package toritools.pathing; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * This class contains a generic A* implementation. * * @author toriscope * * @param <D> * the data type of the data within the nodes. */ public class AStarModule<D> { /** * Current graph. */ private AStarGraph<D> graph; /** * Current goal node. */ private AStarNode<D> goal; /* * Compares a list of Node<D>'s by F-score, or G + H. G is the edge distance from the start * node to the current. H is the approximated distance to the goal. */ private Comparator<AStarNode<D>> scoreSorter = new Comparator<AStarNode<D>>() { @Override public int compare(final AStarNode<D> o1, final AStarNode<D> o2) { Double f1 = o1.getDistanceFromStart() + getGraph().getApproxDistance(o1.getData(), getGoal().getData()); Double f2 = o2.getDistanceFromStart() + getGraph().getApproxDistance(o2.getData(), getGoal().getData()); return f1.compareTo(f2); } }; /** * Create an A* module with the specified graph. You may still add and remove nodes from * the graph. * * @param graph * the graph */ public AStarModule(final AStarGraph<D> graph) { this.graph = graph; } /** * Find a path from the start node to the end node, inclusive. * * @param start * the starting node. Will be part of the path. * @param goal * the goal node, will be part of the path. * @return the compiled List of nodes that form a path from start to goal. * @throws UnreachableNodeException * thrown when it is not possible to reach the goal node from the start node. */ public List<AStarNode<D>> findPathTo(final AStarNode<D> start, final AStarNode<D> goal) throws UnreachableNodeException { this.setGraph(graph); this.setGoal(goal); if (start == goal) { LinkedList<AStarNode<D>> n = new LinkedList<AStarNode<D>>(); n.add(start); return n; } for (Entry<D, AStarNode<D>> entry : this.graph.getNodeMap().entrySet()) { entry.getValue().setDistanceFromStart(0); entry.getValue().setParent(null); } List<AStarNode<D>> openList = new LinkedList<AStarNode<D>>(), closedList = new LinkedList<AStarNode<D>>(); // a* algorithm AStarNode<D> currNode = start; while (currNode != goal) { // Dump currNode children into openList for (Entry<AStarNode<D>, Double> child : currNode.getChildren().entrySet()) { if (closedList.contains(child.getKey())) { continue; } if (!openList.contains(child.getKey())) { openList.add(child.getKey()); child.getKey().setParent(currNode); child.getKey().setDistanceFromStart( currNode.getDistanceFromStart() + child.getValue()); } else { // if the current square makes a better parent if (child.getKey().getDistanceFromStart() > currNode.getDistanceFromStart() + child.getValue()) { child.getKey().setParent(currNode); child.getKey().setDistanceFromStart( currNode.getDistanceFromStart() + child.getValue()); } } } openList.remove(currNode); closedList.add(currNode); Collections.sort(openList, this.getScoreSorter()); if (openList.isEmpty()) { throw new UnreachableNodeException(start, goal); } currNode = openList.get(0); } // Reconstruct the path List<AStarNode<D>> path = new LinkedList<AStarNode<D>>(); while (currNode != start) { path.add(currNode); currNode = currNode.getParent(); } path.add(start); Collections.reverse(path); return path; } /** * An A* node. * * @author toriscope * * @param <D> * the datatype of the data */ public static class AStarNode<D> { private D data; private AStarNode<D> parent; private HashMap<AStarNode<D>, Double> children; private Point2D.Double point; private double dist; /** * Node with given data at given point. * * @param data * data in node * @param point * double position */ public AStarNode(final D data, final Point2D.Double point) { this.setData(data); this.setPoint(point); this.setChildren(new HashMap<AStarNode<D>, Double>()); } /** * Add a bi-directional link to this node to another, with a given cost to move there. * * @param node * neighboring node * @param cost * cost to move there. */ public void addOmniLink(final AStarNode<D> node, final Double cost) { this.addUniLink(node, cost); node.addUniLink(this, cost); } /** * Add a bi-directional link with the path cost automatically set to be the distance. * * @param node * neighboring node. */ public void addOmniLink(final AStarNode<D> node) { this.addOmniLink(node, this.getPoint().distance(node.getPoint())); } /** * Add a 1-directional link to this node to another, with a given cost to move there. * * @param node * neighboring node * @param cost * cost to move there. */ public void addUniLink(final AStarNode<D> node, final Double cost) { this.getChildren().put(node, cost); } /** * Add a 1-directional link with the path cost automatically set to be the distance. * * @param node * neighboring node. */ public void addUniLink(final AStarNode<D> node) { this.addUniLink(node, this.getPoint().distance(node.getPoint())); } /** * Remove the path link from THIS to a given node, if it exists. If the other node has * a link to THIS, then thet connection is still present. * * @param node * node to remove the link to. */ public void removeUniLink(final AStarNode<D> node) { this.getChildren().remove(node); } /** * Removes all links between this node and a given node. * * @param node * node to remove the links to/from. */ public void removeOmniLink(final AStarNode<D> node) { this.removeUniLink(node); node.removeUniLink(this); } /** * Add path cost to the given link. * * @param node * the node that the path goes to. * @param cost * the additional cost. */ public void addPathCost(final AStarNode<D> node, final double cost) { this.children.put(node, this.children.get(node) + cost); } public D getData() { return; } public void setData(final D data) { = data; } private void setParent(final AStarNode<D> parent) { this.parent = parent; } private AStarNode<D> getParent() { return this.parent; } public HashMap<AStarNode<D>, Double> getChildren() { return this.children; } public void setChildren(final HashMap<AStarNode<D>, Double> children) { this.children = children; } @Override public String toString() { String s = "[" + this.getData().toString() + "]" + "[#Children:" + this.getChildren().size() + "]"; return s; } /** * toString with children and cost information. * * @return verbose toString output */ public String toStringVerbose() { String s = this.toString(); for (Entry<AStarNode<D>, Double> entry : this.getChildren().entrySet()) { s += "\n\t" + "(N: " + entry.getKey() + ", C: " + entry.getValue() + ")"; } return s; } public java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double getPoint() { return this.point; } public void setPoint(final java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double point) { this.point = point; } public void setDistanceFromStart(final double dist) { this.dist = dist; } /** * Get the distance from the start of the path to here. * * @return the total path distance. */ public double getDistanceFromStart() { return this.dist; } } /** * Generic graph, holding nodes and capable of guessing the distances between them. Uses a * map for storing, so no nodes with duplicate data should be used. If you'd link to use * your own distance approximator, use setDistanceApproximator() and the static interface * DistanceApproximator to do so. * * @author toriscope * * @param <D> * the data type of the node data. */ public static class AStarGraph<D> { /** * Interface for guessing the distance betweentwo nodes. * * @author toriscope * * @param <D> * data type of the node data. */ public static interface DistanceApproximator<D> { /** * Get the approximate distance between two nodes. * * @param a * node a * @param b * node b * @return the approximate distance. */ double getApproxDistance(final AStarNode<D> a, final AStarNode<D> b); } /** * The current method for approximating distance. Uses the straight-line distance. */ private DistanceApproximator<D> distanceApproximator = new DistanceApproximator<D>() { @Override public double getApproxDistance(final AStarNode<D> a, final AStarNode<D> b) { return a.getPoint().distance(b.getPoint()); } }; /** * Set a custom function for approximating distance between two nodes. Default simply * uses the direct distance. * * @param distanceApproximator * new instance of DistanceApproximator */ public void setDistanceApproximator(final DistanceApproximator<D> distanceApproximator) { this.distanceApproximator = distanceApproximator; } private HashMap<D, AStarNode<D>> nodeMap = new HashMap<D, AStarNode<D>>(); /** * Add a node to the graph. The node miust have its data filled in. * * @param node * the node with data filled in. */ public void addNode(final AStarNode<D> node) { this.getNodeMap().put(node.getData(), node); } /** * Get back the map of data matched to nodes. * * @return the map of data to nodes */ public HashMap<D, AStarNode<D>> getNodeMap() { return this.nodeMap; } /** * Get a node based on given data. * * @param data * data to index into the node map by. * @return the node, if it exists. Otherwise, MissingNodeException is thrown. */ public AStarNode<D> getNode(final D data) { AStarNode<D> node = this.getNodeMap().get(data); if (node == null) { throw new MissingNodeException(data.toString()); } return node; } /** * Get a node based on given pos. * * @param pos * pos to search in the node map by. * @return the node, if it exists. Otherwise, MissingNodeException is thrown. */ public AStarNode<D> getNode(final Point.Double pos) { for (Entry<D, AStarNode<D>> n : getNodeMap().entrySet()) { if (n.getValue().getPoint().equals(pos)) { return n.getValue(); } } throw new MissingNodeException(pos.toString()); } /** * Get the approximate distance between two nodes. * * @param a * node a * @param b * node b * @return the distance * @throws MissingNodeException * thrown if the node cannot be found. */ public double getApproxDistance(final D a, final D b) { return this.distanceApproximator.getApproxDistance(this.getNode(a), this.getNode(b)); } /** * The requested node cannot be found in the graph. Either the data does not match, or * the node has not yet been added to the graph. * * @author toriscope * */ public static class MissingNodeException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Displays a nice little error message when a node is not found. * * @param nodeInfo * information about the data in the node. */ public MissingNodeException(final String nodeInfo) { super("The requested node \"" + nodeInfo.toString() + "\" cannot be found in the graph. Did you forget to add it?"); } } } public Comparator<AStarNode<D>> getScoreSorter() { return scoreSorter; } /** * Set a custom fScore sorter for the algorithm to sort the open list by. * * @param scoreSorter * the new scoreSorter */ public void setScoreSorter(final Comparator<AStarNode<D>> scoreSorter) { this.scoreSorter = scoreSorter; } public AStarGraph<D> getGraph() { return graph; } public void setGraph(final AStarGraph<D> graph) { this.graph = graph; } public void setGoal(final AStarNode<D> goal) { this.goal = goal; } public AStarNode<D> getGoal() { return goal; } /** * The start and goal nodes are not connected by any series of edges. * * @author toriscope * */ public static class UnreachableNodeException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Standard const. Reports that a path could not be built between the two given nodes. * * @param start * start node * @param goal * end node */ public UnreachableNodeException(final AStarNode<?> start, final AStarNode<?> goal) { super("The goal node [" + goal.toString() + "] cannot be reached from the start node [" + start.toString() + "]."); } } /** * Common usage scenario. * * @param args * ignored */ public static void main(final String[] args) { AStarNode<String> atlanta = new AStarNode<String>("Atlanta", new Point2D.Double(0, 0)); AStarNode<String> ontario = new AStarNode<String>("Ontario", new Point2D.Double(25, 0)); AStarNode<String> hollywood = new AStarNode<String>("Hollywood", new Point2D.Double(25, 12)); AStarNode<String> canada = new AStarNode<String>("Canada", new Point2D.Double(0, 12)); AStarNode<String> nepal = new AStarNode<String>("Nepal", new Point2D.Double(0, 25)); AStarNode<String> moon = new AStarNode<String>("Moon", new Point2D.Double(0, 10000)); AStarNode<String> spaceStation = new AStarNode<String>("Kennedy Space Center", new Point2D.Double(76, 54)); // Build the graph AStarGraph<String> graph = new AStarGraph<String>(); graph.addNode(atlanta); graph.addNode(ontario); graph.addNode(hollywood); graph.addNode(canada); graph.addNode(nepal); graph.addNode(moon); graph.addNode(spaceStation); // Add roads/edges atlanta.addOmniLink(hollywood); atlanta.addOmniLink(canada); hollywood.addOmniLink(canada); nepal.addOmniLink(canada); ontario.addOmniLink(hollywood); hollywood.addOmniLink(spaceStation); // slow rail between nepal and hollywood hollywood.addOmniLink(nepal, 100d); // One way ride to the moon! spaceStation.addUniLink(moon); // Factor in the amount of money it costs for a space program. spaceStation.addPathCost(moon, 2000); System.out.println(atlanta.toStringVerbose()); System.out.println(ontario.toStringVerbose()); System.out.println(hollywood.toStringVerbose()); System.out.println(canada.toStringVerbose()); System.out.println(ontario.toStringVerbose()); // Load the graph into aStar and run a calculation AStarModule<String> astar = new AStarModule<String>(graph); try { List<AStarNode<String>> path = astar.findPathTo(nepal, moon); System.err.println("Path from " + path.get(0).getData() + " to " + path.get(path.size() - 1).getData() + ":"); for (AStarNode<String> node : path) { System.err.println(node.getData()); } } catch (final UnreachableNodeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } }