package dist.hmm; import shared.DataSet; /** * A Viterbi algorithm implementation that * uses log probabilities to prevent underflow. * The Viterbi algorithm is used to determine the most * likely state sequence for a given sequence of observations. * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class StateSequenceCalculator { /** * The hidden markov model being used */ private HiddenMarkovModel model; /** * The observation sequence being used */ private DataSet observations; /** * The [t][i] entry of this matrix represents * the maximum value of log P(q1, q2, ..., qt, * O1, O2, ..., Ot) for some chain of states * q1, q2, .... qt */ private double[][] probabilities; /** * The [t][i] entry of this matrix represents * the q(t-1) value for max log P(q1, q2, ... qt, * O1, O2, ..., Ot) as calculated in the above * probabilities. Through this matrix the chain * of q1, q2, ..., qt values can be reconstructed. */ private int[][] chain; /** * Create a new state sequence calculator * @param model the hidden markov model * @param observations the observation sequence */ public StateSequenceCalculator(HiddenMarkovModel model, DataSet observations) { this.model = model; this.observations = observations; } /** * Calculate the most probable state sequence * @return the state sequence */ public int[] calculateStateSequence() { probabilities = new double[observations.size()][model.getStateCount()]; chain = new int[observations.size()][model.getStateCount()]; calcuateForward(); return calcuateBackward(); } /** * Backtrack after calculating forward * @return the backward state path */ private int[] calcuateBackward() { // find the largest at the end double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int argMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < model.getStateCount(); i++) { if (probabilities[observations.size() - 1][i] > max) { max = probabilities[observations.size() - 1][i]; argMax = i; } } // backtrack int[] states = new int[observations.size()]; states[observations.size() - 1] = argMax; for (int t = observations.size() - 2; t >= 0; t--) { states[t] = chain[t + 1][states[t + 1]]; } return states; } /** * Calculate the probabilites forward */ private void calcuateForward() { // initial setup for (int i = 0; i < model.getStateCount(); i++) { probabilities[0][i] = Math.log(model.initialStateProbability(i, observations.get(0))) + Math.log(model.observationProbability(i, observations.get(0))); chain[0][i] = 0; } // recursion for (int t = 1; t < observations.size(); t++) { for (int i = 0; i < model.getStateCount(); i++) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int argMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // find the most probable jump from t-1 to t, i for (int j = 0; j < model.getStateCount(); j++) { double value = probabilities[t-1][j] + Math.log(model.transitionProbability(j, i, observations.get(t))); if (value > max) { max = value; argMax = j; } } probabilities[t][i] = max + Math.log(model.observationProbability(i, observations.get(t))); chain[t][i] = argMax; } } } }