package org.limewire.setting; import; import java.util.Properties; import org.limewire.setting.evt.SettingsGroupEvent.EventType; /** * Gives basic features including get, reload and save for a * {@link SettingsFactory}. */ public class BasicSettingsGroup extends AbstractSettingsGroup { /** * Properties file. */ private final File PROPS_FILE; /** * Constant for the <tt>SettingsFactory</tt> that subclasses can use * to create new settings which will be stored in the properties file. */ private final SettingsFactory FACTORY; /** * Basic constructor that creates the FACTORY and PROPS_FILE. */ protected BasicSettingsGroup(File settingsFile, String header) { PROPS_FILE = settingsFile; FACTORY = new SettingsFactory(PROPS_FILE, header); SettingsGroupManager.instance().addSettingsGroup(this); } /** * Returns the <tt>Properties</tt> instance that stores all settings. * * @return the <tt>Properties</tt> instance for storing settings */ public Properties getProperties() { return FACTORY.getProperties(); } /** * Returns the <tt>File</tt> instance that stores all properties. */ public File getPropertiesFile() { return PROPS_FILE; } /** * Returns the <tt>SettingsFactory</tt> instance that stores the properties. */ public SettingsFactory getFactory() { return FACTORY; } /** * Reload settings from both the property and configuration files. */ public void reload() { FACTORY.reload(); fireSettingsEvent(EventType.RELOAD); } /** * Save property settings to the property file. */ public boolean save() { if (getShouldSave()) {; fireSettingsEvent(EventType.SAVE); return true; } return false; } /** Revert all settings to their default value */ public boolean revertToDefault() { if (FACTORY.revertToDefault()) { fireSettingsEvent(EventType.REVERT_TO_DEFAULT); return true; } return false; } /** Used to find any setting based on the key in the appropriate props file */ public Setting getSetting(String key) { synchronized(FACTORY) { for(Setting currSetting : FACTORY) { if(currSetting.getKey().equals(key)) return currSetting; } } return null; //unable the find the setting we are looking for } @Override public String toString() { return FACTORY.toString(); } }