package com.bioxx.jmapgen.dungeon; import; import; import java.util.*; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import com.bioxx.tfc2.TFC; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.Schematic; import; import; import; import; import; public class RoomSchematic extends Schematic { String theme; EnumSet<DungeonDirection> connections = EnumSet.noneOf(DungeonDirection.class); Map<String, IBlockState> templateMap = new HashMap<String, IBlockState>(); Map<RoomPos, String> setPieceMap = new HashMap<RoomPos, String>(); double chooseWeight = 1.0; RoomType roomType = RoomType.Normal; public RoomSchematic(String p, String f) { super(p, f); } @Override public void PostProcess() { try { Gson gson = new Gson(); InputStream stream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(this.path.replace(".schematic", ".json")); InputStreamReader sr = new InputStreamReader(stream); JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(sr); RoomJSON r = gson.fromJson(reader, RoomJSON.class); for(String s : r.connections) { DungeonDirection rc = DungeonDirection.fromString(s); if(rc != null) connections.add(rc); } Iterator<String> iter = r.blockMap.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { String key =; String[] template = key.split("\\|"); String[] blockString = template[1].split(" "); int meta = (blockString.length == 2 ? Integer.parseInt(blockString[1]) : 0); templateMap.put(template[0], Block.getBlockFromName(blockString[0]).getStateFromMeta(meta)); } iter = r.getSetPieceMap().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { String key =; String[] template = key.split("\\|"); String[] directions = template[0].split("\\-\\>"); String schemString = template[1]; RoomPos pos = new RoomPos(0,0,0); for(String d : directions) { DungeonDirection dir = DungeonDirection.fromString(d); pos = pos.offset(dir); } setPieceMap.put(pos, schemString); } ArrayList<SchemBlock> outList = new ArrayList<SchemBlock>(); for(SchemBlock block : this.getBlockMap()) { if(block.state == templateMap.get("null")) continue; else block.pos = block.pos.down(r.floorY); outList.add(block); } this.blockMap = outList; roomType = RoomType.fromString(r.getRoomType()); chooseWeight = r.getWeight(); } catch(JsonSyntaxException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch(NullPointerException ex) { TFC.log.error("NullPointerException while loading "+this.filename); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public ArrayList<SchemBlock> getProcessedBlockList(Dungeon dungeon) { ArrayList<SchemBlock> outList = new ArrayList<SchemBlock>(); for(SchemBlock block : this.getBlockMap()) { if(matchesTranslation(block.state, templateMap.get("null"))) continue; else if(block.state.getBlock() == Blocks.AIR) { outList.add(block); } else if(matchesTranslation(block.state, templateMap.get("dungeon_wall"))) { outList.add(new SchemBlock(dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_wall"), block.pos)); } else if(matchesTranslation(block.state, templateMap.get("dungeon_ceiling"))) { outList.add(new SchemBlock(dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_ceiling"), block.pos)); } else if(matchesTranslation(block.state, templateMap.get("dungeon_floor"))) { outList.add(new SchemBlock(dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_floor"), block.pos)); } else if(block.state.getBlock() == templateMap.get("dungeon_stairs_floor").getBlock()) { IBlockState state = dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_stairs_floor"); state = state.getBlock().getStateFromMeta(state.getBlock().getMetaFromState(block.state)); outList.add(new SchemBlock(state, block.pos)); } else if(block.state.getBlock() == templateMap.get("dungeon_stairs_wall").getBlock()) { IBlockState state = dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_stairs_wall"); state = state.getBlock().getStateFromMeta(state.getBlock().getMetaFromState(block.state)); outList.add(new SchemBlock(state, block.pos)); } else if(matchesTranslationBlock(block.state, templateMap.get("dungeon_door"))) { outList.add(new SchemBlock(dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_door"), block.pos)); } else if(matchesTranslation(block.state, templateMap.get("dungeon_smoothstone"))) { outList.add(new SchemBlock(dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_smoothstone"), block.pos)); } else { boolean found = false; for(String s : templateMap.keySet()) { String[] blockString = s.split(" "); int meta = (blockString.length == 2 ? Integer.parseInt(blockString[1]) : 0); if(templateMap.get(s) == block.state || (meta == -1 && templateMap.get(s).getBlock() == block.state.getBlock())) { Block b = Block.getBlockFromName(blockString[0]); /*if((block.state.getBlock().getMaterial(block.state) == Material.WATER || block.state.getBlock().getMaterial(block.state) == Material.LAVA)) { if(block.state.getBlock().getMetaFromState(block.state) != 0) { outList.add(new SchemBlock(Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), block.pos)); found = true; break; } }*/ if(meta == -1) { meta = block.state.getBlock().getMetaFromState(block.state); outList.add(new SchemBlock(b.getStateFromMeta(meta), block.pos)); found = true; break; } if(b != null) { outList.add(new SchemBlock(b.getStateFromMeta(meta), block.pos)); found = true; break; } } } if(!found) outList.add(block); } } return outList; } private boolean matchesTranslation(IBlockState state, IBlockState blockMapState) { if(blockMapState == null) return false; if(blockMapState == state) return true; return false; } private boolean matchesTranslationBlock(IBlockState state, IBlockState blockMapState) { if(blockMapState == null) return false; if(blockMapState.getBlock()== state.getBlock()) return true; if(blockMapState == state) return true; return false; } public double getChooseWeight() { return chooseWeight; } public void setChooseWeight(double chooseWeight) { this.chooseWeight = chooseWeight; } public EnumSet<DungeonDirection> getConnections() { return connections; } public Map<String, IBlockState> getTemplateMap() { return templateMap; } public Map<RoomPos, String> getSetPieceMap() { return setPieceMap; } public RoomType getRoomType() { return roomType; } public static enum RoomType { Entrance("entrance"),Normal("normal"),Stairs("stairs"); String name; RoomType(String s) { name = s; } public static RoomType fromString(String s) { for(RoomType r : RoomType.values()) { if( return r; } return null; } } public class RoomJSON { @SerializedName("blockmap") @Expose private List<String> blockMap = new ArrayList<String>(); @SerializedName("floorY") @Expose private Integer floorY = 0; @SerializedName("connections") @Expose private List<String> connections = new ArrayList<String>(); @SerializedName("weight") @Expose private double weight = 1.0; @SerializedName("roomType") @Expose private String roomType = "normal"; @SerializedName("setPieceMap") @Expose private List<String> setPieceMap = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * * @return * The blockMap */ public List<String> getBlockMap() { return blockMap; } /** * * @param blockMap * The blockMap */ public void setBlockMap(List<String> blockMap) { this.blockMap = blockMap; } /** * * @return * The floorY */ public Integer getFloorY() { return floorY; } /** * * @param floorY * The floorY */ public void setFloorY(Integer floorY) { this.floorY = floorY; } /** * * @return * The connections */ public List<String> getConnections() { return connections; } /** * * @param connections * The connections */ public void setConnections(List<String> connections) { this.connections = connections; } public double getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(double weight) { this.weight = weight; } public String getRoomType() { if(roomType != null) return roomType; return "normal"; } public void setRoomType(String roomType) { this.roomType = roomType; } public List<String> getSetPieceMap() { if(setPieceMap != null) return setPieceMap; return new ArrayList<String>(); } public void setSetPieceMap(List<String> setPieceMap) { this.setPieceMap = setPieceMap; } } public String getTheme() { return theme; } public void setTheme(String theme) { this.theme = theme; } }