package org.limewire.ui.swing.library.navigator; import org.limewire.core.api.Category; import org.limewire.core.api.library.LocalFileList; import org.limewire.core.api.library.SharedFileList; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.I18n; public class LibraryNavItem { public static enum NavType { LIBRARY, PUBLIC_SHARED, LIST } private final NavType navType; private final LocalFileList localFileList; private final SharedFileList sharedFileList; // null if it can't be typed to this. private Category selectedCategory; private String filterText; public LibraryNavItem(LocalFileList localFileList) { this.localFileList = localFileList; if(localFileList instanceof SharedFileList) { this.sharedFileList = (SharedFileList)localFileList; this.navType = sharedFileList.isPublic() ? NavType.PUBLIC_SHARED : NavType.LIST; } else { this.sharedFileList = null; this.navType = NavType.LIBRARY; } this.selectedCategory = null; this.filterText = ""; } public LocalFileList getLocalFileList() { return localFileList; } public int getId() { return sharedFileList != null ? sharedFileList.getId() : -1; } /** * Returns the selected category for this NavItem. This may return * null if the ALL category is selected. */ public Category getSelectedCategory() { return selectedCategory; } /** * Sets the category that is currently selected on this NavItem. */ public void setSelectedCategory(Category selectedCategory) { this.selectedCategory = selectedCategory; } /** * Returns the text displayed in the filter textfield for this NavItem. */ public String getFilteredText() { return filterText; } /** * Sets the text that is displayed in the filter textfield on this NavItem. */ public void setFilteredText(String filteredText) { this.filterText = filteredText; } public String getDisplayText() { switch(navType) { case LIST: return sharedFileList.getCollectionName(); case LIBRARY: return"Library"); case PUBLIC_SHARED: return"Public Shared"); default: throw new IllegalStateException("unknown type: " + navType); } } public NavType getType() { return navType; } public boolean isShared() { if (getType() == NavType.PUBLIC_SHARED){ return true; } if(sharedFileList != null){ return sharedFileList.getFriendIds().size() > 0; } return false; } }