package opt.test; import func.nn.feedfwd.FeedForwardNetwork; import func.nn.feedfwd.FeedForwardNeuralNetworkFactory; import opt.OptimizationAlgorithm; import opt.RandomizedHillClimbing; import opt.example.NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem; import; import shared.*; /** * Based on the XORTest test class, this class uses a standard FeedForwardNetwork * and various optimization problems. * * See numbered explanations for what each piece of the method does to address * the neural network optimization problem. * * @author Jesse Rosalia <> * @date 2013-03-05 */ public class XORTestNoBackpropGeneticAlgo { /** * Tests out the perceptron with the classic xor test * @param args ignored */ public static void main(String[] args) { // 1) Construct data instances for training. These will also be run // through the network at the bottom to verify the output double[][][] data = { { { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { 0 } }, { { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 1 } }, { { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 1 } }, { { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0 } } }; Instance[] patterns = new Instance[data.length]; for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { patterns[i] = new Instance(data[i][0]); patterns[i].setLabel(new Instance(data[i][1])); } // 2) Instantiate a network using the FeedForwardNeuralNetworkFactory. This network // will be our classifier. FeedForwardNeuralNetworkFactory factory = new FeedForwardNeuralNetworkFactory(); // 2a) These numbers correspond to the number of nodes in each layer. // This network has 4 input nodes, 3 hidden nodes in 1 layer, and 1 output node in the output layer. FeedForwardNetwork network = factory.createClassificationNetwork(new int[] { 4, 3, 1 }); // 3) Instantiate a measure, which is used to evaluate each possible set of weights. ErrorMeasure measure = new SumOfSquaresError(); // 4) Instantiate a DataSet, which adapts a set of instances to the optimization problem. DataSet set = new DataSet(patterns); // 5) Instantiate an optimization problem, which is used to specify the dataset, evaluation // function, mutator and crossover function (for Genetic Algorithms), and any other // parameters used in optimization. NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem nno = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem( set, network, measure); // 6) Instantiate a specific OptimizationAlgorithm, which defines how we pick our next potential // hypothesis. Genetic Algorithm is used with a population of 10 and mating/mutating 2 per generation. OptimizationAlgorithm o = new StandardGeneticAlgorithm(10, 2, 2, nno); // 7) Instantiate a trainer. The FixtIterationTrainer takes another trainer (in this case, // an OptimizationAlgorithm) and executes it a specified number of times. FixedIterationTrainer fit = new FixedIterationTrainer(o, 5000); // 8) Run the trainer. This may take a little while to run, depending on the OptimizationAlgorithm, // size of the data, and number of iterations. fit.train(); // 9) Once training is done, get the optimal solution from the OptimizationAlgorithm. These are the // optimal weights found for this network. Instance opt = o.getOptimal(); network.setWeights(opt.getData()); //10) Run the training data through the network with the weights discovered through optimization, and // print out the expected label and result of the classifier for each instance. for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { network.setInputValues(patterns[i].getData());; System.out.println("~~"); System.out.println(patterns[i].getLabel()); System.out.println(network.getOutputValues()); } } }