package com.idega.util; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; /** * Title: A class for formatting presentation of Dates * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class CustomDateFormat { private static DateFormat swedishDateFormat; private CustomDateFormat() { } private static DateFormat getSwedishDateTimeFormat(){ if(swedishDateFormat==null){ swedishDateFormat= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } return swedishDateFormat; } /** * Accepts a java.util.Date object * @return A formatted version of the date with time **/ public static String formatDateTime(Date date, Locale locale) { return getDateTimeInstance(locale).format(date); } /** * Accepts an input Locale * @return A default DateFormat instance for the locale **/ public static DateFormat getDateTimeInstance(Locale locale){ if (locale.equals(LocaleUtil.getSwedishLocale())) { return getSwedishDateTimeFormat(); } else{ return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(2, 2, locale); } } public static void main(String[] args) { test(args); } public static void test(String[] args) { String localeString = null; try { localeString = args[0]; } catch (RuntimeException rme) { } if (localeString == null) { localeString = "sv_SE"; } System.out.println( "Output: " + formatDateTime(new Date(), LocaleUtil.getLocale(localeString))); } }