package org.limewire.ui.swing.mainframe; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import org.limewire.core.api.connection.GnutellaConnectionManager; import; import org.limewire.core.api.upload.UploadListManager; import; /** * This handles a delayed shutdown of the application after all transfers are * completed. An application must install an instance of DelayedShutdownHandler * by calling the <code>install(AppFrame)</code> method. */ public class DelayedShutdownHandler { private final GnutellaConnectionManager gnutellaConnectionManager; private final DownloadListManager downloadListManager; private final UploadListManager uploadListManager; /** Application instance. */ private AppFrame appFrame; /** Indicates whether a disconnect was performed prior to shutdown. */ private boolean disconnectOnShutdown; /** Indicates whether a delayed shutdown has been initiated. */ private boolean shutdownInitiated; /** Indicates whether all file downloads are complete. */ private boolean downloadsCompleted; /** Indicates whether all file uploads are complete. */ private boolean uploadsCompleted; /** Listener for downloads completed event. */ private PropertyChangeListener downloadsCompletedListener; /** Listener for uploads completed event. */ private PropertyChangeListener uploadsCompletedListener; /** * Constructs a handler to exit the application after all transfers are * completed. */ @Inject public DelayedShutdownHandler( GnutellaConnectionManager gnutellaConnectionManager, DownloadListManager downloadListManager, UploadListManager uploadListManager) { this.gnutellaConnectionManager = gnutellaConnectionManager; this.downloadListManager = downloadListManager; this.uploadListManager = uploadListManager; } /** * Installs the handler on the specified application instance. This method * also adds a listener to the GUI main frame to cancel shutdown when the * window is restored. */ public void install(AppFrame appFrame) { // Save application instance. this.appFrame = appFrame; // Add listener to cancel delayed shutdown whenever UI is restored. appFrame.getMainFrame().addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { cancelShutdown(); } }); } /** * Exits the application after all transfers are completed. This performs * the following tasks: * <ul> * <li>Disconnects from Gnutella</li> * <li>Installs a listener for download completion</li> * <li>Installs a listener for upload completion</li> * <li>Minimizes the UI to the system tray</li> * </ul> */ public void shutdownAfterTransfers() { // Skip if shutdown already initiated. if (shutdownInitiated) { return; } shutdownInitiated = true; // Disconnect from Gnutella, and save state for possible reconnect. disconnectOnShutdown = gnutellaConnectionManager.isConnected(); if (disconnectOnShutdown) { gnutellaConnectionManager.disconnect(); } // Initialize indicators. downloadsCompleted = false; uploadsCompleted = false; // Install listener for downloads completed event. The event is // handled by setting an indicator and performing the delayed shutdown. if (downloadsCompletedListener == null) { downloadsCompletedListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (DownloadListManager.DOWNLOADS_COMPLETED.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { downloadsCompleted = true; doDelayedShutdown(); } } }; downloadListManager.addPropertyChangeListener(downloadsCompletedListener); } // Install listener for uploads completed event. The event is // handled by setting an indicator and performing the delayed shutdown. if (uploadsCompletedListener == null) { uploadsCompletedListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (UploadListManager.UPLOADS_COMPLETED.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { uploadsCompleted = true; doDelayedShutdown(); } } }; uploadListManager.addPropertyChangeListener(uploadsCompletedListener); } // Update state after installing listeners. This generates events for // transfers that are already done. downloadListManager.updateDownloadsCompleted(); uploadListManager.updateUploadsCompleted(); // Minimize UI window. appFrame.minimizeToTray(); } /** * Performs delayed shutdown if all downloads and uploads are completed. */ private void doDelayedShutdown() { if (shutdownInitiated && downloadsCompleted && uploadsCompleted) { // Exit using action to notify ExitListener instances. appFrame.exit(new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "Shutdown")); } } /** * Cancels delayed shutdown after transfer operation. This performs the * following tasks: * <ul> * <li>Resets indicators</li> * <li>Uninstalls listeners for download/upload completion</li> * <li>Reconnects to Gnutella</li> * </ul> */ public void cancelShutdown() { // Reset indicator. shutdownInitiated = false; // Remove download/upload listeners. if (downloadsCompletedListener != null) { downloadListManager.removePropertyChangeListener(downloadsCompletedListener); downloadsCompletedListener = null; } if (uploadsCompletedListener != null) { uploadListManager.removePropertyChangeListener(uploadsCompletedListener); uploadsCompletedListener = null; } // Reset indicators. downloadsCompleted = false; uploadsCompleted = false; // Reconnect to Gnutella. if (disconnectOnShutdown) { gnutellaConnectionManager.connect(); disconnectOnShutdown = false; } } }