package dist.hmm; import shared.DataSet; import shared.Instance; /** * An interface for state probalility functions * that represent the probabilty of transitioning to * a state and also the probability of starting in a state * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public interface StateDistribution { /** * Get the probability of the next state * @param nextState the next state * @param observ the observation * @return the probability */ public abstract double p(int nextState, Instance observ); /** * Generate the next state * @param o the observation * @return the next state */ public abstract int generateRandomState(Instance o); /** * Generate the most likely next state * @param o the observation * @return the next state */ public abstract int mostLikelyState(Instance o); /** * Match the given expectations and observations * @param expectations entry [k][j] is the probability of transitioning * from this state to state j correpsonding to observation k, k can be * seen as kind of like t all though it is not in practice since * observations is many sequences glued together * @param sequence the sequence of corresponding observations */ public abstract void estimate(double[][] expectations, DataSet sequence); }