package; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.IslandMap; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.IslandParameters.Feature; import com.bioxx.libnoise.model.Line; import com.bioxx.libnoise.model.Plane; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.combiner.Max; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.combiner.Select; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.modifier.Clamp; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.modifier.TranslatePoint; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.source.Const; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.source.Perlin; import com.bioxx.tfc2.Core; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.types.ClimateTemp; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.types.Moisture; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.types.Season; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.types.SeasonalPeriod; import com.bioxx.tfc2.core.Timekeeper; /** * This class acts as the overall weather manager for all islands. A perlin map * @author Bioxx * */ public class WeatherManager { private static WeatherManager instance; private static final float[] hourlyTempMod = new float[] {0.90f/*12am*/, 0.88f, 0.86f, 0.84f, 0.82f, 0.8f, 0.81f/*6am*/, 0.82f, 0.84f, 0.86f, 0.88f, 0.9f, 0.92f/*12pm*/, 0.94f, 0.96f, 0.98f, 1.0f, 0.99f, 0.98f/*6pm*/, 0.97f, 0.96f, 0.95f, 0.94f, 0.92f}; private int rainCounter = 0; public Line rainModelSpring; public Line rainModelSummer; public Line rainModelFall; public Line rainModelWinter; public Line rainModelDesert; private Plane temperatureNoise; private World worldObj; public WeatherManager(World world) { worldObj = world; } public static void setupWeather(World world) { instance = new WeatherManager(world); instance.setupStorms(world); } public static WeatherManager getInstance() { return instance; } /** * @param model Rain Model * @param x Island Map XCoord * @param z Island Map ZCoord * @return Returns precipitation value from the perlin map */ public double getPrecipitationRaw(Line model, int x, int z) { //We use the x value for moving the noise over time //The y value is used as an offset for the island x coordinate //The z value is used as an offset for the island z coordinate return model.getValue(Timekeeper.getInstance().getTotalHalfHours(), x * 1000000, z * 1000000); } /** * @return Returns an adjusted precipitation value for the island being queried */ public double getPreciptitation(IslandMap island, int x, int z) { Line model = getModelForClimate(island, worldObj); double raw = getPrecipitationRaw(model, x >> 12, z >> 12); //We divide the clamp by two so that there is more rain on average. Just using the clamp itself was too limiting double clamp = island.getParams().getIslandMoisture().getInverse() / 2D; double rain = Math.max(Math.min(raw - clamp, 1.0), 0.0); return rain; } public double getPreciptitation(int x, int z) { IslandMap island = WorldGen.getInstance().getIslandMap(x >> 12, z >> 12); return getPreciptitation(island, x, z); } public Line getModelForClimate(IslandMap map, World world) { Moisture moisture = map.getParams().getIslandMoisture(); ClimateTemp temp = map.getParams().getIslandTemp(); Season season = Timekeeper.getInstance().getSeason(); if(map.getParams().hasFeature(Feature.Desert)) return rainModelDesert; //TODO: Expand this to allow islands to have more individualized weather if(season == Season.Spring) return rainModelSpring; else if(season == Season.Summer) return rainModelSummer; else if(season == Season.Fall) return rainModelFall; else if(season == Season.Winter) return rainModelWinter; return rainModelSummer; } public double getTemperature(BlockPos pos) { IslandMap island = WorldGen.getInstance().getIslandMap(pos.getX() >> 12, pos.getZ() >> 12); return getTemperature(island, pos); } public double getTemperature(IslandMap island, BlockPos pos) { Timekeeper inst = Timekeeper.getInstance(); // 1: Find the island information to get the general climate data ClimateTemp climate = island.getParams().getIslandTemp(); // 2: Get seasonal data to combine with the island information SeasonalPeriod period = Timekeeper.getInstance().getSeasonalPeriod(); // 3: Get local temperature noise double local = temperatureNoise.getModule().GetValue(pos.getX(), Timekeeper.getInstance().getTotalDays(), pos.getZ()) * climate.getTempVar(); // 4: Combine this information and adjust for elevation; double baseMin = climate.getTempMin(); double baseMax = climate.getTempMax(); double elevationModifier = (((pos.getY()-64)/192D)*8.0); return (baseMin + ((baseMax - baseMin)*period.getTempMultiplier()) + local) * hourlyTempMod[Timekeeper.getInstance().getClockTime()] - elevationModifier; } public double getTemperature(int x, int y, int z) { return getTemperature(Core.getMapForWorld(worldObj, new BlockPos(x, y, z)), new BlockPos(x, y, z)); } public void setupStorms(World world) { rainModelSummer = getSummerStorm(); rainModelSpring = getSpringStorm(); rainModelFall = getFallStorm(); rainModelWinter = getWinterStorm(); Perlin p0 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.003, 0.8); p0.setOctaveCount(4); p0.setLacunarity(1.1); this.temperatureNoise = new Plane(p0); Const c0 = new Const(); rainModelDesert = new Line(c0); } private Line getSummerStorm() { /* * Rain band module. High frequency causes the rain strength to fluctuate a lot. */ Perlin p0 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.05, 0.8); p0.setOctaveCount(2); p0.setLacunarity(1.1); /* * Used by the Selector for dry spells */ Const con0 = new Const(0); /* * Control module - This creates the Large Storms */ Perlin p1 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.008, 0.1); /** * Select module uses the control module to determine how often it will be rainy over the course of the * season, then fills the rainy periods with rain bands from p0 */ Select s0 = new Select(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, p1, con0, p0); /** * The default storms are nice but its hard to get the amount of rain bands that we'd like * to see so we translate the initial rain map to get some new noise and then blend it into our final map */ TranslatePoint tp0 = new TranslatePoint(); tp0.setSourceModule(0, p0); tp0.setZTranslation(1000); /** * This is the selection module for our second rain band pass */ Select s1 = new Select(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, p1, con0, tp0); /** * We use max to blend the rain band layers. */ Max m0 = new Max(); m0.setSourceModule(0, s0); m0.setSourceModule(1, s1); /* * Clamps our output to 0.0 - 1.0 */ Clamp c0 = new Clamp(m0); return new Line(c0); } private Line getSpringStorm() { /* * Rain band module. High frequency causes the rain strength to fluctuate a lot. */ Perlin p0 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.1, 0.8); p0.setOctaveCount(2); p0.setLacunarity(1.1); /* * Used by the Selector for dry spells */ Const con0 = new Const(0); /* * Control module - This creates the Large Storms */ Perlin p1 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.019, 0.1); /** * Select module uses the control module to determine how often it will be rainy over the course of the * season, then fills the rainy periods with rain bands from p0 */ Select s0 = new Select(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, p1, con0, p0); /** * The default storms are nice but its hard to get the amount of rain bands that we'd like * to see so we translate the initial rain map to get some new noise and then blend it into our final map */ TranslatePoint tp0 = new TranslatePoint(); tp0.setSourceModule(0, p0); tp0.setZTranslation(1000); /** * This is the selection module for our second rain band pass */ Select s1 = new Select(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, p1, con0, tp0); /** * We use max to blend the rain band layers. */ Max m0 = new Max(); m0.setSourceModule(0, s0); m0.setSourceModule(1, s1); /* * Clamps our output to 0.0 - 1.0 */ Clamp c0 = new Clamp(m0); return new Line(c0); } private Line getFallStorm() { /* * Rain band module. High frequency causes the rain strength to fluctuate a lot. */ Perlin p0 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.05, 0.8); p0.setOctaveCount(2); p0.setLacunarity(1.1); /* * Used by the Selector for dry spells */ Const con0 = new Const(0); /* * Control module - This creates the Large Storms */ Perlin p1 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.008, 0.1); /** * Select module uses the control module to determine how often it will be rainy over the course of the * season, then fills the rainy periods with rain bands from p0 */ Select s0 = new Select(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, p1, con0, p0); /** * The default storms are nice but its hard to get the amount of rain bands that we'd like * to see so we translate the initial rain map to get some new noise and then blend it into our final map */ TranslatePoint tp0 = new TranslatePoint(); tp0.setSourceModule(0, p0); tp0.setZTranslation(1000); /** * This is the selection module for our second rain band pass */ Select s1 = new Select(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, p1, con0, tp0); /** * We use max to blend the rain band layers. */ Max m0 = new Max(); m0.setSourceModule(0, s0); m0.setSourceModule(1, s1); /* * Clamps our output to 0.0 - 1.0 */ Clamp c0 = new Clamp(m0); return new Line(c0); } private Line getWinterStorm() { /* * Rain band module. High frequency causes the rain strength to fluctuate a lot. */ Perlin p0 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.05, 0.8); p0.setOctaveCount(2); p0.setLacunarity(1.1); /* * Used by the Selector for dry spells */ Const con0 = new Const(0); /* * Control module - This creates the Large Storms */ Perlin p1 = new Perlin(worldObj.getSeed(), 0.008, 0.1); /** * Select module uses the control module to determine how often it will be rainy over the course of the * season, then fills the rainy periods with rain bands from p0 */ Select s0 = new Select(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, p1, con0, p0); /** * The default storms are nice but its hard to get the amount of rain bands that we'd like * to see so we translate the initial rain map to get some new noise and then blend it into our final map */ TranslatePoint tp0 = new TranslatePoint(); tp0.setSourceModule(0, p0); tp0.setZTranslation(1000); /** * This is the selection module for our second rain band pass */ Select s1 = new Select(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, p1, con0, tp0); /** * We use max to blend the rain band layers. */ Max m0 = new Max(); m0.setSourceModule(0, s0); m0.setSourceModule(1, s1); /* * Clamps our output to 0.0 - 1.0 */ Clamp c0 = new Clamp(m0); return new Line(c0); } }