package project.phase2.ll1parsergenerator; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import project.phase2.file.FileIO; /** * Parses rules from grammar file * */ public class RuleParser { public static String[] predef; public static LinkedList<Rule> rules; /** * Adds the default terminals to the rule list. Also initializes the rules * list. */ private static void initializeTerminals() { rules = new LinkedList<Rule>(); addTerminal("E"); addTerminal("REGEX"); addTerminal("ASCII-STR"); addTerminal("ID"); } /** * Adds a terminal * * @param s */ private static void addTerminal(String s) { Rule r = new Rule(s); r.setTerminal(true); rules.add(r); } /** * parses the input scanner to generate the set of rules. The input scanner * must have the predefined symbols, start state, and grammar as specified. * * @param string */ public static List<Rule> parse(String path) { Scanner input = null; try { input = new Scanner(FileIO.readEntireFile(new File(path))); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String line = null; initializeTerminals(); // Remove leading blank lines up to the predefines variables line = input.nextLine(); while (line.length() < 9 || line.substring(0, 9).compareTo("%% Tokens") != 0) { line = input.nextLine(); } // Predefined token line line = input.nextLine(); while (line.compareTo("") == 0) line = input.nextLine(); predefined(line); // Remove any leading space before start section line = input.nextLine(); while (line.length() < 8 || line.substring(0, 8).compareTo("%% Start") != 0) { line = input.nextLine(); } // start symbol line = input.nextLine(); while (line.compareTo("") == 0) line = input.nextLine(); String start = line; // removing any leading space before rules section line = input.nextLine(); while (line.length() < 8 || line.substring(0, 8).compareTo("%% Rules") != 0) { line = input.nextLine(); } // Rules begin. readRules(input); // Set start rule boolean found = false; for (Rule r : rules) { if (r.getName().compareTo(start) == 0) { r.setStart(true); found = true; } } if (!found) { System.out.println("Start state is " + start + " but no such rule found."); System.exit(0); } for (Rule r : rules) { if (r.getName().compareTo("E") == 0) { //TODO epsilon symbol, also change it in LL1Parser r.setName(null); } } return rules; } /** * Splits a line into the rule's name and production. * * @param s * @return */ private static String[] splitLine(String s) { String[] s2 = new String[2]; s2[0] = ""; s2[1] = ""; int i = 0; if (s == null || s.compareTo("") == 0) return null; if (s.charAt(0) == '%') return null; while (s.charAt(i) != '=') { if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) s2[0] += s.charAt(i); i++; } i++; while (i < s.length()) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) s2[1] += s.charAt(i); i++; } return s2; } /** * Reads in the predefined symbol line. * * @param s */ private static void predefined(String s) { boolean t; Rule r; String s2 = ""; int i = 0; while (i < s.length()) { if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') { t = true; for (Rule r2 : rules) { if (r2.getName().compareTo(s2) == 0) t = false; } if (t && s2.length() >= 1) { r = new Rule(s2); r.setTerminal(true); rules.add(r); } s2 = ""; i++; } else { s2 += s.charAt(i); i++; } } if (s2.length() >= 1) { r = new Rule(s2); r.setTerminal(true); rules.add(r); } } /** * Reads the rules recursively. This is so all rule names can be read before * any production rules are consumed. * * @param input */ private static void readRules(Scanner input) { if (!input.hasNext()) return; String[] line = splitLine(input.nextLine()); Rule r = null; LinkedList<Rule> production = new LinkedList<Rule>(); if (line == null) { readRules(input); } else { for (Rule r2 : rules) { if (r2.getName().compareTo(line[0]) == 0) { r = r2; } } if (r == null) { r = new Rule(line[0]); rules.add(r); } readRules(input); while (line[1].length() != 0) { if (line[1].charAt(0) == ' ') { line[1] = line[1].substring(1); } else if (line[1].charAt(0) == '|') { line[1] = line[1].substring(1); r.addProductionRule(production.toArray(new Rule[production .size()])); production = new LinkedList<Rule>(); } else { line[1] = matchRule(line[1], production); } } r.addProductionRule(production.toArray(new Rule[production.size()])); } return; } /** * Matches a rule name in the production rule to a rule in the list. * * @param s * @param production * @return */ private static String matchRule(String s, LinkedList<Rule> production) { Rule longestFound = null; String ruleName; for (Rule r : rules) { ruleName = r.getName(); if (ruleName.length() <= s.length() && ruleName.compareTo(s.substring(0, ruleName.length())) == 0) { if (longestFound == null) longestFound = r; else if (ruleName.length() > longestFound.getName().length()) { longestFound = r; } } } if (longestFound == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot be matched: " + s); } s = s.substring(longestFound.getName().length()); production.add(longestFound); return s; } }