])) { if (returnString == null) { returnString = new StringBuffer(""); returnString.append(getColumnStringForSelectList(entity, names[i])); } else { returnString.append(","); returnString.append(getColumnStringForSelectList(entity, names[i])); } } } newCachedColumnNameList = returnString.toString(); } return newCachedColumnNameList; } /** * Returns a string with all the columns in the enti, which are valid for * insert (e.g. not null) , comma separated * * @param entity * @return String */ protected static String getCommaDelimitedColumnNamesForInsert(GenericEntity entity) { String newCachedColumnNameList = null; //String newCachedColumnNameList = entity.getCachedColumnNamesList(); if (newCachedColumnNameList == null) { StringBuffer returnString = null; String[] names = entity.getColumnNames(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (isValidColumnForInsertList(entity, names[i])) { if (returnString == null) { returnString = new StringBuffer(""); returnString.append(names[i]); } else { returnString.append(","); returnString.append(names[i]); } } } /* * TODO thi: Bad implementation: If there aren't any valid columns the * returnString is null, that is a null pointer exception is thrown (see: * returnString.toString()). That happens if the method doInsertInCreate() * of an entity returns true and if the primary key is not set by the * executeBeforeInsert(GenericEntity) method. (e.g. MySQLServer). In this * case the entity is inserted without any values when the method create() * is invoked. The problem is: what should be returned if the returnString * is null? An empty string or a null value causes a wrong SQLStatement. */ newCachedColumnNameList = returnString.toString(); } return newCachedColumnNameList; } protected static String getCommaDelimitedColumnValues(GenericEntity entity) { StringBuffer returnString = null; String[] names = entity.getColumnNames(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (isValidColumnForInsertList(entity, names[i])) { if (returnString == null) { returnString = new StringBuffer(""); returnString.append("'"); returnString.append(entity.getStringColumnValue(names[i])); returnString.append("'"); } else { returnString.append(",'"); returnString.append(entity.getStringColumnValue(names[i])); returnString.append("'"); } } } return returnString.toString(); } protected String getAllColumnsAndQuestionMarks(GenericEntity entity) { StringBuffer returnString = null; String[] names = entity.getColumnNames(); String questionmark = "=?"; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { //for (Enumeration e = columns.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();){ //for (Enumeration e = columns.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){ //String ColumnName = (String)e.nextElement(); String ColumnName = names[i]; if (isValidColumnForUpdateList(entity, ColumnName)) { if (returnString == null) { returnString = new StringBuffer(""); returnString.append(ColumnName); returnString.append(questionmark); } else { returnString.append(','); returnString.append(ColumnName); returnString.append(questionmark); } } else if (entity.hasBeenSetNull(ColumnName)) { if (returnString == null) { returnString = new StringBuffer(""); } else { returnString.append(','); } returnString.append(ColumnName); returnString.append(" = null"); } } return returnString.toString(); } public void createSequence(String tableName, int startNumber) throws Exception { createSequence(null, tableName, startNumber); } protected void createSequence(GenericEntity entity, String tableName, int startNumber) throws Exception { tableName = entity == null ? tableName : entity.getTableName(); Connection conn = null; Statement Stmt = null; try { conn = entity == null ? ConnectionBroker.getConnection() : entity.getConnection(); Stmt = conn.createStatement(); String seqCreate = "create sequence " + tableName + "_seq INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH " + startNumber + " MAXVALUE 1.0E28 MINVALUE 0 NOCYCLE CACHE 20 NOORDER"; Stmt.executeUpdate(seqCreate); } finally { if (Stmt != null) { Stmt.close(); } if (conn != null) { if (entity == null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(conn); } else { entity.freeConnection(conn); } } } } protected void createForeignKey(GenericEntity entity, String baseTableName, String columnName, String refrencingTableName, String referencingColumnName) throws Exception { String SQLCommand = "ALTER TABLE " + baseTableName + " ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + columnName + ") REFERENCES " + refrencingTableName + "(" + referencingColumnName + ")"; executeUpdate(entity, SQLCommand); } protected String getCreatePrimaryKeyStatementBeginning(String tableName) { return "alter table " + tableName + " add primary key ("; } public void setNumberGeneratorValue(GenericEntity entity, int value) { // throw new RuntimeException("setNumberGeneratorValue() not implemented for " + this.getClass().getName()); } public void setDatabaseMetaData(DatabaseMetaData meta) { this._databaseMetaData = meta; } public DatabaseMetaData getDatabaseMetaData() { return this._databaseMetaData; } protected static DatastoreInterface getDatastoreInterfaceByDatasource(String datasource) { return (DatastoreInterface) getInterfacesByDatasourcesMap().get(datasource); } protected static void setDatastoreInterfaceByDatasource(String datasource, DatastoreInterface dsi) { getInterfacesByDatasourcesMap().put(datasource, dsi); } private static Map getInterfacesByDatasourcesMap() { /*if (interfacesByDatasourcesMap == null) { interfacesByDatasourcesMap = new HashMap(); } return interfacesByDatasourcesMap;*/ return getDatastoreInterfaceManager().getInterfacesByDatasourcesMap(); } protected void setStringForPreparedStatement(String columnName, PreparedStatement statement, int index, GenericEntity entity) throws SQLException { statement.setString(index, entity.getStringColumnValue(columnName)); } protected void fillStringColumn(GenericEntity entity, String columnName, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { String value = rs.getString(columnName); if (value != null) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, value); } } protected void fillColumn(GenericEntity entity, String columnName, ResultSet RS) throws SQLException { int classType = entity.getStorageClassType(columnName); if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_LANG_INTEGER) { //if (RS.getInt(columnName) != -1){ int theInt = RS.getInt(columnName); boolean wasNull = RS.wasNull(); if (!wasNull) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, new Integer(theInt)); //setColumn(columnName.toLowerCase(),new Integer(theInt)); } //} } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_LANG_STRING) { /* * if (RS.getString(columnName) != null){ * entity.setColumn(columnName,RS.getString(columnName)); } */ fillStringColumn(entity, columnName, RS); } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_LANG_BOOLEAN) { String theString = RS.getString(columnName); if (theString != null) { if (theString.equals("Y")) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, new Boolean(true)); } else if (theString.equals("N")) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, new Boolean(false)); } } } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_LANG_FLOAT) { float theFloat = RS.getFloat(columnName); boolean wasNull = RS.wasNull(); if (!wasNull) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, new Float(theFloat)); //setColumn(columnName.toLowerCase(),new Float(theFloat)); } } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_LANG_DOUBLE) { double theDouble = RS.getDouble(columnName); boolean wasNull = RS.wasNull(); if (!wasNull) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, new Double(theDouble)); //setColumn(columnName.toLowerCase(),new Double(theDouble)); } } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_SQL_TIMESTAMP) { Timestamp ts = RS.getTimestamp(columnName); if (ts != null) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, ts); } } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_SQL_DATE) { Date date = RS.getDate(columnName); if (date != null) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, date); } } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_SQL_TIME) { java.sql.Date date = RS.getDate(columnName); if (date != null) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, date); //setColumn(columnName.toLowerCase(),date); } } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_COM_IDEGA_DATA_BLOBWRAPPER) { /* * if (RS.getDate(columnName) != null){ * setColumn(columnName.toLowerCase(),RS.getTime(columnName)); } */ entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, entity.getEmptyBlob(columnName)); //setColumn(columnName,getEmptyBlob(columnName)); } else if (classType == EntityAttribute.TYPE_COM_IDEGA_UTIL_GENDER) { String gender = RS.getString(columnName); if (gender != null) { entity.initializeColumnValue(columnName, new Gender(gender)); //setColumn(columnName.toLowerCase(),new Gender(gender)); } } } String getPrimaryKeyWhereClause(GenericEntity entity) { StringBuffer statement = new StringBuffer(); appendPrimaryKeyWhereClause(entity, statement); return statement.toString(); } void appendPrimaryKeyWhereClauseWithQuestionMarks(IDOEntityField[] fields,StringBuffer bufferToAppendTo){ bufferToAppendTo.append(" where "); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { bufferToAppendTo.append(fields[i].getSQLFieldName()); /*if( (fields[i].getDataTypeClass() == Integer.class)) bufferToAppendTo.append("=?"); else bufferToAppendTo.append("='?'"); */ bufferToAppendTo.append("=?"); if ((i + 1) < fields.length) { bufferToAppendTo.append(" and "); } } } void setForPreparedStatementPrimaryKeyQuestionValues(GenericEntity entity,IDOEntityField[] fields,PreparedStatement statement,int startIndex)throws SQLException{ for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { insertIntoPreparedStatement(fields[i].getSQLFieldName(),statement,i+startIndex,entity); } } void appendPrimaryKeyWhereClause(GenericEntity entity, StringBuffer bufferToAppendTo) { //try { IDOEntityField[] fields = entity.getGenericEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getFields(); Object primaryKey = entity.getPrimaryKey(); Object value; bufferToAppendTo.append(" where "); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (primaryKey instanceof IDOPrimaryKey) { value = ((IDOPrimaryKey) primaryKey).getPrimaryKeyValue(fields[i].getSQLFieldName()); } else { value = entity.getValue(fields[i].getSQLFieldName()); } bufferToAppendTo.append(fields[i].getSQLFieldName()); bufferToAppendTo.append("="); if (fields[i].getDataTypeClass() == Integer.class) { bufferToAppendTo.append(value); } else { bufferToAppendTo.append("'"); bufferToAppendTo.append(value); bufferToAppendTo.append("'"); } if ((i + 1) < fields.length) { bufferToAppendTo.append(" and "); } } //System.out.println(bufferToAppendTo.toString()); //} catch (java.rmi.RemoteException rme) { // throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); //} } /** * This is a callback method and is called by the idegaWeb ConnectionPool (PoolManager) * whenever a new database connection is created.<br> * This does nothing here but can be overrided in concrete subclasses. */ public void onConnectionCreate(Connection newConn) { /* * try{ Statement stmt = newConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("") } * catch(SQLException sqle){ } */ } /** * This is a callback method and is called by the idegaWeb when it starts up and connects to the database first<br>. * This does nothing here but can be overrided in concrete subclasses. */ public void onApplicationStart(Connection newConn) { } /** * Queries given datasource for table existance * * @param dataSourceName * @param tableName * @return @throws * Exception */ public boolean doesTableExist(String dataSourceName, String tableName) throws Exception { // old impl /* * String checkQuery = "select count(*) from " + tableName; try { * executeQuery(dataSourceName, checkQuery); return true; } catch (Exception * e) { //e.printStackTrace(); return false; } */ //A connection friendler version and faster String[] tablesTypes = { "TABLE", "VIEW"}; Connection conn = null; boolean tableExists = false; try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(dataSourceName); DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet rs = null; //Check for upper case rs = dbMetaData.getTables(null, null, tableName.toUpperCase(), tablesTypes); if (rs.next()) { //table exists tableExists = true; } rs.close(); //Check for lower case if (!tableExists) { rs = dbMetaData.getTables(null, null, tableName.toLowerCase(), tablesTypes); if (rs.next()) { //table exists tableExists = true; } rs.close(); } //Check without any case manipulating, this can be removed if we always // force uppercase if (!tableExists) { rs = dbMetaData.getTables(null, null, tableName, tablesTypes); if (rs.next()) { //table exists tableExists = true; } rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (conn != null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(dataSourceName, conn); } } return tableExists; } /** * Queries given datasource for view existance * @param dataSourceName * @param tableName * @return * @throws Exception */ public boolean doesViewExist(String dataSourceName, String tableName) throws Exception { String checkQuery = "select count(*) from " + tableName; try { executeQuery(dataSourceName, checkQuery); return true; } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public boolean updateTriggers(GenericEntity entity, boolean createIfNot) throws Exception { return true; } private String[] getColumnArrayFromMetaData(String dataSourceName,String tableName){ Connection conn = null; ResultSet rs = null; Vector v = new Vector(); try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(dataSourceName); //conn = entity.getConnection(); //String tableName = entity.getTableName(); DatabaseMetaData metadata = conn.getMetaData(); // Check for upper case rs = metadata.getColumns(null, null, tableName.toUpperCase(), "%"); //System.out.println("Table: "+tableName+" has the following columns:"); while (rs.next()) { String column = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); v.add(column); // String colSize = rs.getString("COLUMN_SIZE"); // ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(column); // try { // colInfo.setColumnSize(Integer.parseInt(colSize)); // } catch (NumberFormatException n) {} // v.add(colInfo); //System.out.println("\t\t"+column); } rs.close(); // Check for lower case if (v.isEmpty()) { rs = metadata.getColumns(null, null, tableName.toLowerCase(), "%"); //System.out.println("Table: "+tableName+" has the following // columns:"); while (rs.next()) { String column = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); v.add(column); // String colSize = rs.getString("COLUMN_SIZE"); // ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(column); // try { // colInfo.setColumnSize(Integer.parseInt(colSize)); // } catch (NumberFormatException n) {} // v.add(colInfo); //System.out.println("\t\t"+column); } rs.close(); } // Check without any case manipulating, this can be removed if we always // force uppercase if (v.isEmpty()) { rs = metadata.getColumns(null, null, tableName, "%"); //System.out.println("Table: "+tableName+" has the following // columns:"); while (rs.next()) { String column = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); v.add(column); // String colSize = rs.getString("COLUMN_SIZE"); // ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(column); // try { // colInfo.setColumnSize(Integer.parseInt(colSize)); // } catch (NumberFormatException n) {} // v.add(colInfo); //System.out.println("\t\t"+column); } rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (conn != null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(dataSourceName, conn); } } if (v != null && !v.isEmpty()) { return (String[]) v.toArray(new String[0]); } // if (v != null && !v.isEmpty()) return (ColumnInfo[]) v.toArray(new ColumnInfo[0]); return null; } /** * Queries the given data source for table columns using database metadata by * default * * @param dataSourceName * @param tableName * @return */ public String[] getTableColumnNames(String dataSourceName, String tableName) { return getColumnArrayFromMetaData(dataSourceName, tableName); } private HashMap getIndexHashMapFromMetaData(String dataSourceName, String tableName) { Connection conn = null; ResultSet rs = null; HashMap hm = new HashMap(); try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(dataSourceName); //conn = entity.getConnection(); //String tableName = entity.getTableName(); DatabaseMetaData metadata = conn.getMetaData(); // Check for upper case rs = metadata.getIndexInfo(null, null, tableName.toUpperCase(), false, false); // System.out.println("Table: "+tableName+" has the following columns indexed:"); handleIndexRS(rs, hm); rs.close(); // Check for lower case if (hm.isEmpty()) { rs = metadata.getIndexInfo(null, null, tableName.toLowerCase(), false, false); // System.out.println("Table: "+tableName+" has the following columns indexed:"); handleIndexRS(rs, hm); rs.close(); } // Check without any case manipulating, this can be removed if we always // force uppercase if (hm.isEmpty()) { rs = metadata.getIndexInfo(null, null, tableName, false, false); // System.out.println("Table: "+tableName+" has the following columns indexed:"); handleIndexRS(rs, hm); rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (conn != null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(dataSourceName, conn); } } return hm; /* * if(v!=null && !v.isEmpty()) return (String[])v.toArray(new String[0]); * return null; */ } protected void handleIndexRS(ResultSet rs, HashMap hm) throws SQLException { String prevIndexName = null; Vector cols = null; while (rs.next()) { String index = rs.getString("INDEX_NAME"); if (index == null) { // null when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic return; } String column = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); if (index.equals(prevIndexName)) { cols.add(column); } else { prevIndexName = index; cols = new Vector(); cols.add(column); } hm.put(index, cols.toArray(new String[]{})); } } /** * @param dataSourceName * @param tableName * @return Hashmap where Key is String and Value is String[] */ public HashMap getTableIndexes(String dataSourceName, String tableName) { return getIndexHashMapFromMetaData(dataSourceName, tableName); } //STANDARD LOGGING METHODS: /** * Logs out to the default log level (which is by default INFO) * * @param msg * The message to log out */ protected void log(String msg) { //System.out.println(string); getLogger().log(getDefaultLogLevel(), msg); } /** * Logs out to the error log level (which is by default WARNING) to the * default Logger * * @param e * The Exception to log out */ protected void log(Exception e) { LoggingHelper.logException(e, this, getLogger(), getErrorLogLevel()); } /** * Logs out to the specified log level to the default Logger * * @param level * The log level * @param msg * The message to log out */ protected void log(Level level, String msg) { //System.out.println(msg); getLogger().log(level, msg); } /** * Logs out to the error log level (which is by default WARNING) to the * default Logger * * @param msg * The message to log out */ protected void logError(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(getErrorLogLevel(), msg); } /** * Logs out to the debug log level (which is by default FINER) to the default * Logger * * @param msg * The message to log out */ protected void logDebug(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(getDebugLogLevel(), msg); } /** * Logs out to the SEVERE log level to the default Logger * * @param msg * The message to log out */ protected void logSevere(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, msg); } /** * Logs out to the WARNING log level to the default Logger * * @param msg * The message to log out */ protected void logWarning(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, msg); } /** * Logs out to the CONFIG log level to the default Logger * * @param msg * The message to log out */ protected void logConfig(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(Level.CONFIG, msg); } /** * Logs out to the debug log level to the default Logger * * @param msg * The message to log out */ protected void debug(String msg) { logDebug(msg); } /** * Gets the default Logger. By default it uses the package and the class name * to get the logger. <br> * This behaviour can be overridden in subclasses. * * @return the default Logger */ protected Logger getLogger() { return Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); } /** * Gets the log level which messages are sent to when no log level is given. * * @return the Level */ protected Level getDefaultLogLevel() { return Level.INFO; } /** * Gets the log level which debug messages are sent to. * * @return the Level */ protected Level getDebugLogLevel() { return Level.FINER; } /** * Gets the log level which error messages are sent to. * * @return the Level */ protected Level getErrorLogLevel() { return Level.WARNING; } //ENTITY SPECIFIC LOG MEHTODS: ///** // * This method outputs the outputString to System.out if the Application // property // * "debug" is set to "TRUE" // */ //public void debug(String outputString) { // if (isDebugActive()) { // //System.out.println("[DEBUG] \"" + outputString + "\" : " + // this.getEntityName()); // } //} /** * This method logs the sqlCommand if the Log Level is low enough */ public void logSQL(String sqlCommand) { log(Level.FINEST, sqlCommand); //if (isDebugActive()) { //System.out.println("[DEBUG] \"" + outputString + "\" : " + // this.getEntityName()); //} } protected boolean isDebugActive() { return getIWMainApplication().getSettings().isDebugActive(); } public IWMainApplication getIWMainApplication(){ return IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication(); } //END STANDARD LOGGING METHODS /** * This method outputs the outputString to System.out if the Application * property "debug" is set to "TRUE" */ protected void debug(String outputString, GenericEntity entity) { /* * if (IWMainApplicationSettings.isDebugActive()) { * System.out.println("[DEBUG] \"" + outputString + "\" : " + * entity.getEntityName()); } */ String finalString = outputString + "\" : " + entity.getEntityName(); debug(finalString); } /** * This method outputs the outputString to System.out if the Application * property "debug" is set to "TRUE" */ /* * protected static void debug(String outputString) { if * (IWMainApplicationSettings.isDebugActive()) { System.out.println("[DEBUG] * \"" + outputString + "\" : DatastoreInterface"); } } */ /** * Formats the date to a string for use as is in a SQL query quotes and * casting included * * @param date * @return */ public String format(java.sql.Date date) { IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(date); return " '" + (stamp.toSQLString()) + "' "; } /** * Formats the date to a string for use as is in a SQL query quotes and * casting included * * @param timestamp * @return */ public String format(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp) { IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(timestamp); return " '" + (stamp.toSQLString()) + "' "; } /** * Returns the string "CREATE TABLE [tableName]" by default.<br> * This is done to be overrided for some databases, such as HSQLDB. * @param tableName * @return */ public String getCreateTableCommand(String tableName){ return "CREATE TABLE "+tableName; } /** * Returns the command for "ALTER TABLE [tableName] ADD [columnName] [dataType] by default.<br> * This is done to be overrided for some databases, such as HSQLDB. * @param columnName * @param entity * @return */ public String getAddColumnCommand(String columnName, GenericEntity entity) { String SQLString = "alter table "+entity.getTableName()+" add "+getColumnSQLDefinition(columnName,entity); return SQLString; } protected String getColumnSQLDefinition(String columnName,GenericEntity entity){ boolean isPrimaryKey = entity.isPrimaryKey(columnName); boolean isCompositePK = entity.getEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().isComposite(); String type; if(isPrimaryKey && !isCompositePK &&entity.getStorageClassType(columnName)==EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_LANG_INTEGER){ type = getIDColumnType(entity); } else{ type = getSQLType(entity.getStorageClassName(columnName),entity.getMaxLength(columnName)); } String returnString = columnName+" "+type; if (!entity.getIfNullable(columnName)){ returnString = returnString + " NOT NULL"; } /* DOES NOT WORK WITH COMPOSITE PKS, MOVED TO getCreationStatement(entity) if (isPrimaryKey) { returnString = returnString + " PRIMARY KEY"; }*/ returnString = addUniqueConstraint(returnString, columnName, entity); return returnString; } /** * DerbyDatastoreInterface is overwriting this method * */ protected String addUniqueConstraint(String columnDefintion, String columnName,GenericEntity entity) { if (entity.getIfUnique(columnName)&&supportsUniqueConstraintInColumnDefinition()){ return columnDefintion + " UNIQUE"; } return columnDefintion; } public boolean supportsUniqueConstraintInColumnDefinition(){ return true; } public boolean isCabableOfRSScroll(){ return false; } /** * returns the optimal or allowed fetch size when going to database to load IDOEntities using 'where primarikey_name in (list_of_priamrykeys)' */ public int getOptimalEJBLoadFetchSize(){ return 500; } public Object executeGetProcedure(String dataSourceName, IDOProcedure procedure, Object[] parameters) throws SQLException { return executeProcedure(dataSourceName, procedure, parameters,false); } public Collection executeFindProcedure(String dataSourceName, IDOProcedure procedure, Object[] parameters) throws SQLException { return (Collection)executeProcedure(dataSourceName, procedure, parameters,true); } public Object executeProcedure(String dataSourceName, IDOProcedure procedure, Object[] parameters,boolean returnCollection) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; CallableStatement Stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Object theReturn = null; try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(dataSourceName); String prepareArgString = ""; if(parameters !=null&¶meters.length>0){ prepareArgString = " ("; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { prepareArgString += " ?"; } prepareArgString += " )"; } String sql = "{"+((!returnCollection)?" ? =":"")+" call "+procedure.getName()+prepareArgString+" }"; //System.out.println("[DatastorInterface]: "+sql); Stmt = conn.prepareCall(sql); Class[] parameterTypes = procedure.getParameterTypes(); int length = Math.min(parameterTypes.length,parameters.length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { try { insertIntoCallableStatement(Stmt,i+1,parameterTypes[i],parameters[i]); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Original error message"); e.printStackTrace(); throw new SQLException("IDOProcedure: " + procedure.getName() + "; parameter: " + i + "; value: " + parameters[i] + " - " + e.getMessage()); } } theReturn = procedure.processResultSet(Stmt.executeQuery()); // rs = Stmt.executeQuery(); // if(returnCollection){ // Collection c = new ArrayList(); // if (rs != null ){ // while(rs.next()) { // c.add(rs.getObject(1)); // } // } // theReturn = c; // } else { // if (rs != null && rs.next()) { // theReturn = rs.getObject(1); // } // } } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (Stmt != null) { Stmt.close(); } if (conn != null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(dataSourceName, conn); } } return theReturn; } private void insertIntoCallableStatement(CallableStatement stmt, int index, Class type, Object parameter) throws SQLException{ if (type.equals(Integer.class)) { stmt.setInt(index,((Integer)parameter).intValue()); } else if (type.equals(Boolean.class)) { stmt.setBoolean(index,((Boolean)parameter).booleanValue()); } else if (type.equals(String.class)) { stmt.setString(index,(String)parameter); } else if (type.equals(Float.class)) { stmt.setFloat(index, ((Float)parameter).floatValue()); } else if (type.equals(Double.class)) { stmt.setDouble(index, ((Double)parameter).doubleValue()); } else if (type.equals(Timestamp.class)) { Timestamp stamp = (Timestamp) parameter; stmt.setTimestamp(index, stamp); } else if (type.equals(Time.class)) { stmt.setTime(index, (Time) parameter); } else if (type.equals(Date.class)) { stmt.setDate(index, (java.sql.Date) parameter); } else if (type.equals(Array.class)) { stmt.setArray(index, (Array) parameter); } // else if (type.equals("com.idega.util.Gender")) { // stmt.setString(index, entity.getColumnValue(columnName).toString()); // } // else if (type.equals("com.idega.data.BlobWrapper")) { // handleBlobUpdate(columnName, stmt, index, entity); // //stmt.setDate(index,(java.sql.Date)getColumnValue(columnName)); // } else { stmt.setObject(index, parameter); } } public boolean allowsStoredProcedure(){ return true; } public boolean hasStoredProcedure(String procedureName) throws SQLException{ if(!allowsStoredProcedure()){ return false; } boolean toReturn = false; ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = getDatabaseMetaData().getProcedures(null,null,procedureName); toReturn = rs.next(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(rs!=null){ rs.close(); } } return toReturn; } public boolean isUsingPreparedStatements(){ return usePreparedStatement; } protected static IDOContainer getIDOContainer(){ return IDOContainer.getInstance(); } protected static DatastoreInterfaceManager getDatastoreInterfaceManager(){ return getIDOContainer().getDatastoreInterfaceManager(); } }