package rts.units; import rts.PhysicalGameState; /** * \brief This is an action that a unit can take * @author Jeff Bernard * */ public class UnitAction { public static final int NONE = 0; public static final int MOVE = 1; /**< action type */ public static final int ATTACK = 2; /**< action type */ public static final int HARVEST = 3; /**< action type */ public static final int RETURN = 4; /**< action type */ public static final int BUILD = 5; /**< action type */ public static final int UPGRADE = 6; public static final int ATTACK_KILL = 7; public static final int DEFAULT_COOLDOWN = 2; /**< the default time for an action */ private long timestamp; /**< when this action was issued */ private int type; /**< what type of move this is */ private long unitID; /**< the id of the unit this is for */ private int targetX; /**< where this action culminates */ private int targetY; /**< where this action culminates */ private int build; /**< what to build */ private int cooldown; /**< how long this action has before it goes */ private boolean is_ready; /**< whether or not this action is ready to execute */ private boolean isValidated; /**< whether or not this action has been validated as legal */ /** * Constructs a new unit action * @param unit the unit this action is for * @param action_type what type of action this * @param target_x x target coordinate * @param target_y y target coordinate * @param production (only for action_type == BUILD) what to build */ public UnitAction(Unit unit, int action_type, int target_x, int target_y, int production) { this(unit.getID(), action_type, target_x, target_y, production); } private UnitAction(long id, int action_type, int target_x, int target_y, int production) { unitID = id; type = action_type; targetX = target_x; targetY = target_y; build = production; isValidated = false; is_ready = false; } public UnitAction(UnitStats unit, int action_type, int target_x, int target_y, int production) { unitID =; type = action_type; targetX = target_x; targetY = target_y; build = production; isValidated = false; is_ready = false; } /** * Gets type * @return */ public int getType() { return type; } /** * Gets target x * @return */ public int getTargetX() { return targetX; } /** * Gets target y * @return */ public int getTargetY() { return targetY; } /** * Gets build * @return */ public int getBuild() { return build; } /** * Returns the timestamp for this action * @return timestamp */ public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } /** * Sets the timestamp to now */ public void setTimestamp() { timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Returns the unit ID * @return */ public long getUnitID() { return unitID; } /** * Returns whether or not this action is ready to execute * @return */ public boolean ready() { boolean ret = is_ready; is_ready = false; return ret; } public boolean cooldown() { return(--cooldown<=0); } /** * Validates this action as legal or not * @param unit the unit who is doing this action * @param pgs the game state * @return */ public boolean validate(UnitStats unit, PhysicalGameState pgs) { if (isValidated) { return true; } is_ready = true; if ( == unitID) { cooldown = DEFAULT_COOLDOWN; switch (type) { case MOVE: cooldown = unit.definition.move_speed; isValidated = true; break; case ATTACK: cooldown = unit.definition.attack_speed; isValidated = true; break; case HARVEST: cooldown = pgs.harvestTime(targetX, targetY); isValidated = true; break; case RETURN: isValidated = true; break; case BUILD: cooldown = pgs.buildTime(unit.player, !unit.definition.is_building, build); isValidated = true; break; case UPGRADE: cooldown = pgs.upgradeTime(unit.player, build); isValidated = true; break; } } return isValidated; } /** * Executes this action * @param unit the unit this action is for * @param pgs the phsyical game state * @return whether or not this action succeeded */ public boolean execute(UnitStats unit, PhysicalGameState pgs) { // obviously, but no harm checking for the umpteenth time if ( == unitID) { boolean result = false; switch (type) { case MOVE: result = pgs.moveUnit(unit, targetX, targetY); break; case ATTACK: result = pgs.attackUnit(unit, targetX, targetY); break; case HARVEST: result = pgs.harvestUnit(unit, targetX, targetY); break; case RETURN: result = pgs.returnUnitHarvest(unit, targetX, targetY); break; case BUILD: result = pgs.buildUnit(unit, targetX, targetY, build); if (!result) { //pgs.restoreResources(unit.player, !unit.definition.is_building, build); } break; case UPGRADE: result = pgs.upgradeUnits(unit.player, build); break; } //if (!result) { System.out.println(targetX+"x"+targetY);System.exit(-1);} unit.last_action_success = result; // if (!result) { // System.out.println(unit.definition.label+"("") failed to execute action of type: "+type); // } return result; } return false; } /** * Compares two actions to see if they are equal * @param other the other action to compare with * @return true or false */ public boolean equals(UnitAction other) { return(unitID == other.unitID && type == other.type && targetX == other.targetX && targetY == other.targetY && build ==; } public UnitAction copy() { return new UnitAction(unitID, type, targetX, targetY, build); } public String toString() { return type+" => "+targetX+"x"+targetY+" ("+build+")"; } }