package audioProject; import static java.lang.Math.abs; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import maryb.player.Player; import toritools.additionaltypes.ColorCycler; import toritools.additionaltypes.ColorUtils; import toritools.entity.Entity; import toritools.entity.Level; import toritools.entrypoint.Binary; import toritools.math.Vector2; import toritools.scripting.ScriptUtils; import audioProject.controller.WaveController; import audioProject.entities.BadShipFactory; import audioProject.entities.PlayerShip; import audioProject.entities.ScrollingBackground; /** * Template for our audio project. * * @author toriscope * */ public class AudioProject extends Binary { public static Player soundPlayer = new Player(); public static WaveController controller; public static Random random; public static boolean bossMode = false, bossIsAlive = false; /** * To make it easier to change things. */ public static Color barsColor = new Color(0, 250, 0), barsLighterColor = new Color(0, 250, 0), barsDarkerColor = new Color(245, 153, 255), shipColor =, enemyColor = Color.RED, bgColor = null; public static float getFloat() { return random.nextFloat(); } public static int bars = 100; public static boolean win; public static void main(String[] args) { new AudioProject(); } public AudioProject() { super(new Vector2(800, 600), 60, "Audio Project Tech Demo"); } @Override protected boolean render(Graphics2D rootCanvas, Level level) { try { rootCanvas.setStroke(new BasicStroke(4)); rootCanvas.setColor(bgColor); rootCanvas.fillRect(-1, -1, (int) VIEWPORT.x + 2, (int) VIEWPORT.y + 2); for (int i = level.getLayers().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (Entity e : level.getLayers().get(i)) { if (e.isVisible()) e.draw(rootCanvas); } } rootCanvas.setColor(Color.BLACK); rootCanvas.drawString("Feel: " + controller.getFeel(), 20, 20); rootCanvas.drawString("BM: " + bossMode, 20, 40); rootCanvas.drawString("%: " + controller.getPercentage(), 80, 40); if (win) { rootCanvas.setColor(Color.RED); rootCanvas .setFont(new Font("LucidaSansOblique", Font.BOLD, 70)); rootCanvas.drawString("Victory!", (int) level.getDim().x / 2, (int) level.getDim().y / 2); } } catch (final Exception uhoh) { return false; } return true; } @Override protected void initialize() { win = false; String songName = JOptionPane .showInputDialog("Name of song? (goo / unicorn) \n<WASD> Move \n<SPACE> Shoot \n <.,> Angle Shots"); if (songName == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "YOU ARE MAXIMUM LAME"); System.exit(1); } try { controller = new WaveController(songName, bars); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } soundPlayer.setSourceLocation("audioProject/" + songName + ".mp3");;; moments = entities = 0; random = new Random(0); } long moments, entities; ColorCycler enemyColorCycler = new ColorCycler(230, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0); ColorCycler bgColorCycler = new ColorCycler(220, 255, 220, 255, 220, 255); @Override protected void globalLogic(Level level) { long time = (long) (soundPlayer.getCurrentPosition() * 0.001); controller.setTime44100(time); ScrollingBackground bg = (ScrollingBackground) level .getEntityWithId("bg"); PlayerShip player = (PlayerShip) level.getEntityWithId("player"); bg.setFocus(player.getPos(), .5f); bg.setSpeed(2 * controller.getFeel()); if (ScriptUtils.getKeyHolder().isPressed(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE)) { System.exit(0); } if (time > controller.getBossTime()) { if (!bossMode) { bossMode = true; level.spawnEntity(BadShipFactory.makeBoss()); System.out.println("Spawning Boss!"); } } if (ScriptUtils.getKeyHolder().isPressed(KeyEvent.VK_T)) { String percentage = ""; try { percentage = JOptionPane .showInputDialog("Do Something? \nTo warp: (ex .4 = 40%)"); seek((int) (soundPlayer.getTotalPlayTimeMcsec() * Float .parseFloat(percentage)), level); } catch (Exception e) { if ("win".equals(percentage)) win = true; } finally { ScriptUtils.getKeyHolder().clearKeys(); } } // bgColor = ColorUtils.blend(Color.BLACK, new Color(0, 64, 13), // controller.getFeel()); // barsColor = ColorUtils.blend(Color.GREEN, new Color(0, 64, 13), 1 - // controller.getFeel()); bgColor = ColorUtils .blend(Color.BLUE, Color.CYAN, controller.getFeel()); Color c = ColorUtils.blend(barsDarkerColor, barsLighterColor, controller.getFeel()); barsColor = new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), 120); if (time > controller.getVictoryTime()) { win = true; for (Entity enemy : level.getEntitiesWithType("enemy")) { level.despawnEntity(enemy); } } else if (getFloat() < .015 * abs(controller.getFeel()) * (bossMode ? .5f : 1)) { level.spawnEntity(BadShipFactory.makeDefaultEnemy(VIEWPORT)); } } @Override protected void setupCurrentLevel(Level levelBeingLoaded) { levelBeingLoaded.spawnEntity(new PlayerShip()); levelBeingLoaded.spawnEntity(new ScrollingBackground(VIEWPORT, 1, bars, 2.3f, .614f, 100, 100, .05f * controller.getAverageFeel())); addLevelBounds(levelBeingLoaded); } private void addLevelBounds(final Level levelBeingLoaded) { Entity l, r, u, d; l = new Entity(); l.setSolid(true); l.setPos(new Vector2(-20, 0)); l.setDim(new Vector2(20, VIEWPORT.y)); r = new Entity(); r.setSolid(true); r.setPos(new Vector2(VIEWPORT.x, 0)); r.setDim(new Vector2(VIEWPORT.x, VIEWPORT.y)); u = new Entity(); u.setSolid(true); u.setPos(new Vector2(0, -20)); u.setDim(new Vector2(VIEWPORT.x, 20)); d = new Entity(); d.setSolid(true); d.setPos(new Vector2(0, VIEWPORT.y)); d.setDim(new Vector2(VIEWPORT.x, 20)); levelBeingLoaded.spawnEntity(l); levelBeingLoaded.spawnEntity(r); levelBeingLoaded.spawnEntity(u); levelBeingLoaded.spawnEntity(d); } @Override protected Level getStartingLevel() { Level level = new Level(); level.setDim(VIEWPORT); return level; } public static void seek(final int time, final Level level) { level.getEntityWithId("player").onSpawn(level); for (Entity enemy : level.getEntitiesWithType("enemy")) { level.despawnEntity(enemy); } for (Entity bullets : level.getEntitiesWithType("BadBullet")) { level.despawnEntity(bullets); } bossMode = false;; } }