package func.nn.backprop; import func.nn.Link; import func.nn.activation.DifferentiableActivationFunction; import func.nn.feedfwd.FeedForwardNode; /** * A back propagation node * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class BackPropagationNode extends FeedForwardNode { /** * The derivative of the error with respect to * the activation of this node. */ private double inputError; /** * The deriviative of the error with respect to * the activation of this node. */ private double outputError; /** * Create a new back propogation node * @param function the differentiable activation function * @param learningRate the learning rate * @param momentum the momentum */ public BackPropagationNode(DifferentiableActivationFunction function) { super(function); } /** * Back propagate error values. * For nodes that have output links, first * calculates the derivative of the error function * with respect to this node by finding the weighted * sum of the errors of nodes this node outputs to, * and multiplying that by the derivative of the activation * function applied to the weighted input sum. * For nodes with output links, simply moves the error * to the output (assuming that the appropriate error * function / activation function combination was * used). */ public void backpropagate() { if (getOutLinkCount() > 0) { double weightedErrorSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < getOutLinkCount(); i++) { BackPropagationLink outLink = (BackPropagationLink) getOutLink(i); weightedErrorSum += outLink.getWeightedOutError(); } setOutputError(weightedErrorSum); DifferentiableActivationFunction act = (DifferentiableActivationFunction) getActivationFunction(); setInputError(act.derivative(getWeightedInputSum()) * getOutputError()); } else { setInputError(getOutputError()); } } /** * Backpropagate error into the incoming links * from this node */ public void backpropagateLinks() { for (int i = 0; i < getInLinkCount(); i++) { BackPropagationLink inLink = (BackPropagationLink) getInLink(i); inLink.backpropagate(); } } /** * Update the incoming weights with the given rule * @param rule the rule to use */ public void updateWeights(WeightUpdateRule rule) { for (int i = 0; i < getInLinkCount(); i++) { BackPropagationLink inLink = (BackPropagationLink) getInLink(i); rule.update(inLink); } } /** * Set the error for this node with respect to * the output of the node * @param error the new error value */ public void setOutputError(double error) { outputError = error; } /** * Get the error for this node with respect * to the output of the node * @return the error */ public double getOutputError() { return outputError; } /** * Get the error for this node with respect to * the weighted input of the node * @return the error */ public double getInputError() { return inputError; } /** * Set the error with respect * to the weighted input of the node * @param error the error */ public void setInputError(double error) { inputError = error; } /** * Clears all of the error derivatives for * the incoming links. */ public void clearError() { for (int i = 0; i < getInLinkCount(); i++) { BackPropagationLink inLink = (BackPropagationLink) getInLink(i); inLink.clearError(); } } /** * @see nn.Node#createLink() */ public Link createLink() { return new BackPropagationLink(); } }