package opt.example; import shared.Instance; /** * An implementation of the traveling salesman problem * where the encoding used is a permutation of [0, ..., n] * where there are n+1 cities. That is the encoding * is just the path to take. * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class TravelingSalesmanRouteEvaluationFunction extends TravelingSalesmanEvaluationFunction { /** * Make a new route evaluation function * @param points the points of the cities */ public TravelingSalesmanRouteEvaluationFunction(double[][] points) { super(points); } /** * @see opt.EvaluationFunction#value(opt.OptimizationData) */ public double value(Instance d) { double distance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < d.size() - 1; i++) { distance += getDistance(d.getDiscrete(i), d.getDiscrete(i+1)); } distance += getDistance(d.getDiscrete(d.size() - 1), d.getDiscrete(0)); return 1/distance; } }