package; import java.util.Vector; public class EdgeReorderer { private Vector<Edge> _edges; private Vector<LR> _edgeOrientations; public Vector<Edge> getEdges() { return _edges; } public Vector<LR> getEdgeOrientations() { return _edgeOrientations; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public EdgeReorderer(Vector<Edge> origEdges, Class criterion) throws Exception { if (criterion != Vertex.class && criterion != Site.class) { throw new Exception("Edges: criterion must be Vertex or Site"); } _edges = new Vector<Edge>(); _edgeOrientations = new Vector<LR>(); if (origEdges.size() > 0) { _edges = reorderEdges(origEdges, criterion); } } public void dispose() { _edges = null; _edgeOrientations = null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Vector<Edge> reorderEdges(Vector<Edge> origEdges, Class criterion) { int i = 0; int n = origEdges.size(); Edge edge; // we're going to reorder the edges in order of traversal Vector<Boolean> done = new Vector<Boolean>(); int nDone = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { done.add(false); } Vector<Edge> newEdges = new Vector<Edge>(); i = 0; edge = origEdges.get(i); newEdges.add(edge); _edgeOrientations.add(LR.LEFT); ICoord firstPoint = (criterion == Vertex.class) ? edge._leftVertex : edge.getLeftSite(); ICoord lastPoint = (criterion == Vertex.class) ? edge._rightVertex : edge.getRightSite(); if (firstPoint == Vertex.VERTEX_AT_INFINITY || lastPoint == Vertex.VERTEX_AT_INFINITY) { return new Vector<Edge>(); } done.set(i, true); ++nDone; int loops = 0; while (nDone < n) { loops++; for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) { if (done.get(i)) { continue; } edge = origEdges.get(i); ICoord leftPoint = (criterion == Vertex.class) ? edge._leftVertex : edge.getLeftSite(); ICoord rightPoint = (criterion == Vertex.class) ? edge._rightVertex : edge.getRightSite(); if (leftPoint == Vertex.VERTEX_AT_INFINITY || rightPoint == Vertex.VERTEX_AT_INFINITY) { return new Vector<Edge>(); } if (leftPoint == lastPoint) { lastPoint = rightPoint; _edgeOrientations.add(LR.LEFT); newEdges.add(edge); done.set(i, true); } else if (rightPoint == firstPoint) { firstPoint = leftPoint; DelaunayUtil.unshiftArray(_edgeOrientations, LR.LEFT); DelaunayUtil.unshiftArray(newEdges, edge); done.set(i, true); } else if (leftPoint == firstPoint) { firstPoint = rightPoint; DelaunayUtil.unshiftArray(_edgeOrientations, LR.RIGHT); DelaunayUtil.unshiftArray(newEdges, edge); done.set(i, true); } else if (rightPoint == lastPoint) { lastPoint = leftPoint; _edgeOrientations.add(LR.RIGHT); newEdges.add(edge); done.set(i, true); } if (done.get(i)) { ++nDone; } } if (loops > n) { break; } } return newEdges; } }