package ai.general; import java.util.ArrayList; import rts.GameState; import rts.units.Unit; import rts.units.UnitAction; /** * \brief A farm is a place where one can gather resources it should define pathways for farmers to take * @author Jeff Bernard * */ public class GeneralAIFarm extends GeneralAIObject { public static final int FARM_CLOSED = -1; /**< the farm is closed */ public static final int FARM_OPEN = -2; /**< the farm is open */ public static final int FARM_WALL_OPEN = -3; /**< the farm is open to fliers */ public static final int FARM_UNKNOWN = -4; /**< nobody knows what's going on at the farm !? */ public static final int FARMER_UP = 0; /**< the farmer in the up spot */ public static final int FARMER_DOWN = 1; /**< the farmer in the down spot */ public static final int FARMER_LEFT = 2; /**< the farmer in the left spot */ public static final int FARMER_RIGHT = 3; /**< the farmer in the right spot */ public Unit resources; /**< the resources unit */ public long[] farmers; /**< the guys farming */ public int[] _farmers; /**< the farmers original states */ /** * Constructs a new farm * @param rsrc the resources * @param ai the ai */ public GeneralAIFarm(Unit rsrc, GeneralAI ai) { resources = rsrc; farmers = new long[4]; // assumption, square grid _farmers = new int[4]; farmers[0] = FARM_UNKNOWN; farmers[1] = FARM_UNKNOWN; farmers[2] = FARM_UNKNOWN; farmers[3] = FARM_UNKNOWN; _farmers[0] = FARM_UNKNOWN; _farmers[1] = FARM_UNKNOWN; _farmers[2] = FARM_UNKNOWN; _farmers[3] = FARM_UNKNOWN; update_openings(ai); } /** * Returns whether or not this farm has an opening * @param unit the unit to check if the farm has an opening for * @return whether or not this farm has an opening */ public boolean has_opening(GeneralAIUnit unit) { if (farmers[FARMER_UP] == FARM_OPEN || (unit.stats.isFlying() && farmers[FARMER_UP] == FARM_WALL_OPEN)) { return true; } if (farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == FARM_OPEN || (unit.stats.isFlying() && farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == FARM_WALL_OPEN)) { return true; } if (farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == FARM_OPEN || (unit.stats.isFlying() && farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == FARM_WALL_OPEN)) { return true; } if (farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == FARM_OPEN || (unit.stats.isFlying() && farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == FARM_WALL_OPEN)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns whether or not there are any openings that don't require flying * @return whether or not there are any openings that don't require flying */ public boolean has_openings_strict() { if (farmers[FARMER_UP] == FARM_OPEN || farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == FARM_OPEN || farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == FARM_OPEN || farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == FARM_OPEN) { return true; } return false; } @Override /** * Orders a unit to interact with this object * @param unit the unit */ public void order_unit(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { //System.out.println(unit.stats.getID()+" working at farm #"+resources.getID()); if (unit.stats.getResources() == 0) { path_to_farm(unit, ai); } else { path_to_stockpile(unit, ai, unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn); } } /** * Plans a path to the farm * @param unit * @param ai */ private void path_to_farm(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { // check if we're already next to a farm for (int i = 0; i < unit.stats.getActions().size(); i++) { UnitAction action = unit.stats.getActions().get(i); if (action.getType() == UnitAction.HARVEST) { unit.addAction(action, ai.traffic_map, unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, ai.current_turn+resources.getHarvestSpeed()); return; } } // find the path to nearest opening ArrayList<Integer> openings = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int location = resources.getX()+resources.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(); // first check if this unit has already reserved a spot if (farmers[FARMER_UP] == unit.stats.getID()) { openings.add(location-ai.state.getMapWidth()); } else if (farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == unit.stats.getID()) { openings.add(location+ai.state.getMapWidth()); } else if (farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == unit.stats.getID()) { openings.add(location-1); } else if (farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == unit.stats.getID()) { openings.add(location+1); } if (openings.size() == 0) { if (farmers[FARMER_UP] == FARM_OPEN || (unit.stats.isFlying() && farmers[FARMER_UP] == FARM_WALL_OPEN)) { openings.add(location-ai.state.getMapWidth()); } if (farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == FARM_OPEN || (unit.stats.isFlying() && farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == FARM_WALL_OPEN)) { openings.add(location+ai.state.getMapWidth()); } if (farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == FARM_OPEN || (unit.stats.isFlying() && farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == FARM_WALL_OPEN)) { openings.add(location-1); } if (farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == FARM_OPEN || (unit.stats.isFlying() && farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == FARM_WALL_OPEN)) { openings.add(location+1); } } ArrayList<Integer[]> rpath = ai.get_path(unit.stats, unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, openings); if (rpath != null) { // is possible to reach goal boolean there = false; if (rpath.size() == 0) { rpath.add(new Integer[]{unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn}); there = true; } if (rpath.get(0)[0] == location-1) { //System.out.println("farming left"); farmers[FARMER_LEFT] = unit.stats.getID(); } else if (rpath.get(0)[0] == location+1) { //System.out.println("farming right"); farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] = unit.stats.getID(); } else if (rpath.get(0)[0] == location+ai.state.getMapWidth()) { //System.out.println("farming down"); farmers[FARMER_DOWN] = unit.stats.getID(); } else { //System.out.println("farming up"); farmers[FARMER_UP] = unit.stats.getID(); } // set order queue if (!there) { for (int i = rpath.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { //System.out.println("adding MOVE"); unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, rpath.get(i)[0]%ai.state.getMapWidth(), rpath.get(i)[0]/ai.state.getMapWidth(),-1), ai.traffic_map, rpath.get(i)[0], rpath.get(i)[1], rpath.get(i)[1]+unit.stats.getMoveSpeed()); } } int now_at = rpath.get(0)[0]; int now_start = rpath.get(0)[1]; //System.out.println("adding HARVEST"); unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.HARVEST, resources.getX(), resources.getY(), -1), ai.traffic_map, now_at, now_start, now_start+resources.getHarvestSpeed()); now_start += resources.getHarvestSpeed(); // after harvest, need to return to a stockpile path_to_stockpile(unit, ai, now_at, now_start); } else { // cannot reach this... //unit.clearActions(ai.traffic_map); //unit.object = null; } } /** * Plans a path to the nearest stockpile * @param unit * @param ai * @param now_at * @param now_start */ private void path_to_stockpile(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai, int now_at, int now_start) { // after harvest, need to return to a stockpile ArrayList<Integer> stockpiles = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < ai.units.size(); i++) { Unit u = ai.units.get(i).stats; if (u.isStockpile()) { stockpiles.add(u.getX()+u.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth()); } } ArrayList<Integer[]> rpath = ai.get_path(unit.stats, now_at, now_start, stockpiles); if (rpath != null) { boolean there = false; if (rpath.size() <= 1) { there = true; rpath.add(new Integer[]{now_at, now_start}); if (rpath.size() == 1) { rpath.add(new Integer[]{now_at, now_start}); } } if (!there) { for (int i = rpath.size()-1; i >= 1; i--) { //unit.actions.add(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, rpath.get(i)[0]%ai.state.getMapWidth(), rpath.get(i)[0]/ai.state.getMapWidth(),-1)); //System.out.println("adding MOVE"); unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, rpath.get(i)[0]%ai.state.getMapWidth(), rpath.get(i)[0]/ai.state.getMapWidth(),-1), ai.traffic_map, rpath.get(i)[0], rpath.get(i)[1], rpath.get(i)[1]+unit.stats.getMoveSpeed()); } now_start = rpath.get(1)[1]; now_at = rpath.get(1)[0]; } //unit.actions.add(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.RETURN, rpath.get(0)[0]%ai.state.getMapWidth(), rpath.get(0)[0]/ai.state.getMapWidth(), -1)); //System.out.println("adding RETURN"); unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.RETURN, rpath.get(0)[0]%ai.state.getMapWidth(), rpath.get(0)[0]/ai.state.getMapWidth(),-1), ai.traffic_map, now_at, now_start, now_start+UnitAction.DEFAULT_COOLDOWN); } else { } } @Override /** * Calculates the distance from the unit to this object * @param unit the unit * @param ai the ai * @return the distance */ public int distance(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { if (has_opening(unit)) { return((resources.getX()-unit.stats.getX())*(resources.getX()-unit.stats.getX())+(resources.getY()-unit.stats.getY())*(resources.getY()-unit.stats.getY())); } return GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE; } @Override public void action_succeeded(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai, int type) { if (type == UnitAction.RETURN) {,; } } @Override public void remove(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { // only remove this unit if it doesn't already have resources if (unit.stats.getResources() == 0) { //System.out.println(unit.stats.getID()+" was removed from farm #"+resources.getID()); if (farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == unit.stats.getID()) { farmers[FARMER_LEFT] = _farmers[FARMER_LEFT]; } else if (farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == unit.stats.getID()) { farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] = _farmers[FARMER_RIGHT]; } else if (farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == unit.stats.getID()) { farmers[FARMER_DOWN] = _farmers[FARMER_DOWN]; } else { farmers[FARMER_UP] = _farmers[FARMER_UP]; } //unit.actions.clear(); unit.clearActions(ai.traffic_map); unit.object = null; unit.remove_object = false; } else { //System.out.println(unit.stats.getID()+" should be removed from a farm #"+resources.getID()); unit.remove_object = true; } } @Override public void update_orders(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { // check if the spot we originally wanted to visit is no longer possible.... boolean removed = false; if (farmers[FARMER_UP] == unit.stats.getID()) { if (_farmers[FARMER_UP] == FARM_CLOSED) { removed = true; } } else if (farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == unit.stats.getID()) { if (_farmers[FARMER_DOWN] == FARM_CLOSED) { removed = true; } } else if (farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == unit.stats.getID()) { if (_farmers[FARMER_LEFT] == FARM_CLOSED) { removed = true; } } else if (farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == unit.stats.getID()) { if (_farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] == FARM_CLOSED) { removed = true; } } if (!removed) { unit.clearActions(ai.traffic_map); // because we need to issue a new traffic map order_unit(unit, ai); } else { remove(unit, ai); } } /** * Updates the openings at the farm * @param ai */ public void update_openings(GeneralAI ai) { // check if all spots are valid if (resources.getY() > 0) { // up might be open if (([(resources.getY()-1)*ai.state.getMapWidth()+resources.getX()]&(GameState.MAP_FOG|GameState.MAP_WALL|GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL)) != 0) { // up is a wall if (farmers[FARMER_UP] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_UP] = FARM_CLOSED; } _farmers[FARMER_UP] = FARM_CLOSED; } else { if (farmers[FARMER_UP] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_UP] = FARM_OPEN; } _farmers[FARMER_UP] = FARM_OPEN; } } else { // up is closed if (farmers[FARMER_UP] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_UP] = FARM_CLOSED; } _farmers[FARMER_UP] = FARM_CLOSED; } if (resources.getY() < ai.state.getMapHeight()-1) { // down might be open if (([(resources.getY()+1)*ai.state.getMapWidth()+resources.getX()]&(GameState.MAP_FOG|GameState.MAP_WALL|GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL)) != 0) { // up is a wall if (farmers[FARMER_DOWN] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_DOWN] = FARM_CLOSED; } _farmers[FARMER_DOWN] = FARM_CLOSED; } else { if (farmers[FARMER_DOWN] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_DOWN] = FARM_OPEN; } _farmers[FARMER_DOWN] = FARM_OPEN; } } else { // up is closed if (farmers[FARMER_DOWN] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_DOWN] = FARM_CLOSED; } _farmers[FARMER_DOWN] = FARM_CLOSED; } if (resources.getX() > 0) { // left might be open if (([resources.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth()+resources.getX()-1]&(GameState.MAP_FOG|GameState.MAP_WALL|GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL)) != 0) { // up is a wall if (farmers[FARMER_LEFT] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_LEFT] = FARM_CLOSED; } _farmers[FARMER_LEFT] = FARM_CLOSED; } else { if (farmers[FARMER_LEFT] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_LEFT] = FARM_OPEN; } _farmers[FARMER_LEFT] = FARM_OPEN; } } else { // up is closed if (farmers[FARMER_LEFT] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_LEFT] = FARM_CLOSED; } _farmers[FARMER_LEFT] = FARM_CLOSED; } if (resources.getX() < ai.state.getMapWidth()-1) { // right might be open if (([resources.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth()+resources.getX()+1]&(GameState.MAP_FOG|GameState.MAP_WALL|GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL)) != 0) { // up is a wall if (farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] = FARM_CLOSED; } _farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] = FARM_CLOSED; } else { if (farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] = FARM_OPEN; } _farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] = FARM_OPEN; } } else { // up is closed if (farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] < 0) { farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] = FARM_CLOSED; } _farmers[FARMER_RIGHT] = FARM_CLOSED; } } }