package dist.hmm; import; import shared.DataSet; import shared.Instance; /** * The abstraction of a hidden markov model * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public interface HiddenMarkovModel extends Serializable { /** * Get the state count for this model * @return the number of states in the model */ public abstract int getStateCount(); /** * Sample a next state given the current state and input * @param i the current state * @param o the input value * @return the next state */ public abstract int sampleState(int i, Instance o); /** * Sample the initial state given the current state * @param o the input value * @return the initial state */ public abstract int sampleInitialState(Instance o); /** * Sample an input given the current observation * @param i the current state * @param o the input value * @return the sample observation */ public abstract Instance sampleObservation(int i, Instance o); /** * Get the initial state probability * @param i the initial state * @param o the initial observation * @return the probability */ public abstract double initialStateProbability(int i, Instance o); /** * Get the probability of transitioning from state i to state j, * with observation o * @param i the first state * @param j the second state * @param o the observation at state i * @return the probability */ public abstract double transitionProbability(int i, int j, Instance o); /** * Get the probability of observing o in state i * @param i the current state * @param o the observation * @param in the corresponding input * @return the probability */ public abstract double observationProbability( int i, Instance o); /** * Match the outputs in state i to the given expectaions for the given * sequence * @param i the state * @param expectations the expectations * @param sequence the sequence */ public abstract void estimateOutputDistribution( int i, DataSet sequence); /** * Match the initial state distribution to the given expectations * for the initial observation data * @param expectations [k][i] is the expected times in state i initially * for observation sequence k * @param observations the observation sequence */ public abstract void estimateIntialStateDistribution( double[][] expectations, DataSet observation); /** * Match the transitions in state i to the given expectations for the * transition observation data * @param i the start state * @param expectations the expected transitions [t][j] for time t to state j * @param sequence the transition observatiosn * @param sequence the observation sequence */ public abstract void estimateTransitionDistribution( int i, double[][] expectations, DataSet observations); }