package project.phase2.ll1parsergenerator; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import project.phase2.ll1parsergenerator.dfastuff.Parser; /** * The representation of an LL1Parser. * */ public class LL1Parser { /** * The names for some special cased tokens (epsilon, reg ex, ascii string, * id). */ public static final String EPSILON = null; public static final String REG_EX = "REGEX"; public static final String ASCII = "ASCII-STR"; public static final String ID = "ID"; /** * Whether or not the scanning DFA should be minimized. This will * significantly increase preprocessing time. */ public static boolean MINIMIZE_SCANNER = true; /** * The ending token used to tell us that we are done parsing. */ public static final String END = "$"; /** * The rules representation. */ private Map<String, Rule> mRules; /** * The transition table. */ private Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> mParseTable; /** * The valid tokens scanner for this parser. */ private DFAScanner mScanner; /** * The start rule. */ private String mStartRule; // // CTOR // public LL1Parser() { mRules = new HashMap<String, Rule>(); mParseTable = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Integer>>(); mScanner = new DFAScanner(MINIMIZE_SCANNER); String letters = "[a-zA-Z]"; String numbers = "[0-9]"; String anything = "[" + (char) 0x20 + "-" + (char) 0x7e + "]"; String ascii = "\\\"([^\"] IN " + anything + ")*\\\""; mScanner.addRegex(ascii, ASCII); String regex = "\\\'([^\'] IN " + anything + ")*\\\'"; mScanner.addRegex(regex, REG_EX); String id = letters; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { id = id + "((" + letters + "|" + numbers + "|_)"; } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { id = id + "|)"; } mScanner.addRegex(id, ID); mScanner.addRegex(END, END); } // // PUBLIC METHODS // /** * Adds the given rule to the parser. * * @param rule * the rule to add. */ public String addRule(Rule rule) { String name = rule.getName(); if (rule.isTerminal()) { if (name == EPSILON || name.equals(ASCII) || name.equals(END) || name.equals(ID) || name.equals(REG_EX)) return null; String newName = name; int added = 0; for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Parser.escape.length; j++) { if (Parser.escape[j] == name.charAt(i)) { newName = newName.substring(0, i + added) + "\\" + name.substring(i); added++; } } } mScanner.addRegex(newName, name); return null; } if (mRules.containsKey(name)) return null; mRules.put(name, rule); mParseTable.put(name, new HashMap<String, Integer>()); return name; } /** * Adds the given rule selection criteria to the parse table. * * @param selection * rules to be added to the parse table. */ public void addRuleSelection(RuleSelection selection) { if (mParseTable.containsKey(selection.mRuleName)) { Rule rule = mRules.get(selection.mRuleName); if ((selection.mRule >= 0) && (selection.mRule < rule.getRules().length)) { if (mParseTable.get(selection.mRuleName).containsKey( selection.mToken)) { System.out .println("Warning: Ambiguous grammar detected on: (" + selection.mRuleName + ", \"" + selection.mToken + "\"). Results may not be correct to grammar specifications."); } mParseTable.get(selection.mRuleName).put(selection.mToken, selection.mRule); } } } /** * Sets the given rule as the start rule. * * @param rule * the rule to set as the start rule. */ public void setStartRule(Rule rule) { mStartRule = rule.getName(); } /** * Parses the given file and returns an abstract syntax tree for the file. * * @param stream * the stream to parse. * @return an abstract syntax tree. * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ public AST<String> parse(InputStream stream) throws IOException, ParseException { ParseStack p = new ParseStack(); return p.parse(stream); } /** * Returns a string representation of this parser. * * @return a string representation. */ public String toString() { String ret = "LL1Parser:(\nRules:[\n"; for (Rule rule : mRules.values()) { String currName = rule.getName(); for (Rule[] prod : rule.getRules()) { ret = ret + currName + "->"; for (Rule elt : prod) { ret += elt.getName() + " "; } ret = ret.trim(); ret += ",\n"; } } ret = ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 2); ret += "],\n"; ret += "\nParse Table:[\n"; for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> ruleName : mParseTable .entrySet()) { String currName = ruleName.getKey(); ret += currName + ": {"; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> transition : ruleName.getValue() .entrySet()) { ret += currName + "-" + transition.getKey() + "->" + transition.getValue() + ", "; } ret = ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 2); ret += "},\n"; } ret = ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 2); ret += "])"; return ret; } // // INNER CLASS // /** * Provides an easy interface for representing an entry in the parse table. */ public static class RuleSelection { // // CLASS/INSTANCE DATA // /** * The rule name this selection applies to. */ private String mRuleName; /** * The token to transition on. */ private String mToken; /** * The rule to transition to. */ private int mRule; // // CTOR // public RuleSelection(String name, String token, int rule) { mRuleName = name; mToken = token; mRule = rule; } } /** * Helper class used during parsing. */ private class ParseStack extends InputStream { // // CLASS/INSTANCE DATA // /** * The back-end stack that this class manages. */ private Stack<Rule> mStack; /** * The abstract syntax tree that this class builds during parsing. */ private AST<String> mResult; /** * The item being read. */ private InputStreamReader mStream; /** * Used in the case that a token needs to be put back into the stream. * Tokens will be retrieved in reverse order that they */ private String mBuffer; /** * The character location in the stream. */ private int mLocation; /** * The line location in the stream. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int mLine; // // PUBLIC METHODS // /** * Parses the given input stream and returns the abstract syntax tree. * * @param stream * the stream to parse. * @return the resultant tree. */ public AST<String> parse(InputStream stream) throws IOException, ParseException { mStream = new InputStreamReader(stream); mBuffer = ""; mStack = new Stack<Rule>(); Rule endRule = new Rule(END); endRule.setTerminal(true); mStack.push(endRule); mStack.push(mRules.get(mStartRule)); mResult = new AST<String>(); mResult.setRoot(parse()); char next = getNextCharacter(); Rule r = mStack.pop(); if (r.getName().equals(END) && Character.toString(next).equals(END)) return mResult; else if (mStream.ready()) throw new ParseException( "Finished parsing with content remaining in the file.", mLocation); else if (!mStack.empty()) throw new ParseException("Input ended unexpectedly.", mLocation); else throw new ParseException("An unexpected error occured.", mLocation); } // // PRIVATE METHODS // private char getNextCharacter() throws IOException, ParseException { char next; if (mBuffer.length() > 0) { next = mBuffer.charAt(0); if (next != (char) -1) mBuffer = mBuffer.substring(1); else return next; } else { next = (char); if (next == (char) -1) { next = '$'; mBuffer = ((char) -1) + mBuffer; } } mLocation++; if (next == '\n') { mLine++; } return next; } private void replaceCharacter(char c) { mBuffer = c + mBuffer; mLocation--; if (c == '\n') { mLine--; } } private ASTNode<String> parse() throws IOException, ParseException { Rule currRule = mStack.pop(); if (currRule.isTerminal()) { String currName = currRule.getName(); ASTNode<String> ret; if (currName == EPSILON) { ret = new ASTNode<String>(EPSILON); ret.setTerminal(true); return ret; } // Remove leading whitespace. Character next; while (Character.isWhitespace((next = getNextCharacter())) && (next != (char) -1)) ; int backTrack = 1; if (currName.equals(END)) { if (!END.equals("" + next)) throw new ParseException( "Expected end of input. Instead got: " + Character.toString(next), mLocation - backTrack); return null; } else if (currName.equals(ASCII)) { if (next != '\"') throw new ParseException( "Expected ASCII string enclosed with \"\"\".", mLocation - backTrack); String asc = ""; while ((next = getNextCharacter()) != '\"' && (next != (char) -1)) { asc += next; backTrack++; } if (next == (char) -1) throw new ParseException( "Expected ASCII string enclosed with \"\"\".", mLocation - backTrack); ret = new ASTNode<String>(asc); ret.setTerminal(true); return ret; } else if (currName.equals(REG_EX)) { if (next != '\'') throw new ParseException( "Expected regular expression enclosed with \"\'\".", mLocation - backTrack); String reg = ""; while ((next = getNextCharacter()) != '\'' && (next != (char) -1)) { reg += next; backTrack++; } if (next == (char) -1) throw new ParseException( "Expected regular expression enclosed with \"\'\".", mLocation - backTrack); // Create our DFA that we will need to recognize the // content. try { Parser.fromString(reg); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException( "An error occured while parsing the given regular expression: " + reg, mLocation - backTrack); } ret = new ASTNode<String>(reg); ret.setTerminal(true); return ret; } else if (currName.equals(ID)) { if (!Character.isLetter(next)) throw new ParseException( "Identifiers must begin with a letter.", mLocation - backTrack); String id = "" + next; while ((id.length() < 10) && (Character .isLetterOrDigit((next = getNextCharacter())) || next == '_')) { id += next; } // Replace a character if we determined it was not part of // our identifier. if (!(Character.isLetterOrDigit(next) || next == '_')) replaceCharacter(next); ret = new ASTNode<String>(id); ret.setTerminal(true); return ret; } else { String curr = "" + next; while (curr.length() < currName.length()) { curr += getNextCharacter(); backTrack++; } if (!curr.equals(currName)) throw new ParseException( "Unexpected token encounterd: " + curr + "; Expected: " + currName, mLocation - backTrack); ret = new ASTNode<String>(curr); ret.setTerminal(true); return ret; } } else { String type = determineNextTokenType(); if (!mParseTable.get(currRule.getName()).containsKey(type)) { throw new ParseException( "No Grammar Rule Found for Token Type: " + type, mLocation); } else { int rule = mParseTable.get(currRule.getName()).get(type); Rule[] prodRule = currRule.getRules()[rule]; for (int i = 0; i < prodRule.length; i++) { mStack.push(prodRule[prodRule.length - (i + 1)]); } ASTNode<String> ret = new ASTNode<String>( currRule.getName()); for (int i = 0; i < prodRule.length; i++) { ret.insert(parse()); } if ("<file-names>".equals(currRule.getName())) { String src = ret.getChildren().get(0).getChildren() .get(0).getValue(); String dest = ret.getChildren().get(2).getChildren() .get(0).getValue(); if (src.equals(dest)) throw new ParseException( "Source and destination file same in Replace or Recursive Replace.", mLocation); } else if (prodRule.length > 0 && "recursivereplace".equals(prodRule[0].getName())) { String regex = ret.getChildren().get(1).getValue(); String ascii = ret.getChildren().get(3).getValue(); if (regex.equals(ascii)) throw new ParseException( "Replace detection and replace target are same in Recursive Replace.", mLocation); } return ret; } } } private String determineNextTokenType() throws IOException, ParseException { // Remove leading whitespace. Character next; while (Character.isWhitespace((next = getNextCharacter())) && (next != (char) -1)) ; replaceCharacter(next); String nextToken; try { nextToken = mScanner.labelToken(this); } catch (ParseException ex) { String rep = mScanner.getBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < rep.length(); i++) { replaceCharacter(rep.charAt(rep.length() - (i + 1))); } throw new ParseException("Token Unrecognized by Scanner: " + ex.getMessage(), mLocation); } String rep = mScanner.getBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < rep.length(); i++) { replaceCharacter(rep.charAt(rep.length() - (i + 1))); } String[] identifiers = nextToken.split("\\+"); boolean selected = false; if (identifiers.length > 1) { for (String s : identifiers) { if (!s.equals(ID)) { selected = true; nextToken = s; break; } } if (!selected) nextToken = identifiers[0]; } return nextToken; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ @Override public int read() throws IOException { try { return getNextCharacter(); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw new IOException( "Error while attempting to determine next token.", ex); } } } }