package com.bioxx.jmapgen.processing; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import com.bioxx.jmapgen.graph.Center; public class CaveAttrNode { int caveId; //This is the offset from the center of the hex BlockPos offset; //This is the offset from the midpoint of the edge between this hex and the next BlockPos nextOffset; Center next; //This is the offset from the midpoint of the edge between this hex and the previous BlockPos prevOffset; Center prev; int nodeWidth = 2; int nodeHeight = 2; boolean isMajorNode = false; boolean isSeaCave = false; public CaveAttrNode(int id) { caveId = id; offset = new BlockPos(0,0,0); nextOffset = new BlockPos(0,0,0); prevOffset = new BlockPos(0,0,0); } public boolean isMajorNode() { return isMajorNode; } public void setMajorNode(boolean isMajorNode) { this.isMajorNode = isMajorNode; } public boolean isSeaCave() { return isSeaCave; } public void setSeaCave(boolean isSeaCave) { this.isSeaCave = isSeaCave; } public int getCaveId() { return caveId; } public BlockPos getOffset() { return offset; } public void setOffset(BlockPos offset) { this.offset = offset; } public BlockPos getNextOffset() { return nextOffset; } public void setNextOffset(BlockPos nextOffset) { this.nextOffset = nextOffset; } public Center getNext() { return next; } public CaveAttrNode setNext(Center next) { = next; return this; } public BlockPos getPrevOffset() { return prevOffset; } public void setPrevOffset(BlockPos prevOffset) { this.prevOffset = prevOffset; } public Center getPrev() { return prev; } public CaveAttrNode setPrev(Center prev) { this.prev = prev; return this; } public int getNodeWidth() { return nodeWidth; } public void setNodeWidth(int nodeWidth) { this.nodeWidth = nodeWidth; } public int getNodeHeight() { return nodeHeight; } public void setNodeHeight(int nodeHeight) { this.nodeHeight = nodeHeight; } public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { nbt.setInteger("caveId", caveId); nbt.setLong("offset", this.offset.toLong()); nbt.setLong("nextOffset", this.nextOffset.toLong()); nbt.setLong("prevOffset", this.prevOffset.toLong()); if(next != null) nbt.setInteger("next", next.index); if(prev != null) nbt.setInteger("prev", prev.index); nbt.setInteger("nodeWidth", nodeWidth); nbt.setInteger("nodeHeight", nodeHeight); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt, com.bioxx.jmapgen.IslandMap m) { this.caveId = nbt.getInteger("caveId"); this.offset = BlockPos.fromLong(nbt.getLong("offset")); this.nextOffset = BlockPos.fromLong(nbt.getLong("nextOffset")); this.prevOffset = BlockPos.fromLong(nbt.getLong("prevOffset")); if(nbt.hasKey("next")) next = m.centers.get(nbt.getInteger("next")); if(nbt.hasKey("prev")) prev = m.centers.get(nbt.getInteger("prev")); nodeWidth = nbt.getInteger("nodeWidth"); nodeHeight = nbt.getInteger("nodeHeight"); } }