/* * $Id: IWCacheManager.java,v 1.38 2007/05/10 22:34:28 thomas Exp $ * Created in 2001 by Tryggvi Larusson * * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Idega software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.idegaweb; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.idega.data.CacheableEntity; import com.idega.data.GenericEntity; import com.idega.data.IDOEntity; import com.idega.data.IDOHome; import com.idega.data.IDOLegacyEntity; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.repository.data.RefactorClassRegistry; import com.idega.repository.data.Singleton; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.StringHandler; import com.idega.util.caching.Cache; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; /** * <p> * Class used to manage caches in idegaWeb. This manages the cache system * that can be used by com.idega.presentation.Block and suclasses to store * fragments of their rendering output in memory. * </p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 idega software<br/> * Last modified: $Date: 2007/05/10 22:34:28 $ by $Author: thomas $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @deprecated Replaced with IWCacheManager2 * @version $Revision: 1.38 $ */ @Deprecated public class IWCacheManager implements Singleton { private static final String IW_CACHEMANAGER_KEY = "iw_cachemanager"; public static final String IW_ROOT_CACHE_DIRECTORY = "iw_cache"; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(IWCacheManager.class.getName()); //private static IWCacheManager instance; private Map objectsMap; private Map timesMap; private Map intervalsMap; private Map entityMaps; private Map entityMapsKeys; private Map _keysMap; private IWCacheManagerEventClient iwCacheManagerEventClient = null; private static final long CACHE_NEVER_EXPIRES = -1; private IWCacheManager() { iwCacheManagerEventClient = new IWCacheManagerEventClient(this); } public static synchronized IWCacheManager getInstance(IWMainApplication iwma){ IWCacheManager iwcm = (IWCacheManager)iwma.getAttribute(IW_CACHEMANAGER_KEY); if(iwcm==null){ iwcm = new IWCacheManager(); iwma.setAttribute(IW_CACHEMANAGER_KEY,iwcm); } return iwcm; } /*public static IWCacheManager getInstance(){ if(instance==null){ instance = new IWCacheManager(); } return instance; }*/ public boolean isCacheValid(String key){ if(isNull(key)){ //System.out.println(" CacheKey is null "); return false; } else{ long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long invalidation = getTimeOfInvalidation(key); //System.out.println("Current : "+currentTime); //System.out.println("Invalidation: "+invalidation); if ( invalidation == CACHE_NEVER_EXPIRES ) { //System.out.println(" cache never expires "); return true; } else if (currentTime > invalidation) { //System.out.println(" currentTime > invalidation "); return false; } else{ //System.out.println(" currentTime <= invalidation "); return true; } } } private boolean isNull(String key){ return !getObjectsMap().containsKey(key); } public void invalidateCache(String key){ iwCacheManagerEventClient.invalidateCache(key); removeCache(key, null); } public void invalidateCacheWithPartialKey(String key, String partialKey) { iwCacheManagerEventClient.invalidateCacheWithPartialKey(key, partialKey); removeCache(key, partialKey); } private Map getKeysMap(){ if(this._keysMap==null){ this._keysMap=new HashMap(); } return this._keysMap; } public synchronized void registerDerivedKey(String key,String derivedKey){ List derived = (List) getKeysMap().get(key); if(derived==null){ derived=new Vector(); getKeysMap().put(key,derived); } derived.add(derivedKey); } public synchronized void setObject(String key,String derivedKey, Object object,long cacheInterval){ registerDerivedKey(key,derivedKey); setObject(derivedKey,object,cacheInterval); } private synchronized void setObject(String key, Object object,long cacheInterval){ getObjectsMap().put(key,object); getTimesMap().put(key,getCurrentTime()); if (cacheInterval < 1) { cacheInterval = CACHE_NEVER_EXPIRES; } getIntervalsMap().put(key,new Long(cacheInterval)); } public Object getObject(String key){ Object theReturn = getObjectsMap().get(key); return theReturn; } private Long getCurrentTime(){ return new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()); } private long getTimeOfInvalidation(String key){ long interval = getCacheingInterval(key); if (interval == CACHE_NEVER_EXPIRES) { return interval; } else { return getTimeOfCacheing(key)+interval; } } private long getTimeOfCacheing(String key){ Long time = (Long)getTimesMap().get(key); if(time!=null){ return time.longValue(); } else{ return 0; } } private long getCacheingInterval(String key){ Long time = (Long)getIntervalsMap().get(key); if(time!=null){ return time.longValue(); } else{ return 0; } } private synchronized void removeCache(String key, String partialKey){ if (partialKey == null) { removeFromGlobalCache(key); } Map map = getKeysMap(); List derived = (List)map.get(key); if(derived!=null){ Iterator iter = derived.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String item = (String)iter.next(); if (partialKey == null) { removeFromGlobalCache(item); } else { if (item.indexOf(partialKey) != -1) { removeFromGlobalCache(item); } } } } } private void removeFromGlobalCache(String key){ getObjectsMap().remove(key); getTimesMap().remove(key); getIntervalsMap().remove(key); } private Map getTimesMap(){ if(this.timesMap==null){ this.timesMap = new HashMap(); } return this.timesMap; } private Map getObjectsMap(){ if(this.objectsMap==null){ this.objectsMap = new java.util.HashMap(); } return this.objectsMap; } private Map getIntervalsMap(){ if(this.intervalsMap==null){ this.intervalsMap = new HashMap(); } return this.intervalsMap; } //added by Eirikur Hrafnsson, eiki@idega.is public Cache getCachedBlobObject( String entityClassString, int id, IWMainApplication iwma){ return getCachedBlobObject(entityClassString, id, iwma, null); } public Cache getCachedBlobObject( String entityClassString, int id, IWMainApplication iwma, String datasource){ //check if this blob has already been cached Cache cache = (Cache) getObject(entityClassString+id+datasource); if( cache == null || !isBlobCached(cache)) {//if null cache it for next time cache = cacheBlob(entityClassString,id,iwma, datasource); } return cache; } /** * Checks if the blob object is really cached on disk * @param cache * @return true if the cached file exists */ private boolean isBlobCached(Cache cache){ java.io.File f = new java.io.File(cache.getRealPathToFile()); return f.exists(); } private Cache cacheBlob(String entityClassString, int id , IWMainApplication iwma, String datasource){ InputStream input = null; Cache cacheObject = null; try{ Class<? extends IDOEntity> entityClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(entityClassString); IDOHome home = IDOLookup.getHome(entityClass); if (datasource != null) { entityClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(entityClassString); home = IDOLookup.getHome(entityClass, datasource); } GenericEntity ent = (GenericEntity) home.findByPrimaryKeyIDO(new Integer(id)); input = ent.getInputStreamColumnValue(ent.getLobColumnName()); String realPath = iwma.getApplicationRealPath()+FileUtil.getFileSeparator()+IW_ROOT_CACHE_DIRECTORY; String appVPath = iwma.getApplicationContextURI(); String virtualPath; if( appVPath.endsWith("/")) { virtualPath = appVPath +IW_ROOT_CACHE_DIRECTORY; } else { virtualPath = appVPath +"/"+IW_ROOT_CACHE_DIRECTORY; } String fileName = ent.getID()+"_"+ent.getName(); fileName = TextSoap.findAndCut(fileName," ");//remove spaces fileName = StringHandler.stripNonRomanCharacters(fileName, new char[] {'_', '.', '0', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' }); if(input != null ){ FileUtil.streamToFile(input,realPath,fileName); cacheObject = new Cache(); cacheObject.setEntity(ent); cacheObject.setRealPathToFile(realPath+FileUtil.getFileSeparator()+fileName); cacheObject.setVirtualPathToFile(virtualPath+"/"+URLEncoder.encode(fileName));//used to url encode here setObject(entityClassString+id+datasource,cacheObject,0); } } catch( Exception e ){ log.severe(e.getMessage()); log.severe("IWCacheManager : error getting stream from blob"); } finally{ try{ if (input != null ) { input.close(); } } catch(IOException e){ log.severe(e.getMessage()); log.severe("IWCacheManager : error closing stream"); } } return cacheObject; } public static void deleteCachedBlobs(IWMainApplication iwma){ String realPath = iwma.getApplicationRealPath(); FileUtil.deleteAllFilesInDirectory( realPath+IW_ROOT_CACHE_DIRECTORY ); } /** caches a whole table. Must be of type CacheableEntity**/ public void cacheTable(CacheableEntity entity){ cacheTable(entity,entity.getCacheKey()); } /** caches a single entity of type IDOEntity **/ public void cacheEntity(IDOEntity entity, String cacheKey){ if( this.entityMaps == null ){ this.entityMaps = new HashMap(); } this.entityMaps.put(cacheKey, entity); } public IDOLegacyEntity getCachedEntity(String cacheKey){ if( this.entityMaps != null ){ return (IDOLegacyEntity) this.entityMaps.get(cacheKey); } else { return null; } } public void removeCachedEntity(String cacheKey){ iwCacheManagerEventClient.removeCachedEntity(cacheKey); if( this.entityMaps != null ){ this.entityMaps.remove(cacheKey); } } /** caches a whole table and specifies which column to use for a key. Must be of type CacheableEntity**/ public void cacheTable(CacheableEntity entity, String columnNameForKey){ cacheTable(entity,columnNameForKey,null); } public void removeTableFromCache(Class entityClass){ iwCacheManagerEventClient.removeTableFromCache(entityClass); if( this.entityMaps != null ){ this.entityMaps.remove(entityClass); if( this.entityMapsKeys != null ) { this.entityMapsKeys.remove(entityClass); } } } public Map getCachedTableMap(Class entityClass){ if( this.entityMaps!=null ){ return (Map) this.entityMaps.get(entityClass); } else { return null; } } public void cacheTable(CacheableEntity entity, String columnNameForKey ,String columnNameForSecondKey){ if( this.entityMaps == null ){ this.entityMaps = new HashMap(); this.entityMapsKeys = new HashMap(); } if( this.entityMaps.get(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity)) == null ){ Map entityMap = new HashMap(); Vector keys = new Vector(); IDOLegacyEntity[] e; try { e = entity.findAll(); if( (e!= null) && (e.length>0) ){ boolean hasTwoKeys = false; //store key names for update, insert and delete keys.addElement(columnNameForKey); if( columnNameForSecondKey != null ){ keys.addElement(columnNameForSecondKey); hasTwoKeys = true; } this.entityMapsKeys.put(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity),keys); //traverse through the table and make the entitymap and put it in the master map for (int i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { if(hasTwoKeys){ entityMap.put(StringHandler.concatAlphabetically(e[i].getStringColumnValue(columnNameForKey),e[i].getStringColumnValue(columnNameForSecondKey)),e[i]); } else{ entityMap.put(e[i].getStringColumnValue(columnNameForKey),e[i]); } } this.entityMaps.put(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity),entityMap); //done! } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } public IDOLegacyEntity getFromCachedTable(Class entityClass, String value ){ IDOLegacyEntity entity = null; if( this.entityMaps != null ){ Map entityMap = getEntityMap(entityClass); if( entityMap != null ){ entity = (IDOLegacyEntity) entityMap.get(value); } } else { System.out.println("IWCacheManager entityMaps is null!"); } return entity; } public IDOLegacyEntity getFromCachedTable(Class entityClass, String value, String value2 ){ return getFromCachedTable(entityClass, StringHandler.concatAlphabetically(value,value2)); } public Map getEntityMap(Class entityClass){ Map entityMap = null; if( this.entityMaps != null ){ Class entityBeanClass = this.getCorrectClassForEntity(entityClass); entityMap = (Map) this.entityMaps.get(entityBeanClass); }//else System.out.println("IWCacheManager entityMaps is null!"); return entityMap; } public Vector getEntityKeyVector(Class entityClass){ Vector entityKeys = null; if( this.entityMapsKeys != null ){ entityKeys = (Vector) this.entityMapsKeys.get(entityClass); } return entityKeys; } public void updateFromCachedTable(IDOLegacyEntity entity){ Vector keys = getEntityKeyVector(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity)); if( keys!=null ){ int length = keys.size(); if(length==2){ getEntityMap(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity)).put(StringHandler.concatAlphabetically(entity.getStringColumnValue((String) keys.elementAt(0)),entity.getStringColumnValue((String) keys.elementAt(1))),entity); } else{ getEntityMap(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity)).put(entity.getStringColumnValue((String) keys.elementAt(0)),entity); } } } public void deleteFromCachedTable(IDOLegacyEntity entity){ Vector keys = getEntityKeyVector(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity)); if( keys!=null ){ int length = keys.size(); if(length==2){ getEntityMap(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity)).remove(StringHandler.concatAlphabetically(entity.getStringColumnValue((String) keys.elementAt(0)),entity.getStringColumnValue((String) keys.elementAt(1)))); } else{ getEntityMap(getCorrectClassForEntity(entity)).remove(entity.getStringColumnValue((String) keys.elementAt(0))); } } } public void insertIntoCachedTable(IDOLegacyEntity entity){ updateFromCachedTable(entity); } private Class getCorrectClassForEntity(IDOLegacyEntity entityInstance){ return getCorrectClassForEntity(entityInstance.getClass()); } private Class getCorrectClassForEntity(Class entityBeanOrInterfaceClass){ return com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getInterfaceClassFor(entityBeanOrInterfaceClass); } /** * Clears all caching in for all objects */ public void clearAllCaches(){ iwCacheManagerEventClient.clearAllCaches(); this.log.info("Clearing all IWCacheManager cache"); this._keysMap=null; this.entityMaps=null; this.entityMapsKeys=null; this.intervalsMap=null; this.objectsMap=null; this.timesMap=null; } /** * Unloads the instance from the application (typically called on shutdown) */ public void unload(IWMainApplication iwma){ iwma.removeAttribute(IW_CACHEMANAGER_KEY); clearAllCaches(); } public Map getCacheMap(){ return getObjectsMap(); } }