package; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Vector; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.Point; import; import; /** * Sites are used by edges to define which points that the edge is bisecting. * @author Bioxx * */ public class Site implements ICoord, Comparator<Site> { private static Vector<Site> _pool = new Vector<Site>(); public Site() { } public static Site create(Point p, int index) { if (_pool.size() > 0) { Site site = _pool.lastElement().init(p, index); _pool.remove(_pool.size()-1); return site; } else { return new Site(p, index); } } /** * sort sites on y, then x, coord * also change each site's _siteIndex to match its new position in the list * so the _siteIndex can be used to identify the site for nearest-neighbor queries * * haha "also" - means more than one responsibility... * */ @Override public int compare(Site s1, Site s2) { int returnValue = Voronoi.compareByYThenX(s1, s2); // swap _siteIndex values if necessary to match new ordering: int tempIndex; if (returnValue == -1) { if (s1._siteIndex > s2._siteIndex) { tempIndex = s1._siteIndex; s1._siteIndex = s2._siteIndex; s2._siteIndex = tempIndex; } } else if (returnValue == 1) { if (s2._siteIndex > s1._siteIndex) { tempIndex = s2._siteIndex; s2._siteIndex = s1._siteIndex; s1._siteIndex = tempIndex; } } return returnValue; } private static final double EPSILON = 0.005; private static boolean closeEnough(Point p0, Point p1) { return Point.distance(p0, p1) < EPSILON; } private Point _coord; public Point getCoord() { return _coord; } private int _siteIndex; // the edges that define this Site's Voronoi region: private Vector<Edge> _edges; Vector<Edge> getEdges() { return _edges; } // which end of each edge hooks up with the previous edge in _edges: private Vector<LR> _edgeOrientations; // ordered list of points that define the region clipped to bounds: private Vector<Point> _region; public Site(Point p, int index) { init(p, index); } private Site init(Point p, int index) { _coord = p; _siteIndex = index; _edges = new Vector<Edge>(); _region = null; return this; } public String toString() { return "Site " + _siteIndex + ": " + _coord; } public void addEdge(Edge edge) { _edges.add(edge); } public Edge nearestEdge() { Collections.sort(_edges, new Edge()); return _edges.firstElement(); } public Vector<Site> neighborSites() { if (_edges == null || _edges.size() == 0) { return new Vector<Site>(); } if (_edgeOrientations == null) { reorderEdges(); } Vector<Site> list = new Vector<Site>(); for(int i = 0; i < _edges.size(); i++) { list.add(neighborSite(_edges.get(i))); } return list; } private Site neighborSite(Edge edge) { if (this == edge.getLeftSite()) { return edge.getRightSite(); } if (this == edge.getRightSite()) { return edge.getLeftSite(); } return null; } Vector<Point> region(Rectangle clippingBounds) { if (_edges == null || _edges.size() == 0) { return new Vector<Point>(); } if (_edgeOrientations == null) { reorderEdges(); _region = clipToBounds(clippingBounds); if ((new Polygon(_region)).winding() == Winding.CLOCKWISE) { _region = reverseVector(_region); } } return _region; } Vector<Point> reverseVector(Vector<Point> v0) { Vector<Point> v1 = new Vector<Point>(); for(int iter = v0.size()-1; iter >= 0; iter--) { v1.add(v0.get(iter)); } return v1; } private void reorderEdges() { try { EdgeReorderer reorderer = new EdgeReorderer(_edges, Vertex.class); _edges = reorderer.getEdges(); _edgeOrientations = reorderer.getEdgeOrientations(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private Vector<Point> clipToBounds(Rectangle bounds) { Vector<Point> points = new Vector<Point>(); int n = _edges.size(); int i = 0; Edge edge; while (i < n && _edges.get(i).getVisible() == false) { ++i; } if (i == n) { // no edges visible return new Vector<Point>(); } edge = _edges.get(i); LR orientation = _edgeOrientations.get(i); points.add(edge.getClippedEnds()[orientation.value]); points.add(edge.getClippedEnds()[LR.other(orientation).value]); for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { edge = _edges.get(j); if (edge.getVisible() == false) { continue; } connect(points, j, bounds, false); } // close up the polygon by adding another corner point of the bounds if needed: connect(points, i, bounds, true); return points; } private void connect(Vector<Point> points, int j, Rectangle bounds, Boolean closingUp) { Point rightPoint = points.get(points.size() - 1); Edge newEdge = _edges.get(j); LR newOrientation = _edgeOrientations.get(j); // the point that must be connected to rightPoint: Point newPoint = newEdge.getClippedEnds()[newOrientation.value]; if (!closeEnough(rightPoint, newPoint)) { // The points do not coincide, so they must have been clipped at the bounds; // see if they are on the same border of the bounds: if (rightPoint.x != newPoint.x && rightPoint.y != newPoint.y) { // They are on different borders of the bounds; // insert one or two corners of bounds as needed to hook them up: // (NOTE this will not be correct if the region should take up more than // half of the bounds rect, for then we will have gone the wrong way // around the bounds and included the smaller part rather than the larger) int rightCheck = BoundsCheck.check(rightPoint, bounds); int newCheck = BoundsCheck.check(newPoint, bounds); double px, py; if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.getMaxX(); if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.getMaxY(); points.add(new Point(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py = bounds.getMinY(); points.add(new Point(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { if (rightPoint.y - bounds.y + newPoint.y - bounds.y < bounds.height) { py = bounds.getMinY(); } else { py = bounds.getMaxY(); } points.add(new Point(px, py)); points.add(new Point(bounds.getMinX(), py)); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.getMinX(); if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.getMaxY(); points.add(new Point(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py = bounds.getMinY(); points.add(new Point(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { if (rightPoint.y - bounds.y + newPoint.y - bounds.y < bounds.height) { py = bounds.getMinY(); } else { py = bounds.getMaxY(); } points.add(new Point(px, py)); points.add(new Point(bounds.getMaxX(), py)); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py = bounds.getMinY(); if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.getMaxX(); points.add(new Point(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.getMinX(); points.add(new Point(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { if (rightPoint.x - bounds.x + newPoint.x - bounds.x < bounds.width) { px = bounds.getMinX(); } else { px = bounds.getMaxX(); } points.add(new Point(px, py)); points.add(new Point(px, bounds.getMaxY())); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.getMaxY(); if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.getMaxX(); points.add(new Point(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.getMinX(); points.add(new Point(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { if (rightPoint.x - bounds.x + newPoint.x - bounds.x < bounds.width) { px = bounds.getMinX(); } else { px = bounds.getMaxX(); } points.add(new Point(px, py)); points.add(new Point(px, bounds.getMinY())); } } } if (closingUp) { // newEdge's ends have already been added return; } points.add(newPoint); } Point newRightPoint = newEdge.getClippedEnds()[LR.other(newOrientation).value]; if (!closeEnough(points.get(0), newRightPoint)) { points.add(newRightPoint); } } double getX() { return _coord.x; } double getY() { return _coord.y; } double dist(ICoord p) { return Point.distance(p.getCoord(), this._coord); } }