package com.bioxx.tfc2.api; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property; public class TFCOptions { // World Generation public static int maxThreadsForIslandGen = 1; public static boolean shouldGenTrees = true; public static boolean shouldStripChunks = false; // Player public static int healthGainRate = 1; public static int healthGainCap = 30; public static int torchBurnTime = 48; public static boolean enableDebugMode = true; public static boolean getBooleanFor(Configuration config,String heading, String item, boolean value) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); return prop.getBoolean(value); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[TFC2] Error while trying to add Integer, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; } public static boolean getBooleanFor(Configuration config,String heading, String item, boolean value, String comment) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); prop.setComment(comment); return prop.getBoolean(value); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[TFC2] Error while trying to add Integer, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; } public static int getIntFor(Configuration config, String heading, String item, int value) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); return prop.getInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[TFC2] Error while trying to add Integer, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; } public static int getIntFor(Configuration config,String heading, String item, int value, String comment) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); prop.setComment(comment); return prop.getInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[TFC2] Error while trying to add Integer, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; } public static double getDoubleFor(Configuration config,String heading, String item, double value, String comment) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); prop.setComment(comment); return prop.getDouble(value); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[TFC2] Error while trying to add Double, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; } public static String getStringFor(Configuration config, String heading, String item, String value) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); return prop.getString(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[TFC2] Error while trying to add String, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; } public static String getStringFor(Configuration config, String heading, String item, String value, String comment) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); prop.setComment(comment); return prop.getString(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[TFC2] Error while trying to add String, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; } }