package rts; import gui.PhysicalGameStatePanel; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.JFrame; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import rts.units.UnitDefinitionManager; import ai.AI; /** * \package rts * \brief The RTS game engine */ /** * \brief Used to set up and run games between agents. * @author Jeff Bernard * */ public class Game { public static final int FOLLOW_ALL_TEAMS = -1; public GameState gs; /**< the current game state */ public PhysicalGameState pgs; /**< the current physical game state */ private ArrayList<AI> agents; /**< the ai agents playing the game */ private int turn_length; /**< how long (msec) a cycle should last */ private int max_game_cycles; /**< maximum number of cycles a game should be */ public int cycle; static private UnitDefinitionManager unit_definitions; /**< the unit definitions for each player */ private String level_xml; private String game_xml; /** * Loads the physical game state from XML * @param xml XML map file * @param gameXML game definition XML file * @param turn_time turn time limit in milliseconds * @param cycles max number of game cycles */ public Game(String xml, String gameXML, int turn_time, int cycles) { level_xml = xml; game_xml = gameXML; agents = new ArrayList<AI>(); resetGame(); turn_length = turn_time; max_game_cycles = cycles; } /** * Clones the game state so you can run simulations * @param state the state you are cloning * @param start_player id of the player who should start first * @param turn_time milliseconds per turn * @param cycles max number of cycles to run */ public Game(GameState state, int start_player, int turn_time, int cycles) { turn_length = turn_time; max_game_cycles = cycles; agents = new ArrayList<AI>(); pgs = new PhysicalGameState(start_player, state, unit_definitions); gs = new GameState(pgs); } /** * Adds an AI to control a player * @param agent */ public void addAgent(AI agent) { agents.add(agent); } /** * Gets an agent * @param i index of the agent * @return null or the agent */ public AI getAgent(int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= agents.size()) { return null; } return agents.get(i); } /** * Resets the game (keeping the same players and game) */ public void resetGame() { try { unit_definitions = new UnitDefinitionManager(new SAXBuilder().build(game_xml).getRootElement()); pgs = new PhysicalGameState(new SAXBuilder().build(level_xml).getRootElement(), unit_definitions); } catch (JDOMException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } gs = new GameState(pgs); ArrayList<AI> ais = new ArrayList<AI>(); for (int i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++) { try { ais.add(agents.get(i).getClass().newInstance()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } agents = ais; } /** * Resets the players */ public void resetPlayers() { agents.clear(); } /** * Players the game (no visualization) * @param fog whether or not to play the game with fog of war * @return the winner(s) (empty on draw) */ public ArrayList<Integer> play(boolean fog) { if (agents.size() != pgs.numberOfPlayers()) { System.out.println("Not the right number of players. Expected "+pgs.numberOfPlayers()+" but got "+agents.size()+" players"); return new ArrayList<Integer>(); } pgs.fog = fog; boolean gameover = false; cycle = 0; do { for (int i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++) { // update GS here pgs.setCurrentPlayer(i); gs.update(); // ... pgs.setTimeLimit(System.currentTimeMillis()+turn_length); agents.get(i).getAction(gs, turn_length); } // simulate: gameover = pgs.cycle(); cycle++; }while(!gameover && cycle < max_game_cycles); int winner = pgs.winner(); if (winner == -1) { winner = pgs.winnerByScore(); } if (winner != -1) { return pgs.teams.get(winner); } return new ArrayList<Integer>(); } /** * Plays the game, displaying a visualization * @param frame_height * @param fog whether or not the play the game with fog of war * @param show_fog whether or not to render fog in the visualization * @param team the team to follow * @return the winners (empty on draw) */ public ArrayList<Integer> playVisual(int frame_height, boolean fog, boolean show_fog, int team) { if (agents.size() != pgs.numberOfPlayers()) { System.out.println("Not the right number of players. Expected "+pgs.numberOfPlayers()+" but got "+agents.size()+" players"); return new ArrayList<Integer>(); } pgs.fog = fog; JFrame window = PhysicalGameStatePanel.newVisualizer(this, frame_height, show_fog, team); window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); boolean gameover = false; cycle = 0; long cycle_end = System.currentTimeMillis()+turn_length; do{ if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= cycle_end) { for (int i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++) { // update GS here pgs.setCurrentPlayer(i); gs.update(); // ... pgs.setTimeLimit(System.currentTimeMillis()+turn_length); agents.get(i).getAction(gs, turn_length); } // simulate: gameover = pgs.cycle(); window.repaint(); cycle_end += turn_length; cycle++; } else { try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }while(!gameover && cycle < max_game_cycles); int winner = pgs.winner(); if (winner == -1) { winner = pgs.winnerByScore(); } if (winner != -1) { return pgs.teams.get(winner); } return new ArrayList<Integer>(); } }