package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; import org.limewire.util.StringUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.URN; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.BadPacketException; /** * An UDP equivalent of the HEAD request method with a twist. * <p> * Eventually, it will be routed like a push request * to firewalled alternate locations. * <p> * As long as the pinging host can receive solicited udp * it can be firewalled as well. * <p> * Illustration of [firewalled] NodeA pinging firewalled host NodeB: * * <xmp> * NodeA --------(PUSH_PING,udp)-------->Push * <-------------------(udp)--------- Proxy * /|\ | (tcp) * | | * | \|/ * NodeB * </xmp> */ public class HeadPing extends AbstractVendorMessage implements HeadPongRequestor { /* * Version 1: Initial revision. * Version 2: Signals support for understanding TLS info about push proxies of push altlocs. */ /** The initial version; expected a binary (non-GGEP) HeadPong response. */ private static final int EXPECTS_BINARY_RESPONSE_VERSION = 1; /** The current version. */ public static final int VERSION = 2; /** * Requested content of the pong. */ public static final int PLAIN = 0x0; public static final int INTERVALS = 0x1; public static final int ALT_LOCS = 0x2; public static final int PUSH_ALTLOCS = 0x4; public static final int FWT_PUSH_ALTLOCS = 0x8; public static final int GGEP_PING = 0x10; /** * A ggep field name containing the client guid of the node we would like * this ping routed to. */ private static final String GGEP_PUSH = "PUSH"; /** * the feature mask. */ public static final int FEATURE_MASK = 0x1F; /** The URN of the file being requested */ private final URN _urn; /** The format of the response that we desire */ private final byte _features; /** The GGEP fields in this pong, if any */ private GGEP _ggep; /** * The client GUID of the host we wish this ping routed to. null if pinging * directly. */ private final GUID _clientGUID; /** * Creates a message object with data from the network. */ protected HeadPing(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops, int version, byte[] payload, Network network) throws BadPacketException { super(guid, ttl, hops, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID, F_UDP_HEAD_PING, version, payload, network); // see if the payload is valid if (getVersion() == VERSION && (payload == null || payload.length < 42)) throw new BadPacketException(); _features = (byte) (payload[0] & FEATURE_MASK); // parse the urn string. String urnStr = StringUtils.getASCIIString(payload, 1, 41); if (!URN.isUrn(urnStr)) throw new BadPacketException("udp head request did not contain an urn"); try { _urn = URN.createSHA1Urn(urnStr); } catch (IOException oops) { throw new BadPacketException("failed to parse an urn"); } // parse the GGEP if any if ((_features & GGEP_PING) == GGEP_PING) { if (payload.length < 43) throw new BadPacketException("no ggep was found."); try { _ggep = new GGEP(payload, 42, null); } catch (BadGGEPBlockException bpx) { throw new BadPacketException("invalid ggep block"); } } // extract the client guid if any GUID clientGuid = null; if (_ggep != null) { if (_ggep.hasValueFor(GGEP_PUSH)) { try { clientGuid = new GUID(_ggep.getBytes(GGEP_PUSH)); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException noGuid) { } } } _clientGUID = clientGuid; } /** * Creates a new udp head request. * * @param sha1 the urn to get information about. * @param features which features to include in the response */ public HeadPing(GUID g, URN sha1, int features) { this(g, sha1, null, features); } public HeadPing(GUID g, URN sha1, GUID clientGUID, int features) { super(F_LIME_VENDOR_ID, F_UDP_HEAD_PING, VERSION, derivePayload(sha1, clientGUID, features)); _features = (byte) (features & FEATURE_MASK); _urn = sha1; _clientGUID = clientGUID; setGUID(g); } /** * Creates a plain udp head request. */ public HeadPing(URN urn) { this(new GUID(GUID.makeGuid()), urn, PLAIN); } /** * Creates a duplicate ping with ttl and hops appropriate for a new vendor * message. */ public HeadPing(HeadPing original) { super(F_LIME_VENDOR_ID, F_UDP_HEAD_PING, original.getVersion(), original.getPayload()); _features = original.getFeatures(); _urn = original.getUrn(); _clientGUID = original.getClientGuid(); setGUID(new GUID(original.getGUID())); } private static byte[] derivePayload(URN urn, GUID clientGUID, int features) { features = features & FEATURE_MASK; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream daos = new DataOutputStream(baos); String urnStr = urn.httpStringValue(); GGEP ggep = null; if (clientGUID != null) { features |= GGEP_PING; // make sure we indicate we'll have ggep. ggep = new GGEP(); ggep.put(GGEP_PUSH, clientGUID.bytes()); } try { daos.writeByte(features); daos.writeBytes(urnStr); if (ggep != null) ggep.write(daos); } catch (IOException huh) { ErrorService.error(huh); } return baos.toByteArray(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HeadPongRequestor#getUrn() */ public URN getUrn() { return _urn; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HeadPongRequestor#requestsRanges() */ public boolean requestsRanges() { return (_features & INTERVALS) == INTERVALS; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HeadPongRequestor#requestsAltlocs * () */ public boolean requestsAltlocs() { return (_features & ALT_LOCS) == ALT_LOCS; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HeadPongRequestor#requestsPushLocs * () */ public boolean requestsPushLocs() { return (_features & PUSH_ALTLOCS) == PUSH_ALTLOCS; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HeadPongRequestor#requestsFWTPushLocs * () */ public boolean requestsFWTOnlyPushLocs() { return (_features & FWT_PUSH_ALTLOCS) == FWT_PUSH_ALTLOCS; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HeadPongRequestor#getFeatures() */ public byte getFeatures() { return _features; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HeadPongRequestor#getClientGuid() */ public GUID getClientGuid() { return _clientGUID; } public boolean isPongGGEPCapable() { return getVersion() > EXPECTS_BINARY_RESPONSE_VERSION; } }