package shared.filt; import dist.MultivariateGaussian; import shared.DataSet; import shared.Instance; import util.linalg.Matrix; import util.linalg.RectangularMatrix; import util.linalg.SymmetricEigenvalueDecomposition; import util.linalg.Vector; /** * A filter that performs PCA on a set of data * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public class PrincipalComponentAnalysis implements ReversibleFilter { /** * The default threshold */ private static final double THRESHOLD = 1E-6; /** * The projection matrix */ private Matrix projection; /** * The eigen value matrix */ private Matrix eigenValues; /** * The mean vector */ private Vector mean; /** * Make a new PCA filter * @param toKeep the number of components to keep * @param dataSet the set form which to estimate components */ public PrincipalComponentAnalysis(DataSet dataSet, int toKeep, double threshold) { MultivariateGaussian mg = new MultivariateGaussian(); mg.estimate(dataSet); Matrix covarianceMatrix = mg.getCovarianceMatrix(); mean = mg.getMean(); if (toKeep == -1) { toKeep = mean.size(); } SymmetricEigenvalueDecomposition sed = new SymmetricEigenvalueDecomposition(covarianceMatrix); Matrix eigenVectors = sed.getU(); eigenValues = sed.getD(); int aboveThreshold = 0; while (aboveThreshold < toKeep && eigenValues.get(aboveThreshold, aboveThreshold) > threshold) { aboveThreshold++; } toKeep = Math.min(toKeep, aboveThreshold); projection = new RectangularMatrix(toKeep, eigenVectors.m()); for (int i = 0; i < toKeep; i++) { projection.setRow(i, eigenVectors.getColumn(i)); } } /** * Make a new PCA filter * @param numberOfComponents the number to keep * @param set the data set to estimate components from */ public PrincipalComponentAnalysis(DataSet set, int numberOfComponents) { this(set, numberOfComponents, THRESHOLD); } /** * Make a new PCA filter * @param set the data set to estimate components from */ public PrincipalComponentAnalysis(DataSet set) { this(set, -1); } /** * @see shared.filt.DataSetFilter#filter(shared.DataSet) */ public void filter(DataSet dataSet) { for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.size(); i++) { Instance instance = dataSet.get(i); instance.setData(instance.getData().minus(mean)); instance.setData(projection.times(instance.getData())); } dataSet.setDescription(null); } /** * @see shared.filt.ReversibleFilter#reverse(shared.DataSet) */ public void reverse(DataSet dataSet) { for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.size(); i++) { Instance instance = dataSet.get(i); instance.setData(projection.transpose().times(instance.getData())); instance.setData(instance.getData().plus(mean)); } dataSet.setDescription(null); } /** * Get the projection matrix used * @return the projection matrix */ public Matrix getProjection() { return projection; } /** * Get the mean * @return the mean */ public Vector getMean() { return mean; } /** * Get the eigenvalues * @return the eigenvalues */ public Matrix getEigenValues() { return eigenValues; } }