package func.nn.backprop; import func.nn.feedfwd.FeedForwardNetwork; /** * A back propagation network * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class BackPropagationNetwork extends FeedForwardNetwork { /** * Backpropagte through the network. */ public void backpropagate() { ((BackPropagationLayer) getOutputLayer()).backpropagate(); for (int i = getHiddenLayerCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ((BackPropagationLayer) getHiddenLayer(i)).backpropagate();; } } /** * Clear out the error values at the end of a batch * or at the end of a single training for * stochastic / online training */ public void clearError() { ((BackPropagationLayer) getOutputLayer()).clearError(); for (int i = getHiddenLayerCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ((BackPropagationLayer) getHiddenLayer(i)).clearError();; } } /** * Update weights with the given rule * @param rule the rule to use to update weights */ public void updateWeights(WeightUpdateRule rule) { ((BackPropagationLayer) getOutputLayer()).updateWeights(rule); for (int i = getHiddenLayerCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ((BackPropagationLayer) getHiddenLayer(i)).updateWeights(rule);; } } /** * Set the output errors * @param errors the output errors */ public void setOutputErrors(double[] errors) { ((BackPropagationLayer) getOutputLayer()).setOutputErrors(errors); } }