package toritools.scripting; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.VolatileImage; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import toritools.controls.KeyHolder; import toritools.debug.Debug; import toritools.entity.Entity; import toritools.entity.Level; import toritools.entrypoint.Binary; import; import; import toritools.math.Vector2; /** * Construction yard for various things that help users out in writing entity * scripts. * * @author toriscope * */ public class ScriptUtils { private static VariableCase profileVariables = new VariableCase(); private final static String PROFILE = ""; private static KeyHolder keyHolder = new KeyHolder(); private static boolean debugMode = false; private static Level level; private static Level newLevel; public static Random random = new Random(); public static KeyHolder getKeyHolder() { return keyHolder; } public static void setKeyHolder(final KeyHolder keyHolder) { ScriptUtils.keyHolder = keyHolder; } public static String getVar(final String key) { return profileVariables.getVar(key); } public static void setVar(final String key, final String value) { profileVariables.setVar(key, value); } public static void saveProfileVariables(final String prefix) throws IOException { ToriMapIO.writeMap(new File(prefix + "_" + PROFILE), profileVariables.getVariables()); } public static void loadProfileVariables(final String prefix) throws FileNotFoundException { profileVariables = new VariableCase(ToriMapIO.readMap(new File(prefix + "_" + PROFILE))); } /** * Represents the 8 directions. Use the getDirection method to grab an enum * easily. * * @author toriscope * */ public static enum Direction { UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP_RIGHT, UP_LEFT, DOWN_LEFT, DOWN_RIGHT, CENTER; /** * Find the proper enum for the direction. * * @param dir * direction in radians. * @return the proper enum. */ public static Direction findEnum(float dir) { dir = (float) Math.toDegrees(dir) % 360; if (dir >= 337.5 || dir < 22.5) return Direction.RIGHT; if (dir >= 22.5 && dir < 67.5) return Direction.UP_RIGHT; if (dir >= 67.5 && dir < 112.5) return Direction.UP; if (dir >= 112.5 && dir < 157.5) return Direction.UP_LEFT; if (dir >= 157.5 && dir < 202.5) return Direction.LEFT; if (dir >= 202.5 && dir < 247.5) return Direction.DOWN_LEFT; if (dir >= 247.5 && dir < 292.5) return Direction.DOWN; return Direction.DOWN_RIGHT; } } public static boolean isColliding(final Entity a, final Entity b) { // left of if (a.getPos().x + a.getDim().x <= b.getPos().x) { return false; } // below else if (a.getPos().y + a.getDim().y <= b.getPos().y) { return false; } // right else if (b.getPos().x + b.getDim().x <= a.getPos().x) { return false; } // above else if (b.getPos().y + b.getDim().y <= a.getPos().y) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean isPointWithin(final Entity a, final Vector2 point) { return point.x > a.getPos().x && point.x < a.getPos().x + a.getDim().x && point.y > a.getPos().y && point.y < a.getPos().y + a.getDim().y; } public static boolean isCollidingRad(final Entity a, final Entity b) { return Vector2.dist(a.getPos().add(a.getDim().scale(.5f)), b.getPos().add(b.getDim().scale(.5f))) < a.getDim().x / 2 + b.getDim().x / 2; } public static boolean isColliding(final Entity a, final List<Entity> b) { for (Entity e : b) { if (e != a && isColliding(e, a)) return true; } return false; } public static Vector2 moveOut(final Entity self, final boolean disregardOutOfView, final Entity entity) { Vector2 delta = new Vector2(); if (self != entity) { if (!(disregardOutOfView && !entity.isInView()) && isColliding(entity, self)) { self.setPos(self.getPos().add(delta = findBestVectorOut(self, entity).scale(1.1f))); } } return delta; } public static Vector2 moveOut(final Entity self, final boolean disregardOutOfView, final List<Entity> entities) { Vector2 delta = new Vector2(); for (Entity entity : entities) if (self != entity && !(disregardOutOfView && !entity.isInView()) && isColliding(entity, self)) { self.setPos(self.getPos().add(delta = findBestVectorOut(self, entity).scale(1.1f))); } return delta; } public static Vector2 findBestVectorOut(final Entity toMove, final Entity noMove) { Vector2 test; Vector2 best = new Vector2(0, noMove.getPos().y - (toMove.getPos().y + toMove.getDim().y)); test = new Vector2(0, (toMove.getPos().y - (noMove.getPos().y + noMove.getDim().y)) * -1); if (test.mag() < best.mag()) best = test; test = new Vector2(noMove.getPos().x - (toMove.getPos().x + toMove.getDim().x), 0); if (test.mag() < best.mag()) best = test; test = new Vector2((toMove.getPos().x - (noMove.getPos().x + noMove.getDim().x)) * -1, 0); if (test.mag() < best.mag()) best = test; return best; } public static boolean isDebugMode() { return debugMode; } public static void setDebugMode(boolean debugMode) { ScriptUtils.debugMode = debugMode; } public static Level getCurrentLevel() { return level; } /** * Queue a level switch. If there is no current level, then it is switched * to automatically. * * @param newLevel * the level to switch to. */ public static void queueLevelSwitch(final Level newLevel) { ScriptUtils.newLevel = newLevel; Debug.print("New level queued."); } public static boolean isLevelQueued() { return newLevel != null; } /** * Move to the queued level. */ public static void moveToQueuedLevel() { Debug.print("Moving to the queued level."); keyHolder.clearKeys(); level = newLevel; newLevel = null; } /* * Image Caching. */ private static HashMap<File, Image> imageCache = new HashMap<File, Image>(); /** * Fetch an image based on the file index. If it is invalid, or is not yet * cached, it will be cached and stored in video memory. * * @param imageIndex * @return */ public static Image fetchImage(final File imageIndex) { Image i = imageCache.get(imageIndex); if (i == null || (i instanceof VolatileImage && !(((VolatileImage) i).validate(Binary.gc) == VolatileImage.IMAGE_OK))) { imageCache.put(imageIndex, loadImage(imageIndex)); } return imageCache.get(imageIndex); } private static Image loadImage(final File imageIndex) { Image image = null; try { image = (new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(imageIndex.getPath().replace("\\", "/")))).getImage(); } catch (Exception e) { try { image =; } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Can't find resouce " + imageIndex.toString()); System.exit(0); } } VolatileImage i = Binary.gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), VolatileImage.TRANSLUCENT); i.validate(Binary.gc); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) i.getGraphics(); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OUT)); g.fillRect(0, 0, i.getWidth(), i.getHeight()); i.getGraphics().drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), null); i.getGraphics().dispose(); return i; } /** * Get the amount of cached images. */ public static int cachedImageAmount() { return imageCache.size(); } /** * Clear the image cache. */ public static void clearImageCache() { for (Entry<File, Image> s : imageCache.entrySet()) { if (s.getValue() instanceof VolatileImage) { ((VolatileImage) s.getValue()).flush(); } } imageCache.clear(); } }