package shared.filt; import dist.MultivariateGaussian; import shared.DataSet; import shared.Instance; import shared.filt.ica.*; import util.linalg.DenseVector; import util.linalg.DiagonalMatrix; import util.linalg.Matrix; import util.linalg.SymmetricEigenvalueDecomposition; import util.linalg.Vector; /** * A filter for performing ICA on data * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class IndependentComponentAnalysis implements ReversibleFilter { /** * The projection matrix */ private Matrix projection; /** * The reverse projection */ private Matrix reverseProjection; /** * The pca preprocessing filter */ private PrincipalComponentAnalysis pca; /** * Make a new ICA filter * @param dataSet the set form which to estimate components */ public IndependentComponentAnalysis(DataSet dataSet) { this(dataSet, -1); } /** * Make a new ICA filter * @param dataSet the set form which to estimate components * @param numberOfComponents the number of components */ public IndependentComponentAnalysis(DataSet dataSet, int numberOfComponents) { this(dataSet, numberOfComponents, 1.0, new HyperbolicTangentContrast(), .00001, 1000); } /** * Make a new ICA filter * @param dataSet the set form which to estimate components * @param numberOfComponents the number of components to estimate * @param mu the step size * @param cf the contrast function * @param tolerance the tolerance value */ public IndependentComponentAnalysis(DataSet dataSet, int numberOfComponents, double mu, ContrastFunction cf, double tolerance, int maxIterations) { // copy the data set Instance[] copy = new Instance[dataSet.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++) { copy[i] = (Instance) dataSet.get(i).copy(); } dataSet = new DataSet(copy); if (numberOfComponents == -1) { numberOfComponents = copy[0].size(); } // perform pca and whitening pca = new PrincipalComponentAnalysis(dataSet); pca.filter(dataSet); MultivariateGaussian mg = new MultivariateGaussian(); mg.estimate(dataSet); DiagonalMatrix covarianceMatrix = new DiagonalMatrix(mg.getCovarianceMatrix()); DiagonalMatrix whiteningMatrix = covarianceMatrix.inverse().squareRoot(); DiagonalMatrix dewhiteningMatrix = covarianceMatrix.squareRoot(); for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.size(); i++) { Instance instance = dataSet.get(i); instance.setData(whiteningMatrix.times(instance.getData())); } // make the w matrix out of random orthonormal stuff RandomizedProjectionFilter rpf = new RandomizedProjectionFilter(whiteningMatrix.m(), numberOfComponents); Matrix w = rpf.getProjection(); // do the damn thing boolean done = false; int iterations = 0; while (!done && iterations < maxIterations) { Matrix oldW = (Matrix) w.copy(); // loop through the w weight vectors and do the update for (int i = 0; i < w.n(); i++) { Vector wv = w.getColumn(i); // the expectation of x*g(wt * x) Vector exg = new DenseVector(wv.size()); // the expectation of g'(wt * x) double egprime = 0; // the expectation of wt*x*g(wt*x) double beta = 0; for (int j = 0; j < dataSet.size(); j++) { Vector x = dataSet.get(j).getData(); double dotProduct = wv.dotProduct(x); Vector xg = x.times(cf.g(dotProduct)); exg.plusEquals(xg); egprime += cf.gprime(dotProduct); beta += wv.dotProduct(xg); } exg.timesEquals(1.0/dataSet.size()); beta *= 1.0/dataSet.size(); egprime *= 1.0/dataSet.size(); // the change in w Vector dw = exg.minus(wv.times(beta)); dw.timesEquals(-mu/(egprime - beta)); // apply the change wv.plusEquals(dw); // normalize wv.timesEquals(1/wv.norm()); w.setColumn(i, wv); } // do the symmetric eigenvalue decomposition on w*wt SymmetricEigenvalueDecomposition sed = new SymmetricEigenvalueDecomposition(w.transpose().times(w)); // deccorolate the thing w = w.times(sed.getU().times(sed.getD().inverse().squareRoot() .times(sed.getU().transpose()))); // check if we are done Matrix ones = oldW.transpose().times(w); double maxOff = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ones.m(); i++) { maxOff = Math.max(maxOff, 1 - Math.abs(ones.get(i,i))); } done = maxOff < tolerance; iterations++; } // make the projection and reverse projections projection = w.transpose().times(whiteningMatrix); reverseProjection = dewhiteningMatrix.times(w); } /** * @see shared.filt.DataSetFilter#filter(shared.DataSet) */ public void filter(DataSet dataSet) { pca.filter(dataSet); for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.size(); i++) { Instance instance = dataSet.get(i); instance.setData(projection.times(instance.getData())); } } /** * @see shared.filt.ReversibleFilter#reverse(shared.DataSet) */ public void reverse(DataSet dataSet) { for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.size(); i++) { Instance instance = dataSet.get(i); instance.setData(reverseProjection.times(instance.getData())); } dataSet.setDescription(null); pca.reverse(dataSet); } /** * Get the pca filter * @return the pca filter */ public PrincipalComponentAnalysis getPCA() { return pca; } /** * Get the projection * @return the projection */ public Matrix getProjection() { return projection; } /** * Get the reverse projection * @return the reverse projection */ public Matrix getReverseProjection() { return reverseProjection; } }