package opt.test; import opt.*; import opt.example.*; import*; import shared.*; import func.nn.backprop.*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.text.*; /** * Implementation of randomized hill climbing, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithm to * find optimal weights to a neural network that is classifying abalone as having either fewer * or more than 15 rings. * * @author Hannah Lau * @version 1.0 */ public class AbaloneTest { private static Instance[] instances = initializeInstances(); private static int inputLayer = 7, hiddenLayer = 5, outputLayer = 1, trainingIterations = 1000; private static BackPropagationNetworkFactory factory = new BackPropagationNetworkFactory(); private static ErrorMeasure measure = new SumOfSquaresError(); private static DataSet set = new DataSet(instances); private static BackPropagationNetwork networks[] = new BackPropagationNetwork[3]; private static NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[] nnop = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[3]; private static OptimizationAlgorithm[] oa = new OptimizationAlgorithm[3]; private static String[] oaNames = {"RHC", "SA", "GA"}; private static String results = ""; private static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i = 0; i < oa.length; i++) { networks[i] = factory.createClassificationNetwork( new int[] {inputLayer, hiddenLayer, outputLayer}); nnop[i] = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(set, networks[i], measure); } oa[0] = new RandomizedHillClimbing(nnop[0]); oa[1] = new SimulatedAnnealing(1E11, .95, nnop[1]); oa[2] = new StandardGeneticAlgorithm(200, 100, 10, nnop[2]); for(int i = 0; i < oa.length; i++) { double start = System.nanoTime(), end, trainingTime, testingTime, correct = 0, incorrect = 0; train(oa[i], networks[i], oaNames[i]); //trainer.train(); end = System.nanoTime(); trainingTime = end - start; trainingTime /= Math.pow(10,9); Instance optimalInstance = oa[i].getOptimal(); networks[i].setWeights(optimalInstance.getData()); double predicted, actual; start = System.nanoTime(); for(int j = 0; j < instances.length; j++) { networks[i].setInputValues(instances[j].getData()); networks[i].run(); predicted = Double.parseDouble(instances[j].getLabel().toString()); actual = Double.parseDouble(networks[i].getOutputValues().toString()); double trash = Math.abs(predicted - actual) < 0.5 ? correct++ : incorrect++; } end = System.nanoTime(); testingTime = end - start; testingTime /= Math.pow(10,9); results += "\nResults for " + oaNames[i] + ": \nCorrectly classified " + correct + " instances." + "\nIncorrectly classified " + incorrect + " instances.\nPercent correctly classified: " + df.format(correct/(correct+incorrect)*100) + "%\nTraining time: " + df.format(trainingTime) + " seconds\nTesting time: " + df.format(testingTime) + " seconds\n"; } System.out.println(results); } private static void train(OptimizationAlgorithm oa, BackPropagationNetwork network, String oaName) { System.out.println("\nError results for " + oaName + "\n---------------------------"); for(int i = 0; i < trainingIterations; i++) { oa.train(); double error = 0; for(int j = 0; j < instances.length; j++) { network.setInputValues(instances[j].getData());; Instance output = instances[j].getLabel(), example = new Instance(network.getOutputValues()); example.setLabel(new Instance(Double.parseDouble(network.getOutputValues().toString()))); error += measure.value(output, example); } System.out.println(df.format(error)); } } private static Instance[] initializeInstances() { double[][][] attributes = new double[4177][][]; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("src/opt/test/abalone.txt"))); for(int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(br.readLine()); scan.useDelimiter(","); attributes[i] = new double[2][]; attributes[i][0] = new double[7]; // 7 attributes attributes[i][1] = new double[1]; for(int j = 0; j < 7; j++) attributes[i][0][j] = Double.parseDouble(; attributes[i][1][0] = Double.parseDouble(; } br.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Instance[] instances = new Instance[attributes.length]; for(int i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { instances[i] = new Instance(attributes[i][0]); // classifications range from 0 to 30; split into 0 - 14 and 15 - 30 instances[i].setLabel(new Instance(attributes[i][1][0] < 15 ? 0 : 1)); } return instances; } }