/* * $Id: Table.java,v 1.93 2006/05/08 13:51:09 laddi Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.presentation; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWConstants; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.util.IWColor; import com.idega.util.text.TextStyler; /** * A class to use for presentation of 2 dimensional (grid) layout. * <br> * <br> * <b>NOTE:</b> xpos is in [1:cols] * ,ypos is in [1:rows] * <br> * <br> * This object maps to and renders the * <code><pre> * <TABLE><TR><TD>...</TD></TR></TABLEL> * </pre></code> * tabs in HTML> and renders the children inside the <code><pre><TD>...</TD></pre></code> * tags for each cell. * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.3 */ public class Table extends PresentationObjectContainer implements TableType{ //Static variables: public static final String FRAME_VOID = "void"; public static final String FRAME_ABOVE = "above"; public static final String FRAME_BELOW = "below"; public static final String FRAME_TOP_BOTTOM = "hsides"; public static final String FRAME_LEFT_RIGHT = "vsides"; public static final String FRAME_LEFT = "lhs"; public static final String FRAME_RIGHT = "rhs"; public static final String FRAME_BOX = "box"; public static final String FRAME_BORDER = "border"; public static final String RULES_NONE = "none"; public static final String RULES_GROUPS = "groups"; public static final String RULES_ROWS = "rows"; public static final String RULES_COLUMNS = "cols"; public static final String RULES_ALL = "all"; protected static final String HTML_TABLE_TAG_START = "<table "; protected static final String HTML_TABLE_TAG_END = "</table>"; protected static final String HTML_CELL_TAG_START = "<td "; protected static final String HTML_CELL_TAG_END = "</td>"; protected static final String HTML_TR_START = "<tr>"; protected static final String HTML_TR_END = "</tr>"; protected static final String WML_TABLE_TAG_START = "<table "; protected static final String WML_TABLE_TAG_END = "</table>"; protected static final String WML_CELL_TAG_START = "<td "; protected static final String WML_CELL_TAG_END = "</td>"; protected static final String WML_TR_START = "<tr>"; protected static final String WML_TR_END = "</tr>"; protected static final String PDF_XML_TABLE_TAG_START = "<table "; protected static final String PDF_XML_TABLE_TAG_END = "</table>"; protected static final String PDF_XML_CELL_TAG_START = "<cell "; protected static final String PDF_XML_CELL_TAG_END = "</cell>"; protected static final String PDF_XML_TR_START = "<row>"; protected static final String PDF_XML_TR_END = "</row>"; protected static final String LINE_BREAK = "\n"; protected static final String TAG_END = ">"; protected static Image transparentcell; protected static final String COLOR_ATTRIBUTE = "bgcolor"; public static final String HUNDRED_PERCENT = "100%"; public static final String VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP = "top"; public static final String VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE = "middle"; public static final String VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM = "bottom"; public static final String HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT = "left"; public static final String HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT = "right"; public static final String HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER = "center"; //Member variables: /** * @deprecated replaced with calling getCellAt(x,y) */ protected TableCell theCells[][]; protected int cols = 0; protected int rows = 0; protected String _width = null; protected String _height = null; protected boolean forceToRenderAsTableInWML = false; //Variables to hold coordinates of merge point of cells //Initialized only if needed protected Vector beginMergedxpos; protected Vector beginMergedypos; protected Vector endMergedxpos; protected Vector endMergedypos; protected boolean isResizable; protected boolean cellsAreMerged; protected boolean addLineTop = false; protected boolean addLinesBetween = false; protected boolean addLinesBottom = false; protected boolean addLineLeft = false; protected boolean addVerticalLinesBetween = false; protected boolean addLineRight = false; protected String lineColor = "#000000"; protected String lineHeight = "1"; protected String lineWidth = "1"; protected int lineColspan = 0; protected int[] lineRows = new int[0]; protected int[] lineCols = new int[0]; //Temporary legacy variables: protected transient String markupLanguage = null; /** * Constructor that defaults with 1 column and 1 row */ public Table() { this(1, 1); //setWidth("100%"); //setHeight("100%"); this.isResizable = true; } /** * Constructor that takes in the initial rows and columns of the table */ public Table(int cols, int rows) { super(); this.isResizable = false; if(!useFacetBasedCells()){ this.theCells = new TableCell[cols][rows]; } this.cols = cols; this.rows = rows; setBorder("0"); this.cellsAreMerged = false; setTransient(false); } /** * Returns weather use the new JSF based Facets to reference the table cells opposed to the old TableCells[] array. * This method will be used in the JSF transition and will be removed when the theCells[] array is finally removed. * @return true if Facets are used */ protected boolean useFacetBasedCells(){ return IWMainApplication.useJSF; } /** *Add an object inside this Table in cell with coordinates 1,1 - same as the add() function *@deprecated replaced by the add function */ /*public void addObject(PresentationObject modObject) { addObject(modObject, 1, 1); }*/ /** *Add an object inside this Table in cell with coordinates 1,1 *- overrided from PresentationObject to maintain compatability */ public void add(PresentationObject modObject) { add(modObject, 1, 1); } /** *Add an object inside this Table in cell with coordinates 1,1 *- overrided from PresentationObject to maintain compatability */ public void add(UIComponent component) { add(component, 1, 1); } /*public void addText(String theText, String format, int xpos, int ypos) { if (isResizable) { if (xpos > this.getColumns()) { setColumns(xpos); } if (ypos > this.getRows()) { setRows(ypos); } } if (theObjects[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] == null) { theObjects[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] = new PresentationObjectContainer(); //super.add(theObjects); } theObjects[xpos - 1][ypos - 1].addText(theText, format); }*/ /** *Add an object inside this Table in cell with coordinates x,y from top right */ public void add(PresentationObject modObject, int xpos, int ypos) { /*if (modObject != null) { try { if (isResizable) { if (xpos > this.getColumns()) { setColumns(xpos); } if (ypos > this.getRows()) { setRows(ypos); } } if (theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] == null) { theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] = new TableCell(); //super.add(theObjects); } theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1].add(modObject); modObject.setParentObject(this); modObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); } catch (Exception ex) { add(new ExceptionWrapper(ex, this)); } }*/ add((UIComponent)modObject,xpos,ypos); } /** *Add an object inside this Table in cell with coordinates x,y from top right */ public void add(UIComponent comp, int xpos, int ypos) { if (comp != null) { try { if (this.isResizable) { if (xpos > this.getColumns()) { setColumns(xpos); } if (ypos > this.getRows()) { setRows(ypos); } } getCellAt(xpos,ypos).add(comp); comp.setParent(this); if(comp instanceof PresentationObject){ PresentationObject pObject = (PresentationObject)comp; pObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); //add(new ExceptionWrapper(ex, this)); } } } /*public void addObject(PresentationObject modObject, int xpos, int ypos) { add(modObject, xpos, ypos); }*/ public void add(String text, int xpos, int ypos) { addText(text, xpos, ypos); } public void addText(String theText, int xpos, int ypos) { add(new Text(theText), xpos, ypos); } public void addText(int integerToInsert, int xpos, int ypos) { addText(Integer.toString(integerToInsert), xpos, ypos); } /**@todo : this must implemented in the print method...like in the Link class * IMPORTANT! for this to work you must have an application property called * IW_USES_OLD_MEDIA_TABLES (set to anything) * */ public void setBackgroundImage(int xpos, int ypos, Image backgroundImage) { if (backgroundImage != null) { setBackgroundImageURL(xpos, ypos, getImageUrl(backgroundImage)); } } /**@todo : this must implemented in the print method...like in the Link class * IMPORTANT! for this to work you must have an application property called * IW_USES_OLD_MEDIA_TABLES (set to anything) * */ public void setBackgroundImage(Image backgroundImage) { if (backgroundImage != null) { setBackgroundImageURL(getImageUrl(backgroundImage)); } } /**@todo : replace this with a implementation in print * IMPORTANT! for this to work you must have an application property called * IW_USES_OLD_MEDIA_TABLES (set to anything) * @todo implement in main or print with getMediaURL(IWContext) */ protected String getImageUrl(Image image) { return image.getMediaURL(); } public void setBackgroundImageURL(String backgroundImageURL) { //this.setAttribute("background", backgroundImageURL); if(!"".equals(backgroundImageURL)) { setStyleAttribute("background: url('"+backgroundImageURL+"');"); } } public void setBackgroundRepeat(String repeat) { setStyleAttribute("background-repeat", repeat); } public void setBackgroundImageURL(int xpos, int ypos, String backgroundImageURL) { //this.setAttribute(xpos, ypos, "background", backgroundImageURL); if(!"".equals(backgroundImageURL)) { setStyle(xpos, ypos, "background","url('"+backgroundImageURL+"')"); } } public void setVerticalAlignment(int xpos, int ypos, String alignment) { setAttribute(xpos, ypos, "valign", alignment); } public void setAlignment(int xpos, int ypos, String alignment) { setAttribute(xpos, ypos, "align", alignment); } public void setRowAlignment(int ypos, String alignment) { setRowAttribute(ypos, "align", alignment); } public void setColumnAlignment(int xpos, String alignment) { setColumnAttribute(xpos, "align", alignment); } public void setRowVerticalAlignment(int ypos, String alignment) { setRowAttribute(ypos, "valign", alignment); } public void setColumnVerticalAlignment(int xpos, String alignment) { setColumnAttribute(xpos, "valign", alignment); } public void resize(int columns, int rows) { if (columns != this.cols || rows != this.rows) { int minCols = Math.min(columns, this.cols); int minRows = Math.min(rows, this.rows); if(!useFacetBasedCells()){ TableCell theNewObjects[][]; theNewObjects = new TableCell[columns][rows]; for (int x = 0; x < minCols; x++) { System.arraycopy(this.theCells[x], 0, theNewObjects[x], 0, minRows); } this.theCells = theNewObjects; } this.cols = columns; this.rows = rows; } } /** *Empties the Table of all objects stored inside */ public void empty() { for (int x = 0; x < this.cols; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < this.rows; y++) { /*if (theCells[x][y] != null) { theCells[x][y].empty(); }*/ int xpos=x+1; int ypos=y+1; getCellAt(xpos,ypos).empty(); } } } public void emptyCell(int xpos, int ypos) { /*if (theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] != null) { theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1].empty(); }*/ getCellAt(xpos,ypos).empty(); } public int getColumns() { return this.cols; } public void setColumns(int columns) { resize(columns, this.rows); } public void setRows(int rows) { resize(this.cols, rows); } /** * * @uml.property name="rows" */ public int getRows() { return this.rows; } public void mergeCells(int beginxpos, int beginypos, int endxpos, int endypos) { if (this.beginMergedxpos == null && this.beginMergedypos == null && this.endMergedxpos == null && this.endMergedypos == null) { this.beginMergedxpos = new Vector(1); this.beginMergedypos = new Vector(1); this.endMergedxpos = new Vector(1); this.endMergedypos = new Vector(1); } this.cellsAreMerged = true; //Do nothing if the either of the cells are already merged with something else if (!(isInMergedCell(beginxpos, beginypos) && isInMergedCell(endxpos, endypos))) { this.beginMergedxpos.addElement(new Integer(beginxpos)); this.beginMergedypos.addElement(new Integer(beginypos)); this.endMergedxpos.addElement(new Integer(endxpos)); this.endMergedypos.addElement(new Integer(endypos)); } } public void setWidth(String width) { //setAttribute("width", s); this._width = width; setWidthStyle(width); } public void setWidth(int width) { setWidth(Integer.toString(width)); } public void setHeight(int height) { setHeight(Integer.toString(height)); } public void setWidthAndHeight(String widthAndHeight) { setWidth(widthAndHeight); setHeight(widthAndHeight); } public void setWidthAndHeightToHundredPercent() { setWidth(HUNDRED_PERCENT); setHeight(HUNDRED_PERCENT); } public String getWidth() { return this._width; } public String getHeight() { return this._height; } public void setHeight(String height) { //setAttribute("height", s); this._height = height; setHeightStyle(height); } public void setHeight(int xpos, int ypos, String height) { //setAttribute(xpos, ypos, "height", height); /* Image spacer = (Image) transparentcell.clone(); spacer.setHeight(height); add(spacer,xpos,ypos);*/ getCellAt(xpos, ypos).setHeightStyle(height); } public void setHeight(int xpos, int ypos, int height) { setHeight(xpos, ypos, String.valueOf(height)); } private static String DOT = "."; public TableCell getCellAt(int xpos, int ypos) { if (this.isResizable) { if (xpos > this.getColumns()) { setColumns(xpos); } if (ypos > this.getRows()) { setRows(ypos); } } if(useFacetBasedCells()){ String facetKey = xpos+DOT+ypos; UIComponent facet = getFacet(facetKey); TableCell cell = (TableCell)facet; if(cell==null){ cell = new TableCell(); getFacets().put(facetKey,cell); } return cell; } else{ //The old array way: if (this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] == null) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.setParentObject(this); this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1]=cell; // super.add(theObjects); } return this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1]; } } public void setWidth(int xpos, int ypos, int width) { //setAttribute(xpos, ypos, "width", width); setWidth(xpos, ypos, String.valueOf(width)); } public void setWidth(int xpos, int ypos, String width) { //setAttribute(xpos, ypos, "width", width); getCellAt(xpos, ypos).setWidthStyle(width); } public void setColor(String color) { //setAttribute("bgcolor", s); setStyleAttribute("background-color: "+color+";"); } public void setColor(IWColor color) { setColor(color.getHexColorString()); } public void setBorder(String border) { setMarkupAttribute("border", border); } public void setBorderColor(String color) { setMarkupAttribute("bordercolor", color); } public void setBorder(int i) { setBorder(Integer.toString(i)); } public void setCellID(int column, int row, String ID) { getCellAt(column, row).setID(ID); } public void setCellBorderWidth(int column, int row, int borderWidth) { setStyle(column, row, "border-width", borderWidth+"px"); } public void setCellBorderColor(int column, int row, String borderColor) { setStyle(column, row, "border-color", borderColor); } public void setCellBorderStyle(int column, int row, String borderStyle) { setStyle(column, row, "border-style", borderStyle); } public void setCellBorder(int column, int row, int borderWidth, String borderColor, String borderStyle) { setCellBorderWidth(column, row, borderWidth); setCellBorderColor(column, row, borderColor); setCellBorderStyle(column, row, borderStyle); } public void setTopCellBorderWidth(int column, int row, int borderWidth) { setStyle(column, row, "border-top-width", borderWidth+"px"); } public void setTopCellBorderColor(int column, int row, String borderColor) { setStyle(column, row, "border-top-color", borderColor); } public void setTopCellBorderStyle(int column, int row, String borderStyle) { setStyle(column, row, "border-top-style", borderStyle); } public void setTopCellBorder(int column, int row, int borderWidth, String borderColor, String borderStyle) { setTopCellBorderWidth(column, row, borderWidth); setTopCellBorderColor(column, row, borderColor); setTopCellBorderStyle(column, row, borderStyle); } public void setBottomCellBorderWidth(int column, int row, int borderWidth) { setStyle(column, row, "border-bottom-width", borderWidth+"px"); } public void setBottomCellBorderColor(int column, int row, String borderColor) { setStyle(column, row, "border-bottom-color", borderColor); } public void setBottomCellBorderStyle(int column, int row, String borderStyle) { setStyle(column, row, "border-bottom-style", borderStyle); } public void setBottomCellBorder(int column, int row, int borderWidth, String borderColor, String borderStyle) { setBottomCellBorderWidth(column, row, borderWidth); setBottomCellBorderColor(column, row, borderColor); setBottomCellBorderStyle(column, row, borderStyle); } public void setLeftCellBorderWidth(int column, int row, int borderWidth) { setStyle(column, row, "border-left-width", borderWidth+"px"); } public void setLeftCellBorderColor(int column, int row, String borderColor) { setStyle(column, row, "border-left-color", borderColor); } public void setLeftCellBorderStyle(int column, int row, String borderStyle) { setStyle(column, row, "border-left-style", borderStyle); } public void setLeftCellBorder(int column, int row, int borderWidth, String borderColor, String borderStyle) { setLeftCellBorderWidth(column, row, borderWidth); setLeftCellBorderColor(column, row, borderColor); setLeftCellBorderStyle(column, row, borderStyle); } public void setRightCellBorderWidth(int column, int row, int borderWidth) { setStyle(column, row, "border-right-width", borderWidth+"px"); } public void setRightCellBorderColor(int column, int row, String borderColor) { setStyle(column, row, "border-right-color", borderColor); } public void setRightCellBorderStyle(int column, int row, String borderStyle) { setStyle(column, row, "border-right-style", borderStyle); } public void setRightCellBorder(int column, int row, int borderWidth, String borderColor, String borderStyle) { setRightCellBorderWidth(column, row, borderWidth); setRightCellBorderColor(column, row, borderColor); setRightCellBorderStyle(column, row, borderStyle); } /** * displays top and bottom edges */ public void setFrameHsides() { setFrame("hsides"); } /** * displays left and right edges */ public void setFrameVsides() { setFrame("vsides"); } /** * displays no border */ public void setFrameVoid() { setFrame("void"); } /** * displays top edge only */ public void setFrameAbove() { setFrame("above"); } /** * below: displays bottom edge only * border: displays all four sides (default) * box: displays all four sides (like border) * hsides: displays top and bottom edges * lhs: displays left edge only * rhs: displays right edge only * void: displays no border * vsides: displays left and right edges */ public void setFrame(String frame) { setMarkupAttribute("frame", frame); } public void setRules(String rules) { setMarkupAttribute("rules", rules); } public void setCellspacing(int i) { setCellspacing(Integer.toString(i)); } public void setCellpadding(int i) { setCellpadding(Integer.toString(i)); } public void setCellpadding(int column, int row, int padding) { setCellpadding(column, row, String.valueOf(padding)); } public void setRowPadding(int row, int padding) { setRowStyle(row, "padding", padding+"px"); } public void setColumnPadding(int column, int padding) { setColumnStyle(column, "padding", padding+"px"); } public void setCellpadding(int column, int row, String padding) { setStyle(column, row, "padding", padding+"px"); } public void setCellpaddingLeft(int column, int padding) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setCellpaddingLeft(column, temp, padding); temp++; } } public void setCellpaddingLeft(int column, int row, int padding) { setCellpaddingLeft(column, row, String.valueOf(padding)); } public void setCellpaddingLeft(int column, int row, String padding) { setStyle(column, row, "padding-left", padding+"px"); } public void setCellpaddingRight(int column, int padding) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setCellpaddingRight(column, temp, padding); temp++; } } public void setCellpaddingRight(int column, int row, int padding) { setCellpaddingRight(column, row, String.valueOf(padding)); } public void setCellpaddingRight(int column, int row, String padding) { setStyle(column, row, "padding-right", padding+"px"); } public void setCellpaddingTop(int row, int padding) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.cols;) { setCellpaddingTop(temp, row, padding); temp++; } } public void setCellpaddingTop(int column, int row, int padding) { setCellpaddingTop(column, row, String.valueOf(padding)); } public void setCellpaddingTop(int column, int row, String padding) { setStyle(column, row, "padding-top", padding+"px"); } public void setCellpaddingBottom(int row, int padding) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.cols;) { setCellpaddingBottom(temp, row, padding); temp++; } } public void setCellpaddingBottom(int column, int row, int padding) { setCellpaddingBottom(column, row, String.valueOf(padding)); } public void setCellpaddingBottom(int column, int row, String padding) { setStyle(column, row, "padding-bottom", padding+"px"); } public void setColumnPaddingLeft(int column, int padding) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setCellpaddingLeft(column, temp, padding); temp++; } } public void setColumnPaddingRight(int column, int padding) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setCellpaddingRight(column, temp, padding); temp++; } } public void setColumnPaddingTop(int column, int padding) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setCellpaddingTop(column, temp, padding); temp++; } } public void setColumnPaddingBottom(int column, int padding) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setCellpaddingBottom(column, temp, padding); temp++; } } public void setRowPaddingLeft(int row, int padding) { for (int column = 1; column <= this.cols;) { setCellpaddingLeft(column, row, padding); column++; } } public void setRowPaddingRight(int row, int padding) { for (int column = 1; column <= this.cols;) { setCellpaddingRight(column, row, padding); column++; } } public void setRowPaddingTop(int row, int padding) { for (int column = 1; column <= this.cols;) { setCellpaddingTop(column, row, padding); column++; } } public void setRowPaddingBottom(int row, int padding) { for (int column = 1; column <= this.cols;) { setCellpaddingBottom(column, row, padding); column++; } } public void setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(int i) { setCellpadding(i); setCellspacing(i); } public void setCellspacing(String s) { setMarkupAttribute("cellspacing", s); } public void setCellpadding(String s) { setMarkupAttribute("cellpadding", s); } public void setColor(int xpos, int ypos, String color) { //setAttribute(xpos, ypos, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE, s); setStyle(xpos, ypos, "background-color", color); } public void setColor(int xpos, int ypos, IWColor color) { setColor(xpos, ypos, color.getHexColorString()); } public void setRowColor(int ypos, String color) { //setRowAttribute(ypos, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE, s); setRowStyle(ypos, "background-color", color); } public void setColumnColor(int xpos, String color) { //setColumnAttribute(xpos, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE, s); setColumnStyle(xpos, "background-color", color); } public void setWidth(int xpos, String width) { //setColumnAttribute(xpos, "width", s); setColumnWidth(xpos, width); } public void setWidth(int xpos, int width) { //setColumnAttribute(xpos, "width", s); setWidth(xpos, String.valueOf(width)); } public void setHeight(int ypos, String height) { //setRowAttribute(ypos, "height", s); setRowHeight(ypos, height); } public void setHeight(int ypos, int height) { //setRowAttribute(ypos, "height", String.valueOf(height)); setHeight(ypos, String.valueOf(height)); } /** * @deprecated Should be set parent object. */ public void setAlignment(String align) { setMarkupAttribute("align", align); } /** * @deprecated Should be set parent object. */ public void setVerticalAlignment(String verticalAlignment) { setMarkupAttribute("valign", verticalAlignment); } public void setColumnAttribute(int xpos, String attributeName, String attributeValue) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setAttribute(xpos, temp, attributeName, attributeValue); temp++; } } public void setColumnStyleClass(int xpos, String styleClass) { setColumnAttribute(xpos, "class", styleClass); } public void setColumnStyle(int xpos, String styleAttribute, String styleValue) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setStyle(xpos, temp, styleAttribute, styleValue); temp++; } } public void setColumnWidth(int xpos, String width) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setWidth(xpos, temp, width); temp++; } } public void setColumnHeight(int xpos, String height) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.rows;) { setHeight(xpos, temp, height); temp++; } } public void setRowAttribute(int ypos, String attributeName, String attributeValue) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.cols;) { setAttribute(temp, ypos, attributeName, attributeValue); temp++; } } public void setRowStyle(int ypos, String styleAttribute, String styleValue) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.cols;) { setStyle(temp, ypos, styleAttribute, styleValue); temp++; } } public void setRowStyleClass(int ypos, String styleClass) { setRowAttribute(ypos, "class", styleClass); } public void setRowWidth(int ypos, String width) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.cols;) { setWidth(temp, ypos, width); temp++; } } public void setRowHeight(int ypos, String height) { for (int temp = 1; temp <= this.cols;) { setHeight(temp, ypos, height); temp++; } } public void setAttribute(int xpos, int ypos, String attributeName, String attributeValue) { if (this.isResizable) { if (xpos > this.getColumns()) { setColumns(xpos); } if (ypos > this.getRows()) { setRows(ypos); } } /*if (this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] == null) { this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] = new TableCell(); // super.add(theObjects); } this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1].setMarkupAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); */ getCellAt(xpos,ypos).setMarkupAttribute(attributeName,attributeValue); } public void setStyle(int xpos, int ypos, String styleAttribute, String styleValue) { if (this.isResizable) { if (xpos > this.getColumns()) { setColumns(xpos); } if (ypos > this.getRows()) { setRows(ypos); } } /*if (this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] == null) { theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] = new TableCell(); // super.add(theObjects); }*/ TableCell cell = getCellAt(xpos,ypos); TextStyler styler = new TextStyler(cell.getStyleAttribute()); styler.setStyleValue(styleAttribute, styleValue); cell.setStyleAttribute(styler.getStyleString()); } //added for setting a styleClass for a specific cell in a table public void setStyleClass(int xpos, int ypos, String styleName) { if(this.isResizable) { if(xpos > this.getColumns()) { setColumns(xpos); } if(ypos > this.getRows()) { setRows(ypos); } } /*if (this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] == null) { theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] = new TableCell(); } this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1].setMarkupAttribute("class",styleName); */ getCellAt(xpos,ypos).setMarkupAttribute("class",styleName); } public void setAttribute(int xpos, int ypos, String attribute) { if (this.isResizable) { if (xpos > this.getColumns()) { setColumns(xpos); } if (ypos > this.getRows()) { setRows(ypos); } } /*if (this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] == null) { this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] = new TableCell(); // super.add(theObjects); } this.theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1].setMarkupAttributeWithoutValue(attribute); */ getCellAt(xpos,ypos).setMarkupAttributeWithoutValue(attribute); } public void setNoWrap(int xpos, int ypos) { setStyle(xpos, ypos, "white-space","nowrap"); } public void setNoWrap() { setStyleAttribute("white-space:nowrap;"); } /*Tells if a cell in a table is merged with another*/ protected boolean isInMergedCell(int xpos, int ypos) { boolean theReturn = false; boolean xcheck = false; boolean ycheck = false; if (!this.cellsAreMerged) { theReturn = false; } else { int i = 0; for (Enumeration e = this.beginMergedxpos.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { ycheck = false; xcheck = false; Integer temp1 = (Integer) e.nextElement(); Integer temp2 = (Integer) this.endMergedxpos.elementAt(i); int xlength; Integer temp3 = (Integer) this.beginMergedypos.elementAt(i); Integer temp4 = (Integer) this.endMergedypos.elementAt(i); int ylength; int lowerx = 0; int lowery = 0; if (temp1.intValue() <= temp2.intValue()) { lowerx = temp1.intValue(); xlength = temp2.intValue() - temp1.intValue(); } else { lowerx = temp2.intValue(); xlength = temp1.intValue() - temp2.intValue(); } if (temp3.intValue() <= temp4.intValue()) { lowery = temp3.intValue(); ylength = temp4.intValue() - temp3.intValue(); } else { lowery = temp4.intValue(); ylength = temp3.intValue() - temp4.intValue(); } //Check the x coordinate if (xpos >= (lowerx)) { if (xpos <= (lowerx + xlength)) { xcheck = true; } else { xcheck = false; } } //Check the y coordinate if (ypos >= (lowery)) { if (ypos <= (lowery + ylength)) { ycheck = true; } else { ycheck = false; } } if (xcheck && ycheck) { theReturn = true; } i++; } } return theReturn; } public void addBreak(int xpos, int ypos) { Text myText = Text.getBreak(); this.add(myText, xpos, ypos); } protected int getWidthOfMergedCell(int startxpos, int startypos) { int returnint = 1; int i = 0; for (Enumeration e = this.beginMergedxpos.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Integer temp1 = (Integer) e.nextElement(); Integer temp2 = (Integer) this.endMergedxpos.elementAt(i); int xlength; Integer temp3 = (Integer) this.beginMergedypos.elementAt(i); Integer temp4 = (Integer) this.endMergedypos.elementAt(i); int lowerx = 0; int lowery = 0; if (temp1.intValue() <= temp2.intValue()) { lowerx = temp1.intValue(); xlength = temp2.intValue() - temp1.intValue(); } else { lowerx = temp2.intValue(); xlength = temp1.intValue() - temp2.intValue(); } if (temp3.intValue() <= temp4.intValue()) { lowery = temp3.intValue(); } else { lowery = temp4.intValue(); } if (lowerx == startxpos && lowery == startypos) { returnint = xlength + 1; } i++; } return returnint; } protected int getHeightOfMergedCell(int startxpos, int startypos) { int returnint = 1; int i = 0; for (Enumeration e = this.beginMergedxpos.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Integer temp1 = (Integer) e.nextElement(); Integer temp2 = (Integer) this.endMergedxpos.elementAt(i); Integer temp3 = (Integer) this.beginMergedypos.elementAt(i); Integer temp4 = (Integer) this.endMergedypos.elementAt(i); int ylength; int lowerx = 0; int lowery = 0; if (temp1.intValue() <= temp2.intValue()) { lowerx = temp1.intValue(); } else { lowerx = temp2.intValue(); } if (temp3.intValue() <= temp4.intValue()) { lowery = temp3.intValue(); ylength = temp4.intValue() - temp3.intValue(); } else { lowery = temp4.intValue(); ylength = temp3.intValue() - temp4.intValue(); } if (lowerx == startxpos && lowery == startypos) { returnint = ylength + 1; } i++; } return returnint; } protected boolean isTopLeftOfMergedCell(int xpos, int ypos) { boolean theReturn = false; if (!this.cellsAreMerged) { theReturn = false; } else { int i = 0; for (Enumeration e = this.beginMergedxpos.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Integer temp1 = (Integer) e.nextElement(); Integer temp2 = (Integer) this.endMergedxpos.elementAt(i); Integer temp3 = (Integer) this.beginMergedypos.elementAt(i); Integer temp4 = (Integer) this.endMergedypos.elementAt(i); int lowerx = 0; int lowery = 0; if (temp1.intValue() <= temp2.intValue()) { lowerx = temp1.intValue(); } else { lowerx = temp2.intValue(); } if (temp3.intValue() <= temp4.intValue()) { lowery = temp3.intValue(); } else { lowery = temp4.intValue(); } if ((lowerx == xpos) && (lowery == ypos)) { theReturn = true; } i++; } } return theReturn; } /** * Sets the table to be horizontally striped */ public void setHorizontalZebraColored(String Color1, String Color2) { int y = 1; boolean theEnd = false; while (!theEnd) { setRowColor(y, Color1); y++; if (y > this.rows) { theEnd = true; } else { setRowColor(y, Color2); y++; if (y > this.rows) { theEnd = true; } } } } /** * *Sets the table to be vertically striped */ public void setVerticalZebraColored(String Color1, String Color2) { int x = 1; boolean theEnd = false; while (!theEnd) { setColumnColor(x, Color1); x++; if (x > this.cols) { theEnd = true; } else { setColumnColor(x, Color2); x++; if (x > this.cols) { theEnd = true; } } } } /** * index lies from [0,xlength-1] , puts in yindex=0 */ public Object set(int index, PresentationObject o) { return set(index, 0, o); } /** * xindex lies from [0,xlength-1],yindex lies from [0,ylength-1] */ public Object set(int xindex, int yindex, PresentationObject o) { return set(xindex, yindex, 0, o); } /** * xindex lies from 0,[xlength-1],yindex lies from [0,ylength-1],innercontainerindex lies from [0,lengthofcontainer-1] */ public Object set(int xindex, int yindex, int innercontainerindex, PresentationObject o) { //return set(index,0,o); /*TableCell moc = theCells[xindex][yindex]; if (moc == null) { moc = new TableCell(); theCells[xindex][yindex] = moc; }*/ int xpos = xindex+1; int ypos = yindex+1; TableCell moc = getCellAt(xpos,ypos); return moc.set(innercontainerindex, o); } public List getChildrenRecursive() { if (this.allObjects == null) { List toReturn = null; Iterator iter = null; if(useFacetBasedCells()){ iter = getFacetsAndChildren(); } else{ //Legacy implementation, see the getChildren() method: iter = this.getChildren().iterator(); } //if (theCells != null) { toReturn = new Vector(); //toReturn.containsAll(containedObjects); //Iterator iter = containedObjects.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item = iter.next(); if (item instanceof PresentationObjectContainer) { toReturn.add(item); //if(!toReturn.contains(item)){ List tmp = ((PresentationObjectContainer) item).getChildrenRecursive(); if (tmp != null) { toReturn.addAll(tmp); } //} } else { toReturn.add(item); } } //} this.allObjects = toReturn; } return this.allObjects; } public List getChildren() { if(useFacetBasedCells()){ return super.getChildren(); } else{ //TODO: Remove this legacy implementation // - as the table cells are now JSF Facets they cannot be children as well List theReturn = new ArrayList(); if(this.theCells!=null){ for (int x = 0; x < this.theCells.length; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < this.theCells[x].length; y++) { if (this.theCells[x][y] != null) { theReturn.add(this.theCells[x][y]); } } } } return theReturn; } } //Prints out the no-breaking-space for cells protected void printNbsp(IWContext iwc, int xpos, int ypos) { TableCell cell = getCellAt(xpos,ypos); //if (theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1] != null) { if(cell!=null){ //if (theCells[xpos - 1][ypos - 1].isEmpty()) { if(cell.isEmpty()){ String width = "1"; String height = "1"; TextStyler styler = new TextStyler(cell.getStyleAttribute()); if (styler.isStyleSet("width")) { width = styler.getStyleValue("width"); if (width.indexOf("px") != -1) { width = width.substring(0,width.indexOf("px")); } } if (styler.isStyleSet("height")) { height = styler.getStyleValue("height"); if (height.indexOf("px") != -1) { height = height.substring(0,height.indexOf("px")); } } /*if (false) { //not implemented } else { String sPadding = getAttribute("cellpadding"); int iPadding = (sPadding != null)? Integer.parseInt(sPadding):0; int iWidth = 1; int iHeight = 1; boolean withInPercentsOrNoPadding = false; boolean heightInPercentsOrNoPadding = false; if(iPadding!=0){ try { iWidth = Integer.parseInt(width); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { withInPercentsOrNoPadding = true; } try { iHeight = Integer.parseInt(height); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { heightInPercentsOrNoPadding = true; } } //print(Text.getNonBrakingSpace().getText()); //print("<img src=\"" + transparentcell.getURL() + "\" width=\""+((withInPercentsOrNoPadding)?width:Integer.toString(getNbspWidthAndHeight(iWidth,iPadding)))+"\" height=\""+((heightInPercentsOrNoPadding)?height:Integer.toString(getNbspWidthAndHeight(iHeight,iPadding)))+"\" alt=\"\" />"); }*/ if (!IWMainApplication.useJSF) { print("<img src=\"" + transparentcell.getURL() + "\" width=\""+width+"\" height=\""+height+"\" alt=\"\" />"); } } } else { if (!IWMainApplication.useJSF) { print("<img src=\"" + transparentcell.getURL() + "\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" alt=\"\" />"); } //print(Text.getNonBrakingSpace().getText()); } } /*private int getNbspWidthAndHeight(int dimension, int padding) { dimension = dimension - 2 * padding; if (dimension < 1) dimension = 1; return dimension; }*/ protected void printLine(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { //println("\n<tr>"); print(LINE_BREAK); println(this.getRowStartTag(iwc)); // for(int x=1;x<=cols;){ //println("\n<td "+"height="+this.lineHeight+" colspan="+cols+" "+COLOR_ATTRIBUTE+"="+this.lineColor+" >"); print(LINE_BREAK); print(getCellStartTag(iwc) + "height=\"" + this.lineHeight + ((this.lineColspan > 1) ? ("\" colspan=\"" + this.lineColspan + "\" ") : ("\" ")) + ((this.lineColor!=null)? (COLOR_ATTRIBUTE + "=\"" + this.lineColor):"") + "\" >"); //if(!iwc.isOpera()){ transparentcell._print(iwc); print(getCellEndTag(iwc)); //} else { //println("</td>"); // ????? //} // } //println("</tr>"); print(LINE_BREAK); println(this.getRowEndTag(iwc)); } protected void printVerticalLine(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { print(LINE_BREAK); println(getCellStartTag(iwc)+" width=\"" + this.lineWidth + "\" " + ((this.lineColor!=null)? (COLOR_ATTRIBUTE + "=\"" + this.lineColor):"") + "\" "+TAG_END); if (!iwc.isOpera()) { transparentcell._print(iwc); println(getCellEndTag(iwc)); } else { //println("</td>"); // ????? } } public void print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { transparentcell = getTransparentCell(iwc); //if( doPrint(iwc)){ this.markupLanguage = iwc.getMarkupLanguage(); if ( IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML.equals(this.markupLanguage) || IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_PDF_XML.equals(this.markupLanguage) ) { String theErrorMessage = getErrorMessage(); if (theErrorMessage == null) { //if (getInterfaceStyle().equals("something")){ //} //else{ StringBuffer printString = new StringBuffer(); printString.append(getTableStartTag(iwc)); printString.append(getMarkupAttributesString()); printString.append(" "); printString.append(TAG_END); println(printString.toString()); //Lines initialization this.lineColspan = this.cols; if (this.addVerticalLinesBetween) { this.lineColspan += (this.cols - 1); } else { this.lineColspan += this.lineRows.length; } if (this.addLineLeft) { this.lineColspan++; } if (this.addLineRight) { this.lineColspan++; } if (this.addLineTop) { printLine(iwc); } if (!this.cellsAreMerged) { for (int y = 1; y <= this.rows;) { //println("\n<tr>"); print(LINE_BREAK); println(this.getRowStartTag(iwc)); for (int x = 1; x <= this.cols;) { if (this.addLineLeft && x == 1) { printVerticalLine(iwc); } TableCell cell = getCellAt(x,y); //if (theCells[x - 1][y - 1] != null) { if(cell!=null){ //if (theCells[x - 1][y - 1].getMarkupAttributesString().indexOf("align") == -1) { if (cell.getMarkupAttributesString().indexOf("align") == -1) { setAlignment(x, y, "left"); } //if (theCells[x - 1][y - 1].getMarkupAttributesString().indexOf("valign") == -1) { if (cell.getMarkupAttributesString().indexOf("align") == -1) { setVerticalAlignment(x, y, "middle"); } if (printString == null) { printString = new StringBuffer(); } else { printString.delete(0, printString.length()); } print(LINE_BREAK); printString.append(getCellStartTag(iwc,x,y)); printString.append(cell.getMarkupAttributesString()); printString.append(TAG_END); println(printString.toString()); UIComponent child = cell; renderChild(iwc,child); //theObjects[x - 1][y - 1]._print(iwc); printNbsp(iwc, x, y); } else { print(LINE_BREAK); println(getCellStartTag(iwc,x,y)+TAG_END); printNbsp(iwc, x, y); } print(getCellEndTag(iwc,x,y)); if ((this.addLineRight && x == this.cols) || (this.addVerticalLinesBetween && x != this.cols)) { printVerticalLine(iwc); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.lineCols.length; i++) { if (x == this.lineCols[i]) { printVerticalLine(iwc); break; } } } x++; } //println("\n</tr>"); print(LINE_BREAK); println(this.getRowEndTag(iwc)); if (this.addLinesBetween && y != this.rows) { printLine(iwc); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.lineRows.length; i++) { if (y == this.lineRows[i]) { printLine(iwc); break; } } } y++; } if (this.addLinesBottom) { printLine(iwc); } } else // if merged { for (int y = 1; y <= this.rows;) { //println("\n<tr>"); print(LINE_BREAK); println(this.getRowStartTag(iwc)); for (int x = 1; x <= this.cols;) { if (this.addLineLeft && x == 1) { printVerticalLine(iwc); } if (isInMergedCell(x, y)) { if (isTopLeftOfMergedCell(x, y)) { TableCell cell = getCellAt(x,y); //if (theCells[x - 1][y - 1] == null) { // theCells[x - 1][y - 1] = new TableCell(); //} if (printString == null) { printString = new StringBuffer(); } else { printString.delete(0, printString.length()); } print(LINE_BREAK); printString.append(getCellStartTag(iwc,x,y)); int mergeWidth = getWidthOfMergedCell(x, y); int mergeHeight = getHeightOfMergedCell(x, y); cell.setMarkupAttribute("colspan",mergeWidth); cell.setMarkupAttribute("rowspan",mergeHeight); printString.append(cell.getMarkupAttributesString()); /* printString.append(" colspan=\""); printString.append(mergeWidth); printString.append("\" rowspan=\""); printString.append(mergeHeight); printString.append("\" "); */ printString.append(TAG_END); println(printString.toString()); UIComponent child = cell; renderChild(iwc,child); //theObjects[x - 1][y - 1]._print(iwc); printNbsp(iwc, x, y); println(getCellEndTag(iwc,x,y)); } } else { TableCell cell = getCellAt(x,y); if (cell != null) { if (printString == null) { printString = new StringBuffer(); } else { printString.delete(0, printString.length()); } print(LINE_BREAK); printString.append(getCellStartTag(iwc,x,y)); printString.append(cell.getMarkupAttributesString()); printString.append(" "); printString.append(TAG_END); println(printString.toString()); UIComponent child = cell; renderChild(iwc,child); //theObjects[x - 1][y - 1]._print(iwc); printNbsp(iwc, x, y); } else { print(LINE_BREAK); println(getCellStartTag(iwc,x,y)+TAG_END); printNbsp(iwc, x, y); } println(getCellEndTag(iwc,x,y)); if ((this.addLineRight && x == this.cols) || (this.addVerticalLinesBetween && x != this.cols)) { printVerticalLine(iwc); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.lineCols.length; i++) { if (x == this.lineCols[i]) { printVerticalLine(iwc); break; } } } } x++; } print(LINE_BREAK); println(this.getRowEndTag(iwc)); // println("\n</tr>"); if (this.addLinesBetween && y != this.rows) { printLine(iwc); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.lineRows.length; i++) { if (y == this.lineRows[i]) { printLine(iwc); break; } } } y++; } if (this.addLinesBottom) { printLine(iwc); } } print(LINE_BREAK); println(getTableEndTag(iwc)); //} } else { println("<pre>"); println("Exception:"); println(theErrorMessage); println("</pre>"); } } else if (IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_WML.equals(this.markupLanguage) ){ String tableTagStart = ""; String tableTagEnd = ""; String cellTagStart = ""; String cellTabEnd = ""; String trStart = ""; String trEnd = ""; if(this.forceToRenderAsTableInWML){ tableTagStart = WML_TABLE_TAG_START; tableTagEnd = WML_TABLE_TAG_END; cellTagStart = WML_CELL_TAG_START+TAG_END; cellTabEnd = WML_CELL_TAG_END; trStart = WML_TR_START; trEnd = WML_TR_END; if(this.rows>0){ print(tableTagStart+" columns=\""+this.cols+"\""+TAG_END); } } for (int y = 1; y <= this.rows;) { print(trStart); for (int x = 1; x <= this.cols;) { print(cellTagStart); TableCell cell = getCellAt(x,y); if (cell != null) { UIComponent child = cell; renderChild(iwc,child); //theObjects[x - 1][y - 1]._print(iwc); } print(cellTabEnd); x++; } print(trEnd); y++; } if(this.rows>0){ print(tableTagEnd); } } //end if (getLanguage(... else { for (int y = 1; y <= this.rows;) { for (int x = 1; x <= this.cols;) { TableCell cell = getCellAt(x,y); if (cell != null) { UIComponent child = cell; renderChild(iwc,child); //theObjects[x - 1][y - 1]._print(iwc); } x++; } y++; } } //}//end doPrint(iwc) } protected String getTableEndTag(IWContext iwc) { return HTML_TABLE_TAG_END; } protected String getTableStartTag(IWContext iwc) { return HTML_TABLE_TAG_START; } protected String getCellEndTag(IWContext iwc) { if(this.markupLanguage == null) { this.markupLanguage = iwc.getMarkupLanguage(); } if(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML.equals(this.markupLanguage)){ return HTML_CELL_TAG_END; } else if(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_PDF_XML.equals(this.markupLanguage)){ return PDF_XML_CELL_TAG_END; } else{//default value (backward compatabilty safety if language is null) return HTML_CELL_TAG_END; } } protected String getCellEndTag(IWContext iwc, int column, int row) { return getCellEndTag(iwc); } protected String getCellStartTag(IWContext iwc) { if(this.markupLanguage == null) { this.markupLanguage = iwc.getMarkupLanguage(); } if(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML.equals(this.markupLanguage)){ return HTML_CELL_TAG_START; } else if(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_PDF_XML.equals(this.markupLanguage)){ return PDF_XML_CELL_TAG_START; } else{ return HTML_CELL_TAG_START; } } protected String getCellStartTag(IWContext iwc, int column, int row) { return getCellStartTag(iwc); } protected String getRowStartTag(IWContext iwc, int numberOfRow) { return getRowStartTag(iwc); } protected String getRowEndTag(IWContext iwc, int numberOfRow) { return getRowEndTag(iwc); } protected String getRowStartTag(IWContext iwc) { if(this.markupLanguage == null) { this.markupLanguage = iwc.getMarkupLanguage(); } if(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML.equals(this.markupLanguage)){ return HTML_TR_START; } else if(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_PDF_XML.equals(this.markupLanguage)){ return PDF_XML_TR_START; } else{ return HTML_TR_START; } } protected String getRowEndTag(IWContext iwc) { if(this.markupLanguage == null) { this.markupLanguage = iwc.getMarkupLanguage(); } if(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML.equals(this.markupLanguage)){ return HTML_TR_END; } else if(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_PDF_XML.equals(this.markupLanguage)){ return PDF_XML_TR_END; } else{ return HTML_TR_END; } } public int numberOfObjects() { //if (theCells != null) { return this.cols * this.rows; //} //else { // return 0; //} } public UIComponent objectAt(int index) { //if (theCells != null) { if (this.rows != 0) { int x = Math.round(index / this.rows); int y = index - x * this.rows; int xpos = x+1; int ypos = y+1; return getCellAt(xpos,ypos); } else { return null; } //} //else { // return null; //} } public boolean isEmpty() { /*if (theCells != null) { return false; } else { return true; }*/ return false; } /*public int[] getTableIndex(PresentationObject o) { if (theCells == null) return (null); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = (PresentationObjectContainer) theCells[j][i]; if (cont != null) { int index = cont.getIndex(o); if (index > -1) { int ret[] = { i + 1, j + 1 }; return ret; } } } return (null); }*/ public boolean isEmpty(int x, int y) { /*if (theCells != null) { if (theCells[x - 1][y - 1] == null) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; }*/ return getCellAt(x,y).isEmpty(); } public void setProperty(String key, String values[]) { if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("border")) { setBorder(Integer.parseInt(values[0])); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("width")) { setWidth(values[0]); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("height")) { setHeight(values[0]); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("columns")) { setColumns(Integer.parseInt(values[0])); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("rows")) { setRows(Integer.parseInt(values[0])); } } public Object clone(IWUserContext iwc, boolean askForPermission) { return clone(iwc,askForPermission,1,getRows()); } public Object clone(IWUserContext iwc,boolean askForPermission,int startRow,int endRow){ Table obj = null; try { obj = (Table) super.clone(iwc, askForPermission); if(useFacetBasedCells()){ //Facets have already been cloned here in super.clone(iwc, askForPermission); //cloneJSFFacets(obj,iwc,askForPermission); } else{ if (this.theCells != null) { obj.theCells = new TableCell[this.cols][this.rows]; for (int x = 0; x < this.theCells.length; x++) { for (int y = (startRow-1); y < endRow; y++) { if (this.theCells[x][y] != null) { obj.theCells[x][y] = (TableCell) this.theCells[x][y].clonePermissionChecked(iwc, askForPermission); obj.theCells[x][y].setParentObject(obj); obj.theCells[x][y].setLocation(this.getLocation()); //obj.theObjects[x][y].remove(NULL_CLONE_OBJECT); } } } } } obj.cols = this.cols; obj.rows = this.rows; if (this.beginMergedxpos != null) { obj.beginMergedxpos = (Vector) this.beginMergedxpos.clone(); } if (this.beginMergedypos != null) { obj.beginMergedypos = (Vector) this.beginMergedypos.clone(); } if (this.endMergedxpos != null) { obj.endMergedxpos = (Vector) this.endMergedxpos.clone(); } if (this.endMergedypos != null) { obj.endMergedypos = (Vector) this.endMergedypos.clone(); } obj.isResizable = this.isResizable; obj.cellsAreMerged = this.cellsAreMerged; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } public PresentationObjectContainer containerAt(int x, int y) { TableCell cont = null; try { /*cont = theCells[x - 1][y - 1]; if (cont == null) { cont = new TableCell(); theCells[x - 1][y - 1] = cont; cont.setParentObject(this); }*/ return getCellAt(x,y); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } return cont; } public boolean remove(PresentationObject obj) { /*if (theCells != null) { for (int x = 0; x < theCells.length; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < theCells[x].length; y++) { if (theCells[x][y] != null) { if (theCells[x][y].remove(obj)) { return true; } } } } }*/ for (int y = 1; y <= this.rows;) { for (int x = 1; x <= this.cols;) { TableCell cell = getCellAt(x,y); if (cell.remove(obj)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns the color of a Cell. * Returns NULL if no color set */ public String getColor(int xpos, int ypos) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = getCellAt(xpos,ypos); if (cont == null) { return null; } else { TextStyler styler = new TextStyler(cont.getStyleAttribute()); if (styler.isStyleSet("background-color")) { return styler.getStyleValue("background-color"); } return null; } } /** * Returns the style of a Cell * Returns NULL of no style is set */ public String getStyle(int xpos, int ypos) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = getCellAt(xpos,ypos); if (cont != null) { String styleAtt = cont.getStyleAttribute(); if (!"".equals(styleAtt)) { return styleAtt; } } return null; } /** * Returns the styleClass of a Cell * Returns NULL of no style is set */ public String getClass(int xpos, int ypos) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = getCellAt(xpos,ypos); if (cont != null) { String classAtt = cont.getMarkupAttribute("class"); if (!"".equals(classAtt)) { return classAtt; } } return null; } public void setResizable(boolean resizable) { this.isResizable = resizable; } public static Image getTransparentCell(IWContext iwc) { if (transparentcell == null) { transparentcell = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(PresentationObject.CORE_IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).getImage("transparentcell.gif"); } return (Image) transparentcell.clone(); } /** * */ public void lock(int xpos, int ypos) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = containerAt(xpos, ypos); if (cont != null) { cont.lock(); } } /** * */ public void unlock(int xpos, int ypos) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = containerAt(xpos, ypos); if (cont != null) { cont.unlock(); } } /** * */ public boolean isLocked(int xpos, int ypos) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = containerAt(xpos, ypos); if (cont != null) { return (cont.isLocked()); } else { return (true); } } /** * */ public void setLabel(String label, int xpos, int ypos) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = containerAt(xpos, ypos); if (cont != null) { cont.setLabel(label); } } /** * */ public String getLabel(int xpos, int ypos) { PresentationObjectContainer cont = containerAt(xpos, ypos); if (cont != null) { return (cont.getLabel()); } else { return (null); } } public void setLinesBetween(boolean value) { this.addLinesBetween = value; } public void setTopLine(boolean value) { this.addLineTop = value; } public void setTableBorder(int width, String color, String style) { setStyleAttribute("border-width", width+"px"); setStyleAttribute("border-color", color); setStyleAttribute("border-style", style); } public void setTableBorderTop(int width, String color, String style) { setStyleAttribute("border-top-width", width+"px"); setStyleAttribute("border-top-color", color); setStyleAttribute("border-top-style", style); } public void setTableBorderBottom(int width, String color, String style) { setStyleAttribute("border-bottom-width", width+"px"); setStyleAttribute("border-bottom-color", color); setStyleAttribute("border-bottom-style", style); } public void setBottomLine(boolean value) { this.addLinesBottom = value; } /** * * @uml.property name="lineColor" */ public void setLineColor(String color) { this.lineColor = color; } /** * * @uml.property name="lineHeight" */ public void setLineHeight(String height) { this.lineHeight = height; } public void setVerticatLinesBetween(boolean value) { this.addVerticalLinesBetween = value; } public void setRightLine(boolean value) { this.addLineRight = value; } public void setLeftLine(boolean value) { this.addLineLeft = value; } /** * * @uml.property name="lineWidth" */ public void setLineWidth(String width) { this.lineWidth = width; } public void setLineFrame(boolean value) { this.setLeftLine(value); this.setRightLine(value); this.setTopLine(value); this.setBottomLine(value); } /** * @deprecated: only for builderuse until handler has been implemented */ public void setLineAfterRow(int row, boolean value) { if (value) { setLineAfterRow(row); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.lineRows.length; i++) { if (this.lineRows[i] == row) { this.lineRows[i] = -1; // should decrease array to } } } } /** * @deprecated: only for builderuse until handler has been implemented */ public void setLineAfterColumn(int column, boolean value) { if (value) { setLineAfterColumn(column); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.lineCols.length; i++) { if (this.lineCols[i] == column) { this.lineCols[i] = -1; // should decrease array to } } } } public void setLineAfterRow(int row) { // increase length int[] newLines = new int[this.lineRows.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(this.lineRows, 0, newLines, 0, this.lineRows.length); this.lineRows = newLines; // done this.lineRows[this.lineRows.length - 1] = row; } public void setLineAfterColumn(int column) { // increase length int[] newLines = new int[this.lineCols.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(this.lineCols, 0, newLines, 0, this.lineCols.length); this.lineCols = newLines; // done this.lineCols[this.lineCols.length - 1] = column; } public void removeLineColor(boolean value){ if(value){ this.lineColor = null; } else { this.lineColor = "#000000"; } } public void encodeBegin(FacesContext fc)throws IOException{ //Does nothing here. insted encodeChildren calles the print(iwc) method. } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.component.UIComponent#encodeChildren(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) */ public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context) throws IOException { super.encodeChildren(context); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) */ public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[])state; super.restoreState(context, values[0]); this.cols = ((Integer) values[1]).intValue(); this.rows = ((Integer) values[2]).intValue(); this.beginMergedxpos = (Vector)values[3]; this.beginMergedypos = (Vector)values[4]; this.endMergedxpos = (Vector)values[5]; this.endMergedypos = (Vector)values[6]; this.isResizable = ((Boolean) values[7]).booleanValue(); this.cellsAreMerged = ((Boolean) values[8]).booleanValue(); this._width=(String)values[9]; this._height=(String)values[10]; this.forceToRenderAsTableInWML = ((Boolean) values[11]).booleanValue(); this.addLineTop = ((Boolean) values[12]).booleanValue(); this.addLinesBetween = ((Boolean) values[13]).booleanValue(); this.addLinesBottom = ((Boolean) values[14]).booleanValue(); this.addLineLeft = ((Boolean) values[15]).booleanValue(); this.addVerticalLinesBetween = ((Boolean) values[16]).booleanValue(); this.addLineRight = ((Boolean) values[17]).booleanValue(); this.lineColor = (String) values[18]; this.lineHeight = (String) values[19]; this.lineWidth = (String) values[20]; this.lineColspan = ((Integer)values[21]).intValue(); this.lineRows = (int[])values[22]; this.lineCols = (int[])values[23]; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) */ public Object saveState(FacesContext context) { Object values[] = new Object[24]; values[0] = super.saveState(context); values[1] = new Integer(this.cols); values[2] = new Integer(this.rows); values[3] = this.beginMergedxpos; values[4] = this.beginMergedypos; values[5] = this.endMergedxpos; values[6] = this.endMergedypos; values[7] = Boolean.valueOf(this.isResizable); values[8] = Boolean.valueOf(this.cellsAreMerged); values[9] = this._width; values[10] = this._height; values[11] = Boolean.valueOf(this.forceToRenderAsTableInWML); values[12] = Boolean.valueOf(this.addLineTop); values[13] = Boolean.valueOf(this.addLinesBetween); values[14] = Boolean.valueOf(this.addLinesBottom); values[15] = Boolean.valueOf(this.addLineLeft); values[16] = Boolean.valueOf(this.addVerticalLinesBetween); values[17] = Boolean.valueOf(this.addLineRight); values[18] = this.lineColor; values[19] = this.lineHeight; values[20] = this.lineWidth; values[21] = new Integer(this.lineColspan); values[22] = this.lineRows; values[23] = this.lineCols; return values; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.component.UIComponent#processRestoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) */ public void processRestoreState(FacesContext fc, Object arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.processRestoreState(fc, arg1); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.component.UIComponent#processSaveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) */ public Object processSaveState(FacesContext arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.processSaveState(arg0); } /* * End JSF SPECIFIC IMPLEMENTAION METHODS */ /** * @param forceToRenderAsTableInWML The forceToRenderAsTableInWML to set. */ public void setToForceToRenderAsTableInWML(boolean forceToRenderAsTableInWML) { this.forceToRenderAsTableInWML = forceToRenderAsTableInWML; } //debug: public void _main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception{ super._main(iwc); } }