package func.nn.backprop; /** * A soft max layer in a back propagation network * that can be used with a standard error measure * for multi class probability in the output layer * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class BackPropagationSoftMaxOutputLayer extends BackPropagationLayer { /** * @see nn.FeedForwardLayer#feedforward() */ public void feedforward() { // feed forward to calculate // the weighted input sums super.feedforward(); // trick stolen from Torch library for preventing overflows double shift = ((BackPropagationNode) getNode(0)).getWeightedInputSum(); for (int i = 0; i < getNodeCount(); i++) { BackPropagationNode node = (BackPropagationNode) getNode(i); shift = Math.max(shift, node.getWeightedInputSum()); } // now override the activation values // by caculating it ourselves // with the softmax formula double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < getNodeCount(); i++) { BackPropagationNode node = (BackPropagationNode) getNode(i); node.setActivation( Math.exp(node.getWeightedInputSum() - shift)); sum += node.getActivation(); } for (int i = 0; i < getNodeCount(); i++) { BackPropagationNode node = (BackPropagationNode) getNode(i); node.setActivation(node.getActivation() / sum); } } }