package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.I18n; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.ResourceUtils; import org.limewire.util.OSUtils; import org.limewire.util.SystemUtils; public class LimeAssociations { private enum AssociationType { TORRENT, MAGNET } private static final String PROGRAM; private static final String UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM = ""; static { if (OSUtils.isWindows()) PROGRAM = "LimeWire"; else if (OSUtils.isUnix()) PROGRAM = System.getProperty("unix.executable", UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM); else PROGRAM = UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM; } private static Map<AssociationType, LimeAssociationOption> fileAssociations = null; public synchronized static boolean anyAssociationsSupported() { return isTorrentAssociationSupported() || isMagnetAssociationSupported(); } public synchronized static boolean isTorrentAssociationSupported() { return getTorrentAssociation() != null; } public synchronized static boolean isMagnetAssociationSupported() { return getMagnetAssociation() != null; } /** * Returns a torrent association option if available. Null otherwise. */ public static LimeAssociationOption getTorrentAssociation() { return getSupportedAssociations().get(AssociationType.TORRENT); } /** * Returns a magnet association option if available. Null otherwise. */ public static LimeAssociationOption getMagnetAssociation() { return getSupportedAssociations().get(AssociationType.MAGNET); } private static Map<AssociationType, LimeAssociationOption> getSupportedAssociations() { if (fileAssociations == null) { if (OSUtils.isWindows() || OSUtils.isLinux()) { if (!ResourceUtils.isJdicLibraryLoaded()) { fileAssociations = Collections.emptyMap(); } else { fileAssociations = new HashMap<AssociationType, LimeAssociationOption>(); // strings that the shell will understand String fileOpener = null; String fileIcon = null; String protocolOpener = null; if (OSUtils.isWindows()) { String runningPath = SystemUtils.getRunningPath(); if (runningPath != null && runningPath.endsWith(PROGRAM + ".exe")) { protocolOpener = runningPath; fileOpener = "\"" + runningPath + "\" \"%1\""; fileIcon = runningPath + ",1"; } } // if we have a string that opens a file, register torrents if (fileOpener != null) { ShellAssociation file = new FileTypeAssociation("torrent", "application/x-bittorrent", fileOpener, "open", "LimeWire Torrent", fileIcon); LimeAssociationOption torrent = new LimeAssociationOption(file, ".torrent","\".torrent\" files")); fileAssociations.put(AssociationType.TORRENT, torrent); } // if we have a string that opens a protocol, register magnets if (protocolOpener != null) { // Note: MagnetAssociation will only work on windows MagnetAssociation mag = new MagnetAssociation(PROGRAM, protocolOpener); LimeAssociationOption magOption = new LimeAssociationOption(mag, "magnet:","\"magnet:\" links")); fileAssociations.put(AssociationType.MAGNET, magOption); } } } else if (OSUtils.isMacOSX()) { fileAssociations = new HashMap<AssociationType, LimeAssociationOption>(); if (OSXFileTypeAssociation.isNativeLibraryLoadedCorrectly()) { LimeAssociationOption torrent = new LimeAssociationOption(new OSXFileTypeAssociation("torrent"), ".torrent","\".torrent\" files")); fileAssociations.put(AssociationType.TORRENT, torrent); LimeAssociationOption magnet = new LimeAssociationOption(new OSXURLSchemeAssociation("magnet"), "magnet:","\".magnet:\" links")); fileAssociations.put(AssociationType.MAGNET, magnet); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(fileAssociations); } }