package ai.general; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * \brief Manages the various productions that are needed * @author Jeff Bernard * */ public class ProductionManager extends TaskManager { private static final int BUILD_TURN_WAIT = 100; /**< how many turns to wait before buildings can be made */ private static final int PRIORITY_HIGH = 0; /**< a quite high priority */ private static final int WORKER_PROB = 1; /**< out of HUNDRED_PERCENT; sometimes you want to build a worker */ private static final int HUNDRED_PERCENT = 10000; public ArrayList<GeneralAIProduction> units_possible; /**< units we could build */ public ArrayList<GeneralAIProduction> buildings_possible; /**< buildings we could build */ private ArrayList<GeneralAIProduction> units_wanted; /**< units we want to build */ public ArrayList<GeneralAIProduction> buildings_wanted; /**< buildings we want to build */ public int workers_wanted; /**< how many workers we want to scout, but not don't exist */ public int workers_queued; /**< how many workers are queued to be built */ /** * Constructs a new production manager * @param ai the parent ai */ public ProductionManager(GeneralAI ai) { super(); units_possible = new ArrayList<GeneralAIProduction>(); buildings_possible = new ArrayList<GeneralAIProduction>(); units_wanted = new ArrayList<GeneralAIProduction>(); buildings_wanted = new ArrayList<GeneralAIProduction>(); for (int i = 0; i < ai.state.getUnitList().size(); i++) { units_possible.add(new GeneralAIProduction(ai.state.getUnitList().get(i), i)); } for (int i = 0; i < ai.state.getBuildingList().size(); i++) { buildings_possible.add(new GeneralAIProduction(ai.state.getBuildingList().get(i), i)); } workers_wanted = 0; workers_queued = 0; } @Override /** * Requests units to produce more units * @param ai the parent ai */ public void manage_units(GeneralAI ai) { // determine what we want to build for (int i = 0; i < buildings_possible.size(); i++) { GeneralAIProduction production = (GeneralAIProduction)buildings_possible.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < units_possible.size(); j++) { if (units_possible.get(j).priority != GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE && production.def.produces.contains(j)) { production.priority -= units_possible.get(j).priority; } } if (production.priority != GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE) { for (int j = 0; j < ai.town_manager.towns.size(); j++) { if (ai.town_manager.towns.get(j).owner == -1 || ai.town_manager.towns.get(j).owner == ai.player_id) { int wish_location = ai.town_manager.towns.get(j).get_location(production, ai); if (wish_location != GeneralAITown.NO_VACANCY) { buildings_wanted.add(new GeneralAIProduction(production, wish_location%ai.state.getMapWidth(), wish_location/ai.state.getMapWidth(), production.def.is_stockpile_building ? PRIORITY_HIGH : production.priority)); } } } } } workers_wanted = Math.max(workers_wanted, ai.farm_manager.workers_wanted); workers_wanted -= workers_queued; if (ai.state.isFog()) { int xpct = (int)(Math.random()*HUNDRED_PERCENT); if (xpct < WORKER_PROB) { workers_wanted++; } } for (int i = 0; i < units_possible.size(); i++) { GeneralAIProduction production = (GeneralAIProduction)units_possible.get(i); // if (production.def.is_worker && !(ai.workers/2 < ai.farm_manager.owned_farms.size())) { // continue; // } // if (!production.def.is_worker) { // if (((ai.getLesion()&GeneralAI.LESION_ONLY_RANGE) != 0 && production.def.attack_range <= 1) || // ((ai.getLesion()&GeneralAI.LESION_NO_RANGE) != 0 && production.def.attack_range > 1) || // ((ai.getLesion()&GeneralAI.LESION_ONLY_FLYING) != 0 && !production.def.is_flying) || // ((ai.getLesion()&GeneralAI.LESION_NO_FLYING) != 0 && production.def.is_flying)) { // continue; // } // } if ((production.priority != GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE && !production.def.is_worker) || (production.def.is_worker && (workers_wanted > 0))) { // we can only build units near buildings for (int j = 0; j < units.size(); j++) { GeneralAIUnit building = units.get(j); if (building.stats.isBuilding() && building.stats.getProduce().contains( { // maybe we just build units whereever? ArrayList<Integer> locations = building.adjacent_build_locations(production, ai); int location = locations.get((int)(Math.random()*locations.size())); units_wanted.add(new GeneralAIProduction(production, location%ai.state.getMapWidth(), location/ai.state.getMapHeight(), production.priority)); if (production.def.is_worker) { workers_queued++; workers_wanted--; if (workers_wanted <= 0) { break; } } } } } } // assign units to to do these builds // check if any of the scouted units have become available for (int i = 0; i < units_scouted.size(); i++) { GeneralAIUnit unit = units_scouted.get(i); if (unit.strategy == GeneralAI.STRATEGY_NONE) { // free agent!! unit.strategy = GeneralAI.STRATEGY_BUILD; unit.wanted_strategy = GeneralAI.STRATEGY_NONE; for (int j = 0; j < buildings_wanted.size(); j++) { GeneralAIProduction building = buildings_wanted.get(j); if (building.builder == unit.stats.getID()) { for (int k = 0; k < building.def.cost.size(); k++) {,; } unit.object = building; buildings_wanted.remove(j); break; } } units.add(unit); units_scouted.remove(i--); } else if (unit.wanted_strategy == GeneralAI.STRATEGY_NONE) { unit.wanted_strategy = GeneralAI.STRATEGY_BUILD; } } // update what we're doing with each of the unit's we've got for (int i = 0; i < units.size(); i++) { GeneralAIUnit unit = units.get(i); if (unit.object == null) { if (!unit.stats.isBuilding()) { // drop the unit, we'll pick him up later if he's what we want for another task unit.strategy = GeneralAI.STRATEGY_NONE; units.remove(i--); } else { unit.strategy = GeneralAI.STRATEGY_BUILD; // check if the building can build anything int distance = GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE; int index = -1; for (int j = 0; j < units_wanted.size(); j++) { int d = units_wanted.get(j).distance(unit, ai); if (d != GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE && (distance == GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE || d < distance)) { unit.object = units_wanted.get(j); distance = d; index = j; break; } } if (unit.object != null) { for (int k = 0; k < units_wanted.get(index).def.cost.size(); k++) {,; } units_wanted.remove(index); } } } } // figure out how units we want to scout workers_wanted = 0; if (ai.current_turn > BUILD_TURN_WAIT) { for (int i = 0; i < buildings_wanted.size(); i++) { GeneralAIProduction building = buildings_wanted.get(i); if (building.builder == -1) { GeneralAIUnit closest_unit = null; int distance = GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE; for (int j = 0; j < ai.units.size(); j++) { GeneralAIUnit unit = ai.units.get(j); if (unit.stats.isWorker() && unit.wanted_strategy != GeneralAI.STRATEGY_BUILD && unit.strategy != GeneralAI.STRATEGY_BUILD) { // make sure not a unit already scouted int d = building.distance(unit, ai); if (d != GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE && (distance == GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE || d < distance)) { distance = d; closest_unit = unit; } } } if (closest_unit != null) { units_scouted.add(closest_unit); closest_unit.wanted_strategy = GeneralAI.STRATEGY_BUILD; building.builder = closest_unit.stats.getID(); } else { workers_wanted++; } } } } } @Override /** * Updates the data on possible productions *@param ai the parent ai */ public void update(GeneralAI ai) { // in case a unit defintion ever changes (ie- an upgrade occurs) for (int i = 0; i < units_possible.size(); i++) { GeneralAIProduction production = (GeneralAIProduction)units_possible.get(i); production.def = ai.state.getUnitList().get(; //production.priority = GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE; } for (int i = 0; i < buildings_possible.size(); i++) { GeneralAIProduction production = (GeneralAIProduction)buildings_possible.get(i); production.def = ai.state.getBuildingList().get(; production.priority = GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE; } } /** * Changes the location of what we want to build, if the other player is blocking * @param unit the uni doing the building * @param ai the parent ai */ public void change_build_location(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { GeneralAIProduction product = (GeneralAIProduction)unit.object; if (product.def.is_building) { // need to call the town planner for (int j = 0; j < ai.town_manager.towns.size(); j++) { if (ai.town_manager.towns.get(j).in_limits(product.x+product.y*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.state.getMapWidth())) { int wish_location = ai.town_manager.towns.get(j).get_location(product, ai); if (wish_location != GeneralAITown.NO_VACANCY) { unit.object = new GeneralAIProduction(product, wish_location%ai.state.getMapWidth(), wish_location/ai.state.getMapWidth(), product.priority); break; } unit.object = null; break; } } } else { // consider somewheres else adjacent ArrayList<Integer> locations = unit.adjacent_build_locations(product, ai); int location = locations.get((int)(Math.random()*locations.size())); unit.object = new GeneralAIProduction(product, location%ai.state.getMapWidth(), location/ai.state.getMapHeight(), product.priority); } } }