package opt.example; import util.linalg.Vector; import opt.EvaluationFunction; import shared.Instance; /** * A checker board evaluation function * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class KnapsackEvaluationFunction implements EvaluationFunction { /** * The weights for the things that can be put in the sack */ private double[] weights; /** * The volumes for the things that can be put in the sack */ private double[] volumes; /** * The maximum volume in the knapsack */ private double maxVolume; /** * The maximum sum of all items */ private double maxVolumeSum; /** * Make a new knapsack evaluation function * @param w the set of values * @param v the set of volumes * @param maxV the maximum volumes * @param maxC the maximum counts */ public KnapsackEvaluationFunction(double[] w, double[] v, double maxV, int[] maxC) { weights = w; volumes = v; maxVolume = maxV; for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { maxVolumeSum += maxC[i] * v[i]; } } /** * @see opt.EvaluationFunction#value(opt.OptimizationData) */ public double value(Instance d) { Vector data = d.getData(); double volume = 0; double value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { volume += volumes[i] * data.get(i); value += weights[i] * data.get(i); } if (volume > maxVolume) { double smallNumber = 1E-10; return smallNumber*(maxVolumeSum - volume); } else { return value; } } }