package com.idega.presentation.ui; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.el.ValueExpression; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.PresentationUtil; import com.idega.util.StringUtil; import com.idega.util.WebUtil; import com.idega.util.expression.ELUtil; /** * @author <a href="">Valdas Žemaitis</a> * @version $Revision: 1.14 $ * * Date (range) picker * * Last modified: $Date: 2009/03/17 13:14:59 $ by $Author: laddi $ */ public class IWDatePicker extends TextInput { @Autowired private JQuery jQuery; private Date date = null; private Date dateTo = null; private Date maxDate = null; private Date minDate = null; private boolean dateRange = false; private String yearRange = null; private boolean useCurrentDateIfNotSet = true; private boolean showCalendarImage = true; private String onSelectAction = null; private String inputName = null; private String imageURI = null; private String dateRangeSeparator = " - "; private boolean showYearChange = false; private boolean showMonthChange = false; private boolean showTime; private String alternateFieldId = null; private static final String INITIAL_DATE_PROPERTY = "initialDate"; private static final String INITIAL_DATE_TO_PROPERTY = "initialDateTo"; private static final String MAX_DATE_PROPERTY = "maxDate"; private static final String MIN_DATE_PROPERTY = "minDate"; private static final String INPUT_NAME_PROPERTY = "inputName"; private static final String DATE_RANGE_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY = "dateRangeSeparator"; private static final String SHOW_DATE_RANGE_PROPERTY = "showDateRange"; private static final String SHOW_CALENDAR_IMAGE_PROPERTY = "showCalendarImage"; private static final String SHOW_IMAGE_URI_PROPERTY = "imageURI"; private static final String SHOW_MONTH_PROPERTY = "showMonth"; private static final String SHOW_YEAR_PROPERTY = "showYear"; private static final String SHOW_TIME_PROPERTY = "showTime"; private static final String USE_CURRENT_PROPERTY = "useCurrent"; private static final String YEAR_RANGE_PROPERTY = "yearRange"; private static final String DATEPICKER_VERSION_PROPERTY = "version"; private static final String ALTERNATE_FIELD_PROPERTY = "alternateFieldId"; private String version; /** * Constructs a new <code>TextInput</code> with the name "untitled". */ public IWDatePicker() { this("untitled"); } /** * Constructs a new <code>TextInput</code> with the given name. */ public IWDatePicker(String name) { super(); setInputName(name); } @Override public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException { ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression(INITIAL_DATE_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { Date date = (Date) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setDate(date); } ve = getValueExpression(INITIAL_DATE_TO_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { Date date = (Date) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setDateTo(date); } ve = getValueExpression(MAX_DATE_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { Date date = (Date) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setMaxDate(date); } ve = getValueExpression(MIN_DATE_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { Date date = (Date) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setMinDate(date); } ve = getValueExpression(INPUT_NAME_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { String name = (String) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setInputName(name); } ve = getValueExpression(YEAR_RANGE_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { String yearRange = (String) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setYearRange(yearRange); } ve = getValueExpression(DATE_RANGE_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { String dateRangeSeperator = (String) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setDateRangeSeparator(dateRangeSeperator); } ve = getValueExpression(SHOW_DATE_RANGE_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { boolean showDateRange = ((Boolean) ve.getValue(context.getELContext())).booleanValue(); setDateRange(showDateRange); } ve = getValueExpression(SHOW_MONTH_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { boolean showMonth = ((Boolean) ve.getValue(context.getELContext())).booleanValue(); setShowMonthChange(showMonth); } ve = getValueExpression(SHOW_YEAR_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { boolean showYear = ((Boolean) ve.getValue(context.getELContext())).booleanValue(); setShowYearChange(showYear); } ve = getValueExpression(SHOW_TIME_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { boolean showTime = ((Boolean) ve.getValue(context.getELContext())).booleanValue(); setShowTime(showTime); } ve = getValueExpression(SHOW_CALENDAR_IMAGE_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { boolean showCalendarImage = ((Boolean) ve.getValue(context.getELContext())).booleanValue(); setShowCalendarImage(showCalendarImage); } ve = getValueExpression(SHOW_IMAGE_URI_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { String imageURI = (String) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); setImageURI(imageURI); } ve = getValueExpression(USE_CURRENT_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { boolean useCurrent = ((Boolean) ve.getValue(context.getELContext())).booleanValue(); setUseCurrentDateIfNotSet(useCurrent); } ve = getValueExpression(DATEPICKER_VERSION_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { String version = (String) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(version)) { setVersion(version); } } ve = getValueExpression(ALTERNATE_FIELD_PROPERTY); if (ve != null) { String version = (String) ve.getValue(context.getELContext()); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(version)) { setAlternateFieldId(version); } } super.encodeBegin(context); } @Override public void main(IWContext iwc) { if (inputName == null) { inputName = this.getId(); } setName(inputName); Locale locale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.ENGLISH; } String language = locale.getLanguage(); IWTimestamp iwDate = null; IWTimestamp iwDateTo = null; boolean setManualDate = false; if (date == null && useCurrentDateIfNotSet) { date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); setManualDate = true; } if (date != null) { iwDate = new IWTimestamp(date); if (isDateRange() && setManualDate) { iwDate.setDay(1); } } if (iwDate != null) { StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(WebUtil.getLocalizedDate(iwDate, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), isShowTime())); if (isDateRange()) { iwDateTo = dateTo == null ? new IWTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) : new IWTimestamp(dateTo); value.append(dateRangeSeparator); if (isShowTime()) value.append(iwDateTo.getLocaleDateAndTime(locale, IWTimestamp.SHORT, IWTimestamp.SHORT)); else value.append(iwDateTo.getLocaleDate(locale, IWTimestamp.SHORT)); } setValue(value.toString()); } boolean canUseLocalizedText = language != null && !CoreConstants.EMPTY.equals(language) && !Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage().equals(language); StringBuffer initAction = new StringBuffer("jQuery('#").append(this.getId()).append("').datepicker({"); // Is date range? initAction.append("rangeSelect: ").append(isDateRange()).append(", rangeSeparator: '").append(dateRangeSeparator).append("', "); // Default date initAction.append("defaultDate: ").append(iwDate == null ? "null" : new StringBuilder("new Date(").append(iwDate.getYear()).append(", ") .append(iwDate.getMonth() - 1).append(", ").append(iwDate.getDay()).append(")").toString()); // Show month/year select initAction.append(", changeMonth: ").append(isChangeMonth()).append(", changeYear: ").append(isChangeYear()); if (getYearRange() != null) { initAction.append(", yearRange: ").append("'" + getYearRange() + "'"); } // Max date if (getMaxDate() != null) { IWTimestamp maxDate = new IWTimestamp(getMaxDate()); initAction.append(", maxDate: ").append(new StringBuilder("new Date(").append(maxDate.getYear()).append(", ").append(maxDate.getMonth() - 1).append(", ") .append(maxDate.getDay()).append(")").toString()); } // Min date if (getMinDate() != null) { IWTimestamp maxDate = new IWTimestamp(getMinDate()); initAction.append(", minDate: ").append(new StringBuilder("new Date(").append(maxDate.getYear()).append(", ").append(maxDate.getMonth() - 1).append(", ") .append(maxDate.getDay()).append(")").toString()); } // Calendar image if (isShowCalendarImage()) { String imageURI = getImageURI(); if (imageURI == null) { imageURI = getBundle(iwc).getVirtualPathWithFileNameString("calendar.gif"); } initAction.append(", showOn: 'button', buttonImage: '").append(imageURI).append("', buttonImageOnly: true"); } if (isShowTime()) { initAction.append(", showTime: true"); } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(getAlternateFieldId())) { initAction.append(", altField: '" + getAlternateFieldId() + "'"); } // onSelect action if (onSelectAction != null) { initAction.append(", onSelect: function() {").append(onSelectAction).append("}"); } initAction.append(", buttonText: '").append(getResourceBundle(iwc).getLocalizedString("select_date", "Select date")).append("'"); // Localization if (canUseLocalizedText) { initAction.append(", regional: ['").append(language).append("']"); } initAction.append("});"); // Initialization action if (!CoreUtil.isSingleComponentRenderingProcess(iwc)) { initAction = new StringBuffer("jQuery(window).load(function() {").append(initAction.toString()).append("});"); } PresentationUtil.addJavaScriptActionToBody(iwc, initAction.toString()); // Resources addRequiredLibraries(iwc, canUseLocalizedText ? language : null); } private void addRequiredLibraries(IWContext iwc, String language) { List<String> scripts = new ArrayList<String>(); JQuery jQuery = getJQuery(); scripts.add(jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryLib()); scripts.add(jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryUILib(JQueryUIType.UI_CORE)); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(getVersion())) { scripts.add(jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryUILib(JQueryUIType.UI_DATEPICKER)); } else { scripts.add(jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryUILib(getVersion(), "ui.datepicker.js")); } if (language != null) { scripts.add(jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryUILib("1.8.17/i18n", "ui.datepicker-" + language + ".js")); } PresentationUtil.addJavaScriptSourcesLinesToHeader(iwc, scripts); PresentationUtil.addStyleSheetToHeader(iwc, jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryUILib("1.10.3/themes/base", "ui.core.css")); PresentationUtil.addStyleSheetToHeader(iwc, jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryUILib("1.10.3/themes/base", "ui.theme.css")); PresentationUtil.addStyleSheetToHeader(iwc, jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryUILib("1.10.3/themes/base", "ui.datepicker.css")); } @Override public String getBundleIdentifier() { return CoreConstants.CORE_IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public boolean isDateRange() { return dateRange; } public void setDateRange(boolean dateRange) { this.dateRange = dateRange; } public Date getDate() { return date; } public void setDate(Date date) { = date; } public boolean isUseCurrentDateIfNotSet() { return useCurrentDateIfNotSet; } public void setUseCurrentDateIfNotSet(boolean useCurrentDateIfNotSet) { this.useCurrentDateIfNotSet = useCurrentDateIfNotSet; } public boolean isShowCalendarImage() { return showCalendarImage; } public void setShowCalendarImage(boolean showCalendarImage) { this.showCalendarImage = showCalendarImage; } private boolean isChangeYear() { return this.showYearChange; } public void setShowYearChange(boolean showYearChange) { this.showYearChange = showYearChange; } public String getYearRange() { return yearRange; } public void setYearRange(String yearRange) { this.yearRange = yearRange; } private boolean isChangeMonth() { return this.showMonthChange; } public void setShowMonthChange(boolean showMonthChange) { this.showMonthChange = showMonthChange; } public String getOnSelectAction() { return onSelectAction; } public void setOnSelectAction(String onSelectAction) { this.onSelectAction = onSelectAction; } public String getInputName() { return inputName; } public void setInputName(String inputName) { this.inputName = inputName; } public Date getDateTo() { return dateTo; } public void setDateTo(Date dateTo) { this.dateTo = dateTo; } public String getDateRangeSeparator() { return dateRangeSeparator; } public void setDateRangeSeparator(String dateRangeSeparator) { this.dateRangeSeparator = dateRangeSeparator; } public Date getMaxDate() { return maxDate; } public void setMaxDate(Date maxDate) { this.maxDate = maxDate; } public Date getMinDate() { return minDate; } public void setMinDate(Date minDate) { this.minDate = minDate; } JQuery getJQuery() { if (jQuery == null) { ELUtil.getInstance().autowire(this); } return jQuery; } public boolean isShowTime() { return showTime; } public void setShowTime(boolean showTime) { this.showTime = showTime; } public String getImageURI() { return imageURI; } public void setImageURI(String imageURI) { this.imageURI = imageURI; } public String getVersion() { return version; } public void setVersion(String version) { this.version = version; } public String getAlternateFieldId() { return alternateFieldId; } public void setAlternateFieldId(String alternateFieldId) { this.alternateFieldId = alternateFieldId; } }