package com.limegroup.gnutella.connection; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import org.limewire.core.api.connection.ConnectionLifecycleEventType; import org.limewire.core.settings.ConnectionSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.MessageSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.SearchSettings; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.listener.EventListener; import org.limewire.listener.EventListenerList; import org.limewire.listener.ListenerSupport; import org.limewire.logging.Log; import org.limewire.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.limewire.nio.NBThrottle; import org.limewire.nio.Throttle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.nio.ssl.SSLUtils; import; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; import org.limewire.util.ByteUtils; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Acceptor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ApplicationServices; import com.limegroup.gnutella.BandwidthTrackerImpl; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionServices; import com.limegroup.gnutella.GuidMap; import com.limegroup.gnutella.GuidMapManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.InsufficientDataException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.MessageDispatcher; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ReplyHandler; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.SpamFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.SpamFilterFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.AsyncIncomingHandshaker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.AsyncOutgoingHandshaker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.BadHandshakeException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HandshakeObserver; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HandshakeResponder; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HandshakeResponderFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.Handshaker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HeadersFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.NoGnutellaOkException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.BadPacketException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.MessageFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReplyFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequestFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message.Network; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.CapabilitiesVM; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.CapabilitiesVMFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HopsFlowVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.MessagesSupportedVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.OOBProxyControlVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.PushProxyAcknowledgement; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.PushProxyRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.QueryStatusResponse; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.ReplyNumberVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.TCPConnectBackVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.UDPConnectBackVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.VendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.PatchTableMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.QueryRouteTable; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.ResetTableMessage; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.statistics.OutOfBandStatistics; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.DataUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.LimeWireUtils; /** * A Connection managed by a ConnectionManager. * * GnutellaConnection provides a sophisticated message buffering mechanism. When * you call send(Message), the message is not actually delivered to the socket; * instead it buffered in an application-level buffer. Periodically, messages * are read from the buffer and written to the network. Furthermore, * GnutellaConnection provides a simple form of flow control. If messages are * queued faster than they can be written to the network, they are dropped in * the following order: PingRequest, PingReply, QueryRequest, QueryReply, and * PushRequest. See the implementation notes below for more details. * <p> * * All GnutellaConnection have two underlying spam filters: a personal filter * (controls what I see) and a route filter (also controls what I pass along to * others). See SpamFilter for a description. You can change them with * setPersonalFilter and setRouteFilter. * <p> * * GnutellaConnection maintain a large number of statistics, such as the current * bandwidth for upstream & downstream. * <p> * * GnutellaConnection also takes care of various VendorMessage handling, in * particular Hops Flow, UDP ConnectBack, and TCP ConnectBack. See * handleVendorMessage(). * <p> * * This class implements ReplyHandler to route pongs and query replies that * originated from it. * <p> */ public class GnutellaConnection extends AbstractConnection implements ReplyHandler, MessageReceiver, SentMessageHandler, Shutdownable, RoutedConnection, ConnectionRoutingStatistics, ConnectionMessageStatistics, ListenerSupport<GnutellaConnectionEvent> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GnutellaConnection.class); public enum EventType { IS_PUSH_PROXY } /** * The time to wait between route table updates for leaves, in milliseconds. */ private long LEAF_QUERY_ROUTE_UPDATE_TIME = 1000 * 60 * 5; // 5 minutes /** * The time to wait between route table updates for Ultrapeers, in * milliseconds. */ private long ULTRAPEER_QUERY_ROUTE_UPDATE_TIME = 1000 * 60; // 1 minute /** * The timeout to use when connecting, in milliseconds. This is NOT used for * bootstrap servers. */ private static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 6000; // 6 seconds /** * The total amount of upstream messaging bandwidth for ALL connections in * BYTES (not bits) per second. */ private static final int TOTAL_OUTGOING_MESSAGING_BANDWIDTH = 8000; /** * Filter for filtering out messages that are considered spam. */ private volatile SpamFilter _routeFilter; /* * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: this class uses the SACHRIFC algorithm described at * The basic idea is to use * one queue for each message type. Messages are removed from the queue in a * biased round-robin fashion. This prioritizes some messages types while * preventing any one message type from dominating traffic. Query replies * are further prioritized by "GUID volume", i.e., the number of bytes * already routed for that GUID. Other messages are sorted by time and * removed in a LIFO [sic] policy. This, coupled with timeouts, reduces * latency. */ /** A lock for QRP activity on this connection. */ private final Object QRP_LOCK = new Object(); /** Non-blocking throttle for outgoing messages. */ private final static Throttle _nbThrottle = new NBThrottle(true, TOTAL_OUTGOING_MESSAGING_BANDWIDTH, ConnectionSettings.NUM_CONNECTIONS.getValue(), CompositeQueue.QUEUE_TIME); /** The OutputRunner */ private volatile OutputRunner _outputRunner; /** Keeps track of sent/received [dropped] & bandwidth. */ private final ConnectionStats _connectionStats = new ConnectionStats(); /** * The next time I should send a query route table to this connection. */ private long _nextQRPForwardTime; /** * The bandwidth trackers for the up/downstream. These are not synchronized * and not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. */ private BandwidthTrackerImpl _upBandwidthTracker = new BandwidthTrackerImpl(); private BandwidthTrackerImpl _downBandwidthTracker = new BandwidthTrackerImpl(); /** * True iff this should not be policed by the ConnectionWatchdog, e.g., * because this is a connection to a Clip2 reflector. */ private boolean _isKillable = true; /** * Use this if a HopsFlowVM instructs us to stop sending queries below this * certain hops value.... */ private volatile int hopsFlowMax = -1; /** * This member contains the time beyond which, if this host is still busy * (hops flow==0), that we should consider him as "truly idle" and should * then remove his contributions last-hop QRTs. A value of -1 means that * either the leaf isn't busy, or he is busy, and his busy-ness was already * noticed by the MessageRouter, so we shouldn't 're-notice' him on the next * QRT update iteration. */ private volatile long _busyTime = -1; /** * Whether this connection is a push proxy for me. */ private volatile boolean myPushProxy; /** * Whether I am a push proxy for this connection. */ private volatile boolean pushProxyFor; /** * Variable for the <tt>QueryRouteTable</tt> received for this connection. */ private volatile QueryRouteTable _lastQRPTableReceived; /** * Variable for the <tt>QueryRouteTable</tt> sent for this connection. */ private volatile QueryRouteTable _lastQRPTableSent; /** * Whether or not this was a supernode <-> client connection when message * looping started. */ private boolean supernodeClientAtLooping = false; private volatile Deflater deflater; private volatile Inflater inflater; /** * The last clientGUID a Hops=0 QueryReply had. */ private volatile byte[] clientGUID = DataUtils.EMPTY_GUID; /** * Whether or not the HandshakeResponder should use locale preferencing * during handshaking. */ private volatile boolean _useLocalPreference; /** * The maximum protocol version for which OOB proxying has been turned off * by leaf peer. Defaults to 0 to allow all OOB versions to be proxied. */ private int _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion = 0; private final ConnectionManager connectionManager; private final NetworkManager networkManager; private final QueryRequestFactory queryRequestFactory; private final HeadersFactory headersFactory; private final HandshakeResponderFactory handshakeResponderFactory; private final QueryReplyFactory queryReplyFactory; private final MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher; private final Provider<SearchResultHandler> searchResultHandler; private final Provider<ConnectionServices> connectionServices; private final GuidMapManager guidMapManager; private final SocketsManager socketsManager; private final GuidMap guidMap; private final MessageReaderFactory messageReaderFactory; private final ApplicationServices applicationServices; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final SecureMessageVerifier secureMessageVerifier; private final OutOfBandStatistics outOfBandStatistics; private final NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils; /** writers of statistics if any */ private static enum StatsWriters {TOP, DEFLATER, DELAYER, THROTTLE } private final Map<StatsWriters,StatisticGatheringWriter> statsWriters = new HashMap<StatsWriters,StatisticGatheringWriter>(); private volatile long droppedBadHops, droppedBadAddress,droppedFW; private final EventListenerList<GnutellaConnectionEvent> listeners = new EventListenerList<GnutellaConnectionEvent>(); /** * Creates a new outgoing connection to the specified host on the specified * port, using the specified kind of ConnectType. * * @param host the address of the host we're connecting to * @param port the port the host is listening on * @param type the type of outgoing connection we want to make (TLS, PLAIN, * etc) */ public GnutellaConnection(String host, int port, ConnectType type, ConnectionManager connectionManager, NetworkManager networkManager, QueryRequestFactory queryRequestFactory, HeadersFactory headersFactory, HandshakeResponderFactory handshakeResponderFactory, QueryReplyFactory queryReplyFactory, MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher, Provider<SearchResultHandler> searchResultHandler, CapabilitiesVMFactory capabilitiesVMFactory, SocketsManager socketsManager, Acceptor acceptor, MessagesSupportedVendorMessage supportedVendorMessage, Provider<ConnectionServices> connectionServices, GuidMapManager guidMapManager, SpamFilterFactory spamFilterFactory, MessageReaderFactory messageReaderFactory, MessageFactory messageFactory, ApplicationServices applicationServices, SecureMessageVerifier secureMessageVerifier, OutOfBandStatistics outOfBandStatistics, NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils) { super(host, port, type, capabilitiesVMFactory, supportedVendorMessage, networkManager, acceptor, networkInstanceUtils); this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.networkManager = networkManager; this.queryRequestFactory = queryRequestFactory; this.headersFactory = headersFactory; this.handshakeResponderFactory = handshakeResponderFactory; this.queryReplyFactory = queryReplyFactory; this.messageDispatcher = messageDispatcher; this.searchResultHandler = searchResultHandler; this.connectionServices = connectionServices; this.guidMapManager = guidMapManager; this.messageReaderFactory = messageReaderFactory; this.applicationServices = applicationServices; this.guidMap = guidMapManager.getMap(); this._routeFilter = spamFilterFactory.createRouteFilter(); this.secureMessageVerifier = secureMessageVerifier; this.socketsManager = socketsManager; this.outOfBandStatistics = outOfBandStatistics; this.networkInstanceUtils = networkInstanceUtils; } /** * Creates an incoming connection. ManagedConnections should only be * constructed within ConnectionManager. * * @requires the word "GNUTELLA " and nothing else has just been read from * socket * @effects wraps a connection around socket and does the rest of the * Gnutella handshake. */ public GnutellaConnection(Socket socket, ConnectionManager connectionManager, NetworkManager networkManager, QueryRequestFactory queryRequestFactory, HeadersFactory headersFactory, HandshakeResponderFactory handshakeResponderFactory, QueryReplyFactory queryReplyFactory, MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher, Provider<SearchResultHandler> searchResultHandler, CapabilitiesVMFactory capabilitiesVMFactory, Acceptor acceptor, MessagesSupportedVendorMessage supportedVendorMessage, Provider<ConnectionServices> connectionServices, GuidMapManager guidMapManager, SpamFilterFactory spamFilterFactory, MessageReaderFactory messageReaderFactory, MessageFactory messageFactory, ApplicationServices applicationServices, SecureMessageVerifier secureMessageVerifier, OutOfBandStatistics outOfBandStatistics, NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils) { super(socket, capabilitiesVMFactory, supportedVendorMessage, networkManager, acceptor, networkInstanceUtils); this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.networkManager = networkManager; this.queryRequestFactory = queryRequestFactory; this.headersFactory = headersFactory; this.handshakeResponderFactory = handshakeResponderFactory; this.queryReplyFactory = queryReplyFactory; this.messageDispatcher = messageDispatcher; this.searchResultHandler = searchResultHandler; this.connectionServices = connectionServices; this.guidMapManager = guidMapManager; this.messageReaderFactory = messageReaderFactory; this.applicationServices = applicationServices; this.guidMap = guidMapManager.getMap(); this._routeFilter = spamFilterFactory.createRouteFilter(); this.secureMessageVerifier = secureMessageVerifier; this.socketsManager = null; this.outOfBandStatistics = outOfBandStatistics; this.networkInstanceUtils = networkInstanceUtils; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#initialize(com.limegroup.gnutella.connection.GnetConnectObserver) */ public void initialize(GnetConnectObserver observer) throws IOException { if (observer == null && isOutgoing()) throw new NullPointerException("must have an observer if outgoing!"); Properties requestHeaders; HandshakeResponder responder; addListener(connectionManager); if (isOutgoing()) { String host = getAddress(); if (connectionServices.get().isSupernode()) { requestHeaders = headersFactory.createUltrapeerHeaders(host); responder = handshakeResponderFactory.createUltrapeerHandshakeResponder(host); } else { requestHeaders = headersFactory.createLeafHeaders(host); responder = handshakeResponderFactory.createLeafHandshakeResponder(host); } } else { String host = getSocket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); requestHeaders = null; if (connectionServices.get().isSupernode()) { responder = handshakeResponderFactory.createUltrapeerHandshakeResponder(host); } else { responder = handshakeResponderFactory.createLeafHandshakeResponder(host); } } // Establish the socket (if needed), handshake. initialize(requestHeaders, responder, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, observer); // Nothing else should be done here. All post-init-sequences // should be triggered from finishInitialize, which will be called // when the socket is connected (if it connects). } /** * Initialize the connection by doing the handshake. Throws IOException if * we were unable to establish a normal messaging connection for any reason. * Do not call send or receive if this happens. * * @param timeout for outgoing connections, the timeout in milliseconds to * use in establishing the socket, or 0 for no timeout. If the * platform does not support native timeouts, it will be emulated * with threads. * @exception IOException we were unable to connect to the host * @exception NoGnutellaOkException one of the participants responded with * an error code other than 200 OK (possibly after several rounds * of 401's) * @exception BadHandshakeException some other problem establishing the * connection, e.g., the server responded with HTTP, closed the * the connection during handshaking, etc. */ protected void initialize(Properties requestHeaders, HandshakeResponder responder, int timeout, GnetConnectObserver observer) throws IOException { responder.setLocalePreferencing(_useLocalPreference); if (isOutgoing()) { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Outgoing connection to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + " with timeout " + timeout); } ConnectObserver connectObserver = new AsyncHandshakeConnecter(requestHeaders, responder, observer); InetSocketAddress host = new InetSocketAddress(getAddress(), getPort()); Socket socket = socketsManager .connect(host, timeout, connectObserver, getConnectType()); setSocket(socket); } else { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Incoming connection from " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort()); } startHandshake(requestHeaders, responder, observer); } } /** * Starts the handshake process. */ private void startHandshake(Properties requestHeaders, HandshakeResponder responder, GnetConnectObserver observer) throws IOException { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Shaking hands with " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort()); initializeHandshake(); HandshakeWatcher shakeObserver = new HandshakeWatcher(observer); Handshaker shaker; if (isOutgoing()) shaker = new AsyncOutgoingHandshaker(requestHeaders, responder, getSocket(), shakeObserver); else shaker = new AsyncIncomingHandshaker(responder, getSocket(), shakeObserver); shakeObserver.setHandshaker(shaker); try { shaker.shake(); } catch (IOException iox) { ErrorService.error(iox); // impossible. } } /** * Starts out OutputRunners & notifies UpdateManager that this connection * may have an update on it. */ private void postHandshakeInitialize(Handshaker shaker) { handshakeInitialized(shaker); if (isWriteDeflated()) { deflater = new Deflater(); } if (isReadDeflated()) { inflater = new Inflater(); } getConnectionBandwidthStatistics().setCompressionOption(isWriteDeflated(), isReadDeflated(), new CompressionBandwidthTrackerImpl(inflater, deflater)); startOutput(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#resetQueryRouteTable(com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.ResetTableMessage) */ public void resetQueryRouteTable(ResetTableMessage rtm) { if (_lastQRPTableReceived == null) { _lastQRPTableReceived = new QueryRouteTable(rtm.getTableSize(), rtm.getInfinity()); } else { _lastQRPTableReceived.reset(rtm); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#patchQueryRouteTable(com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.PatchTableMessage) */ public void patchQueryRouteTable(PatchTableMessage ptm) { // we should always get a reset before a patch, but // allocate a table in case we don't if (_lastQRPTableReceived == null) { _lastQRPTableReceived = new QueryRouteTable(); } try { _lastQRPTableReceived.patch(ptm); } catch (BadPacketException e) { // not sure what to do here!! } } /** * Set's a leaf's busy timer to now, if bSet is true, else clears the flag. * * @param bSet whether to SET or CLEAR the busy timer for this host */ public void setBusy(boolean bSet) { if (bSet) { if (_busyTime == -1) _busyTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else _busyTime = -1; } private byte getHopsFlowMax() { return (byte) hopsFlowMax; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#isBusyLeaf() */ public boolean isBusyLeaf() { if (!isSupernodeClientConnection()) return false; int hfm = getHopsFlowMax(); return hfm >= 0 && hfm < 3; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#shouldForwardQuery(com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest) */ public boolean shouldForwardQuery(QueryRequest query) { // special what is queries have version numbers attached to them - make // sure that the remote host can answer the query.... if (query.isFeatureQuery()) { if (isSupernodeClientConnection()) return (getConnectionCapabilities().getRemoteHostFeatureQuerySelector() >= query .getFeatureSelector()); else if (getConnectionCapabilities().isSupernodeSupernodeConnection()) return getConnectionCapabilities().getRemoteHostSupportsFeatureQueries(); else return false; } return hitsQueryRouteTable(query); } /** * Determines whether or not this query hits the QRT. */ protected boolean hitsQueryRouteTable(QueryRequest query) { if (_lastQRPTableReceived == null) return false; return _lastQRPTableReceived.contains(query); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTableReceived() */ public QueryRouteTable getQueryRouteTableReceived() { return _lastQRPTableReceived; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTablePercentFull() */ public double getQueryRouteTablePercentFull() { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? 0 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getPercentFull(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTableSize() */ public int getQueryRouteTableSize() { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? 0 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getSize(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTableEmptyUnits() */ public int getQueryRouteTableEmptyUnits() { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? -1 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getEmptyUnits(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTableUnitsInUse() */ public int getQueryRouteTableUnitsInUse() { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? -1 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getUnitsInUse(); } // //////////////////// Sending, Outgoing Flow Control // ////////////////////// /** Starts outgoing messages being sent. */ private void startOutput() { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Starting output to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort()); // add some heavier stats code in betas if (LimeWireUtils.isBetaRelease() || LimeWireUtils.isTestingVersion()) { statsWriters.put(StatsWriters.TOP,new StatisticGatheringWriter()); statsWriters.put(StatsWriters.DEFLATER, new StatisticGatheringWriter()); statsWriters.put(StatsWriters.DELAYER, new StatisticGatheringWriter()); statsWriters.put(StatsWriters.THROTTLE, new StatisticGatheringWriter()); } MessageQueue queue; // Taking this change out until we can safely handle attacks and // overflow // TODO: make a cheaper Queue that still prevents flooding of ultrapeer // and ensures that clogged leaf doesn't drop QRP messages. // if(isSupernodeSupernodeConnection()) queue = new CompositeQueue(); // else // queue = new BasicQueue(); // TODO: ensure socket is asynchronous! MessageWriter messager = new MessageWriter(_connectionStats, queue, this); _outputRunner = messager; ChannelWriter writer = messager; if (statsWriters.containsKey(StatsWriters.TOP)) writer = addWriter(writer, statsWriters.get(StatsWriters.TOP)); if (isWriteDeflated()) { writer = addWriter(writer, new DeflaterWriter(deflater)); if (statsWriters.containsKey(StatsWriters.DEFLATER)) writer = addWriter(writer, statsWriters.get(StatsWriters.DEFLATER)); } writer = addWriter(writer, new DelayedBufferWriter(1400)); if (statsWriters.containsKey(StatsWriters.DELAYER)) writer = addWriter(writer, statsWriters.get(StatsWriters.DELAYER)); writer = addWriter(writer, new ThrottleWriter(_nbThrottle)); if (statsWriters.containsKey(StatsWriters.THROTTLE)) writer = addWriter(writer, statsWriters.get(StatsWriters.THROTTLE)); ((NIOMultiplexor) getSocket()).setWriteObserver(messager); } private <T extends InterestWritableByteChannel & ChannelWriter> ChannelWriter addWriter(ChannelWriter chain, T newWriter) { chain.setWriteChannel(newWriter); return newWriter; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#send(com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message) */ public void send(Message m) { if(m instanceof QueryRequest && !shouldSendQuery((QueryRequest)m)) return; _outputRunner.send(m); } /** * Default access for testing. * @return true if the query should be sent. */ boolean shouldSendQuery(QueryRequest query) { // if Hops Flow is in effect, and this is a QueryRequest, and the // hoppage is too biggage, discardage time... int smh = hopsFlowMax; if (smh > -1 && query.getHops() >= smh) return false; // if we are an ultrapeer sending a query to a leaf, check its firewall status boolean send = true; if (isSupernodeClientConnection() && MessageSettings.ULTRAPEER_FIREWALL_FILTERING.getValue()) { boolean incomingTCP = getConnectionCapabilities().canAcceptIncomingTCP(); boolean fwt = getConnectionCapabilities().canDoFWT(); // if either party can accept tcp, send. // otherwise send if both sides can do fwt. if (!incomingTCP && query.isFirewalledSource()) send = fwt && query.canDoFirewalledTransfer(); if (send) droppedFW++; } return send; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#originateQuery(com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest) */ public void originateQuery(QueryRequest query) { query.originate(); if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { boolean leaf = getConnectionCapabilities().isClientSupernodeConnection(); int control = getConnectionCapabilities().getSupportedOOBProxyControlVersion(); boolean disabled = SearchSettings.DISABLE_OOB_V2.getBoolean();"Originating query, leaf " + leaf + ", proxy control version " + control + ", OOBv2 disabled " + disabled); } if (getConnectionCapabilities().isClientSupernodeConnection() && getConnectionCapabilities().getSupportedOOBProxyControlVersion() == -1 && SearchSettings.DISABLE_OOB_V2.getBoolean()) {"Creating do not proxy OOB query"); // don't proxy if we are a leaf and the ultrapeer // does not know OOB v3 and they would proxy for us query = queryRequestFactory.createDoNotProxyQuery(query); query.originate(); } send(query); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#shutdown() */ public void shutdown() { close(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#close() */ @Override protected void closeImpl() { IOUtils.close(deflater); IOUtils.close(inflater); if (_outputRunner != null) _outputRunner.shutdown(); // release pointer to our _guidMap so it can be gc()'ed guidMapManager.removeMap(guidMap); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Handles core Gnutella request/reply protocol. If asynchronous messaging * is supported, this immediately returns and messages are processed * asynchronously via processMessage calls. Otherwise, if reading blocks, * this will run until the connection is closed. * * @requires this is initialized * @modifies the network underlying this, manager * @effects receives request and sends appropriate replies. * * @throws IOException passed on from the receive call; failures to forward * or route messages are silently swallowed, allowing the message * loop to continue. */ public void startMessaging() { supernodeClientAtLooping = isSupernodeClientConnection();"Starting asynchronous connection"); try { getSocket().setSoTimeout(0); // no timeout for reading. } catch (IOException iox) { // ignore for now... } MessageReader reader = messageReaderFactory.createMessageReader(this); if (isReadDeflated()) reader.setReadChannel(new InflaterReader(inflater)); ((NIOMultiplexor) getSocket()).setReadObserver(reader); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#messagingClosed() */ public void messagingClosed() { // we must run this in another thread, as manager.remove // obtains locks, but this can be called from the NIO thread if (connectionManager != null) { messageDispatcher.dispatch(new Runnable() { public void run() { connectionManager.remove(GnutellaConnection.this); } }); } } @Override public void processReadMessage(Message m) { super.processReadMessage(m); _connectionStats.addReceived(); handleMessageInternal(m); } public void processSentMessage(Message m) { processWrittenMessage(m); messageDispatcher.dispatchTCPMessageSent(m, this); } /** * Handles a message without updating appropriate statistics. */ private void handleMessageInternal(Message m) { // Run through the route spam filter and drop accordingly. if (isSpam(m)) { _connectionStats.addReceivedDropped(); } else { if (m instanceof QueryReply) { QueryReply reply = (QueryReply)m; _connectionStats.replyReceived(reply); if (m.getHops() == 0) clientGUID = reply.getClientGUID(); if (MessageSettings.RETURN_PATH_IN_REPLIES.getValue() && connectionManager.isActiveSupernode() && !reply.hasSecureData()) { m = queryReplyFactory.createWithReturnPathInfo(reply, myIp == null ? null : new IpPortImpl(myIp,networkManager.getPort()), this); } } else if (m instanceof PushProxyRequest && m.getHops() == 0) { PushProxyRequest pushProxyRequest = (PushProxyRequest)m; clientGUID = pushProxyRequest.getClientGUID().bytes(); } if (m instanceof QueryRequest) _connectionStats.queryReceived(); // special handling for proxying. if (supernodeClientAtLooping) { if (m instanceof QueryRequest) m = tryToProxy((QueryRequest) m); else if (m instanceof QueryStatusResponse) m = morphToStopQuery((QueryStatusResponse) m); } messageDispatcher.dispatchTCP(m, this); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getNumQueryReplies() */ public long getNumQueryReplies() { return _connectionStats.getRepliesReceived(); } public long getNumQueriesReceived() { return _connectionStats.getQueriesReceived(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#getNetwork() */ public Network getNetwork() { return Network.TCP; } // raise access for MessageReceiver @Override public byte getSoftMax() { return super.getSoftMax(); } private QueryRequest tryToProxy(QueryRequest query) { // we must have the following qualifications: // 1) Leaf must be sending SuperNode a query // 2) Leaf must support Leaf Guidance // 3) Query must not be OOB. // 3.5) The query originator should not disallow proxying. // 4) We must be able to OOB and have great success rate. if (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsLeafGuidance() < 1) {"Not OOB proxying: remote host doesn't support leaf guidance"); return query; } if (query.desiresOutOfBandRepliesV3()) {"Not OOB proxying: query already requests OOBv3"); return query; } if (query.doNotProxy()) {"Not OOB proxying: query says no"); return query; } if (_maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion >= ReplyNumberVendorMessage.VERSION) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Not OOB proxying: disabled version is " + _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion); } return query; } else { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"query might be proxied for max disabled version " + _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion + " " + Arrays.toString(query.getGUID())); } } if(!networkManager.isOOBCapable()) {"Not OOB proxying: not OOB capable"); return query; } if(!outOfBandStatistics.isSuccessRateGreat()) {"Not OOB proxying: success rate isn't great"); return query; } if(!outOfBandStatistics.isOOBEffectiveForProxy()) {"Not OOB proxying: OOB isn't effective enough"); return query; } // everything is a go - we need to do the following: // 1) mutate the GUID of the query - you should maintain every param of // the query except the new GUID and the OOB minspeed flag // 2) set up mappings between the old guid and the new guid. // after that, everything is set. all you need to do is map the guids // of the replies back to the original guid. also, see if a you get a // QueryStatusResponse message and morph it... // THIS IS SOME MAJOR HOKERY-POKERY!!!"OOB proxying query"); // 1) mutate the GUID of the query byte[] origGUID = query.getGUID(); byte[] oobGUID = new byte[origGUID.length]; System.arraycopy(origGUID, 0, oobGUID, 0, origGUID.length); GUID.addressEncodeGuid(oobGUID, networkManager.getAddress(), networkManager.getPort()); if (MessageSettings.STAMP_QUERIES.getValue()) GUID.timeStampGuid(oobGUID); query = queryRequestFactory.createProxyQuery(query, oobGUID); // 2) set up mappings between the guids guidMap.addMapping(origGUID, oobGUID); outOfBandStatistics.addSentQuery(); return query; } private QueryStatusResponse morphToStopQuery(QueryStatusResponse resp) { GUID oobGUID = guidMap.getNewGUID(resp.getQueryGUID()); // if we had a match, then just construct a new one.... if (oobGUID != null) return new QueryStatusResponse(oobGUID, resp.getNumResults()); else return resp; } boolean isSpam(Message m) { if (!ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.getValue()) return !_routeFilter.allow(m); // leafs can only send hops == 0 if (isSupernodeClientConnection() && m.getHops() != 0) { droppedBadHops++; return true; } // replies with hops 0 must match the address. if (m instanceof QueryReply && m.getHops() == 0) { QueryReply reply = (QueryReply)m; byte [] ip = reply.getIPBytes(); if (!networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(ip) && !reply.hasSecureData() && !Arrays.equals(ip, getAddressBytes())) { droppedBadAddress++; return true; } } return !_routeFilter.allow(m); } public void countDroppedMessage() { LOG.trace("Dropped a message"); _connectionStats.addReceivedDropped(); } public void setRouteFilter(SpamFilter filter) { _routeFilter = filter; } public void handlePingReply(PingReply pingReply, ReplyHandler receivingConnection) { send(pingReply); } public void handleQueryReply(QueryReply queryReply, ReplyHandler receivingConnection) { boolean checkOOB = true; if (guidMap != null) { byte[] origGUID = guidMap.getOriginalGUID(queryReply.getGUID()); if (origGUID != null) { checkOOB = false; byte prevHops = queryReply.getHops(); queryReply = queryReplyFactory.createQueryReply(origGUID, queryReply); queryReply.setTTL((byte) 2); // we ttl 1 more than necessary queryReply.setHops(prevHops); } // --------------------- } // drop UDP replies that are not being proxied. if (checkOOB && queryReply.isUDP() && !queryReply.isReplyToMulticastQuery()) return; // if the remote side reported an ip and this reply is from us, make sure // its source ip matches. if (myIp != null && queryReply.isLocal() && !networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(queryReply.getIPBytes()) && !queryReply.hasSecureData()) // don't mess with signed results queryReply = queryReplyFactory.createWithNewAddress(myIp, queryReply); send(queryReply); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#getClientGUID() */ public byte[] getClientGUID() { return clientGUID; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#handlePushRequest(com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequest, * com.limegroup.gnutella.ReplyHandler) */ public void handlePushRequest(PushRequest pushRequest, ReplyHandler receivingConnection) { send(pushRequest); } @Override public void handleVendorMessage(VendorMessage vm) { // let Connection do as needed.... super.handleVendorMessage(vm); // now i can process if (vm instanceof HopsFlowVendorMessage) { // update the softMaxHops value so it can take effect.... HopsFlowVendorMessage hops = (HopsFlowVendorMessage) vm; if (isSupernodeClientConnection()) // If the connection is to a leaf, and it is busy (HF == 0) // then set the global busy leaf flag appropriately setBusy(hops.getHopValue() == 0); hopsFlowMax = hops.getHopValue(); } else if (vm instanceof PushProxyAcknowledgement) { // this connection can serve as a PushProxy, so note this.... PushProxyAcknowledgement ack = (PushProxyAcknowledgement) vm; if (Arrays.equals(ack.getGUID(), applicationServices.getMyGUID())) { myPushProxy = true; fireEvent(new GnutellaConnectionEvent(this, EventType.IS_PUSH_PROXY)); } // else mistake on the server side - the guid should be my client // guid - not really necessary but whatever } else if (vm instanceof CapabilitiesVM) { // fire a vendor event connectionManager.dispatchEvent(new ConnectionLifecycleEvent(this, ConnectionLifecycleEventType.CONNECTION_CAPABILITIES, this)); } else if (vm instanceof MessagesSupportedVendorMessage) { // If this is a ClientSupernodeConnection and the host supports // leaf guidance (because we have to tell them when to stop) // then see if there are any old queries that we can re-originate // on this connection. if (getConnectionCapabilities().isClientSupernodeConnection() && (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsLeafGuidance() >= 0)) { List<QueryRequest> queries = searchResultHandler.get().getQueriesToReSend(); for (QueryRequest qr : queries) { send(qr); } } // see if you need a PushProxy - the remoteHostSupportsPushProxy // test incorporates my leaf status in it..... if (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsPushProxy() > -1) { // get the client GUID and send off a PushProxyRequest GUID clientGUID = new GUID(applicationServices.getMyGUID()); PushProxyRequest req = new PushProxyRequest(clientGUID); send(req); } // do i need to send any ConnectBack messages???? if (!networkManager.canReceiveUnsolicited() && connectionManager.canSendConnectBack(Network.UDP) && (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsUDPRedirect() > -1)) { GUID connectBackGUID = networkManager.getUDPConnectBackGUID(); Message udp = new UDPConnectBackVendorMessage(networkManager.getPort(), connectBackGUID); send(udp); connectionManager.connectBackSent(Network.UDP); } if (!networkManager.acceptedIncomingConnection() && connectionManager.canSendConnectBack(Network.TCP) && (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsTCPRedirect() > -1)) { Message tcp = new TCPConnectBackVendorMessage(networkManager.getPort()); send(tcp); connectionManager.connectBackSent(Network.TCP); } // disable oobv2 explicitly. if (getConnectionCapabilities().isClientSupernodeConnection() && SearchSettings.DISABLE_OOB_V2.getBoolean() && getConnectionCapabilities().getSupportedOOBProxyControlVersion() != -1) { Message stopv2 = new OOBProxyControlVendorMessage( OOBProxyControlVendorMessage.Control.DISABLE_VERSION_2); send(stopv2); } } else if (vm instanceof OOBProxyControlVendorMessage) { _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion = ((OOBProxyControlVendorMessage) vm) .getMaximumDisabledVersion(); if(LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Max disabled OOB version set to " + _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion); } } } public void addListener(EventListener<GnutellaConnectionEvent> listener) { listeners.addListener(listener); } public boolean removeListener(EventListener<GnutellaConnectionEvent> listener) { return listeners.removeListener(listener); } private void fireEvent(GnutellaConnectionEvent event) { listeners.broadcast(event); } public int getNumMessagesSent() { return _connectionStats.getSent(); } public int getNumMessagesReceived() { return _connectionStats.getReceived(); } public int getNumSentMessagesDropped() { return _connectionStats.getSentDropped(); } public long getNumReceivedMessagesDropped() { return _connectionStats.getReceivedDropped(); } public void measureBandwidth() { _upBandwidthTracker.measureBandwidth(ByteUtils.long2int(getConnectionBandwidthStatistics() .getBytesSent())); _downBandwidthTracker.measureBandwidth(ByteUtils .long2int(getConnectionBandwidthStatistics().getBytesReceived())); } public float getMeasuredUpstreamBandwidth() { float retValue = 0; // initialize to default try { retValue = _upBandwidthTracker.getMeasuredBandwidth(); } catch (InsufficientDataException ide) { return 0; } return retValue; } public float getMeasuredDownstreamBandwidth() { float retValue = 0; try { retValue = _downBandwidthTracker.getMeasuredBandwidth(); } catch (InsufficientDataException ide) { return 0; } return retValue; } public long getNextQRPForwardTime() { return _nextQRPForwardTime; } public void incrementNextQRPForwardTime(long curTime) { if (isLeafConnection()) { _nextQRPForwardTime = curTime + LEAF_QUERY_ROUTE_UPDATE_TIME; } else { // otherwise, it's an Ultrapeer _nextQRPForwardTime = curTime + ULTRAPEER_QUERY_ROUTE_UPDATE_TIME; } } public boolean isKillable() { return _isKillable; } public QueryRouteTable getQueryRouteTableSent() { return _lastQRPTableSent; } public void setQueryRouteTableSent(QueryRouteTable qrt) { _lastQRPTableSent = qrt; } public boolean isMyPushProxy() { return myPushProxy; } public boolean isPushProxyFor() { return pushProxyFor; } public void setPushProxyFor(boolean pushProxyFor) { this.pushProxyFor = pushProxyFor; } public Object getQRPLock() { return QRP_LOCK; } public void setLocalePreferencing(boolean b) { _useLocalPreference = b; } public void reply(Message m) { send(m); } /** * A ConnectObserver that continues the handshaking process in the same * thread, expecting that performHandshake(...) callback to the observer. */ private class AsyncHandshakeConnecter implements ConnectObserver { private Properties requestHeaders; private HandshakeResponder responder; private GnetConnectObserver observer; AsyncHandshakeConnecter(Properties requestHeaders, HandshakeResponder responder, GnetConnectObserver observer) { this.requestHeaders = requestHeaders; this.responder = responder; = observer; } public void handleConnect(Socket s) throws IOException { // _socket may not really have been set yet, this ensures it is. setSocket(s); if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Connected to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } startHandshake(requestHeaders, responder, observer); } public void shutdown() { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Shutting down connection to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } observer.shutdown(); } // ignored. public void handleIOException(IOException iox) { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + ", " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } } } /** * A HandshakeObserver that notifies the GnetConnectObserver when * handshaking finishes. */ private class HandshakeWatcher implements HandshakeObserver { private Handshaker shaker; private GnetConnectObserver observer; HandshakeWatcher(GnetConnectObserver observer) { = observer; } void setHandshaker(Handshaker shaker) { this.shaker = shaker; } public void shutdown() { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Shutting down connection to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } setHeaders(shaker.getReadHeaders(), shaker.getWrittenHeaders()); close(); observer.shutdown(); } public void handleHandshakeFinished(Handshaker shaker) { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Finished handshake with " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } postHandshakeInitialize(shaker); observer.handleConnect(); } public void handleBadHandshake() { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Bad handshake with " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } setHeaders(shaker.getReadHeaders(), shaker.getWrittenHeaders()); close(); observer.handleBadHandshake(); } public void handleNoGnutellaOk(int code, String msg) { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"No Gnutella OK in handshake with " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } setHeaders(shaker.getReadHeaders(), shaker.getWrittenHeaders()); close(); observer.handleNoGnutellaOk(code, msg); } } public ConnectionRoutingStatistics getRoutedConnectionStatistics() { return this; } // all ReplyHandler things, to override, override from // ConnectionCapabilities... final public boolean isGoodLeaf() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isGoodLeaf(); } final public boolean isGoodUltrapeer() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isGoodUltrapeer(); } final public boolean isHighDegreeConnection() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isHighDegreeConnection(); } final public boolean isLeafConnection() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isLeafConnection(); } final public boolean isSupernodeClientConnection() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isSupernodeClientConnection(); } final public boolean isUltrapeerQueryRoutingConnection() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isUltrapeerQueryRoutingConnection(); } final public boolean supportsPongCaching() { return getConnectionCapabilities().supportsPongCaching(); } final public ConnectionMessageStatistics getConnectionMessageStatistics() { return this; } }