package dist; import shared.Copyable; import shared.DataSet; import shared.Instance; import util.linalg.CholeskyFactorization; import util.linalg.DenseVector; import util.linalg.Matrix; import util.linalg.RectangularMatrix; import util.linalg.Vector; /** * A multivariate gaussian distribution * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class MultivariateGaussian extends AbstractDistribution implements Copyable { /** * The default floor */ private static final double FLOOR = .01; /** * The change in floor */ private static final double FLOOR_CHANGE = 10; /** * The mean of the gaussian */ private Vector mean; /** * The covariance matrix */ private Matrix covarianceMatrix; /** * The decomposition of the covariance */ private CholeskyFactorization decomposition; /** * The determinant */ private double determinant; /** * The minimum allowed value in the covariance matrices */ private double floor; /** * Whether to print lots of stuff out */ private boolean debug; /** * Make a new multivariate gaussian * @param mean the mean * @param covariance the covariance */ public MultivariateGaussian(Vector mean, Matrix covariance, double floor) { this.mean = mean; this.covarianceMatrix = covariance; this.floor = floor; decomposition = new CholeskyFactorization(covariance); determinant = decomposition.determinant(); } /** * Make a new multivariate gaussian * @param mean the mean * @param covariance the covariance */ public MultivariateGaussian(Vector mean, Matrix covariance) { this(mean, covariance, 0); } /** * Make a new multivariate gaussian * @param floor the floor value */ public MultivariateGaussian(double floor) { this.floor = floor; } /** * Make a new multivariate gaussian */ public MultivariateGaussian() { } /** * @see dist.Distribution#probabilityOf(shared.Instance) */ public double p(Instance i) { Vector d = i.getData(); Vector dMinusMean = d.minus(mean); double p = 1/Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2*Math.PI, mean.size())* determinant) * Math.exp(-.5 * dMinusMean.dotProduct(decomposition.solve(dMinusMean))); return p; } /** * Calculate the log likelihood * @param i the instance * @return the log likelihood */ public double logp(Instance i) { Vector d = i.getData(); Vector dMinusMean = d.minus(mean); double p = Math.log(1/Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2*Math.PI, mean.size())* determinant)) - .5 * dMinusMean.dotProduct(decomposition.solve(dMinusMean)); return p; } /** * @see dist.Distribution#generateRandom(shared.Instance) */ public Instance sample(Instance ignored) { Vector r = new DenseVector(mean.size()); for (int i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) { r.set(i, random.nextGaussian()); } return new Instance(decomposition.getL().times(r).plus(mean)); } /** * @see dist.Distribution#generateMostLikely(shared.Instance) */ public Instance mode(Instance ignored) { return new Instance((Vector) mean.copy()); } /** * @see dist.Distribution#estimate(shared.DataSet) */ public void estimate(DataSet observations) { double weightSum = 0; // calculate mean mean = new DenseVector(observations.get(0).size()); for (int t = 0; t < observations.size(); t++) { double weight = observations.get(t).getWeight(); Vector d = observations.get(t).getData(); for (int i = 0; i < mean.size(); i++) { mean.set(i, mean.get(i) + d.get(i) * weight); } weightSum += weight; } mean.timesEquals(1/weightSum); // and covariance covarianceMatrix = new RectangularMatrix(mean.size(), mean.size()); for (int t = 0; t < observations.size(); t++) { Vector d = observations.get(t).getData(); double weight = observations.get(t).getWeight(); Vector dMinusMean = d.minus(mean); for (int i = 0; i < covarianceMatrix.m(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < covarianceMatrix.n(); j++) { covarianceMatrix.set(i,j, covarianceMatrix.get(i,j) + dMinusMean.get(i) * dMinusMean.get(j) * weight); } } } covarianceMatrix.timesEquals(1/weightSum); boolean scale = false; for (int i = 0; i < covarianceMatrix.m(); i++) { if (covarianceMatrix.get(i, i) < floor) { scale = true; } } if (scale) { for (int i = 0; i < covarianceMatrix.m(); i++) { covarianceMatrix.set(i, i, covarianceMatrix.get(i,i) + floor); } } // decompose the covariance matrix decomposition = new CholeskyFactorization(covarianceMatrix); determinant = decomposition.determinant(); // the matrix isn't positive if (determinant == 0 || Double.isNaN(determinant)) { if (debug) { System.out.println("Covariance matrix not positive, applying ridge adjustment"); System.out.println(covarianceMatrix); } if (floor == 0) { floor = FLOOR; } else { floor *= FLOOR_CHANGE; } // try again estimate(observations); } } public String toString() { return "mean =\n" + mean.toString() + "\ncovariance matrix =\n" + covarianceMatrix.toString(); } /** * Get the covariance matrix * @return the covariance matrix */ public Matrix getCovarianceMatrix() { return covarianceMatrix; } /** * Get the mean * @return the mean vector */ public Vector getMean() { return mean; } /** * Set the covariance matrix * @param matrix the matrix */ public void setCovarianceMatrix(Matrix matrix) { covarianceMatrix = matrix; } /** * Set the mean vector * @param vector the new mean */ public void setMean(Vector vector) { mean = vector; } /** * Whether to print out lots of stuff * @return true if we should */ public boolean isDebug() { return debug; } /** * Set the debug mode * @param b true if you want to see stuff printe dout */ public void setDebug(boolean b) { debug = b; } public Copyable copy() { return new MultivariateGaussian((Vector) mean.copy(), (Matrix) covarianceMatrix.copy(), floor); } }