package rl; /** * A discrete markov decision process * @author Andrew Guillory * @version 1.0 */ public interface MarkovDecisionProcess { /** An ok default gamma value */ public static final double GAMMA = .9; /** * Get the number of states in the mdp * @return the number of states */ public int getStateCount(); /** * Get the number of actions in the mdp * @return the number of actions */ public int getActionCount(); /** * Get the reward for a state and action * @param state the state * @param action the action * @return the reward */ public abstract double reward(int state, int action); /** * Get the probability of transitioning from state i to state j, * with observation o * @param i the first state * @param j the second state * @param a the action * @return the probability */ public abstract double transitionProbability(int i, int j, int a); /** * Sample a next state given the current state and input * @param i the current state * @param a the action * @return the next state */ public abstract int sampleState(int i, int a); /** * Get the initial state * @return the initial state */ public abstract int sampleInitialState(); /** * Check if a state is terminal * @param state the state * @return true if it is */ public abstract boolean isTerminalState(int state); }