package; import java.util.Vector; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.Point; public class Halfedge { private static Vector<Halfedge> _pool = new Vector<Halfedge>(); public static Halfedge create(Edge edge, LR lr) { if (_pool.size() > 0) { Halfedge he = _pool.lastElement().init(edge,lr); _pool.remove(_pool.size()-1); return he; } else { return new Halfedge(edge, lr); } } public static Halfedge createDummy() { return create(null, null); } public Halfedge edgeListLeftNeighbor, edgeListRightNeighbor; public Halfedge nextInPriorityQueue; public Edge edge; public LR leftRight; public Vertex vertex; // the vertex's y-coordinate in the transformed Voronoi space V* public double ystar; public Halfedge(Edge edge, LR lr) { init(edge,lr); } private Halfedge init(Edge edge, LR lr) { this.edge = edge; leftRight = lr; nextInPriorityQueue = null; vertex = null; return this; } public String toString() { return "Halfedge (leftRight: " + leftRight + "; vertex: " + vertex + ")"; } public boolean isLeftOf(Point p) { Site topSite; boolean rightOfSite, above, fast; double dxp, dyp, dxs, t1, t2, t3, yl; topSite = edge.getRightSite(); if(topSite == null) { return true; } rightOfSite = p.x > topSite.getX(); if (rightOfSite && this.leftRight == LR.LEFT) { return true; } if (!rightOfSite && this.leftRight == LR.RIGHT) { return false; } if (edge.a == 1.0) { dyp = p.y - topSite.getY(); dxp = p.x - topSite.getX(); fast = false; if ((!rightOfSite && edge.b < 0.0) || (rightOfSite && edge.b >= 0.0) ) { above = dyp >= edge.b * dxp; fast = above; } else { above = p.x + p.y * edge.b > edge.c; if (edge.b < 0.0) { above = !above; } if (!above) { fast = true; } } if (!fast) { dxs = topSite.getX() - edge.getLeftSite().getX(); above = edge.b * (dxp * dxp - dyp * dyp) < dxs * dyp * (1.0 + 2.0 * dxp/dxs + edge.b * edge.b); if (edge.b < 0.0) { above = !above; } } } else /* edge.b == 1.0 */ { yl = edge.c - edge.a * p.x; t1 = p.y - yl; t2 = p.x - topSite.getX(); t3 = yl - topSite.getY(); above = t1 * t1 > t2 * t2 + t3 * t3; } return this.leftRight == LR.LEFT ? above : !above; } }