package org.limewire.ui.swing.components; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.text.Document; import javax.swing.text.EditorKit; import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument; import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit; import org.limewire.concurrent.ExecutorsHelper; import org.limewire.concurrent.ListeningExecutorService; import org.limewire.concurrent.ListeningFuture; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.SwingUtils; import org.limewire.util.ExceptionUtils; /** * An editor pane that forces synchronous page loading unless you use the * {@link #setPageAsynchronous(String, String)} method. * <p> * Much of this comes from JEditorPane and had to be copied out because of package-private problems. */ public class HTMLPane extends JEditorPane { public static enum LoadResult { SERVER_PAGE, OFFLINE_PAGE; } private static final ListeningExecutorService QUEUE = ExecutorsHelper.newProcessingQueue("HTMLPane Queue"); private final SynchronousEditorKit kit = new SynchronousEditorKit(); private HashMap<Object, Object> pageProperties; private volatile boolean pageLoaded; private ListeningFuture<LoadResult> currentLoad; public HTMLPane() { setEditorKit(kit); setEditorKitForContentType(kit.getContentType(), kit); setContentType("text/html"); setEditable(false); kit.setAutoFormSubmission(false); setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); } /** Loads the given URL, loading the backup page if it fails to load. */ public ListeningFuture<LoadResult> setPageAsynchronous(final String url, final String backupPage) { assert SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(); if(currentLoad != null) { currentLoad.cancel(true); } currentLoad = QUEUE.submit(new Callable<LoadResult>() { @Override public LoadResult call() { try { setPageImpl(new URL(url)); return LoadResult.SERVER_PAGE; } catch(IOException iox) { setBackup(); return LoadResult.OFFLINE_PAGE; } catch(RuntimeInterruptedException rie) { setBackup(); return LoadResult.OFFLINE_PAGE; } } private void setBackup() { SwingUtils.invokeNowOrLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setContentType("text/html"); setText(backupPage); setCaretPosition(0); } }); } }); return currentLoad; } public boolean isLastRequestSuccessful() { return pageLoaded; } public boolean isRequestInProgress() { return currentLoad != null && !currentLoad.isDone(); } @Override public void setPage(final URL page) throws IOException { setPageImpl(page); } // Note the use of SwingUtils vs SwingUtilities & also a custom invokeAndWait // SwingUtils will invoke immediately if already in the dispatch thread, // SwingUtilities will always force to the end of the queue -- // The uses here (of both) are very deliberate. // invokeAndWait is special because we want to rethrow InterruptedException // as IOException, because we're expecting to be interrupted occasionally // and do not want to report the error. private void setPageImpl(final URL page) throws IOException { if (page == null) { throw new IOException("invalid url"); } pageLoaded = false; final AtomicReference<URL> loaded = new AtomicReference<URL>(); invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { loaded.set(getPage()); // reset scrollbar if (!page.equals(loaded.get()) && page.getRef() == null) { scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1)); } } }); final AtomicBoolean reloaded = new AtomicBoolean(false); InputStream in = new InterruptableStream(getStream(page)); if (kit != null) { final AtomicReference<Document> doc = new AtomicReference<Document>(); invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { doc.set(initializeModel(kit, page)); setDocument(doc.get()); } }); read(in, doc.get()); reloaded.set(true); } SwingUtils.invokeNowOrLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Start at the top, then move if necessary. setCaretPosition(0); final String reference = page.getRef(); if (reference != null) { if (!reloaded.get()) { scrollToReference(reference); } else { // Force this to the back of the queue. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { scrollToReference(reference); } }); } } getDocument().putProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty, page); firePropertyChange("page", loaded.get(), page); } }); pageLoaded = true; // purposely not in a finally -- if we fail it didn't load } @Override public void setDocument(final Document doc) { // Ensure the document is set on the EDT thread, // because it triggers a repaint (and it should be). invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HTMLPane.super.setDocument(doc); } }); } // Copied from {@link JEditorPane#getStream(URL)} because of package-private problems. @Override protected InputStream getStream(URL page) throws IOException { final URLConnection conn = page.openConnection(); if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) { HttpURLConnection hconn = (HttpURLConnection) conn; hconn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); int response = hconn.getResponseCode(); boolean redirect = (response >= 300 && response <= 399); /* * In the case of a redirect, we want to actually change the URL * that was input to the new, redirected URL */ if (redirect) { String loc = conn.getHeaderField("Location"); if (loc.startsWith("http", 0)) { page = new URL(loc); } else { page = new URL(page, loc); } return getStream(page); } } invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handleConnectionProperties(conn); } }); return conn.getInputStream(); } // This rethrows InterruptedException as RuntimeInterruptedException, // so that we can catch it in the setPageImpl call and respond to it. private void invokeAndWait(final Runnable runnable) throws RuntimeInterruptedException { if(EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {; } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { ExceptionUtils.rethrow(e); } } } private static class RuntimeInterruptedException extends RuntimeException { public RuntimeInterruptedException(Throwable t) { super(t); } } // Copied from {@link JEditorPane#handleConnectionProperties(URLConnection)} because of package-private problems. private void handleConnectionProperties(URLConnection conn) { if (pageProperties == null) { pageProperties = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); } String type = conn.getContentType(); if (type != null) { setContentType(type); pageProperties.put("content-type", type); } pageProperties.put(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty, conn.getURL()); String enc = conn.getContentEncoding(); if (enc != null) { pageProperties.put("content-encoding", enc); } } // Copied from {@link JEditorPane#initializeModel(EditorKit, URL)} because of package-private problems. private Document initializeModel(EditorKit kit, URL page) { Document doc = kit.createDefaultDocument(); if (pageProperties != null) { // transfer properties discovered in stream to the // document property collection. for (Iterator<Object> iter = pageProperties.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext() ;) { Object key =; doc.putProperty(key, pageProperties.get(key)); } pageProperties.clear(); } if (doc.getProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty) == null) { doc.putProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty, page); } return doc; } /** * Updated to set the asynchronous priority to -1, although it shouldn't * matter because we explicitly load documents ourselves. */ private static class SynchronousEditorKit extends HTMLEditorKit { @Override public Document createDefaultDocument() { Document doc = super.createDefaultDocument(); ((HTMLDocument)doc).setAsynchronousLoadPriority(-1); return doc; } } /** An extension to {@link InputStream} that fails if the thread was interrupted. */ private static class InterruptableStream extends FilterInputStream { public InterruptableStream(InputStream i) { super(i); } protected void checkInterrupted() throws IOException { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new IOException("read interrupted"); } } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { checkInterrupted(); return, off, len); } @Override public int read() throws IOException { checkInterrupted(); return; } @Override public long skip(long n) throws IOException { checkInterrupted(); return super.skip(n); } @Override public int available() throws IOException { checkInterrupted(); return super.available(); } @Override public void reset() throws IOException { checkInterrupted(); super.reset(); } } }