package func.svm; import util.linalg.DenseVector; import util.linalg.Vector; import shared.DataSet; import shared.Instance; import shared.Trainer; /** * An implementation of the SMO algorithm. * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class SequentialMinimalOptimization implements Trainer { /** * The tolerance value */ private static final double TOLERANCE = 1e-4; /** * The error value */ private static final double EPS = 1e-4; /** * An about zero value */ private static final double ZERO = 1e-8; /** * The number of iterations */ private int iterations; /** * The instances */ private DataSet examples; /** * The kernel function */ private Kernel kernel; /** * The slack value, all alpha weights * must be between 0 and c inclusive */ private double c; /** * The weights on the support vectors */ private double[] a; /** * The threshold subtracted when * evaluating the support vector machine */ private double b; /** * The error cache which is the real output * - the expected output for non bound examples * (examples whose a value is not 0 or c) */ private double[] e; /** * The weight vector (for linear kernels) */ private Vector w; /** * Make a new SMO trainer * @param examples the instances to train on * @param kernel the kernel to use * @param c the slack value */ public SequentialMinimalOptimization(DataSet examples, Kernel kernel, double c) { this.c = c; this.kernel = kernel; this.examples = examples; // alpha values are initiallly zero a = new double[examples.size()]; // as is the threshold b = 0; // all the instances are initially bound // so the error caches is all zero as well e = new double[examples.size()]; // set up the kernel kernel.clear(); kernel.setExamples(examples); // set up the weight vector (if linear) if (kernel instanceof LinearKernel) { w = new DenseVector( new double[examples.get(0).size()]); } } /** * @see shared.Trainer#train() */ public double train() { // number of alpha values changed this iteration int numChanged = 0; // whether or not to loop through all examples boolean examineAll = true; // the main training loop while (numChanged > 0 | examineAll) { iterations++; numChanged = 0; if (examineAll) { // loop through all the examples for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (examine(i)) { numChanged++; } } } else { // loop through all non bounded for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!isBound(i) && examine(i)) { numChanged++; } } } // if we just examined all // we're either done or can // go back to only looking at non bounded examples // else if we didn't change anything // we should check everything if (examineAll) { examineAll = false; } else if (numChanged == 0) { examineAll = true; } } return 0; } /** * Get the created support vector machine * @return the support vector machine */ public SupportVectorMachine getSupportVectorMachine() { int supportVectorCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] != 0) { supportVectorCount++; } } Instance[] support = new Instance[supportVectorCount]; double[] supporta = new double[supportVectorCount]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] != 0) { support[j] = examples.get(i); supporta[j] = a[i]; j++; } } DataSet supportSet = new DataSet(support); supportSet.setDescription(examples.getDescription()); return new SupportVectorMachine(supportSet, supporta, kernel, b); } /** * Get the number of iterations performed * @return the number of iterations */ public int getNumberOfIterations() { return iterations; } /** * Examine an example * @param i the index of the example to examine * @return true if the example was changed */ private final boolean examine(int j) { // we first check the loose KTT conditions for the example double ej = error(j); double rj = ej * examples.get(j).getLabel().getPlusMinus(); // if it doesn't violate the loose KTT conditions // just return if (!((rj < -TOLERANCE && a[j] < c) || (rj > TOLERANCE && a[j] > 0))) { return false; } // first we look for a second choice index, i, to take a step with // if ej is positive we look for the smallest error ei if (ej > 0) { int i = -1; double ei = ej; for (int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { if (!isBound(k) && e[k] < ei) { ei = e[k]; i = k; } } // and try and take a optimization step if (i != -1 && takeStep(i, j, ej)) { return true; } } // if ej is negative we look for the largest ei if (ej < 0) { int i = -1; double ei = ej; for (int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { if (!isBound(k) && e[k] > ei) { ei = e[k]; i = k; } } // and try and take a optimization step if (i != -1 && takeStep(i, j, ej)) { return true; } } // if the second choice hueristic fails we look // at all non bound indices, starting from a random point int startI = (int) Math.random() * a.length; int i = startI; do { if (!isBound(i) && takeStep(i, j, ej)) { return true; } i = (i + 1) % a.length; } while (i != startI); // if that fails we look at all of the indices, starting from // a random point startI = (int) Math.random() * a.length; i = startI; do { if (takeStep(i, j, ej)) { return true; } i = (i + 1) % a.length; } while (i != startI); // we have failed to make progress return false; } /** * Perform the joint optimization on * two indices * @param i the first indice * @param j the second * @param ei the error for the second indice * @return true if we make progress */ private final boolean takeStep(int i, int j, double ej) { // the indices must be different if (i == j) { return false; } // the target values double yi = examples.get(i).getLabel().getPlusMinus(), yj = examples.get(j).getLabel().getPlusMinus(); // the new alpha values being computed double ai, aj; // the new threshold double bnew; // the upper and lower bounds of the line for aj double l, h; // the two target values multiplied together double s = yi * yj; // the error for the first index double ei = error(i); // depending on whether or not the target values are equal // compute the l and h with the appropriate formulas if (s < 0) { l = Math.max(0, a[j] - a[i]); h = Math.min(c, c + a[j] - a[i]); } else { l = Math.max(0, a[i] + a[j] - c); h = Math.min(c, a[i] + a[j]); } // no progress can be made if (l == h) { return false; } // compute the kernel values double kii = kernel.value(i, i); double kij = kernel.value(i, j); double kjj = kernel.value(j, j); // the second derivative of the objective function double eta = 2*kij - kii - kjj; // calculate the new aj // the normal case if (eta < 0) { // unconstrained max aj = a[j] - yj * (ei - ej) / eta; // clip it if (aj < l) { aj = l; } else if (aj > h) { aj = h; } } else { // the abnormal, case // actually calculate the objective function // at aj = l, and aj = h double fiold = ei + yi; double fjold = ej + yj; double vi = fiold + b - yi*a[i]*kii - yj*a[j]*kij; double vj = fjold + b - yi*a[i]*kij - yj*a[j]*kjj; double fl = a[i] + s*a[j] - s*l; double fh = a[i] + s*a[j] - s*h; double objl = fl + l - .5*kii*fl*fl - .5*kjj*l*l - s*kij*fl*l - yi*fl*vi - yj*l*vj; double objh = fh + h - .5*kii*fh*fh - .5*kjj*h*h - s*kij*fh*h - yi*fh*vi - yj*h*vj; if (objl > objh + EPS) { aj = l; } else if (objl < objh - EPS) { aj = h; } else { aj = a[j]; } } // make aj zero or c if it is close to it if (aj < ZERO) { aj = 0; } else if (aj > c - ZERO) { aj = c; } // if there's no progress if (Math.abs(aj - a[j]) < EPS*(aj + a[j] + EPS)) { return false; } // set the ai value ai = a[i] + s*(a[j] - aj); // make ai zero or c if it is close to it if (ai < ZERO) { ai = 0; } else if (ai > c - ZERO) { ai = c; } // calculate the new threshold if (ai > 0 && ai < c) { // ai is not bounded bnew = ei + yi*(ai - a[i])*kii + yj*(aj - a[j])*kij + b; } else if (aj > 0 && aj < c) { // aj is not bounded bnew = ej + yi*(ai - a[i])*kij + yj*(aj - a[j])*kjj + b; } else { // all values in the range are valid, use the middle double bi = ei + yi*(ai - a[i])*kii + yj*(aj - a[j])*kij + b; double bj = ej + yi*(ai - a[i])*kij + yj*(aj - a[j])*kjj + b; bnew = (bi + bj) / 2; } // i and j are either bound now or // should have their error set to zero in the cache if (ai > 0 && ai < c) { e[i] = 0; } if (aj > 0 && aj < c) { e[j] = 0; } // the deltas double ti = yi*(ai - a[i]); double tj = yj*(aj - a[j]); double tb = b - bnew; // update the linear vector if needed if (w != null) { w = examples.get(i).getData().times(ti).plus(w); w = examples.get(j).getData().times(tj).plus(w); } // update the error cache // for non bound examples not in the cache for (int k = 0; k < e.length; k++) { if (k != i && k != j && !isBound(k)) { e[k] += ti*kernel.value(i,k) + tj*kernel.value(j,k) + tb; } } // finally, set the a values and the threshold b = bnew; a[i] = ai; a[j] = aj; return true; } /** * Check if an index is bound * @param i the index to check * @return true if it is */ private final boolean isBound(int i) { return a[i] <= 0 || a[i] >= c; } /** * Calculate (or look up in the cached) * the error for an example * @param i the example to look up the error for * @return the error */ private final double error(int i) { // if it's not bound we use the error cache if (!isBound(i)) { return e[i]; } else { return evaluate(i) - examples.get(i).getLabel().getPlusMinus(); } } /** * Evaluate the support vector machine for an example * @param i the example to evaluate for * @return the evaulated value */ private final double evaluate(int i) { // quick linear case if (w != null) { return examples.get(i).getData().dotProduct(w) - b; } // non linear slow case double result = 0; for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) { if (a[j] != 0) { result += examples.get(j).getLabel().getPlusMinus() * a[j] * kernel.value(i, j); } } result -= b; return result; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { String ret = "b = " + b + "\n"; ret += "kernel = " + kernel + "\n"; ret += examples.toString(); return ret; } }