package rts.units; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * \brief A general unit defintiion that could turn out to be anything * @author Jeff Bernard * */ public class UnitDefinition { // unit stats public ArrayList<Integer> cost; public int vision; public int attack_range; public int hp; public int attack_min, attack_max; public int produce_speed, move_speed, attack_speed; public boolean is_worker; public boolean is_flying; /**< flying units can move over obstructed terrain. Non-flying units can not */ public boolean is_resources; public boolean is_building; public boolean is_stockpile_building; public String label; public int resources_type; public int harvest_speed; public int harvest_amt; public ArrayList<Integer> produces; public ArrayList<Integer> unit_upgrades; public ArrayList<Integer> building_upgrades; public int type; public boolean active_player; /**< whether or not this is the active player */ /** * Creates a new definition */ public UnitDefinition() { cost = new ArrayList<Integer>(); produces = new ArrayList<Integer>(); unit_upgrades = new ArrayList<Integer>(); building_upgrades = new ArrayList<Integer>(); vision = 0; attack_range = 0; hp = 0; attack_min = 0; attack_max = 0; produce_speed = 0; move_speed = 0; attack_speed = 0; is_worker = false; is_flying = false; is_resources = false; is_building = false; is_stockpile_building = false; resources_type = 0; harvest_speed = 0; harvest_amt = 0; type = 0; active_player = false; } /** * Creates a new definition * @param resourceTypes how many types of resources there are */ public UnitDefinition(int resourceTypes) { this(); for (int i = 0; i < resourceTypes; i++) { cost.add(0); } } /** * Creates a clone of this unit definition * @return clone */ public UnitDefinition clone() { UnitDefinition def = new UnitDefinition(cost.size()); for (int i = 0; i < cost.size(); i++) { def.cost.set(i, cost.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < produces.size(); i++) { def.produces.add(produces.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < unit_upgrades.size(); i++) { def.unit_upgrades.add(unit_upgrades.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < building_upgrades.size(); i++) { def.building_upgrades.add(building_upgrades.get(i)); } = vision; def.attack_range = attack_range; def.hp = hp; def.attack_min = attack_min; def.attack_max = attack_max; def.produce_speed = produce_speed; def.move_speed = move_speed; def.attack_speed = attack_speed; def.is_worker = is_worker; def.is_flying = is_flying; def.is_resources = is_resources; def.is_building = is_building; def.is_stockpile_building = is_stockpile_building; def.resources_type = resources_type; def.active_player = false; def.label = label; def.harvest_amt = harvest_amt; def.harvest_speed = harvest_speed; def.type = type; return def; } /** * Returns a value in [attack_min, attack_max] * @return */ public int getDamage() { return attack_min+(int)(Math.random()*(attack_max-attack_min)); } }