package ai.general; import java.util.ArrayList; import rts.GameState; import rts.units.UnitAction; /** * \brief A group of buildings that are all together. Generally, towns are a stockpile, resources, and other buildings nearby * */ public class GeneralAITown extends GeneralAIObject { private static final int CITY_LIMIT2 = 25; /**< all structures should be within this many squares (root) of each other */ private static final int CITY_LIMIT = 5; /**< root CITY_LIMIT2 */ private static final int LOCATION_SCOUTING = 1000; /**< how many times to try and scout a location */ public static final int NO_VACANCY = -1; /**< could not find a place in this town to build */ public ArrayList<GeneralAIFarm> farms; /**< the farms belonging to this town */ public ArrayList<GeneralAIUnit> buildings; /**< the buildings belonging to this town */ public ArrayList<GeneralAIEnemy> enemy_buildings; /**< buildings belonging to the enemy */ public int owner; /**< id of whoever owns this town */ public int defenders; public int defenders_wanted; /**< how many defenders this town wants */ private boolean[] building_requested; /**< whether or not we've requested a location for each building */ /** * Constructs a new town around a building * @param building * @param building_count how many building types there are */ public GeneralAITown(GeneralAIUnit building, int building_count) { farms = new ArrayList<GeneralAIFarm>(); buildings = new ArrayList<GeneralAIUnit>(); enemy_buildings = new ArrayList<GeneralAIEnemy>(); buildings.add(building); owner = building.stats.getPlayer(); defenders_wanted = 2; defenders = 0; building_requested = new boolean[building_count]; for (int i = 0; i < building_count; i++) { building_requested[i] = false; } } /** * Constructs a new town around a farm * @param farm * @param building_count how many building types there are */ public GeneralAITown(GeneralAIFarm farm, int building_count) { farms = new ArrayList<GeneralAIFarm>(); buildings = new ArrayList<GeneralAIUnit>(); enemy_buildings = new ArrayList<GeneralAIEnemy>(); farms.add(farm); owner = -1; defenders_wanted = 0; defenders = 0; building_requested = new boolean[building_count]; for (int i = 0; i < building_count; i++) { building_requested[i] = false; } } /** * Constructs a new town around an enemy building * @param enemy * @param building_count how many building types there are */ public GeneralAITown(GeneralAIEnemy enemy, int building_count) { farms = new ArrayList<GeneralAIFarm>(); buildings = new ArrayList<GeneralAIUnit>(); enemy_buildings = new ArrayList<GeneralAIEnemy>(); enemy_buildings.add(enemy); owner = enemy.stats.getPlayer(); defenders_wanted = 0; defenders = 0; building_requested = new boolean[building_count]; for (int i = 0; i < building_count; i++) { building_requested[i] = false; } } /** * Adds an object to this town (maybe) * @param obj * @return true if the object was within city limits and added, otherwise false */ public boolean add(GeneralAIFarm farm) { for (int i = 0; i < farms.size(); i++) { if ((farms.get(i).resources.getX()-farm.resources.getX())*(farms.get(i).resources.getX()-farm.resources.getX())+(farms.get(i).resources.getY()-farm.resources.getY())*(farms.get(i).resources.getY()-farm.resources.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { farms.add(farm); return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) { if ((buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-farm.resources.getX())*(buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-farm.resources.getX())+(buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-farm.resources.getY())*(buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-farm.resources.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { farms.add(farm); return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < enemy_buildings.size(); i++) { if ((enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-farm.resources.getX())*(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-farm.resources.getX())+(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-farm.resources.getY())*(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-farm.resources.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { farms.add(farm); return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds an object to this town (maybe) * @param obj * @return true if the object was within city limits and added, otherwise false */ public boolean add(GeneralAIUnit building) { defenders_wanted += 1; for (int i = 0; i < farms.size(); i++) { if ((farms.get(i).resources.getX()-building.stats.getX())*(farms.get(i).resources.getX()-building.stats.getX())+(farms.get(i).resources.getY()-building.stats.getY())*(farms.get(i).resources.getY()-building.stats.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { buildings.add(building); if (buildings.size() > enemy_buildings.size()) { owner = building.stats.getPlayer(); } return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) { if ((buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-building.stats.getX())*(buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-building.stats.getX())+(buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-building.stats.getY())*(buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-building.stats.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { buildings.add(building); if (buildings.size() > enemy_buildings.size()) { owner = building.stats.getPlayer(); } return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < enemy_buildings.size(); i++) { if ((enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-building.stats.getX())*(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-building.stats.getX())+(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-building.stats.getY())*(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-building.stats.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { buildings.add(building); if (buildings.size() > enemy_buildings.size()) { owner = building.stats.getPlayer(); } return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds an object to this town (maybe) * @param obj * @return true if the object was within city limits and added, otherwise false */ public boolean add(GeneralAIEnemy enemy) { for (int i = 0; i < farms.size(); i++) { if ((farms.get(i).resources.getX()-enemy.stats.getX())*(farms.get(i).resources.getX()-enemy.stats.getX())+(farms.get(i).resources.getY()-enemy.stats.getY())*(farms.get(i).resources.getY()-enemy.stats.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { enemy_buildings.add(enemy); if (buildings.size() < enemy_buildings.size()) { owner = enemy.stats.getPlayer(); } return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < enemy_buildings.size(); i++) { if ((enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-enemy.stats.getX())*(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-enemy.stats.getX())+(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-enemy.stats.getY())*(enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-enemy.stats.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { enemy_buildings.add(enemy); if (buildings.size() < enemy_buildings.size()) { owner = enemy.stats.getPlayer(); } return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) { if ((buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-enemy.stats.getX())*(buildings.get(i).stats.getX()-enemy.stats.getX())+(buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-enemy.stats.getY())*(buildings.get(i).stats.getY()-enemy.stats.getY()) <= CITY_LIMIT2) { enemy_buildings.add(enemy); if (buildings.size() < enemy_buildings.size()) { owner = enemy.stats.getPlayer(); } return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes a farm from this town * @param farm * @return true if this farm was in this town, otherwise false */ public boolean remove(GeneralAIFarm farm) { for (int i = 0; i < farms.size(); i++) { if (farms.get(i).resources.getID() == farm.resources.getID()) { farms.remove(i); return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes a building from this town * @param building * @return true if this building was in this town, otherwise false */ public boolean remove(GeneralAIUnit building) { defenders_wanted -= 2; for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) { if (buildings.get(i).stats.getID() == building.stats.getID()) { buildings.remove(i); building_requested[building.stats.getType()] = false; if (buildings.size() < enemy_buildings.size()) { owner = enemy_buildings.get(0).stats.getPlayer(); } else if (buildings.size() == 0 && enemy_buildings.size() == 0) { owner = -1; } return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes a enemy building from this town * @param building * @return true if this building was in this town, otherwise false */ public boolean remove(GeneralAIEnemy enemy) { for (int i = 0; i < enemy_buildings.size(); i++) { if (enemy_buildings.get(i).stats.getID() == enemy.stats.getID()) { enemy_buildings.remove(i); if (buildings.size() > enemy_buildings.size()) { owner = buildings.get(0).stats.getPlayer(); } else if (buildings.size() == 0 && enemy_buildings.size() == 0) { owner = -1; } return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the population of the town * @return */ public int population() { return farms.size()+buildings.size()+enemy_buildings.size(); } /** * Returns where we want to build a stock pile in this town * @param product * @param ai * @return -1 if don't want a stockpile here (could be, already returned the wish location) */ public int get_location(GeneralAIProduction product, GeneralAI ai) { if (!product.def.is_stockpile_building && !has_stockpile() && farms.size() > 0) { return NO_VACANCY; } if (!building_requested[product.def.type]) { building_requested[product.def.type] = true; for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) { if (buildings.get(i).stats.getType() == product.def.type) { return NO_VACANCY; // turns out we already have this building here } } // pick a spot for this building if (product.def.is_stockpile_building) { // build near resources int best_score = -1; int best = NO_VACANCY; if (farms.size() != 0) { int farmX = farms.get(0).resources.getX(); int farmY = farms.get(0).resources.getY(); for (int i = farmY-CITY_LIMIT; i <= farmY+CITY_LIMIT; i++) { if (i >= 0 && i < ai.state.getMapHeight()-1 && (i < farmY-1 || i > farmY+1)) { for (int j = farmX-CITY_LIMIT; j <= farmX+CITY_LIMIT; j++) { if (j >= 0 && j < ai.state.getMapWidth()-1 && (j < farmX-1 || j > farmX+1)) { if (([j+i*ai.state.getMapWidth()]&(GameState.MAP_WALL|GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL|GameState.MAP_FOG)) != 0) { continue; // can't build on a wall } if (((j > 0 && ([j+i*ai.state.getMapWidth()-1]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || j == 0) && ((j < ai.state.getMapWidth()-1 && ([j+i*ai.state.getMapWidth()+1]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || j == ai.state.getMapWidth()-1) && ((i > 0 && ([j+(i-1)*ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || i == 0) && ((i < ai.state.getMapHeight()-1 && ([j+(i+1)*ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || i == ai.state.getMapHeight()-1)) { continue; // there are no non-wall tiles adjacent to this spot } // check if there's already a building here boolean building_here = false; for (int k = 0; k < buildings.size(); k++) { if (buildings.get(k).stats.getX() == j && buildings.get(k).stats.getY() == i) { building_here = true; break; } } if (building_here) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < enemy_buildings.size(); k++) { if (enemy_buildings.get(k).stats.getX() == j && enemy_buildings.get(k).stats.getY() == i) { building_here = true; break; } } if (building_here) { continue; } // finally, evaluate how good this location is int score = (j-farmX)*(j-farmX)+(i-farmY)*(i-farmY); for (int k = 1; k < farms.size(); k++) { int farmKX = farms.get(k).resources.getX(); int farmKY = farms.get(k).resources.getY(); score += (j-farmKX)*(j-farmKX)+(i-farmKY)*(i-farmKY); } if (best == NO_VACANCY || score < best_score) { best_score = score; best = i*ai.state.getMapWidth()+j; } } } } } } if (best != NO_VACANCY) { return best; } } // default rule, build practically anywhere // pick a random spot within city limits for (int i = 0; i < LOCATION_SCOUTING; i++) { int location = (int)(Math.random()*ai.state.getMapWidth()*ai.state.getMapHeight()); int locationX = location%ai.state.getMapWidth(); int locationY = location/ai.state.getMapWidth(); // confirm this is a valid build location if (([location]&(GameState.MAP_WALL|GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL|GameState.MAP_FOG)) != 0) { continue; // can't build on a wall } if (((locationX > 0 && ([location-1]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || locationX == 0) && ((locationX < ai.state.getMapWidth()-1 && ([location+1]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || locationX == ai.state.getMapWidth()-1) && ((locationY > 0 && ([location-ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || locationY == 0) && ((locationY < ai.state.getMapHeight()-1 && ([location+ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || locationY == ai.state.getMapHeight()-1)) { continue; // there are no non-wall tiles adjacent to this spot } if ((locationX > 0 && ([location-1]&GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL) != 0) || (locationX < ai.state.getMapWidth()-1 && ([location+1]&GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL) != 0) || (locationY > 0 && ([location-ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL) != 0) || (locationY < ai.state.getMapHeight()-1 && ([location+ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL) != 0)) { continue; // there are resources next to this spot } // confirm this location is within city limits if (in_limits(location, ai.state.getMapWidth())) { return location; } } building_requested[product.def.type] = false; } return NO_VACANCY; } /** * Checks if a location is within the city limits * @param location the location to check * @param map_w width of the map * @return true or false */ public boolean in_limits(int location, int map_w) { int locationX = location%map_w; int locationY = location/map_w; for (int j = 0; j < farms.size(); j++) { if ((locationX-farms.get(j).resources.getX())*(locationX-farms.get(j).resources.getX())+(locationY-farms.get(j).resources.getY())*(locationY-farms.get(j).resources.getY()) < CITY_LIMIT2) { return true; } } for (int j = 0; j < buildings.size(); j++) { if ((locationX-buildings.get(j).stats.getX())*(locationX-buildings.get(j).stats.getX())+(locationY-buildings.get(j).stats.getY())*(locationY-buildings.get(j).stats.getY()) < CITY_LIMIT2) { return true; } } for (int j = 0; j < enemy_buildings.size(); j++) { if ((locationX-enemy_buildings.get(j).stats.getX())*(locationX-enemy_buildings.get(j).stats.getX())+(locationY-enemy_buildings.get(j).stats.getY())*(locationY-enemy_buildings.get(j).stats.getY()) < CITY_LIMIT2) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if there is a stockpile in this town * @return */ public boolean has_stockpile() { for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) { if (buildings.get(i).stats.isStockpile()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void update_orders(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { unit.clearActions(ai.traffic_map); order_unit(unit, ai); } @Override public void order_unit(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { if (farms.size() == 0) { // nothing really to protect... remove(unit, ai); return; } // randomly patrol, or attack nearby enemies boolean patrol = true; // see if enemy is close by int distance = GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE; GeneralAIEnemy enemy = null; for (int j = 0; j < ai.attack_manager.enemies.size(); j++) { int d = ai.attack_manager.enemies.get(j).distance(unit, ai); if (d != GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE && (distance == GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE || d < distance)) { distance = d; enemy = ai.attack_manager.enemies.get(j); } } if (distance != GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE && distance < CITY_LIMIT2) { patrol = false; // attack this enemy!!! // check if we can just attack... for (int i = 0; i < unit.stats.getActions().size(); i++) { UnitAction action = unit.stats.getActions().get(i); if (action.getType() == UnitAction.ATTACK && action.getTargetX() == enemy.stats.getX() && action.getTargetY() == enemy.stats.getY()) { unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.ATTACK, enemy.stats.getX(), enemy.stats.getY(), -1), ai.traffic_map, unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, -1); return; } } // else try and path to enemy ArrayList<Integer> openings = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int j = enemy.stats.getY()-unit.stats.getAttackRange(); j <= enemy.stats.getY()+unit.stats.getVision(); j++) { if (j >= 0 && j < ai.state.getMapHeight()) { for (int k = enemy.stats.getX()-unit.stats.getAttackRange(); k <= enemy.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getAttackRange(); k++) { if (k >= 0 && k < ai.state.getMapWidth() && (j-enemy.stats.getY())*(j-enemy.stats.getY())+(k-enemy.stats.getX())*(k-enemy.stats.getX()) < unit.stats.getAttackRange()*unit.stats.getAttackRange()) { openings.add(k+j*ai.state.getMapWidth()); } } } } ArrayList<Integer[]> rpath = ai.get_path(unit.stats, unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, openings); if (rpath != null) { // is possible to reach goal boolean there = false; if (rpath.size() == 0) { rpath.add(new Integer[]{unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn}); there = true; } // set order queue if (!there) { for (int i = rpath.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, rpath.get(i)[0]%ai.state.getMapWidth(), rpath.get(i)[0]/ai.state.getMapWidth(),-1), ai.traffic_map, rpath.get(i)[0], rpath.get(i)[1], rpath.get(i)[1]+unit.stats.getMoveSpeed()); } } int now_at = rpath.get(0)[0]; int now_start = rpath.get(0)[1]; //System.out.println("adding ATTACK"); unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.ATTACK, enemy.stats.getX(), enemy.stats.getY(), -1), ai.traffic_map, now_at, now_start, -1); } else { // oh no, can't reach this enemey!? // go back to patrol patrol = true; } } if (patrol && in_limits(unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.state.getMapWidth())) { // patrol // patrol the town // pick a random point within city limits... int[] dir = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0}; int t = 0; for (int i = 0; i < unit.stats.getActions().size(); i++) { UnitAction action = unit.stats.getActions().get(i); if (action.getType() == UnitAction.MOVE) { if (action.getTargetX() < unit.stats.getX()) { dir[0] += distance(unit, ai, 1, 0); t += dir[0]; } else if (action.getTargetX() > unit.stats.getX()) { dir[1] += distance(unit, ai, -1, 0); t += dir[1]; } else if (action.getTargetY() < unit.stats.getY()) { dir[2] += distance(unit, ai, 0, 1); t += dir[2]; } else if (action.getTargetY() > unit.stats.getY()) { dir[3] += distance(unit, ai, 0, -1); t += dir[3]; } } } int r = (int)(Math.random()*t); for (int i = 0; i < dir.length; i++) { r -= dir[i]; if (r < 0) { switch (i) { case 0: unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, unit.stats.getX()-1, unit.stats.getY(), -1), ai.traffic_map, unit.stats.getX()-1+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, ai.current_turn+unit.stats.getMoveSpeed()); break; case 1: unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, unit.stats.getX()+1, unit.stats.getY(), -1), ai.traffic_map, unit.stats.getX()+1+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, ai.current_turn+unit.stats.getMoveSpeed()); break; case 2: unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, unit.stats.getX(), unit.stats.getY()-1, -1), ai.traffic_map, unit.stats.getX()+(unit.stats.getY()-1)*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, ai.current_turn+unit.stats.getMoveSpeed()); break; default: unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, unit.stats.getX(), unit.stats.getY()+1, -1), ai.traffic_map, unit.stats.getX()+(unit.stats.getY()+1)*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, ai.current_turn+unit.stats.getMoveSpeed()); break; } break; } } } else if (patrol) { // return to the city int location = -1; for (int i = 0; i < LOCATION_SCOUTING; i++) { location = (int)(Math.random()*ai.state.getMapWidth()*ai.state.getMapHeight()); int locationX = location%ai.state.getMapWidth(); int locationY = location/ai.state.getMapWidth(); // confirm this is a valid build location if (([location]&(GameState.MAP_WALL|GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL|GameState.MAP_FOG)) != 0) { continue; // can't build on a wall } if (((locationX > 0 && ([location-1]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || locationX == 0) && ((locationX < ai.state.getMapWidth()-1 && ([location+1]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || locationX == ai.state.getMapWidth()-1) && ((locationY > 0 && ([location-ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || locationY == 0) && ((locationY < ai.state.getMapHeight()-1 && ([location+ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_WALL) != 0) || locationY == ai.state.getMapHeight()-1)) { continue; // there are no non-wall tiles adjacent to this spot } if ((locationX > 0 && ([location-1]&GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL) != 0) || (locationX < ai.state.getMapWidth()-1 && ([location+1]&GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL) != 0) || (locationY > 0 && ([location-ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL) != 0) || (locationY < ai.state.getMapHeight()-1 && ([location+ai.state.getMapWidth()]&GameState.MAP_NEUTRAL) != 0)) { continue; // there are resources next to this spot } // confirm this location is within city limits if (in_limits(location, ai.state.getMapWidth())) { break; } } if (location != -1) { ArrayList<Integer> openings = new ArrayList<Integer>(); openings.add(location); ArrayList<Integer[]> rpath = ai.get_path(unit.stats, unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn, openings); if (rpath != null) { // is possible to reach goal boolean there = false; if (rpath.size() == 0) { rpath.add(new Integer[]{unit.stats.getX()+unit.stats.getY()*ai.state.getMapWidth(), ai.current_turn}); there = true; } // set order queue if (!there) { for (int i = rpath.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { unit.addAction(new UnitAction(unit.stats, UnitAction.MOVE, rpath.get(i)[0]%ai.state.getMapWidth(), rpath.get(i)[0]/ai.state.getMapWidth(),-1), ai.traffic_map, rpath.get(i)[0], rpath.get(i)[1], rpath.get(i)[1]+unit.stats.getMoveSpeed()); } } } else { // impossible to reach town !? } } else { // impossible to reach town !? } } } public int distance(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai, int dx, int dy) { if (ai.player_id != owner) { return GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE; } if (buildings.size() > 0) { return (unit.stats.getX()+dx-buildings.get(0).stats.getX())*(unit.stats.getX()+dx-buildings.get(0).stats.getX())+(unit.stats.getY()+dy-buildings.get(0).stats.getY())*(unit.stats.getY()+dy-buildings.get(0).stats.getY()); } return 0; // erhmmm...??? } @Override public int distance(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { if (ai.player_id != owner || defenders >= defenders_wanted || farms.size() == 0) { return GeneralAI.DISTANCE_IGNORE; } if (buildings.size() > 0) { return (unit.stats.getX()-buildings.get(0).stats.getX())*(unit.stats.getX()-buildings.get(0).stats.getX())+(unit.stats.getY()-buildings.get(0).stats.getY())*(unit.stats.getY()-buildings.get(0).stats.getY()); } return 0; // erhmmm...??? } @Override public void action_succeeded(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai, int type) { // NaN } @Override public void remove(GeneralAIUnit unit, GeneralAI ai) { unit.clearActions(ai.traffic_map); unit.object = null; defenders--; } public void add_defender() { defenders++; } }