import; import; import; import; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Scanner; /** * Print several document statistics for the user. * * @author Eric Fruchter * */ public class DocumentStatistics { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { TokenScanner scanner = new TokenScanner(FileLoader.loadFile()); BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File("output.txt"))); try { while (true) { wr.append(scanner.getNextValidToken().toString()).append("\n"); } } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { // No more tokens. } finally { wr.close(); System.out.println("\n Token output has been written to \"output.txt\"."); } String choice = ""; Scanner in = new Scanner(; do { System.out.println("\n--- --- ---\nPlease choose your operation:" + "\n[m] Most Frequent VARs" + "\n[i] Min/Max INT/VARS" + "\n[t] Print totals" + "\n[v] # of times VAR is followed by (INT|FLOAT)" + "\n[q] Quotes found" + "\n[e] Exit"); System.out.print("Selection: "); choice =; if ("m".equals(choice)) { System.out.println("\nMost Frequent VARS:"); for (Token v : scanner.getMostFrequentVARS(20)) { System.out.println(v + ": " + v.frequency); } } else if ("i".equals(choice)) { System.out.print("\nMin INT: " + scanner.getMinINT()); System.out.print("\nMax INT: " + scanner.getMaxINT()); System.out.print("\nMin FLOAT: " + scanner.getMinFLOAT()); System.out.print("\nMax FLOAT: " + scanner.getMaxFLOAT()); } else if ("t".equals(choice)) { System.out.print("\n# of VARS: " + scanner.getTotalVARS()); System.out.print("\n# of INTS: " + scanner.getTotalINTS()); System.out.print("\n# of FLOATS: " + scanner.getTotalFLOATS() + "\n"); } else if ("v".equals(choice)) { System.out .println("\n# of times VAR is followed by INT or FLOAT: " + scanner.getVARFollowOccurrences()); } else if ("q".equals(choice)) { System.out.println("\nQuotes found:"); for (String quote : scanner.getQuotes()) { System.out.println("\"" + quote + "\""); } } } while (!"e".equals(choice)); } }