package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.IEntityLivingData; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.PopulateChunkEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.*; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.IslandParameters.Feature; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.attributes.*; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.dungeon.*; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.graph.Center; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.graph.Center.Marker; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.processing.CaveAttrNode; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.processing.OreAttrNode; import com.bioxx.libnoise.model.Plane; import com.bioxx.libnoise.model.Segment; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.modifier.Clamp; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.modifier.Curve; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.modifier.ScaleBias; import com.bioxx.libnoise.module.source.Perlin; import com.bioxx.tfc2.Core; import com.bioxx.tfc2.TFCBlocks; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.AnimalSpawnRegistry; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.AnimalSpawnRegistry.SpawnGroup; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.Global; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.Schematic.SchemBlock; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.TFCOptions; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.ore.OreConfig; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.ore.OreConfig.VeinType; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.ore.OreRegistry; import com.bioxx.tfc2.api.util.Helper; import com.bioxx.tfc2.blocks.terrain.BlockDirt; import com.bioxx.tfc2.blocks.terrain.BlockGrass; import com.bioxx.tfc2.blocks.terrain.BlockGravel; import com.bioxx.tfc2.blocks.terrain.BlockStone; public class ChunkProviderSurface extends ChunkProviderOverworld { private World worldObj; private Random rand; private static final int MAP_SIZE = 4096; int worldX;//This is the x coordinate of the chunk using world coords. int worldZ;//This is the z coordinate of the chunk using world coords. int islandChunkX;//This is the x coordinate of the chunk within the bounds of the island (0 - MAP_SIZE) int islandChunkZ;//This is the z coordinate of the chunk within the bounds of the island (0 - MAP_SIZE) int mapX;//This is the x coordinate of the chunk using world coords. int mapZ;//This is the z coordinate of the chunk using world coords. int chunkX, chunkZ; Plane turbMap; Plane turbMap1_4; IslandMap islandMap; Vector<Center> centersInChunk; int[] elevationMap; /** * Cache for Hex lookup. */ private Center[][] centerCache; /** * A static array of sample points for performing our hex smoothing */ private static Point[][] hexSamplePoints; public ChunkProviderSurface(World worldIn, long seed, boolean enableMapFeatures, String rules) { super(worldIn, seed, false, rules); worldObj = worldIn; rand = worldObj.rand; hexSamplePoints = new Point[11][6]; //Setup the sampling hexagon for hex smoothing for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { double c = i; double a = 0.5*c; double b = Math.sin(60)*c; for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { hexSamplePoints[i][j] = hex_corner(i, j); } } /** * Setup our turbulence Module */ Perlin pe = new Perlin(); pe.setSeed (seed); pe.setFrequency (1f/16f); pe.setLacunarity(1.5); pe.setOctaveCount(4); pe.setNoiseQuality (com.bioxx.libnoise.NoiseQuality.BEST); //The scalebias makes our noise fit the range 0-1 ScaleBias sb2 = new ScaleBias(); sb2.setSourceModule(0, pe); //Noise is normally +-2 so we scale by 0.5 to make it +-1.0 //sb2.setScale(0.5); turbMap = new Plane(sb2); turbMap1_4 = createPondTurbMap(seed); } private Plane createPondTurbMap(long seed) { Perlin pe = new Perlin(); pe.setSeed(seed); pe.setFrequency (1f/4f); pe.setLacunarity(5); pe.setOctaveCount(4); pe.setPersistence(1f/4f); pe.setNoiseQuality (com.bioxx.libnoise.NoiseQuality.BEST); ScaleBias sb2 = new ScaleBias(); sb2.setSourceModule(0, pe); //Noise is normally +-2 so we scale by 0.5 to make it +-1.0 sb2.setBias(0.5); sb2.setScale(0.25); return new Plane(sb2); } @Override public void recreateStructures(Chunk chunkIn, int x, int z) { } private Point hex_corner(double size, int i) { double angle_deg = 60 * i + 30; double angle_rad = Math.PI / 180 * angle_deg; return new Point(size * Math.cos(angle_rad), size * Math.sin(angle_rad)); } @Override public Chunk provideChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ) { centerCache = new Center[48][48]; elevationMap = new int[256]; this.chunkX = chunkX; this.chunkZ = chunkZ; worldX = chunkX * 16; worldZ = chunkZ * 16; islandChunkX = worldX % MAP_SIZE; islandChunkZ = worldZ % MAP_SIZE; mapX = (chunkX >> 8); mapZ = (chunkZ >> 8); islandMap = WorldGen.getInstance().getIslandMap(mapX, mapZ); centersInChunk = new Vector<Center>(); for(int x = -16; x < 32; x++) { for(int z = -16; z < 32; z++) { getHex(new Point(x,z)); } } this.rand.setSeed((long)chunkX * 341873128712L + (long)chunkZ * 132897987541L); ChunkPrimer chunkprimer = new ChunkPrimer(); generateTerrain(chunkprimer, chunkX, chunkZ); decorate(chunkprimer, chunkX, chunkZ); carveRiverSpline(chunkprimer); carveCaves(chunkprimer); placeOreSeams(chunkprimer); placeOreLayers(chunkprimer); createSpires(chunkprimer); createDungeons(chunkprimer); if(TFCOptions.shouldStripChunks) stripChunk(chunkprimer); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(this.worldObj, chunkprimer, chunkX, chunkZ); chunk.setHeightMap(elevationMap); byte[] biomeArray = chunk.getBiomeArray(); Point p = new Point(0, 0); for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { biomeArray[z << 4 | x] = (byte)(getHex(, z)).getMoistureRaw() * 255f); } } chunk.generateSkylightMap(); return chunk; } @Override public void populate(int x, int z) { net.minecraft.block.BlockFalling.fallInstantly = true; BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(x * 16, 0, z * 16); Biome Biome = this.worldObj.getBiome(blockpos.add(16, 0, 16)); this.rand.setSeed(this.worldObj.getSeed()); long k = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L; long l = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L; this.rand.setSeed(x * k + z * l ^ this.worldObj.getSeed()); boolean flag = false; ChunkPos ChunkPos = new ChunkPos(x, z); ForgeEventFactory.onChunkPopulate(true, this, this.worldObj, x, z, flag); TerrainGen.populate(this, this.worldObj, this.rand, x, z, flag, PopulateChunkEvent.Populate.EventType.LAKE); TerrainGen.populate(this, this.worldObj, this.rand, x, z, flag, PopulateChunkEvent.Populate.EventType.LAVA); Biome.decorate(this.worldObj, this.rand, new BlockPos(x * 16, 0, z * 16)); if(TerrainGen.populate(this, this.worldObj, this.rand, x, z, flag, PopulateChunkEvent.Populate.EventType.ANIMALS)) { BlockPos chunkWorldPos = new BlockPos(x * 16, 0, z * 16); worldX = x * 16; worldZ = z * 16; islandChunkX = worldX % MAP_SIZE; islandChunkZ = worldZ % MAP_SIZE; Point islandPos = new Point(islandChunkX, islandChunkZ).toIslandCoord(); IslandMap map = Core.getMapForWorld(worldObj, chunkWorldPos); Center centerInChunk = null; Center temp = map.getClosestCenter(islandPos); if(Core.isCenterInRect(temp, (int)islandPos.x, (int)islandPos.y, 16, 16)) centerInChunk = temp; else { temp = map.getClosestCenter(, 0)); if(Core.isCenterInRect(temp, (int)islandPos.x, (int)islandPos.y, 16, 16)) centerInChunk = temp; else { temp = map.getClosestCenter(, 15)); if(Core.isCenterInRect(temp, (int)islandPos.x, (int)islandPos.y, 16, 16)) centerInChunk = temp; else { temp = map.getClosestCenter(, 15)); if(Core.isCenterInRect(temp, (int)islandPos.x, (int)islandPos.y, 16, 16)) centerInChunk = temp; } } } if(centerInChunk != null && centerInChunk.getCustomNBT().hasKey("animalsToSpawn")) { NBTTagList tag = centerInChunk.getCustomNBT().getTagList("animalsToSpawn", 8); IEntityLivingData ientitylivingdata = null; /*Iterator iter = tag.getKeySet().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { String key = (String); String groupName = tag.getString(key); SpawnGroup group = AnimalSpawnRegistry.getInstance().getGroupFromName(groupName); AnimalSpawner.SpawnAnimalGroup(worldObj, group, worldObj.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x, z)); tag.removeTag(key); }*/ for(int i = 0; i < tag.tagCount(); i++) { String groupName = tag.getStringTagAt(i); SpawnGroup group = AnimalSpawnRegistry.getInstance().getGroupFromName(groupName); AnimalSpawner.SpawnAnimalGroup(worldObj, group, worldObj.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x, z)); } centerInChunk.getCustomNBT().removeTag("animalsToSpawn"); } } blockpos = blockpos.add(8, 0, 8); if (TerrainGen.populate(this, this.worldObj, this.rand, x, z, flag, PopulateChunkEvent.Populate.EventType.ICE)) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 16; k2++) { for (int j3 = 0; j3 < 16; j3++) { BlockPos blockpos1 = this.worldObj.getPrecipitationHeight(blockpos.add(k2, 0, j3)); BlockPos blockpos2 = blockpos1.down(); if (this.worldObj.canBlockFreezeWater(blockpos2)) { this.worldObj.setBlockState(blockpos2, Blocks.ICE.getDefaultState(), 2); } if (this.worldObj.canSnowAt(blockpos1, true)) { this.worldObj.setBlockState(blockpos1, Blocks.SNOW_LAYER.getDefaultState(), 2); } } } } ForgeEventFactory.onChunkPopulate(false, this, this.worldObj, x, z, flag); net.minecraft.block.BlockFalling.fallInstantly = false; } /** * This is for stripping a chunk of all but ore and BEDROCK for easier testing. */ protected void stripChunk(ChunkPrimer primer) { Point p; Center closestCenter; IBlockState state; for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for(int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { p = new Point(x, z); closestCenter = this.getHex(p); int hexElev = this.getHexElevation(closestCenter, p); if(closestCenter.hasAnyMarkersOf(Marker.Coast, Marker.Ocean)) continue; for(int y = hexElev; y >= 0; y--) { state = primer.getBlockState(x, y, z); if(state.getBlock() != TFCBlocks.Ore && state.getBlock() != Blocks.BEDROCK && state.getBlock() != Blocks.WOOL) { primer.setBlockState(x, y, z, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()); } } } } } /** * @param p this Point should always be using local chunk coordinates * @return Returns the nearest Hex for this map */ protected Center getHex(Point p) { int x = (int)p.x; int y = (int)p.y; int x16 = (int)p.x + 16; int y16 = (int)p.y + 16; if(centerCache[x16][y16] == null) { centerCache[x16][y16] = islandMap.getClosestCenter(, islandChunkZ).toIslandCoord()); } if(!centersInChunk.contains(centerCache[x16][y16])) { centersInChunk.add(centerCache[x16][y16]); for(Center n : centerCache[x16][y16].neighbors) { if(!centersInChunk.contains(n)) centersInChunk.add(n); } } return centerCache[x16][y16]; } protected void decorate(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { Point p; Center closestCenter; IBlockState grass = TFCBlocks.Grass.getStateFromMeta(this.islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock().getMeta()); IBlockState dirt = TFCBlocks.Dirt.getStateFromMeta(this.islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock().getMeta()); IBlockState stone = TFCBlocks.Stone.getStateFromMeta(this.islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock().getMeta()); IBlockState sand = TFCBlocks.Sand.getStateFromMeta(this.islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock().getMeta()); IBlockState freshwater = Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState();//TFCBlocks.FreshWaterStatic.getDefaultState(); IBlockState saltwater = Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState();//TFCBlocks.SaltWaterStatic.getDefaultState(); IBlockState top = grass; IBlockState fill = dirt; int closestElev; for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for(int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { p = new Point(x, z); closestCenter = this.getHex(p); closestElev = convertElevation(closestCenter.getElevation()); if(islandMap.getParams().hasFeature(Feature.Desert) && !closestCenter.hasAttribute(Attribute.River) && closestCenter.getMoistureRaw() < 0.25) { top = sand; fill = sand; } else { top = grass; fill = dirt; } int hexElev = elevationMap[z << 4 | x]; boolean isCliff = false; int h0 = x+1 < 16 ? elevationMap[z << 4 | (x+1)] : getHexElevation(getHex(,0)),,0)); int h1 = z-1 > 0 ? elevationMap[(z-1) << 4 | x] : getHexElevation(getHex(,-1)),,-1)); int h2 = x-1 > 0 ? elevationMap[z << 4 | (x-1)] : getHexElevation(getHex(,0)),,0)); int h3 = z + 1 < 16 ? elevationMap[(z+1) << 4 | x] : getHexElevation(getHex(,1)),,1)); if(hexElev - h0 > 2 || hexElev - h1 > 2 || hexElev - h2 > 2 || hexElev - h3 > 2) { isCliff = true; } for(int y = hexElev; y >= 0; y--) { IBlockState block = chunkprimer.getBlockState(x, y, z); IBlockState blockUp = chunkprimer.getBlockState(x, y+1, z); if(block == Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState() && blockUp == Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()) { if(!isCliff || hexElev == closestElev) { chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, top); if(!isCliff) { chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y-1, z, fill); chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y-2, z, fill); } } if((closestCenter.biome == BiomeType.BEACH || closestCenter.biome == BiomeType.OCEAN) && y <= Global.SEALEVEL + 3) { chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, sand); chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y-1, z, sand); chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y-2, z, sand); } } if(chunkprimer.getBlockState(x, y, z) == Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState()) { chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, stone); } if(closestCenter.hasAttribute(Attribute.River) && closestCenter.hasAnyMarkersOf(Marker.Pond)) { RiverAttribute attrib = (RiverAttribute)closestCenter.getAttribute(Attribute.River); if(attrib.upriver == null || attrib.upriver.size() == 0) { boolean border = isLakeBorder(p, closestCenter, 7); h0 = this.getPondTurbulence(closestCenter, p, 2); if(!border && y < closestElev && y >= closestElev-1-h0) { chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, freshwater); chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y-1, z, dirt); } } } if(closestCenter.biome == BiomeType.LAKE && closestCenter.hasAttribute(Attribute.Lake)) { LakeAttribute attrib = (LakeAttribute)closestCenter.getAttribute(Attribute.Lake); //Not a border area, elev less than the water height, elev greater than the ground height beneath the water if(!isLakeBorder(p, closestCenter) && y < convertElevation(attrib.getLakeElev()) && y >= closestElev-this.getTurbulence(closestCenter, p, 4)-1) chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, freshwater); if(getBlock(chunkprimer, x, y, z).isFullCube(getBlock(chunkprimer, x, y, z).getDefaultState()) && blockUp == freshwater) { chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, sand); } } else if(closestCenter.biome == BiomeType.MARSH && closestCenter.hasAttribute(Attribute.Lake)) { LakeAttribute attrib = (LakeAttribute)closestCenter.getAttribute(Attribute.Lake); if(!isLakeBorder(p, closestCenter) && y < convertElevation(attrib.getLakeElev()) && y >= closestElev-this.getTurbulence(closestCenter, p, 2)-1 && this.rand.nextInt(100) < 70) chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, freshwater); } if(closestCenter.hasMarker(Marker.Ocean) && block.getBlock().getMaterial(block) == Material.ROCK && blockUp == saltwater) { chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, sand); } } } } } protected boolean isLakeBorder(Point p, Center c, double width) { Point pt =, width); Center c2 = getHex(pt); if(c2 != c && !c2.hasMarker(Marker.Water)) return true; pt =, -width); c2 = getHex(pt); if(c2 != c && !c2.hasMarker(Marker.Water)) return true; pt =, 0); c2 = getHex(pt); if(c2 != c && !c2.hasMarker(Marker.Water)) return true; pt =, width); c2 = getHex(pt); if(c2 != c && !c2.hasMarker(Marker.Water)) return true; pt =, -width); c2 = getHex(pt); if(c2 != c && !c2.hasMarker(Marker.Water)) return true; pt =, width); c2 = getHex(pt); if(c2 != c && !c2.hasMarker(Marker.Water)) return true; pt =, -width); c2 = getHex(pt); if(c2 != c && !c2.hasMarker(Marker.Water)) return true; return false; } protected boolean isLakeBorder(Point p, Center c) { return isLakeBorder(p, c, 3); } protected int getTurbulence(Center c, Point p, double scale) { Point p2 =, islandChunkZ); double turb = Math.max(turbMap.GetValue(p2.x, p2.y), 0); return (int)(turb * scale); } protected int getPondTurbulence(Center c, Point p, double scale) { Point p2 =, islandChunkZ); double turb = Math.max(createPondTurbMap(0).GetValue(p2.x, p2.y), 0); return (int)(turb * scale); } protected int getHexElevation(Center c, Point p) { return convertElevation(getSmoothHeightHex(c, p)); } protected int convertElevation(double height) { return (int)(Global.SEALEVEL+height * islandMap.getParams().islandMaxHeight); } protected void generateTerrain(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { Point p; Center closestCenter; double[] dts = new double[] {0,0}; double dist = 0; double loc = 0; for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for(int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { p = new Point(x, z); closestCenter = this.getHex(p); int hexElev = 0; if(!closestCenter.hasAttribute(Attribute.River) && !closestCenter.hasMarker(Marker.Coast) && !closestCenter.hasMarker(Marker.CoastWater) && !closestCenter.hasAttribute(Attribute.Lake)) { //hexElev = convertElevation(getSmoothHeightHex(closestCenter, p)); hexElev = convertElevation(getSmoothHeightHex(closestCenter, p)) + (int)Math.ceil(turbMap.GetValue(worldX+p.x, worldZ+p.y)); } else { hexElev = convertElevation(getSmoothHeightHex(closestCenter, p)); } elevationMap[z << 4 | x] = hexElev; for(int y = Math.min(Math.max(hexElev, Global.SEALEVEL), 255); y >= 0; y--) { Block b = Blocks.AIR; if(y < hexElev) { b = Blocks.STONE; } else if(y < Global.SEALEVEL) { b = Blocks.WATER; } if(y <= hexElev * 0.2) b = Blocks.BEDROCK; chunkprimer.setBlockState(x, y, z, b.getDefaultState()); } } } } protected void carveRiverSpline(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer) { ArrayList riverPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(); /*if(this.islandMap.islandParams.shouldGenVolcano()) riverStates = new IBlockState[] {Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), Blocks.flowing_lava.getDefaultState(), Blocks.gravel.getDefaultState()};*/ for(Center c : centersInChunk) { RiverAttribute attrib = ((RiverAttribute)c.getAttribute(Attribute.River)); if(attrib != null && attrib.getRiver() > 0) { //If the river has multiple Up River locations then we need to handle the splines in two parts. if(attrib.upriver != null && attrib.upriver.size() > 1) { for(Center u : attrib.upriver) { RiverAttribute uAttrib = ((RiverAttribute)u.getAttribute(Attribute.River)); riverPoints.clear(); riverPoints.add(u.point.midpoint(c.point)); riverPoints.add(c.point); carveRiver(chunkprimer, null, c, u, new Spline2D(riverPoints.toArray()), uAttrib); } //Now do the downriver side if(attrib.getDownRiver() != null) { riverPoints.clear(); riverPoints.add(c.point); riverPoints.add(attrib.getDownRiver().point.midpoint(c.point)); carveRiver(chunkprimer, attrib.getDownRiver(), c, null, new Spline2D(riverPoints.toArray()), attrib); } } else if(attrib.upriver != null && attrib.upriver.size() == 1) { riverPoints.clear(); riverPoints.add(attrib.upriver.get(0).point.midpoint(c.point)); riverPoints.add(attrib.getRiverMidpoint()); if(attrib.getDownRiver() != null) riverPoints.add(attrib.getDownRiver().point.midpoint(c.point)); carveRiver(chunkprimer, attrib.getDownRiver(), c, attrib.upriver.get(0), new Spline2D(riverPoints.toArray()), attrib); } else if(attrib.getDownRiver() != null) { riverPoints.clear(); riverPoints.add(c.point); riverPoints.add(attrib.getDownRiver().point.midpoint(c.point)); carveRiver(chunkprimer, attrib.getDownRiver(), c, null, new Spline2D(riverPoints.toArray()), attrib); } } } } protected void carveRiver(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer, Center dnCenter, Center center, Center upCenter, Spline2D spline, RiverAttribute attrib) { ArrayList<BlockPos> points = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); Point splinePos; BlockPos pos, pos2, pos3, pos4; Point iPoint = new Point(islandChunkX, islandChunkZ).toIslandCoord(); Center closest; IBlockState b; double wSq = 2; int min = 0, max = 1, rDepth = Math.min((int)Math.ceil(attrib.getRiver()), 3); boolean doAir = false; int waterLevel, hexElev, terrainElev = 0; if(attrib != null) { wSq = Math.max(rDepth * rDepth*2, 1); for(double i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.05) { //Get the spline point for this iteration splinePos = spline.getPoint(i); //Get the closest hex to this spline point closest = islandMap.getClosestCenter(splinePos); splinePos = splinePos.minus(iPoint); //If the spline point is outside chunk boundary than we skip it if(splinePos.x < -16 || splinePos.y < -16 || splinePos.x >= 32 || splinePos.y >= 32) continue; //Setup our base position that we'll be carving around pos = new BlockPos((int)Math.floor(splinePos.x), 0, (int)Math.floor(splinePos.y)); min = (int)Math.floor(-attrib.getRiver()); max = (int)attrib.getRiver(); //Begin X/Z iteration around the base point for(double x = min; x <= max; x++) { for(double z = min; z <= max; z++) { //Add x and z to our base point to get the local position pos2 = pos.add(x, 0, z); //If this local position is outside of the chunk, end here so we don't crash if(pos2.getX() < 0 || pos2.getY() < 0 || pos2.getZ() < 0 || pos2.getX() >= 16 || pos2.getY() >= 256 || pos2.getZ() >= 16) { continue; } //Get the water level for this location. This is the local terrain elevation - 1 hexElev = convertElevation(center.getElevation()); terrainElev = this.elevationMap[(pos2.getZ() << 4) | pos2.getX()]; waterLevel = Math.max(terrainElev-1, Global.SEALEVEL); pos2 = pos2.add(0, waterLevel, 0); pos4 = pos.add(0, waterLevel, 0); int rd = -rDepth; if(terrainElev != hexElev) { rd = (int)(-rDepth/1.5f); } for(int depth = rDepth; depth >= rd; depth--) { pos3 = pos2.add(0, depth, 0); doAir = false; IBlockState s = getState(chunkprimer, pos3); if(depth >= 0 && pos3.distanceSq(pos4.getX(), pos4.getY(), pos4.getZ()) < wSq) { if(!Core.isWater(s)) { setState(chunkprimer, pos3, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()); } //continue; } else if(depth < 0 && pos3.distanceSq(pos4.getX(), pos4.getY(), pos4.getZ()) <= wSq) { IBlockState fillState = Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(); //If we're moving up or down a slope then don't place water if(terrainElev != hexElev /* pos3.getY() >= waterLevel*/) { fillState = Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); } if(!Core.isWater(s)) { setState(chunkprimer, pos3, fillState); convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos3.down()); } if(pos3.getY() == waterLevel || pos3.getY() == waterLevel-1) { doAir = true; convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos3.north(), doAir); convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos3.south(), doAir); convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos3.east(), doAir); convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos3.west(), doAir); } } } } } } } } protected void convertRiverBank(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer, BlockPos pos) { convertRiverBank(chunkprimer,pos, true); } protected void convertRiverBank(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer, BlockPos pos, boolean doAir) { if(pos.getX() >= 0 && pos.getY() >= 0 && pos.getZ() >= 0 && pos.getX() < 16 && pos.getY() < 256 && pos.getZ() < 16) { IBlockState b = getState(chunkprimer, pos); if(Core.isTerrain(b)) { Center closest = islandMap.getClosestCenter(pos.add(this.islandChunkX, 0, this.islandChunkZ)); int elev = this.convertElevation(closest.getElevation()); if(elevationMap[pos.getZ() << 4 | pos.getX()] != elev) { setState(chunkprimer, pos, TFCBlocks.Stone.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockGravel.META_PROPERTY, islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock())); if(!Core.isStone(this.getState(chunkprimer, pos.down()))) { setState(chunkprimer, pos.down(), TFCBlocks.Stone.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockGravel.META_PROPERTY, islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock())); if(!Core.isStone(this.getState(chunkprimer, pos.down()))) { setState(chunkprimer, pos.down(), TFCBlocks.Stone.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockGravel.META_PROPERTY, islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock())); } } } else { setState(chunkprimer, pos, TFCBlocks.Gravel.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockGravel.META_PROPERTY, islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock())); } if(Core.isTerrain(getState(chunkprimer, pos.up(1)))) { if(doAir && Core.isGravel(getState(chunkprimer, pos.up(1)))) { convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos.up(1).north(), true); convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos.up(1).south(), true); convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos.up(1).east(), true); convertRiverBank(chunkprimer, pos.up(1).west(), true); } setState(chunkprimer, pos.up(1), Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()); } } } } protected double getSmoothHeightHex(Center c, Point p, int range) { double h = c.elevation; boolean isLakeBorder = false; boolean isLake = c.hasMarker(Marker.Water) && !c.hasMarker(Marker.Ocean); if(isLake) isLakeBorder = isLakeBorder(p, c); if(!(isLake && !isLakeBorder) && (getHex(hexSamplePoints[range][0].plus(p)) != c || getHex(hexSamplePoints[range][1].plus(p)) != c || getHex(hexSamplePoints[range][2].plus(p)) != c || getHex(hexSamplePoints[range][3].plus(p)) != c || getHex(hexSamplePoints[range][4].plus(p)) != c || getHex(hexSamplePoints[range][5].plus(p)) != c)) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { h += getHex(hexSamplePoints[range][i].plus(p)).elevation; } h /= 7; } double outH = c.elevation - (c.elevation - h); //If this hex is a water hex and the smoothed elevation is lower than the hex elevation than we do not want to lower this cell if(c.hasMarker(Marker.Water) && isLakeBorder && outH < c.elevation) return c.elevation; return outH; } protected double getSmoothHeightHex(Center c, Point p) { if(this.islandMap.getParams().hasFeature(Feature.Cliffs)) return getSmoothHeightHex(c, p, 2); if(islandMap.getParams().hasFeature(Feature.Canyons) || islandMap.getParams().hasFeature(Feature.Gorges)) { //If this block is in a gorge hex if(c.hasAttribute(Attribute.Gorge)) { return getSmoothHeightHex(c, p, 2); } //If this block is in a canyon hex if(c.hasAttribute(Attribute.Canyon)) { CanyonAttribute a = (CanyonAttribute) c.getAttribute(Attribute.Canyon); if(a.nodeNum < 10) return getSmoothHeightHex(c, p, 5); return getSmoothHeightHex(c, p, 2); } //If we're in any other hex then we need to see if we are smoothing into a gorge or canyon hex. If so, //we want to limit the smoothing, otherwise we smooth this block like normal. Vector<Center> nearList = getCentersNear(p, 5); for(Center n : nearList) { if(n.hasAttribute(Attribute.Canyon) || n.hasAttribute(Attribute.Gorge)) return getSmoothHeightHex(c, p, 2); } } if(c.hasAnyMarkersOf(Marker.Pond)) { getSmoothHeightHex(c, p, 3); } return getSmoothHeightHex(c, p, 5); } private Vector<Center> getCentersNear(Point p, int range) { Vector<Center> outList = new Vector<Center>(); for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Center c = getHex(hexSamplePoints[range][i].plus(p)); if(!outList.contains(c)) outList.add(c); } return outList; } private Block getBlock(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer, int x, int y, int z) { return chunkprimer.getBlockState(x, y, z).getBlock(); } protected void carveCaves(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer) { ArrayList<BlockPos> points = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); BlockPos pos, pos2; Spline3D spline; Point iPoint = new Point(islandChunkX, islandChunkZ).toIslandCoord(); Vec3i islandOffset = new Vec3i(iPoint.x, 0, iPoint.y); double wSq = 4; for(Center c : centersInChunk) { CaveAttribute attrib = ((CaveAttribute)c.getAttribute(Attribute.Cave)); if(attrib != null) { for(CaveAttrNode n : attrib.nodes) { wSq = n.getNodeWidth() * n.getNodeWidth(); points.clear(); if(n.getPrev() != null) points.add(n.getPrevOffset()); points.add(n.getOffset()); if(n.getNext() != null) points.add(n.getNextOffset()); spline = new Spline3D(points); //Iterate down the spline and carve the cave for(double i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.05) { pos = spline.getPoint(i); ArrayList<BlockPos> list = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); for(int y = -n.getNodeHeight(); y < n.getNodeHeight(); y++) { for(int x = -n.getNodeWidth(); x < n.getNodeWidth(); x++) { for(int z = -n.getNodeWidth(); z < n.getNodeWidth(); z++) { if(pos.add(x, y, z).distanceSq(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ()) <= wSq) list.add(pos.add(x, y, z)); } } } IBlockState down, up, fillBlock, state; Iterator it = list.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { fillBlock = Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); pos2 = (BlockPos); if(pos.distanceSqToCenter(pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ()) <= wSq) { BlockPos pos3 = pos2.subtract(islandOffset); if(pos3.getX() >= 0 && pos3.getY() >= 0 && pos3.getZ() >= 0 && pos3.getX() < 16 && pos3.getY() < 256 && pos3.getZ() < 16) { state = getState(chunkprimer, pos3); Block b = state.getBlock(); if(b != Blocks.BEDROCK && b.getMaterial(state) != Material.WATER) { down = getState(chunkprimer, pos3.down()); up = getState(chunkprimer, pos3.up()); if(Core.isDirt(down)) { setState(chunkprimer, pos3.down(), TFCBlocks.Grass.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockGrass.META_PROPERTY, down.getValue(BlockDirt.META_PROPERTY))); } if(down.getBlock().getMaterial(down) == Material.WATER) continue; if(up.getBlock().getMaterial(up) == Material.WATER) continue; if(n.isSeaCave() && pos3.getY() < Global.SEALEVEL) fillBlock = Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(); else if(c.hasAttribute(Attribute.River)) { if(up.getBlock() != TFCBlocks.Gravel && b != TFCBlocks.Gravel) fillBlock = state; } if(TFCOptions.shouldStripChunks) fillBlock = Blocks.WOOL.getDefaultState(); setState(chunkprimer, pos3, fillBlock); if(Core.isSoil(up) && !Core.isGrass(up)) { setState(chunkprimer, pos3.up(), TFCBlocks.Stone.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStone.META_PROPERTY, islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock())); } } } } } } //After the main iteration, we'll go down the spline one more and add natural columns for cave support /*if(n.getOffset().getY() < 64+islandMap.convertHeightToMC(c.getElevation())) { float width = n.getNodeWidth()/3; pos = spline.getPoint(0.4+this.rand.nextDouble()*0.2); pos = pos.add(-2+rand.nextInt(2), -n.getNodeHeight(), -2+rand.nextInt(2)).subtract(islandOffset); IBlockState fillBlock = TFCBlocks.Stone.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStone.META_PROPERTY, islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock()); for(double i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.1) { for(float x = -width; x <= width; x++) { for(float z = -width; z <= width; z++) { pos2 = pos.add(x, i * (n.getNodeHeight() * 2), z); if(Helper.dist2dSq(pos, pos2) < width*width) setState(chunkprimer, pos2, fillBlock); } } } }*/ } } } } protected void placeOreSeams(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer) { ArrayList<BlockPos> points = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); BlockPos pos, pos2; Spline3D spline; Point iPoint = new Point(islandChunkX, islandChunkZ).toIslandCoord(); Vec3i islandOffset = new Vec3i(iPoint.x, 0, iPoint.y); double wSq = 4; for(Center c : centersInChunk) { OreAttribute attrib = ((OreAttribute)c.getAttribute(Attribute.Ore)); if(attrib != null) { for(OreAttrNode n : attrib.nodes) { OreConfig oc = OreRegistry.getInstance().getConfig(n.getOreType(), islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock()); if(oc.getVeinType() != VeinType.Seam) continue; wSq = n.getNodeWidth() * n.getNodeWidth(); points.clear(); if(n.getPrev() != null) points.add(n.getPrevOffset().subtract(islandOffset)); points.add(n.getOffset().subtract(islandOffset)); if(n.getNext() != null) points.add(n.getNextOffset().subtract(islandOffset)); spline = new Spline3D(points); for(double i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.03) { pos = spline.getPoint(i); ArrayList<BlockPos> list = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); for(int y = -n.getNodeHeight(); y < n.getNodeHeight(); y++) { for(int x = -n.getNodeWidth(); x < n.getNodeWidth(); x++) { for(int z = -n.getNodeWidth(); z < n.getNodeWidth(); z++) { if(this.rand.nextDouble() < 0.75) list.add(pos.add(x, y, z)); } } } IBlockState down, up, fillBlock, state; Iterator it = list.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { fillBlock = oc.getOreBlockState(); pos2 = (BlockPos); { if(pos2.getX() >= 0 && pos2.getY() >= 0 && pos2.getZ() >= 0 && pos2.getX() < 16 && pos2.getY() < 256 && pos2.getZ() < 16) { state = getState(chunkprimer, pos2); if(Core.isStone(state)) { down = getState(chunkprimer, pos2.down()); up = getState(chunkprimer, pos2.up()); setState(chunkprimer, pos2, fillBlock); } } } } } } } } } protected void placeOreLayers(ChunkPrimer chunkprimer) { Point p; BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(0,0,0); BlockPos pos2; double wSq = 4; IBlockState state; for(Center c : centersInChunk) { OreAttribute attrib = ((OreAttribute)c.getAttribute(Attribute.Ore)); if(attrib != null) { for(OreAttrNode n : attrib.nodes) { OreConfig oc = OreRegistry.getInstance().getConfig(n.getOreType(), islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock()); if(oc.getVeinType() != VeinType.Layer) continue; for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for(int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { for(int y = n.getOffset().getY(); y < n.getOffset().getY() + n.getNodeHeight(); y++) { p = new Point(x, z); pos2 = pos.add(x, y, z); state = getState(chunkprimer, pos2); if(this.getHex(p) == c && Core.isStone(state)) { //Add air check this.setState(chunkprimer, pos2, oc.getOreBlockState()); } } } } } } } } public IBlockState getState(ChunkPrimer primer, BlockPos pos) { if(pos.getX() >= 0 && pos.getY() >= 0 && pos.getZ() >= 0 && pos.getX() < 16 && pos.getY() < 256 && pos.getZ() < 16) return primer.getBlockState(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ()); return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); } public void setState(ChunkPrimer primer, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { if(pos.getX() >= 0 && pos.getY() >= 0 && pos.getZ() >= 0 && pos.getX() < 16 && pos.getY() < 256 && pos.getZ() < 16) primer.setBlockState(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), state); } public void createSpires(ChunkPrimer primer) { //I want to expand on these in the future but for now the concept is sound. double radiusSq = 10 * 10; IBlockState stone = TFCBlocks.Stone.getStateFromMeta(this.islandMap.getParams().getSurfaceRock().getMeta()); for(Center c : this.centersInChunk) { if(c.hasAnyMarkersOf(Marker.Spire)) { Perlin perlin = new Perlin(); perlin.setSeed((long)c.index+Helper.combineCoords(mapX, mapZ)); perlin.setFrequency(4); perlin.setLacunarity(4); perlin.setOctaveCount(2); perlin.setPersistence(0.2); Clamp clamp = new Clamp(perlin, 0, 1); Curve cu = new Curve(); cu.setSourceModule(0, clamp); cu.AddControlPoint(0.0, 0.2); cu.AddControlPoint(0.5, 0.5); cu.AddControlPoint(1, 0.9); Segment s = new Segment(cu); s.setAttenuate(true); Point p0 = c.point.minus(new Point(islandChunkX, islandChunkZ).toIslandCoord()); Random rand = new Random(c.index); int elev = 35 + rand.nextInt(20); for(int x = -10; x <= 10; x++) { for(int z = -10; z <= 10; z++) { Point p1 =, z); //Validation if(p1.x < 0 || p1.x > 15 || p1.y < 0 || p1.y > 15) continue; //Get the inCircle radius double dist = p1.distanceSq(p0); //Perform a quick test to see if the point is within the inCircle. if(dist == radiusSq && rand.nextBoolean()) continue; if(dist <= radiusSq) { int el = elevationMap[(int)p1.y << 4 | (int)p1.x]; for(int y = 0; y < elev; y++) { double width = s.getValue((double)y/(double)elev) * 7D; if(y < 9) { width = (4-Math.max(y-5, 0)); } width *= width; if(p0.distanceSq(p1) < 1+width) this.setState(primer, new BlockPos((int)p1.x, y+el-5, (int)p1.y), stone); } elevationMap[(int)p1.y << 4 | (int)p1.x] += elev; } } } } } } public void createDungeons(ChunkPrimer primer) { Point p = new Point(islandChunkX, islandChunkZ).toIslandCoord(); int iChunkX = ((int)p.x >> 4); int iChunkZ = ((int)p.y >> 4); //world chunk coord for the top left of this island int islandStartChunkX = (islandMap.getParams().getXCoord() << 8); int islandStartChunkZ = (islandMap.getParams().getZCoord() << 8); for(Dungeon d : islandMap.dungeons) { int cX = iChunkX; int cZ = iChunkZ; DungeonChunk dc = d.getChunk(cX, cZ); if(dc != null) { Iterator<DungeonRoom> iter = dc.getRoomMap().values().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { DungeonRoom dr =; if(dr != null) { genRoom(primer, d, dr); } } } } } protected void genRoom(ChunkPrimer primer, Dungeon dungeon, DungeonRoom room) { RoomSchematic schem = room.getSchematic(); for(SchemBlock b : schem.getProcessedBlockList(dungeon)) { DungeonDirection borderFacing = isOnBorder(b); if(borderFacing != null && b.state.getBlock() == Blocks.OAK_DOOR) { if(!room.hasConnection(borderFacing)) { primer.setBlockState(8+b.pos.getX(), room.getPosition().getY() + b.pos.getY(), 8+b.pos.getZ(), dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_wall")); continue; } else if(room.hasConnection(borderFacing) && !room.getConnection(borderFacing).placeDoor) { primer.setBlockState(8+b.pos.getX(), room.getPosition().getY() + b.pos.getY(), 8+b.pos.getZ(), Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()); continue; } } else if(borderFacing != null && b.state.getBlock() == Blocks.AIR) { if(!room.hasConnection(borderFacing) && b.pos.getY() < 10)//the <10 check here makes sure that the surface sections of entrances { primer.setBlockState(8+b.pos.getX(), room.getPosition().getY() + b.pos.getY(), 8+b.pos.getZ(), dungeon.blockMap.get("dungeon_wall")); continue; } } primer.setBlockState(8+b.pos.getX(), room.getPosition().getY() + b.pos.getY(), 8+b.pos.getZ(), b.state); } } private DungeonDirection isOnBorder(SchemBlock b) { if(b.pos.getX() == -8) return DungeonDirection.WEST; else if(b.pos.getX() == 7) return DungeonDirection.EAST; else if(b.pos.getZ() == -8) return DungeonDirection.NORTH; else if(b.pos.getZ() == 7) return DungeonDirection.SOUTH; return null; } }