package rts.units; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.jdom.Element; /** * \brief All of the unit definitions * @author Jeff Bernard * */ public class UnitDefinitionManager { // the definitions // first listing is neutral army, so it's shifted player+1 public ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> > resource_defs; public ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> > unit_defs; public ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> > building_defs; public ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitUpgrade> > unit_upgrades; public ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitUpgrade> > building_upgrades; public ArrayList<Integer> resource_scores; /**< how many points each resource type gets you */ /** * Loads the unit definitions from xml * @param xmlRoot */ public UnitDefinitionManager(Element xmlRoot) { resource_defs = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> >(); unit_defs = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> >(); building_defs = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> >(); unit_upgrades = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitUpgrade> >(); building_upgrades = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitUpgrade> >(); resource_scores = new ArrayList<Integer>(); resource_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); unit_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); building_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); unit_upgrades.add(new ArrayList<UnitUpgrade>()); building_upgrades.add(new ArrayList<UnitUpgrade>()); Element resources = xmlRoot.getChild("resources"); Element units = xmlRoot.getChild("units"); Element buildings = xmlRoot.getChild("buildings"); Element upgrades = xmlRoot.getChild("upgrades"); // add resources for (int i = 0; i < resources.getChildren().size(); i++) { Element child = (Element)resources.getChildren().get(i); if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) { UnitDefinition resource = new UnitDefinition(); resource.is_resources = true; resource.harvest_speed = getInt(child, "harvest_time"); resource.harvest_amt = getInt(child, "harvest_amt"); resource.label = child.getAttributeValue("label"); resource.resources_type = resource_defs.get(0).size(); resource_defs.get(0).add(resource); resource_scores.add(getInt(child, "score")); } } // get unit definitions for (int i = 0; i < units.getChildren().size(); i++) { Element child = (Element)units.getChildren().get(i); if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("unit-def")) { UnitDefinition unit = new UnitDefinition(resourceTypes()); unit.label = child.getAttributeValue("label"); for (int j = 0; j < child.getChildren().size(); j++) { Element stat = (Element)child.getChildren().get(j); if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cost")) { for (int k = 0; k < stat.getChildren().size(); k++) { Element cost = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (cost.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) { int resourceType = getInt(cost, "type"); if (resourceType >= 0 && resourceType < resourceTypes()) { unit.cost.set(resourceType, getInt(cost, "cost")); } } } } else if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("stats")) { unit.hp = getInt(stat, "hp"); = getInt(stat, "vision"); unit.attack_range = getInt(stat, "attack_range"); unit.attack_min = getInt(stat, "attack_min"); unit.attack_max = getInt(stat, "attack_max"); unit.attack_speed = getInt(stat, "attack_time"); unit.produce_speed = getInt(stat, "produce_time"); unit.move_speed = getInt(stat, "move_time"); unit.is_worker = Boolean.parseBoolean(stat.getAttributeValue("is_worker")); unit.is_flying = Boolean.parseBoolean(stat.getAttributeValue("is_flying")); unit.type = unit_defs.get(0).size(); } } unit_defs.get(0).add(unit); } } // get building definitions for (int i = 0; i < buildings.getChildren().size(); i++) { Element child = (Element)buildings.getChildren().get(i); if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("building-def")) { UnitDefinition building = new UnitDefinition(resourceTypes()); building.is_building = true; building.label = child.getAttributeValue("label"); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(child.getAttributeValue("stockpile"))) { building.is_stockpile_building = true; } for (int j = 0; j < child.getChildren().size(); j++) { Element stat = (Element)child.getChildren().get(j); if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cost")) { for (int k = 0; k < stat.getChildren().size(); k++) { Element cost = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (cost.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) { int resourceType = getInt(cost, "type"); if (resourceType >= 0 && resourceType < resourceTypes()) { building.cost.set(resourceType, getInt(cost, "cost")); } } } } else if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("stats")) { building.hp = getInt(stat, "hp"); = getInt(stat, "vision"); building.produce_speed = getInt(stat, "produce_time"); building.type = building_defs.get(0).size(); } else if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("produce")) { for (int k = 0; k < stat.getChildren().size(); k++) { Element produce = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (produce.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("unit")) { int unitType = getInt(produce, "type"); if (unitType >= 0 && unitType < unit_defs.get(0).size()) { building.produces.add(unitType); } } } } } building_defs.get(0).add(building); } } // get upgrades if (upgrades != null) { for (int i = 0; i < upgrades.getChildren().size(); i++) { Element child = (Element)upgrades.getChildren().get(i); if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("unit-upgrade")) { // upgrade a unit UnitDefinition changes = new UnitDefinition(resourceTypes()); ArrayList<Integer> cost = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int j = 0; j < resourceTypes(); j++) { cost.add(0); } for (int j = 0; j < child.getChildren().size(); j++) { Element stat = (Element)child.getChildren().get(j); if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cost")) { for (int k = 0; k < stat.getChildren().size(); k++) { Element resource_cost = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (resource_cost.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) { int resourceType = getInt(resource_cost, "type"); if (resourceType >= 0 && resourceType < resourceTypes()) { cost.set(resourceType, getInt(resource_cost, "cost")); } } } } else if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("changes")) { for (int k = 0; k < stat.getChildren().size(); k++) { Element change = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (change.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("stats")) { changes.hp = getInt(change, "hp"); = getInt(change, "vision"); changes.produce_speed = getInt(change, "produce_speed"); changes.attack_range = getInt(change, "attack_range"); changes.attack_min = getInt(change, "attack_min"); changes.attack_max = getInt(change, "attack_max"); changes.move_speed = getInt(change, "move_speed"); changes.attack_speed = getInt(change, "attack_speed"); } else if (change.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cost")) { for (int l = 0; l < stat.getChildren().size(); l++) { Element resource_cost = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (resource_cost.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) { int resourceType = getInt(resource_cost, "type"); if (resourceType >= 0 && resourceType < resourceTypes()) { changes.cost.set(resourceType, getInt(resource_cost, "cost")); } } } } } } } unit_upgrades.get(0).add(new UnitUpgrade(changes, cost, getInt(child, "time"), getInt(child, "type"))); } else if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("building-upgrade")) { // upgrade a building UnitDefinition changes = new UnitDefinition(resourceTypes()); ArrayList<Integer> cost = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int j = 0; j < resourceTypes(); j++) { cost.add(0); } for (int j = 0; j < child.getChildren().size(); j++) { Element stat = (Element)child.getChildren().get(j); if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cost")) { for (int k = 0; k < stat.getChildren().size(); k++) { Element resource_cost = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (resource_cost.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) { int resourceType = getInt(resource_cost, "type"); if (resourceType >= 0 && resourceType < resourceTypes()) { cost.set(resourceType, getInt(resource_cost, "cost")); } } } } else if (stat.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("changes")) { for (int k = 0; k < stat.getChildren().size(); k++) { Element change = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (change.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("stats")) { changes.hp = getInt(change, "hp"); = getInt(change, "vision"); changes.produce_speed = getInt(change, "produce_speed"); } else if (change.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cost")) { for (int l = 0; l < stat.getChildren().size(); l++) { Element resource_cost = (Element)stat.getChildren().get(k); if (resource_cost.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) { int resourceType = getInt(resource_cost, "type"); if (resourceType >= 0 && resourceType < resourceTypes()) { changes.cost.set(resourceType, getInt(resource_cost, "cost")); } } } } } } } building_upgrades.get(0).add(new UnitUpgrade(changes, cost, getInt(child, "time"), getInt(child, "type"))); } } } } /** * Returns how many resource types there are * @return */ public int resourceTypes() { return resource_defs.get(0).size(); } /** * Makes a new resource field * @param units the unit list to add this to * @param stats the stats list to add this to * @param type * @param player * @param x * @param y * @param amount */ public void makeResource(ArrayList<Unit> units, ArrayList<UnitStats> stats, int type, int player, int x, int y, int amount) { if (type >= 0 && type < resourceTypes()) { UnitStats resource_stats = new UnitStats(player, x, y, resource_defs.get(player+1).get(type)); resource_stats.resources = amount; Unit resource = new Unit(resource_stats); units.add(resource); stats.add(resource_stats); } } /** * Makes a new unit * @param units * @param stats * @param type * @param player * @param x * @param y */ public void makeUnit(ArrayList<Unit> units, ArrayList<UnitStats> stats, int type, int player, int x, int y) { if (type >= 0 && type < unit_defs.get(player+1).size()) { UnitStats unit_stats = new UnitStats(player, x, y, unit_defs.get(player+1).get(type)); Unit unit = new Unit(unit_stats); units.add(unit); stats.add(unit_stats); } else { System.out.println(type+" is not a valid unit type"); } } /** * Makes a new building * @param units * @param stats * @param type * @param player * @param x * @param y */ public void makeBuilding(ArrayList<Unit> units, ArrayList<UnitStats> stats, int type, int player, int x, int y) { if (type >= 0 && type < building_defs.get(player+1).size()) { UnitStats unit_stats = new UnitStats(player, x, y, building_defs.get(player+1).get(type)); Unit unit = new Unit(unit_stats); units.add(unit); stats.add(unit_stats); } } /** * Sets the number of players * @param players how many players there are */ public void setPlayers(int players) { for (int i = 0; i < players; i++) { resource_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); unit_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); building_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); unit_upgrades.add(new ArrayList<UnitUpgrade>()); building_upgrades.add(new ArrayList<UnitUpgrade>()); for (int j = 0; j < resource_defs.get(0).size(); j++) { resource_defs.get(i+1).add(resource_defs.get(0).get(j).clone()); } for (int j = 0; j < unit_defs.get(0).size(); j++) { unit_defs.get(i+1).add(unit_defs.get(0).get(j).clone()); } for (int j = 0; j < building_defs.get(0).size(); j++) { building_defs.get(i+1).add(building_defs.get(0).get(j).clone()); } for (int j = 0; j < unit_upgrades.get(0).size(); j++) { unit_upgrades.get(i+1).add(unit_upgrades.get(0).get(j).clone()); } for (int j = 0; j < building_upgrades.get(0).size(); j++) { building_upgrades.get(i+1).add(unit_upgrades.get(0).get(j).clone()); } } } /** * gets an int from the xml * @param e * @param attr * @return */ private int getInt(Element e, String attr) { try { return Integer.parseInt(e.getAttributeValue(attr)); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { return 0; } } /** * Returns the score for a unit * @param unit * @return */ public int getScore(UnitStats unit) { int score = 0; for (int i = 0; i < unit.definition.cost.size(); i++) { score += resource_scores.get(i)*unit.definition.cost.get(i); } return score; } /** * Gets a copy of the unit definitions for the specified player * @param player which player * @return */ public ArrayList<UnitDefinition> getCopyOfUnits(int player) { ArrayList<UnitDefinition> defs = new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>(); if (player >= 0 && player < unit_defs.size()) { player++; for (int i = 0; i < unit_defs.get(player).size(); i++) { defs.add(unit_defs.get(player).get(i).clone()); } } return defs; } /** * Gets a copy of the building definitions for the specified player * @param player which player * @return */ public ArrayList<UnitDefinition> getCopyOfBuildings(int player) { ArrayList<UnitDefinition> defs = new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>(); if (player >= 0 && player < building_defs.size()) { player++; for (int i = 0; i < building_defs.get(player).size(); i++) { defs.add(building_defs.get(player).get(i).clone()); } } return defs; } /** * Executes a unit upgrade * @param player * @param upgrade_id * @return */ public boolean upgrade(int player, int upgrade_id) { player++; if (player >= 0 && player < unit_upgrades.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < unit_upgrades.get(player).size(); i++) { UnitUpgrade upgrade = unit_upgrades.get(player).get(i); if (upgrade.getID() == upgrade_id) { upgrade.upgrade(unit_defs.get(player).get(upgrade.getUnit())); unit_upgrades.get(player).remove(i); return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < building_upgrades.get(player).size(); i++) { UnitUpgrade upgrade = building_upgrades.get(player).get(i); if (upgrade.getID() == upgrade_id) { upgrade.upgrade(building_defs.get(player).get(upgrade.getUnit())); building_upgrades.get(player).remove(i); return true; } } } return false; } private UnitDefinitionManager() { } /** * * @return */ public UnitDefinitionManager copy() { UnitDefinitionManager u = new UnitDefinitionManager(); u.resource_defs = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> >(); u.unit_defs = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> >(); u.building_defs = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitDefinition> >(); u.unit_upgrades = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitUpgrade> >(); u.building_upgrades = new ArrayList<ArrayList<UnitUpgrade> >(); u.resource_scores = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < resource_defs.size(); i++) { u.resource_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); for (int j = 0; j < resource_defs.get(i).size(); j++) { u.resource_defs.get(i).add(resource_defs.get(i).get(j).clone()); } } for (int i = 0; i < unit_defs.size(); i++) { u.unit_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); for (int j = 0; j < unit_defs.get(i).size(); j++) { u.unit_defs.get(i).add(unit_defs.get(i).get(j).clone()); } } for (int i = 0; i < building_defs.size(); i++) { u.building_defs.add(new ArrayList<UnitDefinition>()); for (int j = 0; j < building_defs.get(i).size(); j++) { u.building_defs.get(i).add(building_defs.get(i).get(j).clone()); } } for (int i = 0; i < unit_upgrades.size(); i++) { u.unit_upgrades.add(new ArrayList<UnitUpgrade>()); for (int j = 0; j < unit_upgrades.get(i).size(); j++) { u.unit_upgrades.get(i).add(unit_upgrades.get(i).get(j).clone()); } } for (int i = 0; i < building_upgrades.size(); i++) { u.building_upgrades.add(new ArrayList<UnitUpgrade>()); for (int j = 0; j < building_upgrades.get(i).size(); j++) { u.building_upgrades.get(i).add(building_upgrades.get(i).get(j).clone()); } } for (int i = 0; i < resource_scores.size(); i++) { u.resource_scores.add(resource_scores.get(i)); } return u; } }