package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; /** * <p>Company: idegaweb </p> * @author aron */ public class IWTreeNode implements ICTreeNodeAddable { protected static final String PATH_DELIMITER = CoreConstants.HASH; ICTreeNode parent = null; ArrayList childs = null; String Name = ""; //Object object = null; String path = null; String ID = null; static int internalID = 1; public IWTreeNode(String name){ this(name,internalID++); } public IWTreeNode(String name,int ID){ this(name,ID,null); } public IWTreeNode(String name,int iID,ICTreeNodeAddable parent){ this(name,Integer.toString(iID),parent); } public IWTreeNode(String name,String sID,ICTreeNodeAddable parent){ this.childs = new ArrayList(); this.Name = name; //this.object = object; //this.ID = ID; this.ID=sID; if(parent!=null) { parent.addChild(this); } } public static IWTreeNode createRootNode(String name , int ID){ IWTreeNode node = new IWTreeNode(name,ID,null); node.setAsRootNode(); return node; } public static IWTreeNode createRootNode(String name ){ IWTreeNode node = new IWTreeNode(name); node.setAsRootNode(); return node; } public void setAsRootNode(){ this.path = "root"; this.parent = null; internalID = 1; } @Override public void setParent(ICTreeNode parent){ this.parent = parent; } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNodeAddable#addChild(ICTreeNodeAddable) */ @Override public void addChild(ICTreeNodeAddable child) { this.childs.add(child); child.setParent(this); } public void addChild(String name, int id){ this.childs.add(new IWTreeNode(name,id)); } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getChildren() */ @Override public Collection getChildren() { return this.childs; } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getChildrenIterator() */ @Override public Iterator getChildrenIterator() { Iterator it = null; Collection children = getChildren(); if (children != null) { it = children.iterator(); } return it; } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getAllowsChildren() */ @Override public boolean getAllowsChildren() { return true; } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getChildAtIndex(int) */ @Override public ICTreeNode getChildAtIndex(int childIndex) { return (ICTreeNode) this.childs.get(childIndex); } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getChildCount() */ @Override public int getChildCount() { return this.childs.size(); } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getIndex(ICTreeNode) */ @Override public int getIndex(ICTreeNode node) { return this.childs.indexOf(node); } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getParentNode() */ @Override public ICTreeNode getParentNode() { return this.parent; } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#isLeaf() */ @Override public boolean isLeaf() { return this.childs.isEmpty(); } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getNodeName() */ @Override public String getNodeName() { return this.Name; } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getNodeID() */ @Override public int getNodeID() { String id=getId(); if(id==null){ return -1; } else{ return Integer.parseInt(id); } } /** * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getSiblingCount() */ @Override public int getSiblingCount() { if(this.parent!=null) { return this.parent.getChildCount()-1; } return 0; } public String getNodePath(){ if(this.path==null) { this.path = generatePath(this); } return this.path; } private String generatePath(ICTreeNode node){ if(node.getParentNode()!=null ){ return generatePath(node.getParentNode())+ PATH_DELIMITER +node.getNodeName(); } return node.getNodeName(); } /** * @param i */ public void setNodeID(int i) { this.ID = Integer.toString(i); } /** * @return */ public String getName() { return this.Name; } /** * @param string */ public void setName(String string) { this.Name = string; } /** * @param string */ public void setNodePath(String string) { this.path = string; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.core.ICTreeNode#getNodeName(java.util.Locale) */ @Override public String getNodeName(Locale locale) { return getNodeName(); } @Override public String getNodeName(Locale locale, IWApplicationContext iwac) { return getNodeName(locale); } /** * @return the number of siblings this node has */ @Override public String getId(){ return this.ID; } }